12 research outputs found

    Arabic text summarization using pre-processing methodologies and techniques

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    Recently, one of the problems that has arisen due to the amount of information and its availability on the web, is the increased need for effective and powerful tools to automatically summarize text. For English and European languages an intensive works has been done with high performance and nowadays they look forward to multi-document and multi-language summarization. However, Arabic language still suffers from the little attention and research done in this field. In our research we propose a model to automatically summarize Arabic text using text extraction. Various steps are involved in the approach: preprocessing text, extract set of features from sentences, classify sentence based on scoring method, ranking sentences and finally generate an extract summary. The main difference between our proposed system and other Arabic summarization systems are the consideration of semantics, entity objects such as names and places, and similarity factors in our proposed system. In recent years, text summarization has seen renewed interest, and has been experiencing an increasing number of research and products especially in English language. However, in Arabic language, little work and limited research have been done in this field. will be adopted Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE) as an evaluation measure to examine our proposed technique and compare it with state-of-the-art methods. Finally, an experiment on the Essex Arabic Summaries Corpus (EASC) using the ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2 metrics showed promising results in comparison with existing methods

    Automatic Text Summarization

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    Writing text was one of the first ever methods used by humans to represent their knowledge. Text can be of different types and have different purposes. Due to the evolution of information systems and the Internet, the amount of textual information available has increased exponentially in a worldwide scale, and many documents tend to have a percentage of unnecessary information. Due to this event, most readers have difficulty in digesting all the extensive information contained in multiple documents, produced on a daily basis. A simple solution to the excessive irrelevant information in texts is to create summaries, in which we keep the subject’s related parts and remove the unnecessary ones. In Natural Language Processing, the goal of automatic text summarization is to create systems that process text and keep only the most important data. Since its creation several approaches have been designed to create better text summaries, which can be divided in two separate groups: extractive approaches and abstractive approaches. In the first group, the summarizers decide what text elements should be in the summary. The criteria by which they are selected is diverse. After they are selected, they are combined into the summary. In the second group, the text elements are generated from scratch. Abstractive summarizers are much more complex so they still need a lot of research, in order to represent good results. During this thesis, we have investigated the state of the art approaches, implemented our own versions and tested them in conventional datasets, like the DUC dataset. Our first approach was a frequency­based approach, since it analyses the frequency in which the text’s words/sentences appear in the text. Higher frequency words/sentences automatically receive higher scores which are then filtered with a compression rate and combined in a summary. Moving on to our second approach, we have improved the original TextRank algorithm by combining it with word embedding vectors. The goal was to represent the text’s sentences as nodes from a graph and with the help of word embeddings, determine how similar are pairs of sentences and rank them by their similarity scores. The highest ranking sentences were filtered with a compression rate and picked for the summary. In the third approach, we combined feature analysis with deep learning. By analysing certain characteristics of the text sentences, one can assign scores that represent the importance of a given sentence for the summary. With these computed values, we have created a dataset for training a deep neural network that is capable of deciding if a certain sentence must be or not in the summary. An abstractive encoder­decoder summarizer was created with the purpose of generating words related to the document subject and combining them into a summary. Finally, every single summarizer was combined into a full system. Each one of our approaches was evaluated with several evaluation metrics, such as ROUGE. We used the DUC dataset for this purpose and the results were fairly similar to the ones in the scientific community. As for our encoder­decode, we got promising results.O texto é um dos utensílios mais importantes de transmissão de ideias entre os seres humanos. Pode ser de vários tipos e o seu conteúdo pode ser mais ou menos fácil de interpretar, conforme a quantidade de informação relevante sobre o assunto principal. De forma a facilitar o processamento pelo leitor existe um mecanismo propositadamente criado para reduzir a informação irrelevante num texto, chamado sumarização de texto. Através da sumarização criam­se versões reduzidas do text original e mantém­se a informação do assunto principal. Devido à criação e evolução da Internet e outros meios de comunicação, surgiu um aumento exponencial de documentos textuais, evento denominado de sobrecarga de informação, que têm na sua maioria informação desnecessária sobre o assunto que retratam. De forma a resolver este problema global, surgiu dentro da área científica de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, a sumarização automática de texto, que permite criar sumários automáticos de qualquer tipo de texto e de qualquer lingua, através de algoritmos computacionais. Desde a sua criação, inúmeras técnicas de sumarização de texto foram idealizadas, podendo ser classificadas em dois tipos diferentes: extractivas e abstractivas. Em técnicas extractivas, são transcritos elementos do texto original, como palavras ou frases inteiras que sejam as mais ilustrativas do assunto do texto e combinadas num documento. Em técnicas abstractivas, os algoritmos geram elementos novos. Nesta dissertação pesquisaram­se, implementaram­se e combinaram­se algumas das técnicas com melhores resultados de modo a criar um sistema completo para criar sumários. Relativamente às técnicas implementadas, as primeiras três são técnicas extractivas enquanto que a ultima é abstractiva. Desta forma, a primeira incide sobre o cálculo das frequências dos elementos do texto, atribuindo­se valores às frases que sejam mais frequentes, que por sua vez são escolhidas para o sumário através de uma taxa de compressão. Outra das técnicas incide na representação dos elementos textuais sob a forma de nodos de um grafo, sendo atribuidos valores de similaridade entre os mesmos e de seguida escolhidas as frases com maiores valores através de uma taxa de compressão. Uma outra abordagem foi criada de forma a combinar um mecanismo de análise das caracteristicas do texto com métodos baseados em inteligência artificial. Nela cada frase possui um conjunto de caracteristicas que são usadas para treinar um modelo de rede neuronal. O modelo avalia e decide quais as frases que devem pertencer ao sumário e filtra as mesmas através deu uma taxa de compressão. Um sumarizador abstractivo foi criado para para gerar palavras sobre o assunto do texto e combinar num sumário. Cada um destes sumarizadores foi combinado num só sistema. Por fim, cada uma das técnicas pode ser avaliada segundo várias métricas de avaliação, como por exemplo a ROUGE. Segundo os resultados de avaliação das técnicas, com o conjunto de dados DUC, os nossos sumarizadores obtiveram resultados relativamente parecidos com os presentes na comunidade cientifica, com especial atenção para o codificador­descodificador que em certos casos apresentou resultados promissores

    Event identification in social media using classification-clustering framework

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    In recent years, there has been increased interest in real-world event detection using publicly accessible data made available through Internet technology such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In these highly interactive systems the general public are able to post real-time reactions to “real world" events - thereby acting as social sensors of terrestrial activity. Automatically detecting and categorizing events, particularly smallscale incidents, using streamed data is a non-trivial task, due to the heterogeneity, the scalability and the varied quality of the data as well as the presence of noise and irrelevant information. However, it would be of high value to public safety organisations such as local police, who need to respond accordingly. To address these challenges we present an end-to-end integrated event detection framework which comprises five main components: data collection, pre-processing, classification, online clustering and summarization. The integration between classification and clustering enables events to be detected, especially “disruptive events" - incidents that threaten social safety and security, or that could disrupt social order. We present an evaluation of the effectiveness of detecting events using a variety of features derived from Twitter posts, namely: temporal, spatial and textual content. We evaluate our framework on large-scale, realworld datasets from Twitter and Flickr. Furthermore, we apply our event detection system to a large corpus of tweets posted during the August 2011 riots in England. We show that our system can perform as well as terrestrial sources, such as police reports, traditional surveillance, and emergency calls, even better than local police intelligence in most cases. The framework developed in this thesis provides a scalable, online solution, to handle the high volume of social media documents in different languages including English, Arabic, Eastern languages such as Chinese, and many Latin languages. Moreover, event detection is a concept that is crucial to the assurance of public safety surrounding real-world events. Decision makers use information from a range of terrestrial and online sources to help inform decisions that enable them to develop policies and react appropriately to events as they unfold. Due to the heterogeneity and scale of the data and the fact that some messages are more salient than others for the purposes of understanding any risk to human safety and managing any disruption caused by events, automatic summarization of event-related microblogs is a non-trivial and important problem. In this thesis we tackle the task of automatic summarization of Twitter posts, and present three methods that produce summaries by selecting the most representative posts from real-world tweet-event clusters. To evaluate our approaches, we compare them to the state-of-the-art summarization systems and human generated summaries. Our results show that our proposed methods outperform all the other summarization systems for English and non-English corpora

    Semantic approaches to domain template construction and opinion mining from natural language

