87 research outputs found

    Recommendations for a Macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity (M-IBI) for the San Juan Metropolitan Area

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    This project, prepared for the Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico (the Trust), outlines the initial development of an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for the San Juan metropolitan area of Puerto Rico. It adapts methodologies developed in rural areas of the mainland United States to the tropical urban streams in San Juan and recommends updates to the Trust\u27s Mapa de Vida stream assessment protocols. Stream flow data, water quality data, and macroinvertebrate samples were collected at nine sites in a set of six streams representing a gradient of environmental quality throughout the San Juan area to form a data set on biological communities of urban streams. Statistical data analysis supported recommendations for eight indices that comprise an IBI for the streams of San Juan

    Enabling smart city resilience: Post-disaster response and structural health monitoring

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    The concept of Smart Cities has been introduced to categorize a vast area of activities to enhance the quality of life of citizens. A central feature of these activities is the pervasive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), helping cities to make better use of limited resources. Indeed, the ASCE Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025 (ASCE 2007) portends a future in which engineers will rely on and leverage real-time access to a living database, sensors, diagnostic tools, and other advanced technologies to ensure that informed decisions are made. However, these advances in technology take place against a backdrop of the deterioration of infrastructure, in addition to natural and human-made disasters. Moreover, recent events constantly remind us of the tremendous devastation that natural and human-made disasters can wreak on society. As such, emergency response procedures and resilience are among the crucial dimensions of any Smart City plan. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently launched plans to invest $50 million to develop cutting-edge emergency response technologies for Smart Cities. Furthermore, after significant disasters have taken place, it is imperative that emergency facilities and evacuation routes, including bridges and highways, be assessed for safety. The objective of this research is to provide a new framework that uses commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices such as smartphones, digital cameras, and unmanned aerial vehicles to enhance the functionality of Smart Cities, especially with respect to emergency response and civil infrastructure monitoring/assessment. To achieve this objective, this research focuses on post-disaster victim localization and assessment, first responder tracking and event localization, and vision-based structural monitoring/assessment, including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This research constitutes a significant step toward the realization of Smart City Resilience.National Science Foundation Grant No. 1030454Association of American RailroadsOpe

    Deliverable 1.1 review document on the management of marine areas with particular regard on concepts, objectives, frameworks and tools to implement, monitor, and evaluate spatially managed areas

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    The main objectives if this document were to review the existing information on spatial management of marine areas, identifying the relevant policy objectives, to identify parameters linked to the success or failure of the various Spatially Managed marine Areas (SMAs) regimes, to report on methods and tools used in monitoring and evaluation of the state of SMAs, and to identify gaps and weaknesses in the existing frameworks in relation to the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and management of SMAs. The document is naturally divided in two sections: Section 1 reviews the concepts, objectives, drivers, policy and management framework, and extraneous factors related to the design, implementation and evaluation of SMAs; Section 2 reviews the tools and methods to monitor and evaluate seabed habitats and marine populations.peer-reviewe

    Modern Approaches To Quality Control

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    Rapid advance have been made in the last decade in the quality control procedures and techniques, most of the existing books try to cover specific techniques with all of their details. The aim of this book is to demonstrate quality control processes in a variety of areas, ranging from pharmaceutical and medical fields to construction engineering and data quality. A wide range of techniques and procedures have been covered

    Unmanned aerial vehicle communications for civil applications: a review

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    The use of drones, formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has significantly increased across a variety of applications over the past few years. This is due to the rapid advancement towards the design and production of inexpensive and dependable UAVs and the growing request for the utilization of such platforms particularly in civil applications. With their intrinsic attributes such as high mobility, rapid deployment and flexible altitude, UAVs have the potential to be utilized in many wireless system applications. On the one hand, UAVs are able to operate as flying mobile terminals within wireless/cellular networks to support a variety of missions such as goods delivery, search and rescue, precision agriculture monitoring, and remote sensing. On the other hand, UAVs can be utilized as aerial base stations to increase wireless communication coverage, reliability, and the capacity of wireless systems without additional investment in wireless systems infrastructure. The aim of this article is to review the current applications of UAVs for civil and commercial purposes. The focus of this paper is on the challenges and communication requirements associated with UAV-based communication systems. This article initially classifies UAVs in terms of various parameters, some of which can impact UAVs’ communication performance. It then provides an overview of aerial networking and investigates UAVs routing protocols specifically, which are considered as one of the challenges in UAV communication. This article later investigates the use of UAV networks in a variety of civil applications and considers many challenges and communication demands of these applications. Subsequently, different types of simulation platforms are investigated from a communication and networking viewpoint. Finally, it identifies areas of future research

    Fish Aggregating Devices and Artificial Reefs. Literature review of benefits and negative impacts for the Great Barrier Reef

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    The purpose of this literature review is to provide a national and global review of existing published knowledge about anchored fish attracting devices (FADs) and artificial reefs (ARs) to inform the development of the Authority’s policy position on these. Terms of Reference for the study are outlined in Appendix 1. The key goal of the literature review is to evaluate the potential benefits and negative impacts of these structures in relation to the objects of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act, especially the protection of the environment, biodiversity and heritage values of the region (GBRMPA, 2019b).This publication was prepared by O2 Marine under contract to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

    Advancing clinical evaluation and diagnostics with artificial intelligence technologies

