267 research outputs found


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    In today’s wireless sensor networks mobile sinks plays an important role in data transmission and reception. Therefore it becomes very important to estimate the optimized position of the mobile sinks in order to improve the overall efficiency of the wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the particle swarm optimization technique has been used for the estimation of the position of the mobile sinks and its impact on the various performance factors of the wireless sensor network has been observed. The simulation result showed that finding the optimal location of the sink in the mobile environment improves the various performance parameters of the network thereby extending the overall lifetime of the network

    Single Sink Repositioning Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks for Increasing Throughput and Decreasing Delay

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) refers to a group of spatially spread and enthusiastic sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location. WSN becomes an energetic subject with the rapid development that is vulnerable to a varied high-quality of attacks due to deployment in the hostile environment. In WSN, throughput is defined as the amount of data transferred from one sensor node to another in a specified amount of time. Delay It refers to the total time taken for a single packet to be transmitted across a network from source to destination. The basic idea of sink relocation is to shorten the distance between sink node and sensor node. So, that significant power savings can be achieved. The problem of distant node energy consumption of wireless sensor node was solved by sink repositioning technique which has capability to move and communicate with all sensor node inside the region. The sink node and sensor node are randomly deployed within the geographic extent of the entire network. In order to test for the impact of repositioning the total power transmission of the sensors for the previous and next sink positions is evaluated and compared. This is result in increasing life time of sensor network by putting sink node at optimum location to decrease the distant node, increases throughput and decrease delay with sink node and analyze the difference. The main aim of the study was to increase throughput and decrease end to end delay. For this study we have used NS-2.35 environment for simulation. Our simulation results show that repositioning the sink achieves significant change on throughput and delay when compared to the static sink approach that have been presented by using network animator(NAM) and Xgraph. Keywords: WSN, Sink node, sensor node, throughput, delay and  sink reposition. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-5-01 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Single Sink Repositioning Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks for Increasing Throughput and Decreasing Delay

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) refers to a group of spatially spread and enthusiastic sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location. WSN becomes an energetic subject with the rapid development that is vulnerable to a varied high-quality of attacks due to deployment in the hostile environment. In WSN, throughput is defined as the amount of data transferred from one sensor node to another in a specified amount of time. Delay It refers to the total time taken for a single packet to be transmitted across a network from source to destination. The basic idea of sink relocation is to shorten the distance between sink node and sensor node. So, that significant power savings can be achieved. The problem of distant node energy consumption of wireless sensor node was solved by sink repositioning technique which has capability to move and communicate with all sensor node inside the region. The sink node and sensor node are randomly deployed within the geographic extent of the entire network. In order to test for the impact of repositioning the total power transmission of the sensors for the previous and next sink positions is evaluated and compared. This is result in increasing life time of sensor network by putting sink node at optimum location to decrease the distant node, increases throughput and decrease delay with sink node and analyze the difference. The main aim of the study was to increase throughput and decrease end to end delay. For this study we have used NS-2.35 environment for simulation. Our simulation results show that repositioning the sink achieves significant change on throughput and delay when compared to the static sink approach that have been presented by using network animator(NAM) and Xgraph. Keywords:- WSN, Sink node, sensor node, throughput, delay and  sink reposition. DOI: 10.7176/NCS/12-02 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Coverage Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: Review and Future Directions

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    The coverage problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be generally defined as a measure of how effectively a network field is monitored by its sensor nodes. This problem has attracted a lot of interest over the years and as a result, many coverage protocols were proposed. In this survey, we first propose a taxonomy for classifying coverage protocols in WSNs. Then, we classify the coverage protocols into three categories (i.e. coverage aware deployment protocols, sleep scheduling protocols for flat networks, and cluster-based sleep scheduling protocols) based on the network stage where the coverage is optimized. For each category, relevant protocols are thoroughly reviewed and classified based on the adopted coverage techniques. Finally, we discuss open issues (and recommend future directions to resolve them) associated with the design of realistic coverage protocols. Issues such as realistic sensing models, realistic energy consumption models, realistic connectivity models and sensor localization are covered

    Mobility based energy efficient and multi-sink algorithms for consumer home networks

