61 research outputs found

    Виділення ознак профілів зображення обличчя для систем розпізнавання

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    The object of research is the algorithm of piecewise linear approximation when applying it to the selection of facial features and compression of its images. One of the problem areas is to obtain the optimal ratio of the degree of compression and accuracy of image reproduction, as well as the accuracy of the obtained facial features, which can be used to search for people in databases. The main characteristics of the image of the face are the coordinates and size of the eyes, mouth, nose and other objects of attention. Dimensions, distances between them, as well as their relationship also form a set of characteristics. A piecewise linear approximation algorithm is used to identify and determine these features. First, it is used to approximate the image of the face to obtain a graph of the silhouette from right to left and, secondly, to approximate fragments of the face to obtain silhouettes of the face from top to bottom. The purpose of the next stage is to implement multilevel segmentation of the approximated images to cover them with rectangles of different intensity. Due to their shape they are called barcodes. These three stages of the algorithm the faces are represented by two barcode images are vertical and horizontal. This material is used to calculate facial features. The medium intensity function in a row or column is used to form an approximation object and as a tool to measure the values of facial image characteristics. Additionally, the widths of barcodes and the distances between them are calculated. Experimental results with faces from known databases are presented. A piecewise linear approximation is used to compress facial images. Experiments have shown how the accuracy of the approximation changes with the degree of compression of the image. The method has a linear complexity of the algorithm from the number of pixels in the image, which allows its testing for large data. Finding the coordinates of a synchronized object, such as the eyes, allows calculating all the distances between the objects of attention on the face in relative form. The developed software has control parameters for conducting research.Об'єктом дослідження є алгоритм кусково-лінійної апроксимації за застосування його до виділення ознак та стиснення зображень обличчя. Одним з проблемних місць є отримання оптимального співвідношення ступеня стиснення та точності відтворення зображення, а також точності отриманих ознак обличчя, які можна застосувати для пошуку осіб у базах даних. Основними характеристиками зображення обличчя є координати та розмір очей, рота, носа та інших об'єктів уваги. Розміри, відстані між ними, а також їх відношення теж утворюють набір характеристик. Для виявлення та визначення цих особливостей використовують алгоритм кусково-лінійної апроксимації. По-перше, його застосовують для апроксимації зображення обличчя, щоб отримати графік силуету справа наліво і, по-друге, для апроксимованих фрагментів обличчя, щоб отримати силуети обличчя зверху вниз. Метою наступного етапу є реалізація багаторівневої сегментації апроксимованих зображень, щоб покрити їх прямокутниками різної інтенсивності. Завдяки своїй формі вони названі штрих-кодами. Ці три етапи алгоритму обличчя подаються двома зображеннями штрих-кодів: вертикальним і горизонтальним. За цим матеріалом розраховують ознаки обличчя. Функцію середньої інтенсивності в рядку або стовпці використовують для формування об'єкта апроксимації та як інструмент для вимірювання значень характеристик зображення обличчя. Додатково розраховують ширини штрих-кодів та відстані між ними. Наведено експериментальні результати з обличчями з відомих баз даних. Кусково-лінійну апроксимацію використано для стиснення зображень обличчя. Експериментами показано, як змінюється точність апроксимації залежно від ступеня стиснення зображення. Метод має лінійну складність алгоритму залежно від кількості пікселів у зображенні, що дає змогу його тестувати для великих даних. Знаходження координат об'єкта синхронізації, наприклад очей, дає змогу обчислити всі відстані між об'єктами уваги на обличчі у відносній формі. Розроблене програмне забезпечення має параметри керування для виконання досліджень

    Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation Using an Improved Electromagnetism Optimization Algorithm

