3,044 research outputs found

    Evaluating Tessellation and Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion in WebGL-Based Real-Time Application

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    abstract: Tessellation and Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion are algorithms which have been widely-used in real-time rendering in the past decade. They aim to enhance the details of the mesh, cast better shadow effects and improve the quality of the rendered images in real time. WebGL is a web-based graphics library derived from OpenGL ES used for rendering in web applications. It is relatively new and has been rapidly evolving, this has resulted in it supporting a subset of rendering features normally supported by desktop applications. In this thesis, the research is focusing on evaluating Curved PN-Triangles tessellation with Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO), Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion (HBAO) and Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion Plus (HBAO+) in WebGL-based real-time application and comparing its performance to desktop based application and to discuss the capabilities, limitations and bottlenecks of WebGL 1.0.Dissertation/ThesisWebGL ProgramOpenGL ProgramMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Applied Visualization in the Neurosciences and the Enhancement of Visualization through Computer Graphics

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    The complexity and size of measured and simulated data in many fields of science is increasing constantly. The technical evolution allows for capturing smaller features and more complex structures in the data. To make this data accessible by the scientists, efficient and specialized visualization techniques are required. Maximum efficiency and value for the user can only be achieved by adapting visualization to the specific application area and the specific requirements of the scientific field. Part I: In the first part of my work, I address the visualization in the neurosciences. The neuroscience tries to understand the human brain; beginning at its smallest parts, up to its global infrastructure. To achieve this ambitious goal, the neuroscience uses a combination of three-dimensional data from a myriad of sources, like MRI, CT, or functional MRI. To handle this diversity of different data types and sources, the neuroscience need specialized and well evaluated visualization techniques. As a start, I will introduce an extensive software called \"OpenWalnut\". It forms the common base for developing and using visualization techniques with our neuroscientific collaborators. Using OpenWalnut, standard and novel visualization approaches are available to the neuroscientific researchers too. Afterwards, I am introducing a very specialized method to illustrate the causal relation of brain areas, which was, prior to that, only representable via abstract graph models. I will finalize the first part of my work with an evaluation of several standard visualization techniques in the context of simulated electrical fields in the brain. The goal of this evaluation was clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the used visualization techniques to the neuroscientific community. We exemplified these, using clinically relevant scenarios. Part II: Besides the data preprocessing, which plays a tremendous role in visualization, the final graphical representation of the data is essential to understand structure and features in the data. The graphical representation of data can be seen as the interface between the data and the human mind. The second part of my work is focused on the improvement of structural and spatial perception of visualization -- the improvement of the interface. Unfortunately, visual improvements using computer graphics methods of the computer game industry is often seen sceptically. In the second part, I will show that such methods can be applied to existing visualization techniques to improve spatiality and to emphasize structural details in the data. I will