338 research outputs found

    A Review of Platforms for the Development of Agent Systems

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    Agent-based computing is an active field of research with the goal of building autonomous software of hardware entities. This task is often facilitated by the use of dedicated, specialized frameworks. For almost thirty years, many such agent platforms have been developed. Meanwhile, some of them have been abandoned, others continue their development and new platforms are released. This paper presents a up-to-date review of the existing agent platforms and also a historical perspective of this domain. It aims to serve as a reference point for people interested in developing agent systems. This work details the main characteristics of the included agent platforms, together with links to specific projects where they have been used. It distinguishes between the active platforms and those no longer under development or with unclear status. It also classifies the agent platforms as general purpose ones, free or commercial, and specialized ones, which can be used for particular types of applications.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 9 tables, 83 reference

    Automated highway systems : platoons of vehicles viewed as a multiagent system

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    Tableau d'honneur de la FacultĂ© des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures et postdoctorales, 2005-2006La conduite collaborative est un domaine liĂ© aux systĂšmes de transport intelligents, qui utilise les communications pour guider de façon autonome des vĂ©hicules coopĂ©ratifs sur une autoroute automatisĂ©e. Depuis les derniĂšres annĂ©es, diffĂ©rentes architectures de vĂ©hicules automatisĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es, mais la plupart d’entre elles n’ont pas, ou presque pas, attaquĂ© le problĂšme de communication inter vĂ©hicules. À l’intĂ©rieur de ce mĂ©moire, nous nous attaquons au problĂšme de la conduite collaborative en utilisant un peloton de voitures conduites par des agents logiciels plus ou moins autonomes, interagissant dans un mĂȘme environnement multi-agents: une autoroute automatisĂ©e. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une architecture hiĂ©rarchique d’agents conducteurs de voitures, se basant sur trois couches (couche de guidance, couche de management et couche de contrĂŽle du trafic). Cette architecture peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©velopper un peloton centralisĂ©, oĂč un agent conducteur de tĂȘte coordonne les autres avec des rĂšgles strictes, et un peloton dĂ©centralisĂ©, oĂč le peloton est vu comme une Ă©quipe d’agents conducteurs ayant le mĂȘme niveau d’autonomie et essayant de maintenir le peloton stable.Collaborative driving is a growing domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that makes use of communications to autonomously guide cooperative vehicles on an Automated Highway System (AHS). For the past decade, different architectures of automated vehicles have been proposed, but most of them did not or barely addressed the inter-vehicle communication problem. In this thesis, we address the collaborative driving problem by using a platoon of cars driven by more or less autonomous software agents interacting in a Multiagent System (MAS) environment: the automated highway. To achieve this, we propose a hierarchical driving agent architecture based on three layers (guidance layer, management layer and traffic control layer). This architecture can be used to develop centralized platoons, where the driving agent of the head vehicle coordinates other driving agents by applying strict rules, and decentralized platoons, where the platoon is considered as a team of driving agents with a similar degree of autonomy, trying to maintain a stable platoon

    Design of an UAV swarm

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    This master thesis tries to give an overview on the general aspects involved in the design of an UAV swarm. UAV swarms are continuoulsy gaining popularity amongst researchers and UAV manufacturers, since they allow greater success rates in task accomplishing with reduced times. Appart from this, multiple UAVs cooperating between them opens a new field of missions that can only be carried in this way. All the topics explained within this master thesis will explain all the agents involved in the design of an UAV swarm, from the communication protocols between them, navigation and trajectory analysis and task allocation

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019

    Exploiting vehicular social networks and dynamic clustering to enhance urban mobility management

