144 research outputs found

    Multimodal Multipart Learning for Action Recognition in Depth Videos

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    The articulated and complex nature of human actions makes the task of action recognition difficult. One approach to handle this complexity is dividing it to the kinetics of body parts and analyzing the actions based on these partial descriptors. We propose a joint sparse regression based learning method which utilizes the structured sparsity to model each action as a combination of multimodal features from a sparse set of body parts. To represent dynamics and appearance of parts, we employ a heterogeneous set of depth and skeleton based features. The proper structure of multimodal multipart features are formulated into the learning framework via the proposed hierarchical mixed norm, to regularize the structured features of each part and to apply sparsity between them, in favor of a group feature selection. Our experimental results expose the effectiveness of the proposed learning method in which it outperforms other methods in all three tested datasets while saturating one of them by achieving perfect accuracy

    Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition with Global Context-Aware Attention LSTM Networks

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    Human action recognition in 3D skeleton sequences has attracted a lot of research attention. Recently, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks have shown promising performance in this task due to their strengths in modeling the dependencies and dynamics in sequential data. As not all skeletal joints are informative for action recognition, and the irrelevant joints often bring noise which can degrade the performance, we need to pay more attention to the informative ones. However, the original LSTM network does not have explicit attention ability. In this paper, we propose a new class of LSTM network, Global Context-Aware Attention LSTM (GCA-LSTM), for skeleton based action recognition. This network is capable of selectively focusing on the informative joints in each frame of each skeleton sequence by using a global context memory cell. To further improve the attention capability of our network, we also introduce a recurrent attention mechanism, with which the attention performance of the network can be enhanced progressively. Moreover, we propose a stepwise training scheme in order to train our network effectively. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on five challenging benchmark datasets for skeleton based action recognition

    Learning Scene Flow With Skeleton Guidance For 3D Action Recognition

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    Among the existing modalities for 3D action recognition, 3D flow has been poorly examined, although conveying rich motion information cues for human actions. Presumably, its susceptibility to noise renders it intractable, thus challenging the learning process within deep models. This work demonstrates the use of 3D flow sequence by a deep spatiotemporal model and further proposes an incremental two-level spatial attention mechanism, guided from skeleton domain, for emphasizing motion features close to the body joint areas and according to their informativeness. Towards this end, an extended deep skeleton model is also introduced to learn the most discriminant action motion dynamics, so as to estimate an informativeness score for each joint. Subsequently, a late fusion scheme is adopted between the two models for learning the high level cross-modal correlations. Experimental results on the currently largest and most challenging dataset NTU RGB+D, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, achieving state-of-the-art results.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, conferenc

    ViLP: Knowledge Exploration using Vision, Language, and Pose Embeddings for Video Action Recognition

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    Video Action Recognition (VAR) is a challenging task due to its inherent complexities. Though different approaches have been explored in the literature, designing a unified framework to recognize a large number of human actions is still a challenging problem. Recently, Multi-Modal Learning (MML) has demonstrated promising results in this domain. In literature, 2D skeleton or pose modality has often been used for this task, either independently or in conjunction with the visual information (RGB modality) present in videos. However, the combination of pose, visual information, and text attributes has not been explored yet, though text and pose attributes independently have been proven to be effective in numerous computer vision tasks. In this paper, we present the first pose augmented Vision-language model (VLM) for VAR. Notably, our scheme achieves an accuracy of 92.81% and 73.02% on two popular human video action recognition benchmark datasets, UCF-101 and HMDB-51, respectively, even without any video data pre-training, and an accuracy of 96.11% and 75.75% after kinetics pre-training.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 Table
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