462 research outputs found

    An Overview of QoS Enhancements for Wireless Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) allow vehicles to form a self-organized network without the need for permanent infrastructure. Even though VANETs are mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), because of the intrinsic characteristics of VANETs, several protocols designed for MANETs cannot be directly applied for VANETs. With high number of nodes and mobility, ensuring the Quality of Service (QoS) in VANET is a challenging task. QoS is essential to improve the communication efficiency in vehicular networks. Thus a study of QoS in VANET is useful as a fundamental for constructing an effective vehicular network. In this paper, we present a timeline of the development of the existing protocols for VANETs that try to support QoS. Moreover, we classify and characterize the existing QoS protocols for VANETs in a layered perspective. The review helps in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the existing QoS protocols and also throws light on open issues that remain to be addressed. Keywords: QoS, VANET, Inter-Vehicle Communications, MAC, Routin

    Dynamic priority-based efficient resource allocation and computing framework for vehicular multimedia cloud computing

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works In intelligent transportation system, smart vehicles are equipped with a variety of sensing devices those offer various multimedia applications and services related to smart driving assistance, weather forecasting, traffic congestion information, road safety alarms, and many entertainment and comfort-related applications. These smart vehicles produce a massive amount of multimedia related data that required fast and real-time processing which cannot be fully handled by the standalone onboard computing devices due to their limited computational power and storage capacities. Therefore, handling such multimedia applications and services demanded changes in the underlaying networking and computing models. Recently, the integration of vehicles with cloud computing is emerged as a challenging computing paradigm. However, there are certain challenges related to multimedia contents processing, (i.e., resource cost, fast service response time, and quality of experience) that severely affect the performance of vehicular communication. Thus, in this paper, we propose an efficient resource allocation and computation framework for vehicular multimedia cloud computing to overcome the aforementioned challenges. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in terms of quality of experience, service response time, and resource cost by using the Cloudsim simulator

    GPSR-TARS: congestion aware geographically targeted remote surveillance for VANETs

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    Video over vehicular networks continues to receive warranted attention, with envisioned applications having the potential to present entirely new opportunities and revolutionise existing services. Many video systems have been proposed, ranging from safety to advertising. We propose a novel system for VANETs, namely the TArgeted Remote Surveillance (TARS) module for the existing Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol which permits multiple mobile vehicles to request and receive live video feeds from vehicles within a select geographic region. The multi-hop, vehicle-to-vehicle system enables mobile units to surveil a target area in real time by leveraging the dashboard cameras of vehicles moving within the target region. We combine several proposed extensions to the core protocol to introduce a dynamic real time congestion aware clustering scheme to achieve this. Our proposed system is compared against existing routing protocols using mobility data from Nottingham. GPSR-TARS outperforms the protocols assessed in key criteria crucial for meeting the quality of service demands of live multimedia dissemination
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