use a computer graphics paradigm called \"screen space rendering\". Its advantage, amongst others, is its seamless applicability to nearly every visualization technique. I will start with two methods that improve the perception of mesh-like structures on arbitrary surfaces. Those mesh structures represent second-order tensors and are generated by a method named \"TensorMesh\". Afterwards I show a novel approach to optimally shade line and point data renderings. With this technique it is possible for the first time to emphasize local details and global, spatial relations in dense line and point data.In vielen Bereichen der Wissenschaft nimmt die Größe und Komplexität von gemessenen und simulierten Daten zu. Die technische Entwicklung erlaubt das Erfassen immer kleinerer Strukturen und komplexerer Sachverhalte. Um solche Daten dem Menschen zugänglich zu machen, benötigt man effiziente und spezialisierte Visualisierungswerkzeuge. Nur die Anpassung der Visualisierung auf ein Anwendungsgebiet und dessen Anforderungen erlaubt maximale Effizienz und Nutzen für den Anwender. Teil I: Im ersten Teil meiner Arbeit befasse ich mich mit der Visualisierung im Bereich der Neurowissenschaften. Ihr Ziel ist es, das menschliche Gehirn zu begreifen; von seinen kleinsten Teilen bis hin zu seiner Gesamtstruktur. Um dieses ehrgeizige Ziel zu erreichen nutzt die Neurowissenschaft vor allem kombinierte, dreidimensionale Daten aus vielzähligen Quellen, wie MRT, CT oder funktionalem MRT. Um mit dieser Vielfalt umgehen zu können, benötigt man in der Neurowissenschaft vor allem spezialisierte und evaluierte Visualisierungsmethoden. Zunächst stelle ich ein umfangreiches Softwareprojekt namens \"OpenWalnut\" vor. Es bildet die gemeinsame Basis für die Entwicklung und Nutzung von Visualisierungstechniken mit unseren neurowissenschaftlichen Kollaborationspartnern. Auf dieser Basis sind klassische und neu entwickelte Visualisierungen auch für Neurowissenschaftler zugänglich. Anschließend stelle ich ein spezialisiertes Visualisierungsverfahren vor, welches es ermöglicht, den kausalen Zusammenhang zwischen Gehirnarealen zu illustrieren. Das war vorher nur durch abstrakte Graphenmodelle möglich. Den ersten Teil der Arbeit schließe ich mit einer Evaluation verschiedener Standardmethoden unter dem Blickwinkel simulierter elektrischer Felder im Gehirn ab. Das Ziel dieser Evaluation war es, der neurowissenschaftlichen Gemeinde die Vor- und Nachteile bestimmter Techniken zu verdeutlichen und anhand klinisch relevanter Fälle zu erläutern. Teil II: Neben der eigentlichen Datenvorverarbeitung, welche in der Visualisierung eine enorme Rolle spielt, ist die grafische Darstellung essenziell für das Verständnis der Strukturen und Bestandteile in den Daten. Die grafische Repräsentation von Daten bildet die Schnittstelle zum Gehirn des Menschen. Der zweite Teile meiner Arbeit befasst sich mit der Verbesserung der strukturellen und räumlichen Wahrnehmung in Visualisierungsverfahren -- mit der Verbesserung der Schnittstelle. Leider werden viele visuelle Verbesserungen durch Computergrafikmethoden der Spieleindustrie mit Argwohn beäugt. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit werde ich zeigen, dass solche Methoden in der Visualisierung angewendet werden können um den räumlichen Eindruck zu verbessern und Strukturen in den Daten hervorzuheben. Dazu nutze ich ein in der Computergrafik bekanntes Paradigma: das \"Screen Space Rendering\". Dieses Paradigma hat den Vorteil, dass es auf nahezu jede existierende Visualiserungsmethode als Nachbearbeitunsgschritt angewendet werden kann. Zunächst führe ich zwei Methoden ein, die die Wahrnehmung von gitterartigen Strukturen auf beliebigen Oberflächen verbessern. Diese Gitter repräsentieren die Struktur von Tensoren zweiter Ordnung und wurden durch eine Methode namens \"TensorMesh\" erzeugt. Anschließend zeige ich eine neuartige Technik für die optimale Schattierung von Linien und Punktdaten. Mit dieser Technik ist es erstmals möglich sowohl lokale Details als auch globale räumliche Zusammenhänge in dichten Linien- und Punktdaten zu erfassen