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    Image segmentation is considered one of the most important tasks in image processing, which has several applications in different areas such as; industry agriculture, medicine, etc. In this paper, we develop the electromagnetic optimization (EMO) algorithm based on levy function, EMO-levy, to enhance the EMO performance for determining the optimal multi-level thresholding of image segmentation. In general, EMO simulates the mechanism of attraction and repulsion between charges to develop the individuals of a population. EMO takes random samples from search space within the histogram of image, where, each sample represents each particle in EMO. The quality of each particle is assessed based on Otsu’s or Kapur objective function value. The solutions are updated using EMO operators until determine the optimal objective functions. Finally, this approach produces segmented images with optimal values for the threshold and a few number of iterations. The proposed technique is validated using different standard test images. Experimental results prove the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm for image segmentation compared with well-known optimization methods

    Remote sensing imagery segmentation: A hybrid approach

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    In remote sensing imagery, segmentation techniques fail to encounter multiple regions of interest due to challenges such as dense features, low illumination, uncertainties, and noise. Consequently, exploiting vast and redundant information makes segmentation a difficult task. Existing multilevel thresholding techniques achieve low segmentation accuracy with high temporal difficulty due to the absence of spatial information. To mitigate this issue, this paper presents a new Rényi’s entropy and modified cuckoo search-based robust automatic multi-thresholding algorithm for remote sensing image analysis. In the proposed method, the modified cuckoo search algorithm is combined with Rényi’s entropy thresholding criteria to determine optimal thresholds. In the modified cuckoo search algorithm, the Lévy flight step size was modified to improve the convergence rate. An experimental analysis was conducted to validate the proposed method, both qualitatively and quantitatively against existing metaheuristic-based thresholding methods. To do this, the performance of the proposed method was intensively examined on high-dimensional remote sensing imageries. Moreover, numerical parameter analysis is presented to compare the segmented results against the gray-level co-occurrence matrix, Otsu energy curve, minimum cross entropy, and Rényi’s entropy-based thresholding. Experiments demonstrated that the proposed approach is effective and successful in attaining accurate segmentation with low time complexity

    Application of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for image registration in mobile robot visual control

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    Visual Servoing (VS) of a mobile robot requires advanced digital image processing, and one of the techniques especially fitting for this complex task is Image Registration (IR). In general, IR involves the geometrical alignment of images, and it can be viewed as an optimization problem. Therefore, we propose Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms (MOA) for IR in VS of a mobile robot. The comprehensive comparison study of three state-of-the-art MOA, namely the Slime Mould Algorithm (SMA), Harris Hawks Optimizer (HHO), and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is presented. The previously mentioned MOA used for IR are evaluated on 12 pairs of stereo images obtained by a mobile robot stereo vision system in a laboratory model of a manufacturing environment. The MATLAB software package is used for the implementation of the considered optimization algorithms. Acquired experimental results show that SMA outperforms HHO and WOA, while all three algorithms perform satisfactory alignment of images captured from various mobile robot poses

    Application of metaheuristic optimization algorithms for image registration in mobile robot visual control

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    Visual Servoing (VS) of a mobile robot requires advanced digital image processing, and one of the techniques especially fitting for this complex task is Image Registration (IR). In general, IR involves the geometrical alignment of images, and it can be viewed as an optimization problem. Therefore, we propose Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms (MOA) for IR in VS of a mobile robot. The comprehensive comparison study of three state-of-the-art MOA, namely the Slime Mould Algorithm (SMA), Harris Hawks Optimizer (HHO), and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is presented. The previously mentioned MOA used for IR are evaluated on 12 pairs of stereo images obtained by a mobile robot stereo vision system in a laboratory model of a manufacturing environment. The MATLAB software package is used for the implementation of the considered optimization algorithms. Acquired experimental results show that SMA outperforms HHO and WOA, while all three algorithms perform satisfactory alignment of images captured from various mobile robot poses

