60 research outputs found

    Fragment-History Volumes

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    Hardware-based triangle rasterization is still the prevalent method for generating images at real-time interactive frame rates. With the availability of a programmable graphics pipeline a large variety of techniques are supported for evaluating lighting and material properties of fragments. However, these techniques are usually restricted to evaluating local lighting and material effects. In addition, view-point changes require the complete processing of scene data to generate appropriate images. Reusing already rendered data in the frame buffer for a given view point by warping for a new viewpoint increases navigation fidelity at the expense of introducing artifacts for fragments previously hidden from the viewer. We present fragment-history volumes (FHV), a rendering technique based on a sparse, discretized representation of a 3d scene that emerges from recording all fragments that pass the rasterization stage in the graphics pipeline. These fragments are stored into per-pixel or per-octant lists for further processing; essentially creating an A-buffer. FHVs using per-octant fragment lists are view independent and allow fast resampling for image generation as well as for using more sophisticated approaches to evaluate material and lighting properties, eventually enabling global-illumination evaluation in the standard graphics pipeline available on current hardware. We show how FHVs are stored on the GPU in several ways, how they are created, and how they can be used for image generation at high rates. We discuss results for different usage scenarios, variations of the technique, and some limitations

    A graphics processing unit based method for dynamic real-time global illumination

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    Real-time realistic image synthesis for virtual environments has been one of the most actively researched areas in computer graphics for over a decade. Images that display physically correct illumination of an environment can be simulated by evaluating a multi-dimensional integral equation, called the rendering equation, over the surfaces of the environment. Many global illumination algorithms such as pathtracing, photon mapping and distributed ray-tracing can produce realistic images but are generally unable to cope with dynamic lighting and objects at interactive rates. It still remains one of most challenging problems to simulate physically correctly illuminated dynamic environments without a substantial preprocessing step. In this thesis we present a rendering system for dynamic environments by implementing a customized rasterizer for global illumination entirely on the graphics hardware, the Graphical Processing Unit. Our research focuses on a parameterization of discrete visibility field for efficient indirect illumination computation. In order to generate the visibility field, we propose a CUDA-based (Compute Unified Device Architecture) rasterizer which builds Layered Hit Buffers (LHB) by rasterizing polygons into multi-layered structural buffers in parallel. The LHB provides a fast visibility function for any direction at any point. We propose a cone approximation solution to resolve an aliasing problem due to limited directional discretization. We also demonstrate how to remove structure noises by adapting an interleaved sampling scheme and discontinuity buffer. We show that a gathering method amortized with a multi-level Quasi Mont Carlo method can evaluate the rendering equation in real-time. The method can realize real-time walk-through of a complex virtual environment that has a mixture of diffuse and glossy reflection, computing multiple indirect bounces on the fly. We show that our method is capable of simulating fully dynamic environments including changes of view, materials, lighting and objects at interactive rates on commodity level graphics hardware

    Stream programming framework for global ilumination techniques using a GPU

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    Los procesadores de streams están comenzando a ser una alternativa accesible para implementar técnicas de rendering asistidas por hardware que habitualmente estaban relegadas al uso offline. Nosotros elaboramos un marco de trabajo para procesamiento de streams basado en los conceptos del modelo de Stream Programming, seleccionamos el algoritmo de Photon Mapping y una GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) Nvidia para una implementación de un caso de prueba. Definimos un conjunto de clases en C++ para encapsular los componentes (kernels y streams) de este nuevo paradigma, usando OpenGL y el lenguaje Cg. Nuestra aplicación combina el método de Photon Mapping y una estructura de aceleración BVH (Bounding Volumes Hierarchy) en un pipeline de renderizado basado casi completamente en la GPU. Finalmente, evaluamos su desempeño usando un modelo de caja de Cornell.Stream processors are becoming an affordable alternative to implement hardware assisted rendering techniques which were usually relegated to offline usage. We built a stream processing framework based on the Stream Programming Model concepts, selected the Photon Mapping algorithm and an NVIDIA GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) as a test case implementation of a Global Illumination technique. We defined a set of C++ classes to encapsulate the components (kernels and streams) of this new paradigm, using OpenGL and Cg language. Our application combines the Photon Splatting method and the BVH (Bounding Volumes Hierarchy) acceleration structure into a rendering pipeline relying almost entirely on the GPU. Finally, we evaluated its performance using a Cornell Box model.V Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes Y VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Differentiable SAR Renderer and SAR Target Reconstruction