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    With the fast development of the Internet, wireless communications and semiconductor devices, home networking has received significant attention. Consumer products can collect and transmit various types of data in the home environment. Typical consumer sensors are often equipped with tiny, irreplaceable batteries and it therefore of the utmost importance to design energy efficient algorithms to prolong the home network lifetime and reduce devices going to landfill. Sink mobility is an important technique to improve home network performance including energy consumption, lifetime and end-to-end delay. Also, it can largely mitigate the hot spots near the sink node. The selection of optimal moving trajectory for sink node(s) is an NP-hard problem jointly optimizing routing algorithms with the mobile sink moving strategy is a significant and challenging research issue. The influence of multiple static sink nodes on energy consumption under different scale networks is first studied and an Energy-efficient Multi-sink Clustering Algorithm (EMCA) is proposed and tested. Then, the influence of mobile sink velocity, position and number on network performance is studied and a Mobile-sink based Energy-efficient Clustering Algorithm (MECA) is proposed. Simulation results validate the performance of the proposed two algorithms which can be deployed in a consumer home network environment

    Optimization Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A Routing Algorithm for Extending Mobile Sensor Network’s Lifetime using Connectivity and Target Coverage

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    In this paper, we propose an approach to improving the network lifetime by enhancing Network CONnectivity (NCON) and Target COVerage (TCOV) in randomly deployed Mobile Sensor Network (MSN). Generally, MSN refers to the collection of independent and scattered sensors with the capability of being mobile, if need be. Target coverage, network connectivity, and network lifetime are the three most critical issues of MSN. Any MSN formed with a set of randomly distributed sensors should be able to select and successfully activate some subsets of nodes so that they completely monitor or cover the entire Area of Interest (AOI). Network connectivity, on the other hand ensures that the nodes are connected for the full lifetime of the network so that collection and reporting of data to the sink node are kept uninterrupted through the sensor nodes. Keeping these three critical aspects into consideration, here we propose Socratic Random Algorithm (SRA) that ensures efficient target coverage and network connectivity alongside extending the lifetime of the network. The proposed method has been experimentally compared with other existing alternative mechanisms taking appropriate performance metrics into consideration. Our simulation results and analysis show that SRA performs significantly better than the existing schemes in the recent literature

    A critical analysis of mobility management related issues of wireless sensor networks in cyber physical systems

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    Mobility management has been a long-standing issue in mobile wireless sensor networks and especially in the context of cyber physical systems; its implications are immense. This paper presents a critical analysis of the current approaches to mobility management by evaluating them against a set of criteria which are essentially inherent characteristics of such systems on which these approaches are expected to provide acceptable performance. We summarize these characteristics by using a quadruple set of metrics. Additionally, using this set we classify the various approaches to mobility management that are discussed in this paper. Finally, the paper concludes by reviewing the main findings and providing suggestions that will be helpful to guide future research efforts in the area

    Optimal Placement of Multiple Interconnected Gateways in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data c ollec ted b y sensors of ten h av e to b e rem otely d eliv ered th rou g h m u lti- h op w ireless path s to d ata sink s c onnec ted to applic ation ser v ers for inform ation proc essing . T h e position of th ese sink s h as a h u g e im pac t on th e q u ality of th e spec i c W ireless S ensor N etw or k ( W S N ) . Ind eed , it m ay c reate ar ti c ial traf c b ottlenec k s w h ic h affec t th e energ y ef c ienc y and th e W S N lifetim e. T h is paper c onsid ers a h eterog eneou s netw or k sc enar io w h ere w ireless sensors d eliv er d ata to inter m ed iate g atew ay s g eared w ith a d iv erse w ireless tec h nolog y and inter c onnec ted tog eth er and to th e sink . An optim iz ation f ram ew or k b ased on Integ er L inear P rog ram m ing (IL P ) is d ev eloped to loc ate w ireless g atew ay s m inim iz ing th e ov erall installation c ost and th e energ y c onsu m ption in th e W S N , w h ile ac c ou nting for m u lti- h op c ov erag e b etw een sensors and g atew ay s, and c onnec tiv ity am ong w ireless g atew ay s. T h e proposed IL P for m u lations are solv ed to optim ality for m ed iu m -siz e instanc es to analy z e th e q u ality of th e d esig ned netw or k s, and h eu r istic alg or ith m s are also proposed to tac k le larg e-sc ale h eterog eneou s sc enar ios

    Concepts and evolution of research in the field of wireless sensor networks

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    The field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is experiencing a resurgence of interest and a continuous evolution in the scientific and industrial community. The use of this particular type of ad hoc network is becoming increasingly important in many contexts, regardless of geographical position and so, according to a set of possible application. WSNs offer interesting low cost and easily deployable solutions to perform a remote real time monitoring, target tracking and recognition of physical phenomenon. The uses of these sensors organized into a network continue to reveal a set of research questions according to particularities target applications. Despite difficulties introduced by sensor resources constraints, research contributions in this field are growing day by day. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of most recent literature of WSNs and outline open research issues in this field
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