109 research outputs found

    The Incremental Cooperative Design of Preventive Healthcare Networks

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Soheil Davari, 'The incremental cooperative design of preventive healthcare networks', Annals of Operations Research, first published online 27 June 2017. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 27 June 2018. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2569-1.In the Preventive Healthcare Network Design Problem (PHNDP), one seeks to locate facilities in a way that the uptake of services is maximised given certain constraints such as congestion considerations. We introduce the incremental and cooperative version of the problem, IC-PHNDP for short, in which facilities are added incrementally to the network (one at a time), contributing to the service levels. We first develop a general non-linear model of this problem and then present a method to make it linear. As the problem is of a combinatorial nature, an efficient Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) algorithm is proposed to solve it. In order to gain insight into the problem, the computational studies were performed with randomly generated instances of different settings. Results clearly show that VNS performs well in solving IC-PHNDP with errors not more than 1.54%.Peer reviewe

    On the Unique Features and Benefits of On-Demand Distribution Models

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    To close the gap between current distribution operations and today’s customer expectations, firms need to think differently about how resources are acquired, managed and allocated to fulfill customer requests. Rather than optimize planned resource capacity acquired through ownership or long- term partnerships, this work focuses on a specific supply-side innovation – on-demand distribution platforms. On-demand distribution systems move, store, and fulfill goods by matching autonomous suppliers\u27 resources (warehouse space, fulfillment capacity, truck space, delivery services) to requests on-demand. On-demand warehousing systems can provide resource elasticity by allowing capacity decisions to be made at a finer granularity (at the pallet-level) and commitment (monthly versus yearly), than construct or lease options. However, such systems are inherently more complex than traditional systems, as well as have varying costs and operational structures (e.g., higher variable costs, but little or no fixed costs). New decision- supporting models are needed to capture these trade-offs

    Integrated facility location and capacity planning under uncertainty

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    We address a multi-period facility location problem with two customer segments having distinct service requirements. While customers in one segment receive preferred service, customers in the other segment accept delayed deliveries as long as lateness does not exceed a pre-specified threshold. The objective is to define a schedule for facility deployment and capacity scalability that satisfies all customer demands at minimum cost. Facilities can have their capacities adjusted over the planning horizon through incrementally increasing or reducing the number of modular units they hold. These two features, capacity expansion and capacity contraction, can help substantially improve the flexibility in responding to demand changes. Future customer demands are assumed to be unknown. We propose two different frameworks for planning capacity decisions and present a two-stage stochastic model for each one of them. While in the first model decisions related to capacity scalability are modeled as first-stage decisions, in the second model, capacity adjustments are deferred to the second stage. We develop the extensive forms of the associated stochastic programs for the case of demand uncertainty being captured by a finite set of scenarios. Additional inequalities are proposed to enhance the original formulations. An extensive computational study with randomly generated instances shows that the proposed enhancements are very useful. Specifically, 97.5% of the instances can be solved to optimality in much shorter computing times. Important insights are also provided into the impact of the two different frameworks for planning capacity adjustments on the facility network configuration and its total cost.publishersversionpublishe

    Integrated Models and Tools for Design and Management of Global Supply Chain

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    In modern and global supply chain, the increasing trend toward product variety, level of service, short delivery delay and response time to consumers, highlight the importance to set and configure smooth and efficient logistic processes and operations. In order to comply such purposes the supply chain management (SCM) theory entails a wide set of models, algorithms, procedure, tools and best practices for the design, the management and control of articulated supply chain networks and logistics nodes. The purpose of this Ph.D. dissertation is going in detail on the principle aspects and concerns of supply chain network and warehousing systems, by proposing and illustrating useful methods, procedures and support-decision tools for the design and management of real instance applications, such those currently face by enterprises. In particular, after a comprehensive literature review of the principal warehousing issues and entities, the manuscript focuses on design top-down procedure for both less-than-unit-load OPS and unit-load storage systems. For both, decision-support software platforms are illustrated as useful tools to address the optimization of the warehousing performances and efficiency metrics. The development of such interfaces enables to test the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical top-down procedure with huge real case studies, taken by industry applications. Whether the large part of the manuscript deals with micro concerns of warehousing nodes, also macro issues and aspects related to the planning, design, and management of the whole supply chain are enquired and discussed. The integration of macro criticalities, such as the design of the supply chain infrastructure and the placement of the logistic nodes, with micro concerns, such the design of warehousing nodes and the management of material handling, is addressed through the definition of integrated models and procedures, involving the overall supply chain and the whole product life cycle. A new integrated perspective should be applied in study and planning of global supply chains. Each aspect of the reality influences the others. Each product consumed by a customer tells a story, made by activities, transformations, handling, processes, traveling around the world. Each step of this story accounts costs, time, resources exploitation, labor, waste, pollution. The economical and environmental sustainability of the modern global supply chain is the challenge to face

