9,113 research outputs found


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    Due to the expanding prominence of distributed computing, increasingly information proprietors are inspired to outsource their information to cloud servers for awesome accommodation and lessened cost in information administration. We submit a safe and secure search method which is dependent on the tree above encrypted cloud information, also it manages multi-keyword search in addition to dynamic process on assortment of documents.  Due to important structure of tree-based index, forecasted search system will effectively get sub-straight line search some time and manage the entire process of deletion in addition to insertion of documents.  Even if this concept is certainly not new for RDBMS based systems, this can be a new information-access paradigm for Encrypted Cloud Domains driven by user file discussing activities. Here, the machine searches Cloud Secure data quickly because the user types in query keywords. Many works were suggested in a variety of types of threat to achieve various functionalities for search for example single keyword search, multi-keyword rated search, and so forth.  Of these works, multi-keyword manner of rated search has gotten more importance because of its realistic applicability.  The forecasted plan is recognized as to provide multi-keyword query in addition to precise result ranking, additionally dynamic update above document collections. For acquiring of high search effectiveness, we develop a tree-based index structure and propose a formula based on the index tree

    Efficient Multi-User Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing

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    As cloud computing becomes prevalent, more and more sensitive information are being centralized into the cloud. For the protection of data privacy, sensitive data usually have to be encrypted before outsourcing, which makes effective data utilization a very challenging task. In this paper, we propose a new method to enable effective fuzzy keyword search in a multi-user system over encrypted cloud data while maintaining keyword privacy. In this new system, differential searching privileges are supported, which is achieved with the technique of attribute-based encryption. Edit distance is utilized to quantify keywords similarity and develop fuzzy keyword search technique, which achieve optimized storage and representation overheads. We further propose a symbol-based trie-traverse searching scheme to improve the search efficiency. Through rigorous security analysis, we show that our proposed solution is secure and privacy-preserving, while correctly realizing the goal of fuzzy keyword search with multiple users

    Authorized keyword search over outsourced encrypted data in cloud environment

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    For better data availability and accessibility while ensuring data secrecy, end-users often tend to outsource their data to the cloud servers in an encrypted form. However, this brings a major challenge to perform the search for some keywords over encrypted content without disclosing any information to unintended entities. This paper proposes a novel expressive authorized keyword search scheme relying on the concept of ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption. The originality of the proposed scheme is multifold. First, it supports the generic and convenient multi-owner and multi-user scenario, where the encrypted data are outsourced by several data owners and searchable by multiple users. Second, the formal security analysis proves that the proposed scheme is semantically secure against chosen keyword and outsider's keyword guessing attacks. Third, an interactive protocol is introduced which avoids the need of any secure channels between users and service provider. Fourth, due to the concept of bilinear-map accumulator, the system can efficiently revoke users and/or their attributes, and authenticate them prior to launching any expensive search operations. Fifth, conjunctive keyword search is provided thus enabling to search for multiple keywords simultaneously, with minimal cost. Sixth, the performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme outperforms closely-related works

