486 research outputs found

    Estimation of Radio Channel Parameters

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    Kurzfassung Diese Dissertation behandelt die SchĂ€tzung der Modellparameter einer Momentanaufnahme des Mobilfunkkanals. Das besondere Augenmerk liegt zum einen auf der Entwicklung eines generischen Datenmodells fĂŒr den gemessenen Funkkanal, welches fĂŒr die hochauflösende ParameterschĂ€tzung geeignet ist. Der zweite Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines robusten ParameterschĂ€tzers fĂŒr die Bestimmung der Parameter des entworfenen Modells aus Funkkanalmessdaten. Entsprechend dieser logischen Abfolge ist auch der Aufbau dieser Arbeit. Im ersten Teil wird ausgehend von einem aus der Literatur bekannten strahlenoptischen Modell eine algebraisch handhabbare Darstellung von beobachteten Wellenausbreitungspfaden entwickelt. Das mathematische Modell erlaubt die Beschreibung von SISO (single-input-single-output)- Übertragungssystemen, also von Systemen mit einer Sendeantenne und einer Empfangsantenne, als auch die Beschreibung von solchen Systemen mit mehreren Sende- und/oder Empfangsantennen. Diese Systeme werden im Allgemeinen auch als SIMO- (single-input-multiple-output), MISO- (multiple-input-single-output) oder MIMO-Systeme (multiple-input-multiple-output) bezeichnet. Im Gegensatz zu bekannten Konzepten enthĂ€lt das entwickelte Modell keine Restriktionen bezĂŒglich der modellierbaren Antennenarrayarchitekturen. Dies ist besonders wichtig in Hinblick auf die möglichst vollstĂ€ndige Erfassung der rĂ€umlichen Struktur des Funkkanals. Die FlexibilitĂ€t des Modells ist eine Grundvoraussetzung fĂŒr die optimale Anpassung der Antennenstruktur an die Messaufgabe. Eine solche angepasste Antennenarraystruktur ist zum Beispiel eine zylindrische Anordnung von Antennenelementen. Sie ist gut geeignet fĂŒr die Erfassung der rĂ€umlichen Struktur des Funkkanals (Azimut und Elevation) in so genannten Outdoor- Funkszenarien. Weiterhin wird im ersten Teil eine neue Komponente des Funkkanaldatenmodells eingefĂŒhrt, welche den Beitrag verteilter (diffuser) Streuungen zur FunkĂŒbertragung beschreibt. Die neue Modellkomponente spielt eine SchlĂŒsselrolle bei der Entwicklung eines robusten ParameterschĂ€tzers im Hauptteil dieser Arbeit. Die fehlende Modellierung der verteilten Streuungen ist eine der Hauptursachen fĂŒr die begrenzte Anwendbarkeit und die oft kritisierte fehlende Robustheit von hochauflösenden FunkkanalparameterschĂ€tzern, die in der Literatur etabliert sind. Das neue Datenmodell beschreibt die so genannten dominanten Ausbreitungspfade durch eine deterministische Abbildung der Pfadparameter auf den gemessenen Funkkanal. Der Beitrag der verteilten Streuungen wird mit Hilfe eines zirkularen mittelwertfreien Gaußschen Prozesses beschrieben. Die Modellparameter der verteilten Streuungen beschreiben dabei die Kovarianzmatrix dieses Prozesses. Basierend auf dem entwickelten Datenmodell wird im Anschluss kurz ĂŒber aktuelle Konzepte fĂŒr FunkkanalmessgerĂ€te, so genannte Channel-Sounder, diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit werden in erster Linie AusdrĂŒcke zur Bestimmung der erzielbaren Messgenauigkeit eines Channel-Sounders abgeleitet. Zu diesem Zweck wird die untere Schranke fĂŒr die Varianz der geschĂ€tzten Modellparameter, das heißt der Messwerte, bestimmt. Als Grundlage fĂŒr die VarianzabschĂ€tzung wird das aus der ParameterschĂ€tztheorie bekannte Konzept der CramĂ©r-Rao-Schranke angewandt. Im Rahmen der Ableitung der CramĂ©r-Rao-Schranke werden außerdem wichtige Gesichtspunkte fĂŒr die Entwicklung eines effizienten ParameterschĂ€tzers diskutiert. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit wird ein SchĂ€tzer fĂŒr die Bestimmung der Ausbreitungspfadparameter nach dem Maximum-Likelihood-Prinzip entworfen. Nach einer kurzen Übersicht ĂŒber existierende Konzepte zur hochauflösenden FunkkanalparameterschĂ€tzung wird die vorliegende SchĂ€tzaufgabe analysiert und in Hinsicht ihres Typs klassifiziert. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die Parameter der verteilten Streuungen bekannt sind, lĂ€sst sich zeigen, daß sich die SchĂ€tzung der Parameter der Ausbreitungspfade als ein nichtlineares gewichtetes kleinstes Fehlerquadratproblem auffassen lĂ€sst. Basierend auf dieser Erkenntnis wird ein generischer Algorithmus zur Bestimmung einer globalen Startlösung fĂŒr die Parameter eines Ausbreitungspfades vorgeschlagen. Hierbei wird von dem Konzept der Structure-Least-Squares (SLS)-Probleme Gebrauch gemacht, um die KomplexitĂ€t des SchĂ€tzproblems zu reduzieren. Im folgenden Teil dieses Abschnitts wird basierend auf aus der Literatur bekannten robusten numerischen Algorithmen ein SchĂ€tzer zur genauen Bestimmung der Ausbreitungspfadparameter abgeleitet. Im letzten Teil dieses Abschnitts wird die Anwendung unterraumbasierter SchĂ€tzer zur Bestimmung der Ausbreitungspfadparameter diskutiert. Es wird ein speichereffizienter Algorithmus zur SignalraumschĂ€tzung entwickelt. Dieser Algorithmus ist eine Grundvoraussetzung fĂŒr die Anwendung von mehrdimensionalen ParameterschĂ€tzern wie zum Beispiel des R-D unitary ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques) zur Bestimmung von Funkkanalparametern aus MIMO-Funkkanalmessungen. Traditionelle Verfahren zur SignalraumschĂ€tzung sind hier im Allgemeinen nicht anwendbar, da sie einen zu großen Speicheraufwand erfordern. Außerdem wird in diesem Teil gezeigt, dass ESPRIT-Algorithmen auch zur ParameterschĂ€tzung von Daten mit so genannter versteckter Rotations-Invarianzstruktur eingesetzt werden können. Als Beispiel wird ein ESPRIT-basierter Algorithmus zur RichtungsschĂ€tzung in Verbindung mit multibeam-Antennenarrays (CUBA) abgeleitet. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein Maximum-Likelihood-SchĂ€tzer fĂŒr die neue Komponente des Funkkanals, welche die verteilten Streuungen beschreibt, entworfen. Ausgehend vom Konzept des iterativen Maximum-Likelihood-SchĂ€tzers wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der hinreichend geringe numerische KomplexitĂ€t besitzt, so dass er praktisch anwendbar ist. In erster Linie wird dabei von der Toeplitzstruktur der zu schĂ€tzenden Kovarianzmatrix Gebrauch gemacht. Aufbauend auf dem SchĂ€tzer fĂŒr die Parameter der Ausbreitungspfade und dem SchĂ€tzer fĂŒr die Parameter der verteilten Streuungen wird ein Maximum-Likelihood-SchĂ€tzer entwickelt (RIMAX), der alle Parameter des in Teil I entwickelten Modells der Funkanalmessung im Verbund schĂ€tzt. Neben den geschĂ€tzten Parametern des Datenmodells liefert der SchĂ€tzer zusĂ€tzlich ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsinformationen. Diese werden unter anderem zur Bestimmung der Modellordnung, das heißt zur Bestimmung der Anzahl der dominanten Ausbreitungspfade, herangezogen. Außerdem stellen die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsinformationen aber auch ein wichtiges SchĂ€tzergebnis dar. Die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeitsinformationen machen die weitere Verarbeitung und Wertung der Messergebnisse möglich.The theme of this thesis is the estimation of model parameters of a radio channel snapshot. The main focus was the development of a general data model for the measured radio channel, suitable for both high resolution channel parameter estimation on the one hand, and the development of a robust parameter estimator for the parameters of the designed parametric radio channel model, in line with this logical work flow is this thesis. In the first part of this work an algebraic representation of observed propagation paths is developed using a ray-optical model known from literature. The algebraic framework is suitable for the description of SISO (single-input-single-output) radio transmission systems. A SISO system uses one antenna as the transmitter (Tx) and one antenna as the receiver (Rx). The derived expression for the propagation paths is also suitable to describe SIMO (single-input-multiple-output), MISO (multiple-input-single-output), and MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) radio channel measurements. In contrast to other models used for high resolution channel parameter estimation the derived model makes no restriction regarding the structure of the antenna array used throughout the measurement. This is important since the ultimate goal in radio channel sounding is the complete description of the spatial (angular) structure of the radio channel at Tx and Rx. The flexibility of the data model is a prerequisite for the optimisation of the antenna array structure with respect to the measurement task. Such an optimised antenna structure is a stacked uniform circular beam array, i.e., a cylindrical arrangement of antenna elements. This antenna array configuration is well suited for the measurement of the spatial structure of the radio channel at Tx and/or Rx in outdoor-scenarios. Furthermore, a new component of the radio channel model is introduced in the first part of this work. It describes the contribution of distributed (diffuse) scattering to the radio transmission. The new component is key for the development of a robust radio channel parameter estimator, which is derived in the main part of this work. The ignorance of the contribution of distributed scattering to radio propagation is one of the main reasons why high-resolution radio channel parameter estimators fail in practice. Since the underlying data model is wrong the estimators produce erroneous results. The improved model describes the so called dominant propagation paths by a deterministic mapping of the propagation path parameters to the channel observation. The contribution of the distributed scattering is modelled as a zero-mean circular Gaussian process. The parameters of the distributed scattering process determine the structure of the covariance matrix of this process. Based on this data model current concepts for radio channel sounding devices are discussed. In the second part of this work expressions for the accuracy achievable by a radio channel sounder are derived. To this end the lower bound on the variance of the measurements i.e. the parameter estimates is derived. As a basis for this evaluation the concept of the CramĂ©r-Rao lower bound is employed. On the way to the CramĂ©r-Rao lower bound for all channel model parameters, important issues for the development of an appropriate parameter estimator are discussed. Among other things the coupling of model parameters is also discussed. In the third part of this thesis, an estimator, for the propagation path parameters is derived. For the estimator the 'maximum-likelihood' approach is employed. After a short overview of existing high-resolution channel parameter estimators the estimation problem is classified. It is shown, that the estimation of the parameters of the propagation paths can be understood as a nonlinear weighted least squares problem, provided the parameters of the distributed scattering process are known. Based on this observation a general algorithm for the estimation of raw parameters for the observed propagation paths is developed. The algorithm uses the concept of structured-least-squares (SLS) and compressed maximum likelihood to reduce the numerical complexity of the estimation problem. A robust estimator for the precise estimation of the propagation path parameters is derived. The estimator is based on concepts well known from nonlinear local optimisation theory. In the last part of this chapter the application of subspace based parameter estimation algorithms for path parameter estimation is discussed. A memory efficient estimator for the signal subspace needed by, e.g., R-D unitary ESPRIT is derived. This algorithm is a prerequisite for the application of signal subspace based algorithms to MIMO-channel sounding measurements. Standard algorithms for signal subspace estimation (economy size SVD, singular value decomposition) are not suitable since they require an amount of memory which is too large. Furthermore, it is shown that ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques) based algorithms can also be employed for parameter estimation from data having hidden rotation invariance structure. As an example an ESPRIT algorithm for angle estimation using circular uniform beam arrays (circular multi-beam antennas) is derived. In the final part of this work a maximum likelihood estimator for the new component of the channel model is developed. Starting with the concept of iterative maximum likelihood estimation, an algorithm is developed having a low computational complexity. The low complexity of the algorithm is achieved by exploiting the Toeplitz-structure of the covariance matrix to estimate. Using the estimator for the (concentrated, dominant, specular-alike) propagation paths and the parametric estimator for the covariance matrix of the process describing the distributed diffuse scattering a joint estimator for all channel parameter is derived (RIMAX). The estimator is a 'maximum likelihood' estimator and uses the genuine SAGE concept to reduce the computational complexity. The estimator provides additional information about the reliability of the estimated channel parameters. This reliability information is used to determine an appropriate model for the observation. Furthermore, the reliability information i.e. the estimate of the covariance matrix of all parameter estimates is also an important parameter estimation result. This information is a prerequisite for further processing and evaluation of the measured channel parameters