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    Forward modeling of wave scattering and radar imaging mechanisms is the key to information extraction from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Like inverse graphics in optical domain, an inherently-integrated forward-inverse approach would be promising for SAR advanced information retrieval and target reconstruction. This paper presents such an attempt to the inverse graphics for SAR imagery. A differentiable SAR renderer (DSR) is developed which reformulates the mapping and projection algorithm of SAR imaging mechanism in the differentiable form of probability maps. First-order gradients of the proposed DSR are then analytically derived which can be back-propagated from rendered image/silhouette to the target geometry and scattering attributes. A 3D inverse target reconstruction algorithm from SAR images is devised. Several simulation and reconstruction experiments are conducted, including targets with and without background, using both synthesized data or real measured inverse SAR (ISAR) data by ground radar. Results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed DSR and its inverse approach

    Scalable ray tracing with multiple GPGPUs

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    Rapid development in the field of computer graphics over the last 40 years has brought forth different techniques to render scenes. Rasterization is today’s most widely used technique, which in its most basic form sequentially draws thousands of polygons and applies texture on them. Ray tracing is an alternative method that mimics light transport by using rays to sample a scene in memory and render the color found at each ray’s scene intersection point. Although mainstream hardware directly supports rasterization, ray tracing would be the preferred technique due to its ability to produce highly crisp and realistic graphics, if hardware were not a limitation. Making an immediate hardware transition from rasterization to ray tracing would have a severe impact on the computer graphics industry since it would require redevelopment of existing 3D graphics-employing software, so any transition to ray tracing would be gradual. Previous efforts to perform ray tracing on mainstream rasterizing hardware platforms with a single processor have performed poorly. This thesis explores how a multiple GPGPU system can be used to render scenes via ray tracing. A ray tracing engine and API groundwork was developed using NVIDIA’s CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) GPGPU programming environment and was used to evaluate performance scalability across a multi-GPGPU system. This engine supports triangle, sphere, disc, rectangle, and torus rendering. It also allows independent activation of graphics features including procedural texturing, Phong illumination, reflections, translucency, and shadows. Correctness of rendered images validates the ray traced results, and timing of rendered scenes benchmarks performance. The main test scene contains all object types, has a total of 32 Abstract objects, and applies all graphics features. Ray tracing this scene using two GPGPUs outperformed the single-GPGPU and single-CPU systems, yielding respective speedups of up to 1.8 and 31.25. The results demonstrate how much potential exists in treating a modern dual-GPU architecture as a dual-GPGPU system in order to facilitate a transition from rasterization to ray tracing

    Stream programming framework for global ilumination techniques using a GPU

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    Los procesadores de streams están comenzando a ser una alternativa accesible para implementar técnicas de rendering asistidas por hardware que habitualmente estaban relegadas al uso offline. Nosotros elaboramos un marco de trabajo para procesamiento de streams basado en los conceptos del modelo de Stream Programming, seleccionamos el algoritmo de Photon Mapping y una GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) Nvidia para una implementación de un caso de prueba. Definimos un conjunto de clases en C++ para encapsular los componentes (kernels y streams) de este nuevo paradigma, usando OpenGL y el lenguaje Cg. Nuestra aplicación combina el método de Photon Mapping y una estructura de aceleración BVH (Bounding Volumes Hierarchy) en un pipeline de renderizado basado casi completamente en la GPU. Finalmente, evaluamos su desempeño usando un modelo de caja de Cornell.Stream processors are becoming an affordable alternative to implement hardware assisted rendering techniques which were usually relegated to offline usage. We built a stream processing framework based on the Stream Programming Model concepts, selected the Photon Mapping algorithm and an NVIDIA GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) as a test case implementation of a Global Illumination technique. We defined a set of C++ classes to encapsulate the components (kernels and streams) of this new paradigm, using OpenGL and Cg language. Our application combines the Photon Splatting method and the BVH (Bounding Volumes Hierarchy) acceleration structure into a rendering pipeline relying almost entirely on the GPU. Finally, we evaluated its performance using a Cornell Box model.V Workshop de Computación Gráfica, Imágenes Y VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Hardware Acceleration of Progressive Refinement Radiosity using Nvidia RTX