    Image multi-level-thresholding with Mayfly optimization

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    Image thresholding is a well approved pre-processing methodology and enhancing the image information based on a chosen threshold is always preferred. This research implements the mayfly optimization algorithm (MOA) based image multi-level-thresholding on a class of benchmark images of dimension 512x512x1. The MOA is a novel methodology with the algorithm phases, such as; i) Initialization, ii) Exploration with male-mayfly (MM), iii) Exploration with female-mayfly (FM), iv) Offspring generation and, v) Termination. This algorithm implements a strict two-step search procedure, in which every Mayfly is forced to attain the global best solution. The proposed research considers the threshold value from 2 to 5 and the superiority of the result is confirmed by computing the essential Image quality measures (IQM). The performance of MOA is also compared and validated against the other procedures, such as particle-swarm-optimization (PSO), bacterial foraging optimization(BFO), firefly-algorithm(FA), bat algorithm (BA), cuckoo search(CS) and moth-flame optimization (MFO) and the attained p-value of Wilcoxon rank test confirmed the superiority of the MOA compared with other algorithms considered in this wor

    Soft computing applied to optimization, computer vision and medicine

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    Artificial intelligence has permeated almost every area of life in modern society, and its significance continues to grow. As a result, in recent years, Soft Computing has emerged as a powerful set of methodologies that propose innovative and robust solutions to a variety of complex problems. Soft Computing methods, because of their broad range of application, have the potential to significantly improve human living conditions. The motivation for the present research emerged from this background and possibility. This research aims to accomplish two main objectives: On the one hand, it endeavors to bridge the gap between Soft Computing techniques and their application to intricate problems. On the other hand, it explores the hypothetical benefits of Soft Computing methodologies as novel effective tools for such problems. This thesis synthesizes the results of extensive research on Soft Computing methods and their applications to optimization, Computer Vision, and medicine. This work is composed of several individual projects, which employ classical and new optimization algorithms. The manuscript presented here intends to provide an overview of the different aspects of Soft Computing methods in order to enable the reader to reach a global understanding of the field. Therefore, this document is assembled as a monograph that summarizes the outcomes of these projects across 12 chapters. The chapters are structured so that they can be read independently. The key focus of this work is the application and design of Soft Computing approaches for solving problems in the following: Block Matching, Pattern Detection, Thresholding, Corner Detection, Template Matching, Circle Detection, Color Segmentation, Leukocyte Detection, and Breast Thermogram Analysis. One of the outcomes presented in this thesis involves the development of two evolutionary approaches for global optimization. These were tested over complex benchmark datasets and showed promising results, thus opening the debate for future applications. Moreover, the applications for Computer Vision and medicine presented in this work have highlighted the utility of different Soft Computing methodologies in the solution of problems in such subjects. A milestone in this area is the translation of the Computer Vision and medical issues into optimization problems. Additionally, this work also strives to provide tools for combating public health issues by expanding the concepts to automated detection and diagnosis aid for pathologies such as Leukemia and breast cancer. The application of Soft Computing techniques in this field has attracted great interest worldwide due to the exponential growth of these diseases. Lastly, the use of Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks, and Expert Systems in many everyday domestic appliances, such as washing machines, cookers, and refrigerators is now a reality. Many other industrial and commercial applications of Soft Computing have also been integrated into everyday use, and this is expected to increase within the next decade. Therefore, the research conducted here contributes an important piece for expanding these developments. The applications presented in this work are intended to serve as technological tools that can then be used in the development of new devices

    Cooperative Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Adaptive Multilevel Thresholding Segmentation of COVID-19 CT-Scan Images

