558 research outputs found

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    Interactive Range Queries under Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy approaches employ a curator to control data sharing with analysts without compromising individual privacy. The curator’s role is to guard the data and determine what is appropriate for release using the parameter epsilon to adjust the accuracy of the released data. A low epsilon value provides more privacy, while a higher epsilon value is associated with higher accuracy. Counting queries, which ”count” the number of items in a dataset that meet specific conditions, impose additional restrictions on privacy protection. In particular, if the resulting counts are low, the data released is more specific and can lead to privacy loss. This work addresses privacy challenges in single-attribute counting-range queries by proposing a Workload Partitioning Mechanism (WPM) which generates estimated answers based on query sensitivity. The mechanism is then extended to handle multiple-attribute range queries by preventing interrelated attributes from revealing private information about individuals. Further, the mechanism is paired with access control to improve system privacy and security, thus illustrating its practicality. The work also extends the WPM to reduce the error to be polylogarithmic in the sensitivity degree of the issued queries. This thesis describes the research questions addressed by WPM to date, and discusses future plans to expand the current research tasks toward developing a more efficient mechanism for range queries

    Generating Privacy-Compliant, Utility-Preserving Synthetic Tabular and Relational Datasets Through Deep Learning

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    Due tendenze hanno rapidamente ridefinito il panorama dell'intelligenza artificiale (IA) negli ultimi decenni. La prima è il rapido sviluppo tecnologico che rende possibile un'intelligenza artificiale sempre più sofisticata. Dal punto di vista dell'hardware, ciò include una maggiore potenza di calcolo ed una sempre crescente efficienza di archiviazione dei dati. Da un punto di vista concettuale e algoritmico, campi come l'apprendimento automatico hanno subito un'impennata e le sinergie tra l'IA e le altre discipline hanno portato a sviluppi considerevoli. La seconda tendenza è la crescente consapevolezza della società nei confronti dell'IA. Mentre le istituzioni sono sempre più consapevoli di dover adottare la tecnologia dell'IA per rimanere competitive, questioni come la privacy dei dati e la possibilità di spiegare il funzionamento dei modelli di apprendimento automatico sono diventate parte del dibattito pubblico. L'insieme di questi sviluppi genera però una sfida: l'IA può migliorare tutti gli aspetti della nostra vita, dall'assistenza sanitaria alla politica ambientale, fino alle opportunità commerciali, ma poterla sfruttare adeguatamente richiede l'uso di dati sensibili. Purtroppo, le tecniche di anonimizzazione tradizionali non forniscono una soluzione affidabile a suddetta sfida. Non solo non sono sufficienti a proteggere i dati personali, ma ne riducono anche il valore analitico a causa delle inevitabili distorsioni apportate ai dati. Tuttavia, lo studio emergente dei modelli generativi ad apprendimento profondo (MGAP) può costituire un'alternativa più raffinata all'anonimizzazione tradizionale. Originariamente concepiti per l'elaborazione delle immagini, questi modelli catturano le distribuzioni di probabilità sottostanti agli insiemi di dati. Tali distribuzioni possono essere successivamente campionate, fornendo nuovi campioni di dati, non presenti nel set di dati originale. Tuttavia, la distribuzione complessiva degli insiemi di dati sintetici, costituiti da dati campionati in questo modo, è equivalente a quella del set dei dati originali. In questa tesi, verrà analizzato l'uso dei MGAP come tecnologia abilitante per una più ampia adozione dell'IA. A tal scopo, verrà ripercorsa prima di tutto la legislazione sulla privacy dei dati, con particolare attenzione a quella relativa all'Unione Europea. Nel farlo, forniremo anche una panoramica delle tecnologie tradizionali di anonimizzazione dei dati. Successivamente, verrà fornita un'introduzione all'IA e al deep-learning. Per illustrare i meriti di questo campo, vengono discussi due casi di studio: uno relativo alla segmentazione delle immagini ed uno reltivo alla diagnosi del cancro. Si introducono poi i MGAP, con particolare attenzione agli autoencoder variazionali. L'applicazione di questi metodi ai dati tabellari e relazionali costituisce una utile innovazione in questo campo che comporta l’introduzione di tecniche innovative di pre-elaborazione. Infine, verrà valutata la metodologia sviluppata attraverso esperimenti riproducibili, considerando sia l'utilità analitica che il grado di protezione della privacy attraverso metriche statistiche.Two trends have rapidly been redefining the artificial intelligence (AI) landscape over the past several decades. The first of these is the rapid technological developments that make increasingly sophisticated AI feasible. From a hardware point of view, this includes increased computational power and efficient data storage. From a conceptual and algorithmic viewpoint, fields such as machine learning have undergone a surge and synergies between AI and other disciplines have resulted in considerable developments. The second trend is the growing societal awareness around AI. While institutions are becoming increasingly aware that they have to adopt AI technology to stay competitive, issues such as data privacy and explainability have become part of public discourse. Combined, these developments result in a conundrum: AI can improve all aspects of our lives, from healthcare to environmental policy to business opportunities, but invoking it requires the use of sensitive data. Unfortunately, traditional anonymization techniques do not provide a reliable solution to this conundrum. They are insufficient in protecting personal data, but also reduce the analytic value of data through distortion. However, the emerging study of deep-learning generative models (DLGM) may form a more refined alternative to traditional anonymization. Originally conceived for image processing, these models capture probability distributions underlying datasets. Such distributions can subsequently be sampled, giving new data points not present in the original dataset. However, the overall distribution of synthetic datasets, consisting of data sampled in this manner, is equivalent to that of the original dataset. In our research activity, we study the use of DLGM as an enabling technology for wider AI adoption. To do so, we first study legislation around data privacy with an emphasis on the European Union. In doing so, we also provide an outline of traditional data anonymization technology. We then provide an introduction to AI and deep-learning. Two case studies are discussed to illustrate the field’s merits, namely image segmentation and cancer diagnosis. We then introduce DLGM, with an emphasis on variational autoencoders. The application of such methods to tabular and relational data is novel and involves innovative preprocessing techniques. Finally, we assess the developed methodology in reproducible experiments, evaluating both the analytic utility and the degree of privacy protection through statistical metrics