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    A vital component of photo-realistic image synthesis is the simulation of indirect diffuse reflections, which still remain a quintessential hurdle that modern rendering engines struggle to overcome. Real-time applications typically pre-generate diffuse lighting information offline using radiosity to avoid performing costly computations at run-time. In this thesis we present a variant of progressive refinement radiosity that utilizes Nvidia's novel RTX technology to accelerate the process of form-factor computation without compromising on visual fidelity. Through a modern implementation built on DirectX 12 we demonstrate that offloading radiosity's visibility component to RT cores significantly improves the lightmap generation process and potentially propels it into the domain of real-time.Comment: 114 page

    Tessellated Voxelization for Global Illumination using Voxel Cone Tracing

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    Modeling believable lighting is a crucial component of computer graphics applications, including games and modeling programs. Physically accurate lighting is complex and is not currently feasible to compute in real-time situations. Therefore, much research is focused on investigating efficient ways to approximate light behavior within these real-time constraints. In this thesis, we implement a general purpose algorithm for real-time applications to approximate indirect lighting. Based on voxel cone tracing, we use a filtered representation of a scene to efficiently sample ambient light at each point in the scene. We present an approach to scene voxelization using hardware tessellation and compare it with an approach utilizing hardware rasterization. We also investigate possible methods of warped voxelization. Our contributions include a complete and open-source implementation of voxel cone tracing along with both voxelization algorithms. We find similar performance and quality with both voxelization algorithms