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is widespread throughout the world and poses a serious threat to public health and safety. A COVID-19 infection can be recognized using computed tomography (CT) scans. To enhance the categorization, some image segmentation techniques are presented to extract regions of interest from COVID-19 CT images. Multi-level thresholding (MLT) is one of the simplest and most effective image segmentation approaches, especially for grayscale images like CT scan images. Traditional image segmentation methods use histogram approaches; however, these approaches encounter some limitations. Now, swarm intelligence inspired meta-heuristic algorithms have been applied to resolve MLT, deemed an NP-hard optimization task. Despite the advantages of using meta-heuristics to solve global optimization tasks, each approach has its own drawbacks. However, the common flaw for most meta-heuristic algorithms is that they are unable to maintain the diversity of their population during the search, which means they might not always converge to the global optimum. This study proposes a cooperative swarm intelligence-based MLT image segmentation approach that hybridizes the advantages of parallel meta-heuristics and MLT for developing an efficient image segmentation method for COVID-19 CT images. An efficient cooperative model-based meta-heuristic called the CPGH is developed based on three practical algorithms: particle swarm optimization (PSO), grey wolf optimizer (GWO), and Harris hawks optimization (HHO). In the cooperative model, the applied algorithms are executed concurrently, and a number of potential solutions are moved across their populations through a procedure called migration after a set number of generations. The CPGH model can solve the image segmentation problem using MLT image segmentation. The proposed CPGH is evaluated using three objective functions, cross-entropy, Otsu’s, and Tsallis, over the COVID-19 CT images selected from open-sourced datasets. Various evaluation metrics covering peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and universal quality image index (UQI) were employed to quantify the segmentation quality. The overall ranking results of the segmentation quality metrics indicate that the performance of the proposed CPGH is better than conventional PSO, GWO, and HHO algorithms and other state-of-the-art methods for MLT image segmentation. On the tested COVID-19 CT images, the CPGH offered an average PSNR of 24.8062, SSIM of 0.8818, and UQI of 0.9097 using 20 thresholds

    Improved Otsu and Kapur approach for white blood cells segmentation based on LebTLBO optimization for the detection of Leukemia.

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    The diagnosis of leukemia involves the detection of the abnormal characteristics of blood cells by a trained pathologist. Currently, this is done manually by observing the morphological characteristics of white blood cells in the microscopic images. Though there are some equipment- based and chemical-based tests available, the use and adaptation of the automated computer vision-based system is still an issue. There are certain software frameworks available in the literature; however, they are still not being adopted commercially. So there is a need for an automated and software- based framework for the detection of leukemia. In software-based detection, segmentation is the first critical stage that outputs the region of interest for further accurate diagnosis. Therefore, this paper explores an efficient and hybrid segmentation that proposes a more efficient and effective system for leukemia diagnosis. A very popular publicly available database, the acute lymphoblastic leukemia image database (ALL-IDB), is used in this research. First, the images are pre-processed and segmentation is done using Multilevel thresholding with Otsu and Kapur methods. To further optimize the segmentation performance, the Learning enthusiasm-based teaching-learning-based optimization (LebTLBO) algorithm is employed. Different metrics are used for measuring the system performance. A comparative analysis of the proposed methodology is done with existing benchmarks methods. The proposed approach has proven to be better than earlier techniques with measuring parameters of PSNR and Similarity index. The result shows a significant improvement in the performance measures with optimizing threshold algorithms and the LebTLBO technique

    Image processing and machine learning techniques used in computer-aided detection system for mammogram screening - a review

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    This paper aims to review the previously developed Computer-aided detection (CAD) systems for mammogram screening because increasing death rate in women due to breast cancer is a global medical issue and it can be controlled only by early detection with regular screening. Till now mammography is the widely used breast imaging modality. CAD systems have been adopted by the radiologists to increase the accuracy of the breast cancer diagnosis by avoiding human errors and experience related issues. This study reveals that in spite of the higher accuracy obtained by the earlier proposed CAD systems for breast cancer diagnosis, they are not fully automated. Moreover, the false-positive mammogram screening cases are high in number and over-diagnosis of breast cancer exposes a patient towards harmful overtreatment for which a huge amount of money is being wasted. In addition, it is also reported that the mammogram screening result with and without CAD systems does not have noticeable difference, whereas the undetected cancer cases by CAD system are increasing. Thus, future research is required to improve the performance of CAD system for mammogram screening and make it completely automated