    Searchable Encryption for Cloud and Distributed Systems

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    The vast development in information and communication technologies has spawned many new computing and storage architectures in the last two decades. Famous for its powerful computation ability and massive storage capacity, cloud services, including storage and computing, replace personal computers and software systems in many industrial applications. Another famous and influential computing and storage architecture is the distributed system, which refers to an array of machines or components geographically dispersed but jointly contributes to a common task, bringing premium scalability, reliability, and efficiency. Recently, the distributed cloud concept has also been proposed to benefit both cloud and distributed computing. Despite the benefits of these new technologies, data security and privacy are among the main concerns that hinder the wide adoption of these attractive architectures since data and computation are not under the control of the end-users in such systems. The traditional security mechanisms, e.g., encryption, cannot fit these new architectures since they would disable the fast access and retrieval of remote storage servers. Thus, an urgent question turns to be how to enable refined and efficient data retrieval on encrypted data among numerous records (i.e., searchable encryption) in the cloud and distributed systems, which forms the topic of this thesis. Searchable encryption technologies can be divided into Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) and Public-key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS). The intrinsical symmetric key hinders data sharing since it is problematic and insecure to reveal one’s key to others. However, SSE outperforms PEKS due to its premium efficiency and is thus is prefered in a number of keyword search applications. Then multi-user SSE with rigorous and fine access control undoubtedly renders a satisfactory solution of both efficiency and security, which is the first problem worthy of our much attention. Second, functions and versatility play an essential role in a cloud storage application but it is still tricky to realize keyword search and deduplication in the cloud simultaneously. Large-scale data usually renders significant data redundancy and saving cloud storage resources turns to be inevitable. Existing schemes only facilitate data retrieval due to keywords but rarely consider other demands like deduplication. To be noted, trivially and hastily affiliating a separate deduplication scheme to the searchable encryption leads to disordered system architecture and security threats. Therefore, attention should be paid to versatile solutions supporting both keyword search and deduplication in the cloud. The third problem to be addressed is implementing multi-reader access for PEKS. As we know, PEKS was born to support multi-writers but enabling multi-readers in PEKS is challenging. Repeatedly encrypting the same keyword with different readers’ keys is not an elegant solution. In addition to keyword privacy, user anonymity coming with a multi-reader setting should also be formulated and preserved. Last but not least, existing schemes targeting centralized storage have not taken full advantage of distributed computation, which is considerable efficiency and fast response. Specifically, all testing tasks between searchable ciphertexts and trapdoor/token are fully undertaken by the only centralized cloud server, resulting in a busy system and slow response. With the help of distributed techniques, we may now look forward to a new turnaround, i.e., multiple servers jointly work to perform the testing with better efficiency and scalability. Then the intractable multi-writer/multi-reader mode supporting multi-keyword queries may also come true as a by-product. This thesis investigates searchable encryption technologies in cloud storage and distributed systems and spares effort to address the problems mentioned above. Our first work can be classified into SSE. We formulate the Multi-user Verifiable Searchable Symmetric Encryption (MVSSE) and propose a concrete scheme for multi-user access. It not only offers multi-user access and verifiability but also supports extension on updates as well as a non-single keyword index. Moreover, revocable access control is obtained that the search authority is validated each time a query is launched, different from existing mechanisms that once the search authority is granted, users can search forever. We give simulation-based proof, demonstrating our proposal possesses Universally Composable (UC)-security. Second, we come up with a redundancy elimination solution on top of searchable encryption. Following the keyword comparison approach of SSE, we formulate a hybrid primitive called Message-Locked Searchable Encryption (MLSE) derived in the way of SSE’s keyword search supporting keyword search and deduplication and present a concrete construction that enables multi-keyword query and negative keyword query as well as deduplication at a considerable small cost, i.e., the tokens are used for both search and deduplication. And it can further support Proof of Storage (PoS), testifying the content integrity in cloud storage. The semantic security is proved in Random Oracle Model using the game-based methodology. Third, as the branch of PEKS, the Broadcast Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search (BAEKS) is proposed to bridge the gap of multi-reader access for PEKS, followed by a scheme. It not only resists Keyword Guessing Attacks (KGA) but also fills in the blank of anonymity. The scheme is proved secure under Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption in the Random Oracle Model. For distributed systems, we present a Searchable Encryption based on Efficient Privacy-preserving Outsourced calculation framework with Multiple keys (SE-EPOM) enjoying desirable features, which can be classified into PEKS. Instead of merely deploying a single server, multiple servers are employed to execute the test algorithm in our scheme jointly. The refined search, i.e., multi-keyword query, data confidentiality, and search pattern hiding, are realized. Besides, the multi-writer/multi-reader mode comes true. It is shown that under the distributed circumstance, much efficiency can be substantially achieved by our construction. With simulation-based proof, the security of our scheme is elaborated. All constructions proposed in this thesis are formally proven according to their corresponding security definitions and requirements. In addition, for each cryptographic primitive designed in this thesis, concrete schemes are initiated to demonstrate the availability and practicality of our proposal

    Enabling Efficient Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing

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    As Cloud Computing becomes prevalent, more and more sensitive information are being centralized into the cloud. For the protection of data privacy, sensitive data usually have to be encrypted before outsourcing, which makes effective data utilization a very challenging task. Although traditional searchable encryption schemes allow a user to securely search over encrypted data through keywords and selectively retrieve files of interest, these techniques support only \emph{exact} keyword search. That is, there is no tolerance of minor typos and format inconsistencies which, on the other hand, are typical user searching behavior and happen very frequently. This significant drawback makes existing techniques unsuitable in Cloud Computing as it greatly affects system usability, rendering user searching experiences very frustrating and system efficacy very low. In this paper, for the first time we formalize and solve the problem of effective fuzzy keyword search over encrypted cloud data while maintaining keyword privacy. Fuzzy keyword search greatly enhances system usability by returning the matching files when users\u27 searching inputs exactly match the predefined keywords or the closest possible matching files based on keyword similarity semantics, when exact match fails. In our solution, we exploit edit distance to quantify keywords similarity and develop two advanced techniques on constructing fuzzy keyword sets, which achieve optimized storage and representation overheads. We further propose a brand new symbol-based trie-traverse searching scheme, where a multi-way tree structure is built up using symbols transformed from the resulted fuzzy keyword sets. Through rigorous security analysis, we show that our proposed solution is secure and privacy-preserving, while correctly realizing the goal of fuzzy keyword search. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solution

