2,331 research outputs found

    Short-Term EEG Spectral Pattern as a Single Event in EEG Phenomenology

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    Spectral decomposition, to this day, still remains the main analytical paradigm for the analysis of EEG oscillations. However, conventional spectral analysis assesses the mean characteristics of the EEG power spectra averaged out over extended periods of time and/or broad frequency bands, thus resulting in a “static” picture which cannot reflect adequately the underlying neurodynamic. A relatively new promising area in the study of EEG is based on reducing the signal to elementary short-term spectra of various types in accordance with the number of types of EEG stationary segments instead of using averaged power spectrum for the whole EEG. It is suggested that the various perceptual and cognitive operations associated with a mental or behavioural condition constitute a single distinguishable neurophysiological state with a distinct and reliable spectral pattern. In this case, one type of short-term spectral pattern may be considered as a single event in EEG phenomenology. To support this assumption the following issues are considered in detail: (a) the relations between local EEG short-term spectral pattern of particular type and the actual state of the neurons in underlying network and a volume conduction; (b) relationship between morphology of EEG short-term spectral pattern and the state of the underlying neurodynamical system i.e. neuronal assembly; (c) relation of different spectral pattern components to a distinct physiological mechanism; (d) relation of different spectral pattern components to different functional significance; (e) developmental changes of spectral pattern components; (f) heredity of the variance in the individual spectral pattern and its components; (g) intra-individual stability of the sets of EEG short-term spectral patterns and their percent ratio; (h) discrete dynamics of EEG short-term spectral patterns. Functional relevance (consistency) of EEG short-term spectral patterns in accordance with the changes of brain functional state, cognitive task and with different neuropsychopathologies is demonstrated

    Data-driven multivariate and multiscale methods for brain computer interface

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    This thesis focuses on the development of data-driven multivariate and multiscale methods for brain computer interface (BCI) systems. The electroencephalogram (EEG), the most convenient means to measure neurophysiological activity due to its noninvasive nature, is mainly considered. The nonlinearity and nonstationarity inherent in EEG and its multichannel recording nature require a new set of data-driven multivariate techniques to estimate more accurately features for enhanced BCI operation. Also, a long term goal is to enable an alternative EEG recording strategy for achieving long-term and portable monitoring. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and local mean decomposition (LMD), fully data-driven adaptive tools, are considered to decompose the nonlinear and nonstationary EEG signal into a set of components which are highly localised in time and frequency. It is shown that the complex and multivariate extensions of EMD, which can exploit common oscillatory modes within multivariate (multichannel) data, can be used to accurately estimate and compare the amplitude and phase information among multiple sources, a key for the feature extraction of BCI system. A complex extension of local mean decomposition is also introduced and its operation is illustrated on two channel neuronal spike streams. Common spatial pattern (CSP), a standard feature extraction technique for BCI application, is also extended to complex domain using the augmented complex statistics. Depending on the circularity/noncircularity of a complex signal, one of the complex CSP algorithms can be chosen to produce the best classification performance between two different EEG classes. Using these complex and multivariate algorithms, two cognitive brain studies are investigated for more natural and intuitive design of advanced BCI systems. Firstly, a Yarbus-style auditory selective attention experiment is introduced to measure the user attention to a sound source among a mixture of sound stimuli, which is aimed at improving the usefulness of hearing instruments such as hearing aid. Secondly, emotion experiments elicited by taste and taste recall are examined to determine the pleasure and displeasure of a food for the implementation of affective computing. The separation between two emotional responses is examined using real and complex-valued common spatial pattern methods. Finally, we introduce a novel approach to brain monitoring based on EEG recordings from within the ear canal, embedded on a custom made hearing aid earplug. The new platform promises the possibility of both short- and long-term continuous use for standard brain monitoring and interfacing applications

    Design of a Simulator for Neonatal Multichannel EEG: Application to Time-Frequency Approaches for Automatic Artifact Removal and Seizure Detection