    Privacy Preservation and Analytical Utility of E-Learning Data Mashups in the Web of Data

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    Virtual learning environments contain valuable data about students that can be correlated and analyzed to optimize learning. Modern learning environments based on data mashups that collect and integrate data from multiple sources are relevant for learning analytics systems because they provide insights into students' learning. However, data sets involved in mashups may contain personal information of sensitive nature that raises legitimate privacy concerns. Average privacy preservation methods are based on preemptive approaches that limit the published data in a mashup based on access control and authentication schemes. Such limitations may reduce the analytical utility of the data exposed to gain students' learning insights. In order to reconcile utility and privacy preservation of published data, this research proposes a new data mashup protocol capable of merging and k-anonymizing data sets in cloud-based learning environments without jeopardizing the analytical utility of the information. The implementation of the protocol is based on linked data so that data sets involved in the mashups are semantically described, thereby enabling their combination with relevant educational data sources. The k-anonymized data sets returned by the protocol still retain essential information for supporting general data exploration and statistical analysis tasks. The analytical and empirical evaluation shows that the proposed protocol prevents individuals' sensitive information from re-identifying.The Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) funded this research through the project CREPES (ref. PID2020-115844RB-I00) with ERDF funds

    Privacy preserving linkage and sharing of sensitive data

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Sensitive data, such as personal and business information, is collected by many service providers nowadays. This data is considered as a rich source of information for research purposes that could benet individuals, researchers and service providers. However, because of the sensitivity of such data, privacy concerns, legislations, and con ict of interests, data holders are reluctant to share their data with others. Data holders typically lter out or obliterate privacy related sensitive information from their data before sharing it, which limits the utility of this data and aects the accuracy of research. Such practice will protect individuals' privacy; however it prevents researchers from linking records belonging to the same individual across dierent sources. This is commonly referred to as record linkage problem by the healthcare industry. In this dissertation, our main focus is on designing and implementing ecient privacy preserving methods that will encourage sensitive information sources to share their data with researchers without compromising the privacy of the clients or aecting the quality of the research data. The proposed solution should be scalable and ecient for real-world deploy- ments and provide good privacy assurance. While this problem has been investigated before, most of the proposed solutions were either considered as partial solutions, not accurate, or impractical, and therefore subject to further improvements. We have identied several issues and limitations in the state of the art solutions and provided a number of contributions that improve upon existing solutions. Our rst contribution is the design of privacy preserving record linkage protocol using semi-trusted third party. The protocol allows a set of data publishers (data holders) who compete with each other, to share sensitive information with subscribers (researchers) while preserving the privacy of their clients and without sharing encryption keys. Our second contribution is the design and implementation of a probabilistic privacy preserving record linkage protocol, that accommodates discrepancies and errors in the data such as typos. This work builds upon the previous work by linking the records that are similar, where the similarity range is formally dened. Our third contribution is a protocol that performs information integration and sharing without third party services. We use garbled circuits secure computation to design and build a system to perform the record linkages between two parties without sharing their data. Our design uses Bloom lters as inputs to the garbled circuits and performs a probabilistic record linkage using the Dice coecient similarity measure. As garbled circuits are known for their expensive computations, we propose new approaches that reduce the computation overhead needed, to achieve a given level of privacy. We built a scalable record linkage system using garbled circuits, that could be deployed in a distributed computation environment like the cloud, and evaluated its security and performance. One of the performance issues for linking large datasets is the amount of secure computation to compare every pair of records across the linked datasets to nd all possible record matches. To reduce the amount of computations a method, known as blocking, is used to lter out as much as possible of the record pairs that will not match, and limit the comparison to a subset of the record pairs (called can- didate pairs) that possibly match. Most of the current blocking methods either require the parties to share blocking keys (called blocks identiers), extracted from the domain of some record attributes (termed blocking variables), or share reference data points to group their records around these points using some similarity measures. Though these methods reduce the computation substantially, they leak too much information about the records within each block. Toward this end, we proposed a novel privacy preserving approximate blocking scheme that allows parties to generate the list of candidate pairs with high accuracy, while protecting the privacy of the records in each block. Our scheme is congurable such that the level of performance and accuracy could be achieved according to the required level of privacy. We analyzed the accuracy and privacy of our scheme, implemented a prototype of the scheme, and experimentally evaluated its accuracy and performance against dierent levels of privacy

    The enablers and implementation model for mobile KMS in Australian healthcare

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    In this research project, the enablers in implementing mobile KMS in Australian regional healthcare will be investigated, and a validated framework and guidelines to assist healthcare in implementing mobile KMS will also be proposed with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes for this study are expected to improve the understanding the enabling factors in implementing mobile KMS in Australian healthcare, as well as provide better guidelines for this process