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    Transport authorities are employing advanced traffic management system (ATMS) to improve vehicular traffic management efficiency. ATMS currently uses intelligent traffic lights and sensors distributed along the roads to achieve its goals. Furthermore, there are other promising technologies that can be applied more efficiently in place of the abovementioned ones, such as vehicular networks and 5G. In ATMS, the centralized approach to detect congestion and calculate alternative routes is one of the most adopted because of the difficulty of selecting the most appropriate vehicles in highly dynamic networks. The advantage of this approach is that it takes into consideration the scenario to its full extent at every execution. On the other hand, the distributed solution needs to previously segment the entire scenario to select the vehicles. Additionally, such solutions suggest alternative routes in a selfish fashion, which can lead to secondary congestions. These open issues have inspired the proposal of a distributed system of urban mobility management based on a collaborative approach in vehicular social networks (VSNs), named SOPHIA. The VSN paradigm has emerged from the integration of mobile communication devices and their social relationships in the vehicular environment. Therefore, social network analysis (SNA) and social network concepts (SNC) are two approaches that can be explored in VSNs. Our proposed solution adopts both SNA and SNC approaches for alternative route-planning in a collaborative way. Additionally, we used dynamic clustering to select the most appropriate vehicles in a distributed manner. Simulation results confirmed that the combined use of SNA, SNC, and dynamic clustering, in the vehicular environment, have great potential in increasing system scalability as well as improving urban mobility management efficiency1916CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP401802/2016-7; 2015/25588-6; 2016/24454-9; 2018/02204-6; 465446/2014-088887.136422/2017-002014/50937-

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    Real time collision warning system in the context of vehicle-to-vehicle data exchange based on drivings behaviours analysis

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    Worldwide injuries in vehicle accidents have been on the rise in recent years, mainly due to driver error regardless of technological innovations and advancements for vehicle safety. Consequently, there is a need for a reliable-real time warning system that can alert drivers of a potential collision. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) is an extensive area of ongoing research and development which has started to revolutionize the driving experience. Driving behaviour is a subject of extensive research which gains special attention due to the relationship between speeding behaviour and crashes as drivers who engage in frequent and extreme speeding behaviour are overinvolved in crashes. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) set guidelines on how different vehicle automation levels may reduce vehicle crashes and how the use of on-board short-range sensors coupled with V2V technologies can help facilitate communication among vehicles. Based on the previous works, it can be seen that the assessment of drivers’ behaviours using their trajectory data is a fresh and open research field. Most studies related to driving behaviours in terms of accelerationïżœdeceleration are evaluated at the laboratory scale using experimental results from actual vehicles. Towards this end, a five-stage methodology for a new collision warning system in the context of V2V based on driving behaviours has been designed. Real-time V2V hardware for data collection purposes was developed. Driving behaviour was analyzed in different timeframes prior obtained from actual driving behaviour in an urban environment collected from OBD-II adapter and GPS data logger of an instrumented vehicle. By measuring the in-vehicle accelerations, it is possible to categorize the driving behaviour into four main classes based on real-time experiments: safe drivers, normal, aggressive, and dangerous drivers. When the vehicle is in a risk situation, the system based on NRF24L01+PA/LNA, GPS, and OBD-II will pass a signal to the driver using a dedicated LCD and LED light signal. The driver can instantly decide to make the vehicle in a safe mood, effectively avoid the happening of vehicle accidents. The proposed solution provides two main functions: (1) the detection of the dangerous vehicles involved in the road, and (2) the display of a message informing the driver if it is safe or unsafe to pass. System performance was evaluated to ensure that it achieved the primary objective of improving road safety in the extreme behaviour of the driver in question either the safest (or the least aggressive) and the most unsafe (or the most aggressive). The proposed methodology has retained some advantages for other literature studies because of the simultaneous use of speed, acceleration, and vehicle location. The V2V based on driving behaviour experiments shows the effectiveness of the selected approach predicts behaviour with an accuracy of over 87% in sixty-four real-time scenarios presented its capability to detect behaviour and provide a warning to nearby drivers. The system failed detection only in few times when the receiving vehicle missed data due to high speed during the test as well as the distances between the moving vehicles, the data was not received correctly since the power transmitted, the frequency range of the signals, the antenna relative positions, and the number of in-range vehicles are of interest for the V2V test scenarios. The latter result supports the conclusion that warnings that efficiently and quickly transmit their information may be better when driver are under stress or time pressure

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains