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    Most of the text mining algorithms in use today are based on lexical representation of input texts, for example bag of words. A possible alternative is to first convert text into a semantic representation, one that captures the text content in a structured way and using only a set of pre-agreed labels. This thesis explores the feasibility of such an approach to two tasks on collections of documents: identifying common structure in input documents (»domain template construction«), and helping users find differing opinions in input documents (»opinion mining«). We first discuss ways of converting natural text to a semantic representation. We propose and compare two new methods with varying degrees of target representation complexity. The first method, showing more promise, is based on dependency parser output which it converts to lightweight semantic frames, with role fillers aligned to WordNet. The second method structures text using Semantic Role Labeling techniques and aligns the output to the Cyc ontology.\ud Based on the first of the above representations, we next propose and evaluate two methods for constructing frame-based templates for documents from a given domain (e.g. bombing attack news reports). A template is the set of all salient attributes (e.g. attacker, number of casualties, \ldots). The idea of both methods is to construct abstract frames for which more specific instances (according to the WordNet hierarchy) can be found in the input documents. Fragments of these abstract frames represent the sought-for attributes. We achieve state of the art performance and additionally provide detailed type constraints for the attributes, something not possible with competing methods. Finally, we propose a software system for exposing differing opinions in the news. For any given event, we present the user with all known articles on the topic and let them navigate them by three semantic properties simultaneously: sentiment, topical focus and geography of origin. The result is a dynamically reranked set of relevant articles and a near real time focused summary of those articles. The summary, too, is computed from the semantic text representation discussed above. We conducted a user study of the whole system with very positive results

    Semantic approaches to domain template construction and opinion mining from natural language

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    Most of the text mining algorithms in use today are based on lexical representation of input texts, for example bag of words. A possible alternative is to first convert text into a semantic representation, one that captures the text content in a structured way and using only a set of pre-agreed labels. This thesis explores the feasibility of such an approach to two tasks on collections of documents: identifying common structure in input documents (»domain template construction«), and helping users find differing opinions in input documents (»opinion mining«). We first discuss ways of converting natural text to a semantic representation. We propose and compare two new methods with varying degrees of target representation complexity. The first method, showing more promise, is based on dependency parser output which it converts to lightweight semantic frames, with role fillers aligned to WordNet. The second method structures text using Semantic Role Labeling techniques and aligns the output to the Cyc ontology. Based on the first of the above representations, we next propose and evaluate two methods for constructing frame-based templates for documents from a given domain (e.g. bombing attack news reports). A template is the set of all salient attributes (e.g. attacker, number of casualties, \ldots). The idea of both methods is to construct abstract frames for which more specific instances (according to the WordNet hierarchy) can be found in the input documents. Fragments of these abstract frames represent the sought-for attributes. We achieve state of the art performance and additionally provide detailed type constraints for the attributes, something not possible with competing methods. Finally, we propose a software system for exposing differing opinions in the news. For any given event, we present the user with all known articles on the topic and let them navigate them by three semantic properties simultaneously: sentiment, topical focus and geography of origin. The result is a dynamically reranked set of relevant articles and a near real time focused summary of those articles. The summary, too, is computed from the semantic text representation discussed above. We conducted a user study of the whole system with very positive results