    Performance Study of Cryptography based Dynamic Multi-Keyword Searchable Security Algorithm in Cloud Using CRSA /B+ Tree

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    Today, Cloud computing is a buzz word in IT industry. Cloud, a shared pool of computing resources, allows access to needed resources on demand through internet and web applications. Since data is outsourced to third party, user needs to maintain the accountability of their data in cloud. Hence preserving the confidentiality and securing the sensitive data in cloud is a major concern. Many cryptographic techniques have been proposed by researchers to assure the confidentiality of the user2019;s data in cloud. But, the challenging task is to provide the secure search over this preserved data which has been encrypted so as to retrieve the effective data. Hence, we are proposing a system to have a secure search over the encrypted data on the cloud which preserves its confidentiality. In our system, a noble approach has been made using the Commutative-RSA algorithm, a cryptographic technique where the dual encryption takes place thus reducing the overall computation overhead. The search operation over the encrypted data is based on the tree search algorithm which supports multi-keyword search. Based on the relevance score, the more appropriate data is retrieved on the search operation. Using this approach, the information is not leaked when the encrypted data is searched by users and also the queries are handled in an efficient way. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed schemes through extensive experimental evaluation

    Secure and Reliable Data Outsourcing in Cloud Computing

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    The many advantages of cloud computing are increasingly attracting individuals and organizations to outsource their data from local to remote cloud servers. In addition to cloud infrastructure and platform providers, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, more and more cloud application providers are emerging which are dedicated to offering more accessible and user friendly data storage services to cloud customers. It is a clear trend that cloud data outsourcing is becoming a pervasive service. Along with the widespread enthusiasm on cloud computing, however, concerns on data security with cloud data storage are arising in terms of reliability and privacy which raise as the primary obstacles to the adoption of the cloud. To address these challenging issues, this dissertation explores the problem of secure and reliable data outsourcing in cloud computing. We focus on deploying the most fundamental data services, e.g., data management and data utilization, while considering reliability and privacy assurance. The first part of this dissertation discusses secure and reliable cloud data management to guarantee the data correctness and availability, given the difficulty that data are no longer locally possessed by data owners. We design a secure cloud storage service which addresses the reliability issue with near-optimal overall performance. By allowing a third party to perform the public integrity verification, data owners are significantly released from the onerous work of periodically checking data integrity. To completely free the data owner from the burden of being online after data outsourcing, we propose an exact repair solution so that no metadata needs to be generated on the fly for the repaired data. The second part presents our privacy-preserving data utilization solutions supporting two categories of semantics - keyword search and graph query. For protecting data privacy, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which obsoletes traditional data utilization based on plaintext keyword search. We define and solve the challenging problem of privacy-preserving multi- keyword ranked search over encrypted data in cloud computing. We establish a set of strict privacy requirements for such a secure cloud data utilization system to become a reality. We first propose a basic idea for keyword search based on secure inner product computation, and then give two improved schemes to achieve various stringent privacy requirements in two different threat models. We also investigate some further enhancements of our ranked search mechanism, including supporting more search semantics, i.e., TF × IDF, and dynamic data operations. As a general data structure to describe the relation between entities, the graph has been increasingly used to model complicated structures and schemaless data, such as the personal social network, the relational database, XML documents and chemical compounds. In the case that these data contains sensitive information and need to be encrypted before outsourcing to the cloud, it is a very challenging task to effectively utilize such graph-structured data after encryption. We define and solve the problem of privacy-preserving query over encrypted graph-structured data in cloud computing. By utilizing the principle of filtering-and-verification, we pre-build a feature-based index to provide feature-related information about each encrypted data graph, and then choose the efficient inner product as the pruning tool to carry out the filtering procedure