    Heuristics and Metaheuristics Approaches for Facility Layout Problems: A Survey

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    Facility Layout Problem (FLP) is a NP-hard problem concerned with the arrangement of facilities as to minimize the distance travelled between all pairs of facilities. Many exact and approximate approaches have been proposed with an extensive applicability to deal with this problem. This paper studies the fundamentals of some well-known heuristics and metaheuristics used in solving the FLPs. It is hoped that this paper will trigger researchers for in-depth studies in FLPs looking into more specific interest such as equal or unequal FLPs

    Dynamic Facility Location with Modular Capacities : Models, Algorithms and Applications in Forestry

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    Les dĂ©cisions de localisation sont souvent soumises Ă  des aspects dynamiques comme des changements dans la demande des clients. Pour y rĂ©pondre, la solution consiste Ă  considĂ©rer une flexibilitĂ© accrue concernant l’emplacement et la capacitĂ© des installations. MĂȘme lorsque la demande est prĂ©visible, trouver le planning optimal pour le dĂ©ploiement et l'ajustement dynamique des capacitĂ©s reste un dĂ©fi. Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous concentrons sur des problĂšmes de localisation avec pĂ©riodes multiples, et permettant l'ajustement dynamique des capacitĂ©s, en particulier ceux avec des structures de coĂ»ts complexes. Nous Ă©tudions ces problĂšmes sous diffĂ©rents points de vue de recherche opĂ©rationnelle, en prĂ©sentant et en comparant plusieurs modĂšles de programmation linĂ©aire en nombres entiers (PLNE), l'Ă©valuation de leur utilisation dans la pratique et en dĂ©veloppant des algorithmes de rĂ©solution efficaces. Cette thĂšse est divisĂ©e en quatre parties. Tout d’abord, nous prĂ©sentons le contexte industriel Ă  l’origine de nos travaux: une compagnie forestiĂšre qui a besoin de localiser des campements pour accueillir les travailleurs forestiers. Nous prĂ©sentons un modĂšle PLNE permettant la construction de nouveaux campements, l’extension, le dĂ©placement et la fermeture temporaire partielle des campements existants. Ce modĂšle utilise des contraintes de capacitĂ© particuliĂšres, ainsi qu’une structure de coĂ»t Ă  Ă©conomie d’échelle sur plusieurs niveaux. L'utilitĂ© du modĂšle est Ă©valuĂ©e par deux Ă©tudes de cas. La deuxiĂšme partie introduit le problĂšme dynamique de localisation avec des capacitĂ©s modulaires gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es. Le modĂšle gĂ©nĂ©ralise plusieurs problĂšmes dynamiques de localisation et fournit de meilleures bornes de la relaxation linĂ©aire que leurs formulations spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Le modĂšle peut rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes de localisation oĂč les coĂ»ts pour les changements de capacitĂ© sont dĂ©finis pour toutes les paires de niveaux de capacitĂ©, comme c'est le cas dans le problĂšme industriel mentionnĂ©e ci-dessus. Il est appliquĂ© Ă  trois cas particuliers: l'expansion et la rĂ©duction des capacitĂ©s, la fermeture temporaire des installations, et la combinaison des deux. Nous dĂ©montrons des relations de dominance entre notre formulation et les modĂšles existants pour les cas particuliers. Des expĂ©riences de calcul sur un grand nombre d’instances gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es alĂ©atoirement jusqu’à 100 installations et 1000 clients, montrent que notre modĂšle peut obtenir des solutions optimales plus rapidement que les formulations spĂ©cialisĂ©es existantes. Compte tenu de la complexitĂ© des modĂšles prĂ©cĂ©dents pour les grandes instances, la troisiĂšme partie de la thĂšse propose des heuristiques lagrangiennes. BasĂ©es sur les mĂ©thodes du sous-gradient et des faisceaux, elles trouvent des solutions de bonne qualitĂ© mĂȘme pour les instances de grande taille comportant jusqu’à 250 installations et 1000 clients. Nous amĂ©liorons ensuite la qualitĂ© de la solution obtenue en rĂ©solvent un modĂšle PLNE restreint qui tire parti des informations recueillies lors de la rĂ©solution du dual lagrangien. Les rĂ©sultats des calculs montrent que les heuristiques donnent rapidement des solutions de bonne qualitĂ©, mĂȘme pour les instances oĂč les solveurs gĂ©nĂ©riques ne trouvent pas de solutions rĂ©alisables. Finalement, nous adaptons les heuristiques prĂ©cĂ©dentes pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme industriel. Deux relaxations diffĂ©rentes sont proposĂ©es et comparĂ©es. Des extensions des concepts prĂ©cĂ©dents sont prĂ©sentĂ©es afin d'assurer une rĂ©solution fiable en un temps raisonnable.Location decisions are frequently subject to dynamic aspects such as changes in customer demand. Often, flexibility regarding the geographic location of facilities, as well as their capacities, is the only solution to such issues. Even when demand can be forecast, finding the optimal schedule for the deployment and dynamic adjustment of capacities remains a challenge. In this thesis, we focus on multi-period facility location problems that allow for dynamic capacity adjustment, in particular those with complex cost structures. We investigate such problems from different Operations Research perspectives, presenting and comparing several mixed-integer programming (MIP) models, assessing their use in practice and developing efficient solution algorithms. The thesis is divided into four parts. We first motivate our research by an industrial application, in which a logging company needs to locate camps to host the workers involved in forestry operations. We present a MIP model that allows for the construction of additional camps, the expansion and relocation of existing ones, as well as partial closing and reopening of facilities. The model uses particular capacity constraints that involve integer rounding on the left hand side. Economies of scale are considered on several levels of the cost structure. The usefulness of the model is assessed by two case studies. The second part introduces the Dynamic Facility Location Problem with Generalized Modular Capacities (DFLPG). The model generalizes existing formulations for several dynamic facility location problems and provides stronger linear programming relaxations than the specialized formulations. The model can address facility location problems where the costs for capacity changes are defined for all pairs of capacity levels, as it is the case in the previously introduced industrial problem. It is applied to three special cases: capacity expansion and reduction, temporary facility closing and reopening, and the combination of both. We prove dominance relationships between our formulation and existing models for the special cases. Computational experiments on a large set of randomly generated instances with up to 100 facility locations and 1000 customers show that our model can obtain optimal solutions in shorter computing times than the existing specialized formulations. Given the complexity of such models for large instances, the third part of the thesis proposes efficient Lagrangian heuristics. Based on subgradient and bundle methods, good quality solutions are found even for large-scale instances with up to 250 facility locations and 1000 customers. To improve the final solution quality, a restricted model is solved based on the information collected through the solution of the Lagrangian dual. Computational results show that the Lagrangian based heuristics provide highly reliable results, producing good quality solutions in short computing times even for instances where generic solvers do not find feasible solutions. Finally, we adapt the Lagrangian heuristics to solve the industrial application. Two different relaxations are proposed and compared. Extensions of the previous concepts are presented to ensure a reliable solution of the problem, providing high quality solutions in reasonable computing times