    Robust MIMO Channel Estimation from Incomplete and Corrupted Measurements

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    Location-aware communication is one of the enabling techniques for future 5G networks. It requires accurate temporal and spatial channel estimation from multidimensional data. Most of the existing channel estimation techniques assume that the measurements are complete and noise is Gaussian. While these approaches are brittle to corrupted or outlying measurements, which are ubiquitous in real applications. To address these issues, we develop a lp-norm minimization based iteratively reweighted higher-order singular value decomposition algorithm. It is robust to Gaussian as well as the impulsive noise even when the measurement data is incomplete. Compared with the state-of-the-art techniques, accurate estimation results are achieved for the proposed approach

    A survey on 5G massive MIMO Localization

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    Massive antenna arrays can be used to meet the requirements of 5G, by exploiting different spatial signatures of users. This same property can also be harnessed to determine the locations of those users. In order to perform massive MIMO localization, refined channel estimation routines and localization methods have been developed. This paper provides a brief overview of this emerging field

    Contributions to measurement-based dynamic MIMO channel modeling and propagation parameter estimation

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    Multiantenna (MIMO) transceivers are a key technology in emerging broadband wireless communication systems since they facilitate achieving the required high data rates and reliability. In order to develop and study the performance of MIMO systems, advanced channel modeling that captures also the spatial characteristics of the radio wave propagation is required. This thesis introduces several contributions in the area of measurement-based modeling of wireless MIMO propagation channels. Measurement based modeling provides realistic characterization of the space, time and frequency dependency of the physical layer for both MIMO transceiver design and network planning. The focus in this thesis is on modeling and parametric estimation of mobile MIMO radio propagation channels. First, an overview of MIMO channel modeling approaches is given. A hybrid model for characterizing the spatio-temporal structure of measured MIMO channels consisting of a superposition of double-directional, specular-like propagation paths, and a stochastic process describing the diffuse scattering is formulated. State-space modeling approach is introduced in order to capture the dynamic channel properties from mobile channel sounding measurements. Extended Kalman filter (EKF) is employed for the sequential estimation problem and also statistical hypothesis testing for adjusting the model order are introduced. Due to the improved dynamic model of the mobile radio channel, the EKF approach outperforms maximum likelihood (ML) based batch solutions both in terms of lower estimation error as well as computational complexity. Finally, tensor representation for modeling multidimensional MIMO channels is considered and a novel sequential unfolding SVD (SUSVD) tensor decomposition is introduced. The SUSVD is an orthogonal tensor decomposition having several important applications in signal processing. The advantages of applying the SUSVD instead of other well known tensor models such as parallel factorization and Tucker-models, are illustrated using application examples in channel sounding data processing

    Three more Decades in Array Signal Processing Research: An Optimization and Structure Exploitation Perspective

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    The signal processing community currently witnesses the emergence of sensor array processing and Direction-of-Arrival (DoA) estimation in various modern applications, such as automotive radar, mobile user and millimeter wave indoor localization, drone surveillance, as well as in new paradigms, such as joint sensing and communication in future wireless systems. This trend is further enhanced by technology leaps and availability of powerful and affordable multi-antenna hardware platforms. The history of advances in super resolution DoA estimation techniques is long, starting from the early parametric multi-source methods such as the computationally expensive maximum likelihood (ML) techniques to the early subspace-based techniques such as Pisarenko and MUSIC. Inspired by the seminal review paper Two Decades of Array Signal Processing Research: The Parametric Approach by Krim and Viberg published in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, we are looking back at another three decades in Array Signal Processing Research under the classical narrowband array processing model based on second order statistics. We revisit major trends in the field and retell the story of array signal processing from a modern optimization and structure exploitation perspective. In our overview, through prominent examples, we illustrate how different DoA estimation methods can be cast as optimization problems with side constraints originating from prior knowledge regarding the structure of the measurement system. Due to space limitations, our review of the DoA estimation research in the past three decades is by no means complete. For didactic reasons, we mainly focus on developments in the field that easily relate the traditional multi-source estimation criteria and choose simple illustrative examples.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Multidimensional sparse recovery for MIMO channel parameter estimation

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    Multipath propagation is a common phenomenon in wireless communication. Knowledge of propagation path parameters such as complex channel gain, propagation delay or angle-of-arrival provides valuable information on the user position and facilitates channel response estimation. A major challenge in channel parameter estimation lies in its multidimensional nature, which leads to large-scale estimation problems which are difficult to solve. Current approaches of sparse recovery for multidimensional parameter estimation aim at simultaneously estimating all channel parameters by solving one large-scale estimation problem. In contrast to that we propose a sparse recovery method which relies on decomposing the multidimensional problem into successive one-dimensional parameter estimation problems, which are much easier to solve and less sensitive to off-grid effects, while providing proper parameter pairing. Our proposed decomposition relies on convex optimization in terms of nuclear norm minimization and we present an efficient implementation in terms of the recently developed STELA algorithm

    Statistical Resolution Limit for the Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval Model: Hypothesis Test and Cramer-Rao Bound Approaches

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    Special issue on Advances in Angle-of-Arrival and Multidimensional Signal Processing for Localization and CommunicationsInternational audienceThe Statistical Resolution Limit (SRL), which is defined as the minimal separation between parameters to allow a correct resolvability, is an important statistical tool to quantify the ultimate performance for parametric estimation problems. In this paper we generalize the concept of the SRL to the Multidimensional SRL (MSRL) applied to the multidimensional harmonic retrieval model. In this paper, we derive the SRL for the so-called multidimensional harmonic retrieval model by using a generalization of the previously introduced SRL concepts that we call Multidimensional SRL (MSRL). We first derive the MSRL using an hypothesis test approach. This statistical test is shown to be asymptotically an uniformly most powerful test which is the strongest optimality statement that one could expect to obtain. Second, we link the proposed asymptotic MSRL based on the hypothesis test approach to a new extension of the SRL based on the Cramér-Rao Bound approach. Thus, a closed-form expression of the asymptotic MSRL is given and analyzed in the framework of the multidimensional harmonic retrieval model. Particularly, it is proved that the optimal MSRL is obtained for equi-powered sources and/or an equi-distributed number of sensors on each multi-way array