    Word Associations as a Language Model for Generative and Creative Tasks

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    In order to analyse natural language and gain a better understanding of documents, a common approach is to produce a language model which creates a structured representation of language which could then be used further for analysis or generation. This thesis will focus on a fairly simple language model which looks at word associations which appear together in the same sentence. We will revisit a classic idea of analysing word co-occurrences statistically and propose a simple parameter-free method for extracting common word associations, i.e. associations between words that are often used in the same context (e.g., Batman and Robin). Additionally we propose a method for extracting associations which are specific to a document or a set of documents. The idea behind the method is to take into account the common word associations and highlight such word associations which co-occur in the document unexpectedly often. We will empirically show that these models can be used in practice at least for three tasks: generation of creative combinations of related words, document summarization, and creating poetry. First the common word association language model is used for solving tests of creativity -- the Remote Associates test. Then observations of the properties of the model are used further to generate creative combinations of words -- sets of words which are mutually not related, but do share a common related concept. Document summarization is a task where a system has to produce a short summary of the text with a limited number of words. In this thesis, we will propose a method which will utilise the document-specific associations and basic graph algorithms to produce summaries which give competitive performance on various languages. Also, the document-specific associations are used in order to produce poetry which is related to a certain document or a set of documents. The idea is to use documents as inspiration for generating poems which could potentially be used as commentary to news stories. Empirical results indicate that both, the common and the document-specific associations, can be used effectively for different applications. This provides us with a simple language model which could be used for different languages.Kielimalleja käytetään usein luonnollisten kielten ja dokumenttien ymmärtämiseen. Kielimalli on kielen rakenteellinen esitysmuoto, jota voidaan käyttää kielen analyysiin tai sen tuottamiseen. Tässä työssä esitetään yksinkertainen kielimalli, joka perustuu assosiaatioihin sanojen välillä, jotka esiintyvät samassa lausessa. Ensin tutustumme klassiseen menetelmään analysoida sanojen yhteisesiintymiä tilastollisesti, jonka perusteella esittelemme parametri-vapaan menetelmän tuottaa yleisiä sana-assosiaatioita. Nämä sana-assosiaatiot ovat yhteyksiä sellaisten sanojen välillä, jotka esiintyvät samoissa asiayhteyksissä, kuten esimerkiksi Batman ja Robin. Lisäksi esittelemme menetelmän, joka tuottaa näitä assosiaatioita tietylle dokumentille tai joukolle dokumentteja. Menetelmä perustuu niiden sana-assosiaatioiden huomioimiseen, jotka ovat lähde-dokumenteissa erityisen yleisiä. Näytämme empiirisesti, että kielimallejamme voidaan käyttää ainakin kolmeen tarkoitukseen: luovien sanayhdistelmien tuottamiseen, dokumenttien referointiin ja runojen tuottamiseen. Ratkomme ensin yleisiin sana-assosiaatioihin perustuvalla mallillamme luovuutta testaavia Remote Associates -kokeita. Sen jälkeen tuotamme mallista tehtyjen havaintojen perusteella luovia sanayhdistelmiä. Nämä yhdistelmät sisältävät sanoja, jotka eivät välttämättä ole keskenään toisiinsa liittyviä, mutta ne jakavat joitakin yhdistäviä käsitteitä. Dokumentin referointi viittaa tehtävään, jossa pitää tuottaa rajoitetun pituinen lyhennelmä pidemmästä dokumentista. Esitämme menetelmän joka tuottaa eri kielillä tasoltaan kilpailukykyisiä referaatteja, käyttäen dokumenttikohtaisia sana-assosiaatioita sekä yksinkertaisia graafi-algoritmeja. Assosiaatioiden avulla voidaan tuottaa myös dokementtikohtaisia runoja. Dokumenttien inspiroimia runoja voitaisiin käyttää esimerkiksi uutisartikkeleiden kommentointiin. Tuloksemme niin yleisiin kuin dokumenttikohtaisiin assosiaatioihin perustuvista malleista osoittavat, että näitä malleja voidaan käyttää tehokkaasti eri käyttötarkoituksiin. Tuloksena on yksinkertainen kielimalli, jota voidaan käyttää useiden eri kielten kanssa

    Towards Context-free Information Importance Estimation

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    The amount of information contained in heterogeneous text documents such as news articles, blogs, social media posts, scientific articles, discussion forums, and microblogging platforms is already huge and is going to increase further. It is not possible for humans to cope with this flood of information, so that important information can neither be found nor be utilized. This situation is unfortunate since information is the key driver in many areas of society in the present Information Age. Hence, developing automatic means that can assist people to handle the information overload is crucial. Developing methods for automatic estimation of information importance is an essential step towards this goal. The guiding hypothesis of this work is that prior methods for automatic information importance estimation are inherently limited because they are based on merely correlated signals that are, however, not causally linked with information importance. To resolve this issue, we lay in this work the foundations for a fundamentally new approach for importance estimation. The key idea of context-free information importance estimation is to equip machine learning models with world knowledge so that they can estimate information importance based on causal reasons. In the first part of this work, we lay the theoretical foundations for context-free information importance estimation. First, we discuss how the abstract concept of information importance can be formally defined. So far, a formal definition of this concept is missing in the research community. We close this gap by discussing two information importance definitions, which equate the importance of information with its impact on the behavior and the impact on the course of life of the information recipients, respectively. Second, we discuss how information importance estimation abilities can be assessed. Usually, this is done by performing automatic summarization of text documents. However, we find that this approach is not ideal. Instead, we propose to consider ranking, regression, and preference prediction tasks as alternatives in future work. Third, we deduce context-free information importance estimation as a logical consequence of the previously introduced importance definitions. We find that reliable importance estimation, in particular for heterogeneous text documents, is only possible with context-free methods. In the second part, we develop the first machine learning models based on the idea of context-free information importance estimation. To this end, we first tackle the lack of suited datasets that are required to train and test machine learning models. In particular, large and heterogeneous datasets to investigate automatic summarization of multiple source documents are missing, because their construction is complicated and costly. To solve this problem, we present a simple and cost-efficient corpus construction approach and demonstrate its applicability by creating new multi-document summarization datasets. Second, we develop a new machine learning approach for context-free information importance estimation, implement a concrete realization, and demonstrate its advantages over contextual importance estimators. Third, we develop a new method to evaluate automatic summarization methods. Previous works are based on expensive reference summaries and unreliable semantic comparisons of text documents. On the contrary, our approach uses cheap pairwise preference annotations and only much simpler sentence-level similarity estimation. This work lays the foundations for context-free information importance estimation. We hope that future research will explore if this fundamentally new type of information importance estimation can eventually lead to human-level information importance estimation abilities