    Fiber optical network design problems : case for Turkey

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 102-110.The problems within scope of this thesis are based on an application arising from one of the largest Internet service providers operating in Turkey. There are mainly two different problems: the green field design and copper field re-design. In the green field design problem, the aim is to design a least cost fiber optical network from scratch that will provide high bandwidth Internet access from a given central station to a set of aggregated demand nodes. Such an access can be provided either directly by installing fibers or indirectly by utilizing passive splitters. Insertion loss, bandwidth level and distance limitations should simultaneously be considered in order to provide a least cost design to enable the required service level. On the other hand, in the re-design of the copper field application, the aim is to improve the current service level by augmenting the network through fiber optical wires. Copper rings in the existing infrastructure are augmented with cabinets and direct fiber links from cabinets to demand nodes provide the required coverage to distant nodes. Mathematical models are constructed for both problem specifications. Extensive computational results based on real data from Kartal (45 points) and Bakırköy (74 points) districts in Istanbul show that the proposed models are viable exact solution methodologies for moderate dimensions.Yazar, BaƟakM.S

    Model and solution methods for some hub location problems

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    In this thesis we study some hub location problems in the context of transportation networks. These are combinatorial optimization problems appearing in situations where there is a need of transporting some traffic, like items, people, and information, from many origins to many destinations. Instead of sending these flows using a direct shipment between all pairs of nodes in the network, a subset of these nodes is selected to use as hubs, with the aim of consolidating and distribute the flows. Thus, hubs induce a subnetwork that sends the traffic more efficiently and at a cheaper cost, allowing economies of scale when large amounts of traffic between nodes on this subnet are transported. We study different variants of hub location problems that try to model several real world situations and characteristics. In all of them, we aim to minimize the cost of sending traffic through the transportation network.In this thesis we study some hub location problems in the context of transportation networks. These are combinatorial optimization problems appearing in situations where there is a need of transporting some traffic, like items, people, and information, from many origins to many destinations. Instead of sending these flows using a direct shipment between all pairs of nodes in the network, a subset of these nodes is selected to use as hubs, with the aim of consolidating and distribute the flows. Thus, hubs induce a subnetwork that sends the traffic more efficiently and at a cheaper cost, allowing economies of scale when large amounts of traffic between nodes on this subnet are transported. We study different variants of hub location problems that try to model several real world situations and characteristics. In all of them, we aim to minimize the cost of sending traffic through the transportation network
