5 research outputs found

    From idea to product: participation of users in the development process of a multimedia platform for parental involvement in kindergarten

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    Parental involvement in kindergarten has been pointed out as an important factor in cognitive development, child behavior and school adaptation. In kindergarten, parents can get involved in various ways. Web technologies can facilitate two types of parental involvement: communication with the early childhood educator, to learn more about child's learning process in kindergarten, and home-based educational activities, using digital educa-tional content. In this sense, the research team set up a design research, aimed to develop a multimedia platform that promotes communication and resource sharing among educators, parents and children, to facilitate paren-tal involvement in learning. This article presents the development of the platform, from the preliminary studies to the evaluation of the functional prototype, with the participation of parents and educators in all phases of the development process.publishe

    Digitalization of Administration- and Communication Processes in Norwegian Kindergartens : A qualitative multiple-case study of five kindergartens that have introduced a standardized system for conducting administration- and communication processes

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    Master's thesis Information Systems IS501 - University of Agder 2018Organizing and effectively conducting administration- and communication processes in kindergartens has become more important due to an increase in the type of information that parents require. Having ways of digitally standardizing the numerous processes that kindergartens conduct has become increasingly common in Norwegian kindergartens. However, introducing digital change to a sector where many employees lack digital competence, has proven to be a challenge. While digital competence is a common challenge for kindergartens that choose to digitalize their daily administration- and communication processes, there are other challenges that are equally as important, and that needs to be prepared for and dealt with. The underlying aim of study was that it could be used as a tool for kindergartens that are looking at the possibility of digitalizing their daily administration- and communication processes. A three-part research question was created based on the limitations in literature regarding this specific area of digitalization, and based on what I wanted the final result of the study to be used for. The research questions that have been answered in this study are: (1) What reasons do kindergartens have for digitalizing their daily administration- and communication processes? (2) What challenges arise for kindergartens in such digitalization projects? (3) What measures can be introduced to solve the most crucial challenges? To answer the research questions, the study was conducted as a qualitative multiple-case study of five privately funded kindergartens in Norway. Within these five kindergartens, data has been gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews with four daily leaders and five pedagogical leaders. One daily leader and one pedagogical leader was questioned at each kindergarten. The exception was at one kindergarten, where only a daily leader was questioned. In addition to the semi-structured interviews, a literature review has been created which includes research from within three academic areas; communication, digitalization and change management. The literature review created a basis for the study, and allowed for results from the data analysis to be compared with the results presented in previous literature. The findings indicate that kindergartens have many different reasons for wanting to digitalize. The reported reasons from this study are: being an innovative kindergarten, improved communication with stakeholders, an all-in-one solution, simplicity, increased efficiency, documentation/control and word of mouth. There are many challenges that can arise in digitalization projects such as the ones being investigated in this study. Through the study, a total of eight challenges have been identified, whereas four are classified as crucial challenges that kindergartens need to be prepared for. The remaining four challenges are less common and less crucial, but are nonetheless important to keep in mind. The four most crucial challenges identified are: digital competence, parental involvement, employee involvement and resistance to change. The less crucial challenges are: parental control, economical aspect, technical infrastructure and functionality. iii There are also measures for dealing with the most crucial challenges. The measures that has been reported in this study are: communication, encouragement, IT champions, consultants and time. To best prepare for a digitalization project, kindergartens should focus on introducing all the mentioned measures as a tool for preparing to deal with the most crucial challenges. The measures affect each other, meaning that if for example IT champions are introduced, they can use communication and encouragement to affect the levels of the most crucial challenges. In addition to introducing the presented measures, kindergartens should uphold a strict attitude towards digitalization, by setting clear requirements for stakeholders regarding what is expected of them. Kindergartens should avoid having a liberal approach, meaning that employees and parents should not be allowed to choose whether they want to use the system or not. Kindergartens should also focus their attention on increasing the general attitude towards technology amongst stakeholders, and to always clearly communicate planned changes. If kindergartens manage to promote positive attitudes and a general interest in technology, they have come a long way towards a digitalized workplace. Many of the findings in this study can correlate to what previous literature reports for technology innovations in the lower levels of education. While most previous literature reports on the digitalization of educational tools, this study reports on a different aspect of digitalization. Digitalization of administration- and communication processes is a theme that has not received a great deal of attention in literature. The findings therefore contribute to an area of literature that is quite new. For practice, the findings of this study can be used for other kindergartens who want to digitalize similar processes, and can give them insights into why they should digitalize, the challenges that they can face, and the measures they can use for dealing with challenges