    Robust object-based algorithms for direct shadow simulation

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    En informatique graphique, les algorithmes de générations d'ombres évaluent la quantité de lumière directement perçue par une environnement virtuel. Calculer précisément des ombres est cependant coûteux en temps de calcul. Dans cette dissertation, nous présentons un nouveau système basé objet robuste, qui permet de calculer des ombres réalistes sur des scènes dynamiques et ce en temps interactif. Nos contributions incluent notamment le développement de nouveaux algorithmes de génération d'ombres douces ainsi que leur mise en oeuvre efficace sur processeur graphique. Nous commençons par formaliser la problématique du calcul d'ombres directes. Tout d'abord, nous définissons ce que sont les ombres directes dans le contexte général du transport de la lumière. Nous étudions ensuite les techniques interactives qui génèrent des ombres directes. Suite à cette étude nous montrons que mêmes les algorithmes dit physiquement réalistes se reposent sur des approximations. Nous mettons également en avant, que malgré leur contraintes géométriques, les algorithmes d'ombres basées objet sont un bon point de départ pour résoudre notre problématique de génération efficace et robuste d'ombres directes. Basé sur cette observation, nous étudions alors le système basé objet existant et mettons en avant ses problèmes de robustesse. Nous proposons une nouvelle technique qui améliore la qualité des ombres générées par ce système en lui ajoutant une étape de mélange de pénombres. Malgré des propriétés et des résultats convaincants, les limitations théoriques et de mise en oeuvre limite la qualité générale et les performances de cet algorithme. Nous présentons ensuite un nouvel algorithme d'ombres basées objet. Cet algorithme combine l'efficacité de l'approche basée objet temps réel avec la précision de sa généralisation au rendu hors ligne. Notre algorithme repose sur l'évaluation locale du nombre d'objets entre deux points : la complexité de profondeur. Nous décrivons comment nous utilisons cet algorithme pour échantillonner la complexité de profondeur entre les surfaces visibles d'une scène et une source lumineuse. Nous générons ensuite des ombres à partir de cette information soit en modulant l'éclairage direct soit en intégrant numériquement l'équation d'illumination directe. Nous proposons ensuite une extension de notre algorithme afin qu'il puisse prendre en compte les ombres projetées par des objets semi-opaque. Finalement, nous présentons une mise en oeuvre efficace de notre système qui démontre que des ombres basées objet peuvent être générées de façon efficace et ce même sur une scène dynamique. En rendu temps réel, il est commun de représenter des objets très détaillés encombinant peu de triangles avec des textures qui représentent l'opacité binaire de l'objet. Les techniques de génération d'ombres basées objet ne traitent pas de tels triangles dit "perforés". De par leur nature, elles manipulent uniquement les géométries explicitement représentées par des primitives géométriques. Nous présentons une nouvel algorithme basé objet qui lève cette limitation. Nous soulignons que notre méthode peut être efficacement combinée avec les systèmes existants afin de proposer un système unifié basé objet qui génère des ombres à la fois pour des maillages classiques et des géométries perforées. La mise en oeuvre proposée montre finalement qu'une telle combinaison fournit une solution élégante, efficace et robuste à la problématique générale de l'éclairage direct et ce aussi bien pour des applications temps réel que des applications sensibles à la la précision du résultat.Direct shadow algorithms generate shadows by simulating the direct lighting interaction in a virtual environment. The main challenge with the accurate direct shadow problematic is its computational cost. In this dissertation, we develop a new robust object-based shadow framework that provides realistic shadows at interactive frame rate on dynamic scenes. Our contributions include new robust object-based soft shadow algorithms and efficient interactive implementations. We start, by formalizing the direct shadow problematic. Following the light transport problematic, we first formalize what are robust direct shadows. We then study existing interactive direct shadow techniques and outline that the real time direct shadow simulation remains an open problem. We show that even the so called physically plausible soft shadow algorithms still rely on approximations. Nevertheless we exhibit that, despite their geometric constraints, object-based approaches seems well suited when targeting accurate solutions. Starting from the previous analyze, we investigate the existing object-based shadow framework and discuss about its robustness issues. We propose a new technique that drastically improve the resulting shadow quality by improving this framework with a penumbra blending stage. We present a practical implementation of this approach. From the obtained results, we outline that, despite desirable properties, the inherent theoretical and implementation limitations reduce the overall quality and performances of the proposed algorithm. We then present a new object-based soft shadow algorithm. It merges the efficiency of the real time object-based shadows with the accuracy of its offline generalization. The proposed algorithm lies onto a new local evaluation of the number of occluders between twotwo points (\ie{} the depth complexity). We describe how we use this algorithm to sample the depth complexity between any visible receiver and the light source. From this information, we compute shadows by either modulate the direct lighting or numerically solve the direct illumination with an accuracy depending on the light sampling strategy. We then propose an extension of our algorithm in order to handle shadows cast by semi opaque occluders. We finally present an efficient implementation of this framework that demonstrates that object-based shadows can be efficiently used on complex dynamic environments. In real time rendering, it is common to represent highly detailed objects with few triangles and transmittance textures that encode their binary opacity. Object-based techniques do not handle such perforated triangles. Due to their nature, they can only evaluate the shadows cast by models whose their shape is explicitly defined by geometric primitives. We describe a new robust object-based algorithm that addresses this main limitation. We outline that this method can be efficiently combine with object-based frameworks in order to evaluate approximative shadows or simulate the direct illumination for both common meshes and perforated triangles. The proposed implementation shows that such combination provides a very strong and efficient direct lighting framework, well suited to many domains ranging from quality sensitive to performance critical applications
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