133 research outputs found

    The Bramble-Pasciak preconditioner for saddle point problems

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    The Bramble-Pasciak Conjugate Gradient method is a well known tool to solve linear systems in saddle point form. A drawback of this method in order to ensure applicability of Conjugate Gradients is the need for scaling the preconditioner which typically involves the solution of an eigenvalue problem. Here, we introduce a modified preconditioner and inner product which without scaling enable the use of a MINRES variant and can be used for the simplified Lanczos process. Furthermore, the modified preconditioner and inner product can be combined with the original Bramble-Pasciak setup to give new preconditioners and inner products. We undermine the new methods by showing numerical experiments for Stokes problems

    Bootstrap Multigrid for the Laplace-Beltrami Eigenvalue Problem

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    This paper introduces bootstrap two-grid and multigrid finite element approximations to the Laplace-Beltrami (surface Laplacian) eigen-problem on a closed surface. The proposed multigrid method is suitable for recovering eigenvalues having large multiplicity, computing interior eigenvalues, and approximating the shifted indefinite eigen-problem. Convergence analysis is carried out for a simplified two-grid algorithm and numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the basic components and ideas behind the overall bootstrap multigrid approach

    Uniform convergence of multigrid V-cycle iterations for indefinite and nonsymmetric problems

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    In this paper, we present an analysis of a multigrid method for nonsymmetric and/or indefinite elliptic problems. In this multigrid method various types of smoothers may be used. One type of smoother which we consider is defined in terms of an associated symmetric problem and includes point and line, Jacobi, and Gauss-Seidel iterations. We also study smoothers based entirely on the original operator. One is based on the normal form, that is, the product of the operator and its transpose. Other smoothers studied include point and line, Jacobi, and Gauss-Seidel. We show that the uniform estimates for symmetric positive definite problems carry over to these algorithms. More precisely, the multigrid iteration for the nonsymmetric and/or indefinite problem is shown to converge at a uniform rate provided that the coarsest grid in the multilevel iteration is sufficiently fine (but not depending on the number of multigrid levels)

    Simple parallel and distributed algorithms for spectral graph sparsification

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    We describe a simple algorithm for spectral graph sparsification, based on iterative computations of weighted spanners and uniform sampling. Leveraging the algorithms of Baswana and Sen for computing spanners, we obtain the first distributed spectral sparsification algorithm. We also obtain a parallel algorithm with improved work and time guarantees. Combining this algorithm with the parallel framework of Peng and Spielman for solving symmetric diagonally dominant linear systems, we get a parallel solver which is much closer to being practical and significantly more efficient in terms of the total work.Comment: replaces "A simple parallel and distributed algorithm for spectral sparsification". Minor change

    All-at-once solution of time-dependent PDE-constrained optimization problems

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    Time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) play an important role in applied mathematics and many other areas of science. One-shot methods try to compute the solution to these problems in a single iteration that solves for all time-steps at the same time. In this paper, we look at one-shot approaches for the optimal control of time-dependent PDEs and focus on the fast solution of these problems. The use of Krylov subspace solvers together with an efficient preconditioner allows for minimal storage requirements. We solve only approximate time-evolutions for both forward and adjoint problem and compute accurate solutions of a given control problem only at convergence of the overall Krylov subspace iteration. We show that our approach can give competitive results for a variety of problem formulations

    All-at-Once Solution if Time-Dependent PDE-Constrained Optimisation Problems

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    Time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) play an important role in applied mathematics and many other areas of science. One-shot methods try to compute the solution to these problems in a single iteration that solves for all time-steps at the same time. In this paper, we look at one-shot approaches for the optimal control of time-dependent PDEs and focus on the fast solution of these problems. The use of Krylov subspace solvers together with an efficient preconditioner allows for minimal storage requirements. We solve only approximate time-evolutions for both forward and adjoint problem and compute accurate solutions of a given control problem only at convergence of the overall Krylov subspace iteration. We show that our approach can give competitive results for a variety of problem formulations