    Designing a framework for mobile learning adoption and sustainable development

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    La digitalització del món és imparable, les funcionalitats que ofereix mobile learning proporcionen possibilitats il·limitades per millorar l'aprenentatge, i la literatura existent sobre mobile learning ha evidenciat resultats positius. Tot i això, hi ha una bretxa entre la disponibilitat de tecnologia i l'ús en educació, fins i tot quan succeeix, sovint no optimitza els resultats. Existeixen pocs models per a l'adopció de mobile learning. En aquest context, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació és millorar l'adopció i l'ús sostenible de mobile learning a través de la creació d'un marc teòric. Design-based research (DBR) és la metodologia que guia aquesta investigació. S'ha desenvolupat en quatre cicles de disseny amb la utilització de múltiples metodologies d'investigació per desenvolupar, provar i refinar el marc teòric per a l'adopció de mobile learning. El primer cicle de disseny identifica els problemes i les preguntes de recerca. Durant el segon cicle de disseny s'identifiquen els principis de disseny i en base a aquests principis, es desenvolupa el primer prototip. El tercer cicle de disseny inclou tres iteracions amb l'objectiu de testejar i refinar el disseny inicial. Una primera iteració detalla els factors que afecten l'adopció de mobile learning a Catalunya i es basa en un judici d'experts. Una segona iteració valida i ordena els factors identificats, un qüestionari recull les percepcions de 147 docents. Finalment, una tercera iteració va identificar els principals indicadors per avaluar i ajustar l'adopció de mobile learning, y proposa un quadre de comandament.La digitalización del mundo es imparable, las funcionalidades que ofrece mobile learning proporcionan posibilidades ilimitadas para mejorar el aprendizaje, y la literatura existente sobre mobile learning ha evidenciado resultados positivos. Sin embargo, existe una brecha entre la disponibilidad de tecnología y su uso en educación, incluso cuando sucede, a menudo no optimiza los resultados. Existen pocos modelos para la adopción de mobile learning. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es mejorar la adopción y el uso sostenible de mobile learning mediante la creación de un marco teórico. Design-based research (DBR) es la metodología que guía esta investigación. Se ha desarrollado en cuatro ciclos de diseño para desarrollar, probar y refinar el marco teórico para la adopción de mobile learning. El primer ciclo de diseño identifica los problemas y las preguntas de investigación. Durante el segundo ciclo de diseño se identifican los principios de diseño y en base a estos principios, se desarrolla el primer prototipo. El tercer ciclo de diseño incluye tres iteraciones con el objetivo de testear y refinar el diseño inicial. Una primera iteración detalla los factores que afectan la adopción de mobile learning en Cataluña y se basa en un juicio de expertos. Una segunda iteración valida y ordena los factores identificados, un cuestionario recoge las percepciones de 147 docentes. Finalmente, una tercera iteración identifica los principales indicadores para evaluar y ajustar la adopción de mobile learning, y propone un cuadro de mando.The digitization of the world is unstoppable, the functionalities offered by mobile learning provide unlimited possibilities to improve learning, and the existing literature on mobile learning has proven positive results. However, there is a gap between the availability of technology and its use in education, even when it happens, it often does not optimize the results. There are few models for the adoption of mobile learning. In this context, the main objective of this research is to improve the adoption and sustainable use of mobile learning by developing a framework. Design-based research (DBR) is the methodology that guides this research. It has been developed in four design cycles to develop, test, and refine the theoretical framework for the adoption of mobile learning. The first design cycle identifies problems and research questions. During the second design cycle, the design principles are identified and based on these principles, the first prototype is developed. The third design cycle includes three iterations with the aim of testing and refining the initial design. A first iteration details the factors that affect the adoption of mobile learning in Catalonia and is based on an expert judgment. A second iteration validates and orders the identified factors, a questionnaire collects the perceptions of 147 teachers. Finally, a third iteration identifies the main indicators to evaluate and adjust the adoption of mobile learning and proposes a scorecard. Based on the three design cycles, the fourth cycle proposes design principles and presents a refined version of the first prototype of the framework