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is used to noninvasively monitor brain activities; it is the most utilized tool to detect abnormalities such as seizures. In recent studies, detection of neonatal EEG seizures has been automated to assist neurophysiologists in diagnosing EEG as manual detection is time consuming and subjective; however it still lacks the necessary robustness that is required for clinical implementation. Moreover, as EEG is intended to record the cerebral activities, extra-cerebral activities external to the brain are also recorded; these are called “artifacts” and can seriously degrade the accuracy of seizure detection. Seizures are one of the most common neurologic problems managed by hospitals occurring in 0.1%-0.5% livebirths. Neonates with seizures are at higher risk for mortality and are reported to be 55-70 times more likely to have severe cerebral-palsy. Therefore, early and accurate detection of neonatal seizures is important to prevent long-term neurological damage. Several attempts in modelling the neonatal EEG and artifacts have been done, but most did not consider the multichannel case. Furthermore, these models were used to test artifact or seizure detection separately, but not together. This study aims to design synthetic models that generate clean or corrupted multichannel EEG to test the accuracy of available artifact and seizure detection algorithms in a controlled environment. In this thesis, synthetic neonatal EEG model is constructed by using; single-channel EEG simulators, head model, 21-electrodes, and propagation equations, to produce clean multichannel EEG. Furthermore, neonatal EEG artifact model is designed using synthetic signals to corrupt EEG waveforms. After that, an automated EEG artifact detection and removal system is designed in both time and time-frequency domains. Artifact detection is optimised and removal performance is evaluated. Finally, an automated seizure detection technique is developed, utilising fused and extended multichannel features along a cross-validated SVM classifier. Results show that the synthetic EEG model mimics real neonatal EEG with 0.62 average correlation, and corrupted-EEG can degrade seizure detection average accuracy from 100% to 70.9%. They also show that using artifact detection and removal enhances the average accuracy to 89.6%, and utilising the extended features enhances it to 97.4% and strengthened its robustness.لمراقبة ورصد أنشطة واشارات المخ، دون الحاجة لأي عملیات (EEG) یستخدم الرسم أو التخطیط الكھربائي للدماغ للدماغجراحیة، وھي تعد الأداة الأكثر استخداما في الكشف عن أي شذوذأو نوبات غیر طبیعیة مثل نوبات الصرع. وقد أظھرت دراسات حدیثة، أن الكشف الآلي لنوبات حدیثي الولادة، ساعد علماء الفسیولوجیا العصبیة في تشخیص الاشارات الدماغیة بشكل أكبر من الكشف الیدوي، حیث أن الكشف الیدوي یحتاج إلى وقت وجھد أكبر وھوذو فعالیة أقل بكثیر، إلا أنھ لا یزال یفتقر إلى المتانة الضروریة والمطلوبة للتطبیق السریري.علاوة على ذلك؛ فكما یقوم الرسم الكھربائي بتسجیل الأنشطة والإشارات الدماغیة الداخلیة، فھو یسجل أیضا أي نشاط أو اشارات خارجیة، مما یؤدي إلى -(artifacts) :حدوث خلل في مدى دقة وفعالیة الكشف عن النوبات الدماغیة الداخلیة، ویطلق على تلك الاشارات مسمى (نتاج صنعي) . 0.5٪ولادة حدیثة في -٪تعد نوبات الصرع من أكثر المشكلات العصبیة انتشارا،ً وھي تصیب ما یقارب 0.1المستشفیات. حیث أن حدیثي الولادة المصابین بنوبات الصرع ھم أكثر عرضة للوفاة، وكما تشیر التقاریر الى أنھم 70مرة أكثر. لذا یعد الكشف المبكر والدقیق للنوبات الدماغیة -معرضین للإصابة بالشلل الدماغي الشدید بما یقارب 55لحدیثي الولادة مھم جدا لمنع الضرر العصبي على المدى الطویل. لقد تم القیام بالعدید من المحاولات التي كانتتھدف الى تصمیم نموذج التخطیط الكھربائي والنتاج الصنعي لدماغ حدیثي الولادة, إلا أن معظمھا لم یعر أي اھتمام الى قضیة تعدد القنوات. إضافة الى ذلك, استخدمت ھذه النماذج , كل على حدة, أو نوبات الصرع. تھدف ھذه الدراسة الى تصمیم نماذج مصطنعة من شأنھا (artifact) لإختبار كاشفات النتاج الصنعيأن تولد اشارات دماغیة متعددة القنوات سلیمة أو معطلة وذلك لفحص مدى دقة فعالیة خوارزمیات الكشف عن نوبات ضمن بیئة یمكن السیطرة علیھا. (artifact) الصرع و النتاج الصنعي في ھذه الأطروحة, یتكون نموذج الرسم الكھربائي المصطنع لحدیثي الولادة من : قناة محاكاة واحده للرسم الكھربائي, نموذج رأس, 21قطب كھربائي و معادلات إنتشار. حیث تھدف جمیعھا لإنتاج إشاراة سلیمة متعدده القنوات للتخطیط عن طریق استخدام اشارات مصطنعة (artifact) الكھربائي للدماغ.علاوة على ذلك, لقد تم تصمیم نموذجالنتاج الصنعيفي نطاقالوقت و (artifact) لإتلاف الرسم الكھربائي للدماغ. بعد ذلك تم انشاء برنامج لكشف و إزالةالنتاج الصناعينطاقالوقت و التردد المشترك. تم تحسین برنامج الكشف النتاج الصناعيالى ابعد ما یمكن بینما تمت عملیة تقییم أداء الإزالة. وفي الختام تم التمكن من تطویر تقنیة الكشف الآلي عن نوبات الصرع, وذلك بتوظیف صفات مدمجة و صفات الذي تم التأكد من صحتھ. (SVM) جدیدة للقنوات المتعددة لإستخدامھا للمصنفلقد أظھرت النتائج أن نموذج الرسم الكھربائي المصطنع لحدیثي الولادة یحاكي الرسمالكھربائي الحقیقي لحدیثي الولادة بمتوسط ترابط 0.62, و أنالرسم الكھربائي المتضرر للدماغ قد یؤدي الى حدوث ھبوطفي مدى دقة متوسط الكشف عن نوبات الصرع من 100%الى 70.9%. وقد أشارت أیضا الى أن استخدام الكشف والإزالة عن النتاج الصنعي (artifact) یؤدي الى تحسن مستوى الدقة الى نسبة 89.6 %, وأن توظیف الصفات الجدیدة للقنوات المتعددة یزید من تحسنھا لتصل الى نسبة 94.4 % مما یعمل على دعم متانتھا