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    Machine Learning (ML) is extensively used in diverse healthcare applications to aid physicians in diagnosing and identifying associations, sometimes hidden, between dif- ferent biomedical parameters. This PhD thesis investigates the interplay of medical images and biosignals to study the mechanisms of aging, knee cartilage degeneration, and Motion Sickness (MS). The first study shows the predictive power of soft tissue radiodensitometric parameters from mid-thigh CT scans. We used data from the AGES-Reykjavik study, correlating soft tissue numerical profiles from 3,000 subjects with cardiac pathophysiologies, hy- pertension, and diabetes. The results show the role of fat, muscle, and connective tissue in the evaluation of healthy aging. Moreover, we classify patients experiencing gait symptoms, neurological deficits, and a history of stroke in a Korean population, reveal- ing the significant impact of cognitive dual-gait analysis when coupled with single-gait. The second study establishes new paradigms for knee cartilage assessment, correlating 2D and 3D medical image features obtained from CT and MRI scans. In the frame of the EU-project RESTORE we were able to classify degenerative, traumatic, and healthy cartilages based on their bone and cartilage features, as well as we determine the basis for the development of a patient-specific cartilage profile. Finally, in the MS study, based on a virtual reality simulation synchronized with a moving platform and EEG, heart rate, and EMG, we extracted over 3,000 features and analyzed their importance in predicting MS symptoms, concussion in female ath- letes, and lifestyle influence. The MS features are extracted from the brain, muscle, heart, and from the movement of the center of pressure during the experiment and demonstrate their potential value to advance quantitative evaluation of postural con- trol response. This work demonstrates, through various studies, the importance of ML technologies in improving clinical evaluation and diagnosis contributing to advance our understanding of the mechanisms associated with pathological conditions.Tölvulærdómur (Machine Learning eða ML) er algjörlega viðurkennt og nýtt í ýmsum heilbrigðisþjónustuviðskiptum til að hjálpa læknunum við að greina og finna tengsl milli mismunandi líffærafræðilegra gilda, stundum dulinna. Þessi doktorsritgerð fjallar um samspil læknisfræðilegra mynda og lífsmerkja til að skoða eðli aldrunar, niðurbrot hnéhringjar og hreyfikerfissjúkdóms (Motion Sickness eða MS). Fyrsta rannsóknin sýnir spárkraft midjubeins-CT-skanna í því að fullyrða staðfest- ar meðalþyngdarlíkön, þar sem gögn úr AGES-Reykjavik-rannsókninni eru tengd við hjarta- og æðafræðilega sjúkdóma, blóðþrýstingsveikindi og sykursýki hjá 3.000 þátt- takendum. Niðurstöðurnar sýna hlutverk fitu, vöðva og tengikjarna í mati á heilbrigð- um öldrun. Þar að auki flokkum við sjúklinga sem upplifa gangvandamál, taugaein- kenni og sögu af heilablóðfalli í kóreanskri þjóð, þar sem einstök gangtaksskoðun er tengd saman við tvískoðun. Önnur rannsóknin setur upp ný tölfræðisfræðileg umhverfisviðmið til matar á hnéhringju með samhengi 2D og 3D mynda sem aflað er úr CT og MRI-skömmtum. Í rauninni höfum við getuð flokkað niðurbrots-, slys- og heilbrigðar hnéhringjur á grundvelli bein- og brjóskmerkja með raun að sækja niðurstöður í umfjöllun um sjúklingar eftir réttu einkasniði. Að lokum, í MS-rannsókninni, notum við myndræn tilraun samþættaða með hreyfan- legan grundvöll og EEG, hjartslátt, EMG þar sem yfir 3.000 aðgerðir eru útfránn og greindir til að átta sig á áhrifum MS, höfuðárás hjá konum sem eru íþróttamenn, lífs- stíl og fleira. Einkenni MS eru aflöguð úr heilanum, vöðvum, hjarta og frá hreyfingum þyngdupunktsins á meðan tilraunin stendur og sýna mög

    Innovation in surgical training and its impact on healthcare

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    Surgical training is currently in a state of flux, with dramatic changes in the way it is structured and delivered. The greatest challenges to surgical training have come from the advent of minimally invasive surgery in the 1990’s and more recently the reduction in a doctors working hours. This has led to a significant decrease in training opportunities that are available to the surgical trainee. Simulation has been heralded as an effective adjunct to surgical training whilst ensuring high standards of patient safety. This thesis aims to investigate the factors influencing current surgical training methods and whether simulation can be used to improve the effectiveness of surgical training in a cost efficient manner. The first part of this thesis investigates the impact that the reduction in working hours has had on surgical training, and whether the use of simulation can alleviate this. The reduction in working hours for doctors has led to a significant reduction in training opportunities. However, laboratory based simulation training can improve technical skills, provided it is used as part of a proficiency based technical skills curriculum. The second part of this thesis investigates the impact that innovations in surgery have had on surgical training, and whether simulator technology can advance at a similar rate. The introduction of single incision laparoscopic surgery provides further challenges for the surgical trainee, and it is clear that a novice laparoscopic surgeon needs further technical skills curriculum based training before entering the operating room. In addition, advancement in simulator technology now allows senior surgeons to learn advanced techniques in the skills laboratory. The final part of this thesis aims to assess the current costs of surgical training in the operating room, and whether simulation can improve operating room efficiency such that cost savings can be made. One of the main criticisms of simulation training is that it is expensive. However, the evidence in this thesis demonstrates that traditional training is also very expensive; and with prior training on simulation, operating times can be significantly reduced, providing sufficient cost savings that make simulation cost efficient. Simulation works. This is clear from the literature and from evidence provided by this thesis. Although simulation alone is not sufficient to train surgeons to operating room proficiency, it can provide a useful adjunct to surgical training. It allows trainees to train in the safety of skills laboratory, and shorten the learning curve in the operating room which in turn improves patient safety. If appropriate simulators are selected and used correctly, it can provide benefits to the healthcare system by reducing costs through an improvement in operating room efficiency