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching ICTMT 12

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    Innovation, inclusion, sharing and diversity are some of the words that briefly and suitably characterize the ICTMT series of biennial international conferences – the International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Being the twelfth of a series which began in Birmingham, UK, in 1993, under the influential enterprise of Professor Bert Waits from Ohio State University, this conference was held in Portugal for the first time. The 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching was hosted by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Algarve, in the city of Faro, from 24 to 27 June 2015, and was guided by the original spirit of its foundation. The integration of digital technologies in mathematics education across school levels and countries, from primary to tertiary education, together with the understanding of the phenomena involved in the teaching and learning of mathematics in technological environments have always been driving forces in the transformation of pedagogical practices. The possibility of joining at an international conference a wide diversity of participants, including school mathematics teachers, lecturers, mathematicians, mathematics educators and researchers, software designers, and curriculum developers, is one facet that makes this conference rather unique. At the same time, it seeks to foster the sharing of ideas, experiences, projects and studies while providing opportunities to try-out and assess tools or didactical proposals during times of hands-on work. The ICTMT 12 had this same ambition, when embracing and welcoming just over 120 delegates who actively and enthusiastically contributed to a very packed program of scientific proposals and sessions on various topics

    Llibre d’actes de la I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació. Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos

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    I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació. Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos. (4 i 5 de novembre de 2019, Universitat de Barcelona). Institut de Recerca en Educació (IRE-UB) Universitat de Barcelona.Presentem el llibre d’actes de la I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació – “Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos” (IRED’19), celebrada a Barcelona, el 4 i 5 de novembre de 2019, a la Universitat de Barcelona. IRED’19 és una iniciativa promoguda per l’Institut de Recerca en Educació (IRE), de la Universitat de Barcelona, amb l’objectiu d’incentivar l’intercanvi, la discussió i la reflexió al volant de tres eixos: reptes que es plantegen al sistema educatiu durant els propers anys; tendències cap a on s’orienten les polítiques institucionals actuals, i compromisos als quals cal arribar en els propers anys. Durant la conferència tots tres eixos es van abordar des de tres perspectives: Recerca i societat; Grups de recerca, i Instituts de recerca. En les taules rodones al voltant de grups de recerca, la finalitat era vincular els grups de recerca participants amb discursos innovadors, reflexius, crítics i/o sobre temàtiques transversals de la recerca en el context del nostre temps i la nostra societat. En les sessions dels instituts de recerca es va tractar sobre els processos d’agrupació i cohesió de grups, les noves estratègies en presentació de projectes, i la visibilitat, rellevància i avaluació de la recerca. Les comunicacions que conformen el llibre d’actes van ser presentades en les sessions de Recerca i societat, amb la finalitat de fomentar la discussió entre els participants entorn els reptes que actualment es plantegen en l’àmbit educatiu. La sessió pretenia convertir-se en un espai de trobada on exposar i analitzar els últims avenços en investigació educativa i algunes propostes innovadores que indiquessin les tendències de transformació i millora predominants en l’àmbit educatiu. Esperem que us resultin profitoses