    An EEG-based perceptual function integration network for application to drowsy driving

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Drowsy driving is among the most critical causes of fatal crashes. Thus, the development of an effective algorithm for detecting a driver's cognitive state demands immediate attention. For decades, studies have observed clear evidence using electroencephalography that the brain's rhythmic activities fluctuate from alertness to drowsiness. Recognition of this physiological signal is the major consideration of neural engineering for designing a feasible countermeasure. This study proposed a perceptual function integration system which used spectral features from multiple independent brain sources for application to recognize the driver's vigilance state. The analysis of brain spectral dynamics demonstrated physiological evidenced that the activities of the multiple cortical sources were highly related to the changes of the vigilance state. The system performances showed a robust and improved accuracy as much as 88% higher than any of results performed by a single-source approach

    Automatic Sleep EEG Pattern Detection

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    Analýza mozkové aktivity je jednou z klícových vyšetrovacích metod v moderní spánkové medicíne a výzkumu.nalysis of recorded brain activity is one of the main investigation methods in modern sleep medicine and research

    Epileptic seizure detection and prediction based on EEG signal

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    Epilepsy is a kind of chronic brain disfunction, manifesting as recurrent seizures which is caused by sudden and excessive discharge of neurons. Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings is regarded as the golden standard for clinical diagnosis of epilepsy disease. The diagnosis of epilepsy disease by professional doctors clinically is time-consuming. With the help artificial intelligence algorithms, the task of automatic epileptic seizure detection and prediction is called a research hotspot. The thesis mainly contributes to propose a solution to overfitting problem of EEG signal in deep learning and a method of multiple channels fusion for EEG features. The result of proposed method achieves outstanding performance in seizure detection task and seizure prediction task. In seizure detection task, this paper mainly explores the effect of the deep learning in small data size. This thesis designs a hybrid model of CNN and SVM for epilepsy detection compared with end-to-end classification by deep learning. Another technique for overfitting is new EEG signal generation based on decomposition and recombination of EEG in time-frequency domain. It achieved a classification accuracy of 98.8%, a specificity of 98.9% and a sensitivity of 98.4% on the classic Bonn EEG data. In seizure prediction task, this paper proposes a feature fusion method for multi-channel EEG signals. We extract a three-order tensor feature in temporal, spectral and spatial domain. UMLDA is a tensor-to-vector projection method, which ensures minimal redundancy between feature dimensions. An excellent experimental result was finally obtained, including an average accuracy of 95%, 94% F1-measure and 90% Kappa index

    Defecting or not defecting: how to "read" human behavior during cooperative games by EEG measurements

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    Understanding the neural mechanisms responsible for human social interactions is difficult, since the brain activities of two or more individuals have to be examined simultaneously and correlated with the observed social patterns. We introduce the concept of hyper-brain network, a connectivity pattern representing at once the information flow among the cortical regions of a single brain as well as the relations among the areas of two distinct brains. Graph analysis of hyper-brain networks constructed from the EEG scanning of 26 couples of individuals playing the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma reveals the possibility to predict non-cooperative interactions during the decision-making phase. The hyper-brain networks of two-defector couples have significantly less inter-brain links and overall higher modularity - i.e. the tendency to form two separate subgraphs - than couples playing cooperative or tit-for-tat strategies. The decision to defect can be "read" in advance by evaluating the changes of connectivity pattern in the hyper-brain network