154 research outputs found

    Optimizing an array of antennas for cellular coverage from a high altitude platform

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    In a wireless communications network served by a high altitude platform (HAP) the cochannel interference is a function of the antenna beamwidth, angular separation and. sidelobe level. At the millimeter wave frequencies proposed for HAPs, an array of aperture type antennas on the platform is a practicable solution for serving the cells. We present a method for predicting cochannel interference based on curve-fit approximations for radiation patterns of elliptic beams which illuminate cell edges with optimum power, and a means of estimating optimum beamwidths for each cell of a regular hexagonal layout. The method is then applied to a 121 cell architecture. Where sidelobes are modeled As a flat floor at 40-dB below peak directivity, a cell cluster size of four yields carrier-to-interference ratios (CIRs), which vary from 15 dB at cell edges to 27 dB at cell centers. On adopting a cluster size of seven, these figures increase, respectively, to 19 and 30 dB. On reducing the sidelobe level, the. improvement in CIR can be quantified. The method also readily allows for regions of overlapping channel coverage to be shown

    Physical Layer Encryption for Industrial Ethernet in Gigabit Optical Links

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    Industrial Ethernet is a technology widely spread in factory floors and critical infrastructures where a high amount of data need to be collected and transported. Fiber optic networks at gigabit rates fit well with that type of environment, where speed, system performance, and reliability are critical. In this paper, a new encryption method for high-speed optical communications suitable for such kinds of networks is proposed. This new encryption method consists of a symmetric streaming encryption of the 8b/10b data flow at physical coding sublayer level. It is carried out thanks to a format preserving encryption block cipher working in CTR (counter) mode. The overall system has been simulated and implemented in a field programmable gate array. Thanks to experimental results, it can be concluded that it is possible to cipher traffic at this physical level in a secure way. In addition, no overhead is introduced during encryption, getting minimum latency and maximum throughput

    FiWiN5G-FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation Delivery

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    This paper describes the work and structure of the FIWIN5G: FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery, an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) scheme. The programme, which started in January 2015, comprises 10 leading research institutions, a wide range of industrial partners (from multi-nationals to SMEs) and a comprehensive research training program for all 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) recruited

    Аппаратное распознавание строк в интеллектуальных системах защиты информации

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    При создании интеллектуальных систем противодействия таким угрозам информационной безопасности, как сетевые вторжения, вирусы и спам, необходимо анализировать интенсивный поток данных на наличие одновременно нескольких тысяч эталонных последовательностей символов. Для достижения требуемой производительности часто используют аппаратные решения на базе программируемых интегральных схем. В настоящей работе исследован зарубежный опыт подобных разработок, предложено применение унифицированных изделий.При створенні інтелектуальних систем протидії таким загрозам інформаційній безпеці, як мережні вторгнення, віруси та спам, необхідно аналізувати інтенсивний потік даних на наявність одночасно декількох тисяч еталонних послідовностей символів. Для досягнення необхідної продуктивності часто використовують апаратні рішення на базі програмованих інтегральних схем. У даній роботі досліджений зарубіжний досвід подібних розробок, запропоновано застосування уніфікованих виробів.In order to protect information systems from security threats such as intrusion, virus and spam it is necessary to match all occurrences of a predefined set of string-based patterns containing several thousands of strings. To provide required throughput, the hardware solutions based on programmable logic are widely used. In this paper, the world experiences of such works are investigated and unified solution is proposed