    High quality rendering of protein dynamics in space filling mode

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    Producing high quality depictions of molecular structures has been an area of academic interest for years, with visualisation tools such as UCSF Chimera, Yasara and PyMol providing a huge number of different rendering modes and lighting effects. However, no visualisation program supports per-pixel lighting effects with shadows whilst rendering a molecular trajectory in space filling mode. In this paper, a new approach to rendering high quality visualisations of molecular trajectories is presented. To enhance depth, ambient occlusion is included within the render. Shadows are also included to help the user perceive relative motions of parts of the protein as they move based on their trajectories. Our approach requires a regular grid to be constructed every time the molecular structure deforms allowing per-pixel lighting effects and ambient occlusion to be rendered every frame, at interactive refresh rates. Two different regular grids are investigated, a fixed grid and a memory efficient compact grid. The algorithms used allow trajectories of proteins comprising of up to 300,000 atoms in size to be rendered at ninety frames per second on a desktop computer using the GPU for general purpose computations. Regular grid construction was found to only take up a small proportion of the total time to render a frame. It was found that despite being slower to construct, the memory efficient compact grid outperformed the theoretically faster fixed grid when the protein being rendered is large, owing to its more efficient memory access patterns. The techniques described could be implemented in other molecular rendering software

    Enhanced perception in volume visualization

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    Due to the nature of scientic data sets, the generation of convenient visualizations may be a difficult task, but crucial to correctly convey the relevant information of the data. When working with complex volume models, such as the anatomical ones, it is important to provide accurate representations, since a misinterpretation can lead to serious mistakes while diagnosing a disease or planning surgery. In these cases, enhancing the perception of the features of interest usually helps to properly understand the data. Throughout years, researchers have focused on different methods to improve the visualization of volume data sets. For instance, the definition of good transfer functions is a key issue in Volume Visualization, since transfer functions determine how materials are classified. Other approaches are based on simulating realistic illumination models to enhance the spatial perception, or using illustrative effects to provide the level of abstraction needed to correctly interpret the data. This thesis contributes with new approaches to enhance the visual and spatial perception in Volume Visualization. Thanks to the new computing capabilities of modern graphics hardware, the proposed algorithms are capable of modifying the illumination model and simulating illustrative motifs in real time. In order to enhance local details, which are useful to better perceive the shape and the surfaces of the volume, our first contribution is an algorithm that employs a common sharpening operator to modify the lighting applied. As a result, the overall contrast of the visualization is enhanced by brightening the salient features and darkening the deeper regions of the volume model. The enhancement of depth perception in Direct Volume Rendering is also covered in the thesis. To do this, we propose two algorithms to simulate ambient occlusion: a screen-space technique based on using depth information to estimate the amount of light occluded, and a view-independent method that uses the density values of the data set to estimate the occlusion. Additionally, depth perception is also enhanced by adding halos around the structures of interest. Maximum Intensity Projection images provide a good understanding of the high intensity features of the data, but lack any contextual information. In order to enhance the depth perception in such a case, we present a novel technique based on changing how intensity is accumulated. Furthermore, the perception of the spatial arrangement of the displayed structures is also enhanced by adding certain colour cues. The last contribution is a new manipulation tool designed for adding contextual information when cutting the volume. Based on traditional illustrative effects, this method allows the user to directly extrude structures from the cross-section of the cut. As a result, the clipped structures are displayed at different heights, preserving the information needed to correctly perceive them.Debido a la naturaleza de los datos científicos, visualizarlos correctamente puede ser una tarea complicada, pero crucial para interpretarlos de forma adecuada. Cuando se trabaja con modelos de volumen complejos, como es el caso de los modelos anatómicos, es importante generar imágenes precisas, ya que una mala interpretación de las mismas puede producir errores graves en el diagnóstico de enfermedades o en la planificación de operaciones quirúrgicas. En estos casos, mejorar la percepción de las zonas de interés, facilita la comprensión de la información inherente a los datos. Durante décadas, los investigadores se han centrado en el desarrollo de técnicas para mejorar la visualización de datos volumétricos. Por ejemplo, los métodos que permiten definir buenas funciones de transferencia son clave, ya que éstas determinan cómo se clasifican los materiales. Otros ejemplos son las técnicas que simulan modelos de iluminación realista, que permiten percibir mejor la distribución espacial de los elementos del volumen, o bien los que imitan efectos ilustrativos, que proporcionan el nivel de abstracción necesario para interpretar correctamente los datos. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis se centra en mejorar la percepción de los elementos del volumen, ya sea modificando el modelo de iluminación aplicado en la visualización, o simulando efectos ilustrativos. Aprovechando la capacidad de cálculo de los nuevos procesadores gráficos, se describen un conjunto de algoritmos que permiten obtener los resultados en tiempo real. Para mejorar la percepción de detalles locales, proponemos modificar el modelo de iluminación utilizando una conocida herramienta de procesado de imágenes (unsharp masking). Iluminando aquellos detalles que sobresalen de las superficies y oscureciendo las zonas profundas, se mejora el contraste local de la imagen, con lo que se consigue realzar los detalles de superficie. También se presentan diferentes técnicas para mejorar la percepción de la profundidad en Direct Volume Rendering. Concretamente, se propone modificar la iluminación teniendo en cuenta la oclusión ambiente de dos maneras diferentes: la primera utiliza los valores de profundidad en espacio imagen para calcular el factor de oclusión del entorno de cada pixel, mientras que la segunda utiliza los valores de densidad del volumen para aproximar dicha oclusión en cada vóxel. Además de estas dos técnicas, también se propone mejorar la percepción espacial y de la profundidad de ciertas estructuras mediante la generación de halos. La técnica conocida como Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) permite visualizar los elementos de mayor intensidad del volumen, pero no aporta ningún tipo de información contextual. Para mejorar la percepción de la profundidad, proponemos una nueva técnica basada en cambiar la forma en la que se acumula la intensidad en MIP. También se describe un esquema de color para mejorar la percepción espacial de los elementos visualizados. La última contribución de la tesis es una herramienta de manipulación directa de los datos, que permite preservar la información contextual cuando se realizan cortes en el modelo de volumen. Basada en técnicas ilustrativas tradicionales, esta técnica permite al usuario estirar las estructuras visibles en las secciones de los cortes. Como resultado, las estructuras de interés se visualizan a diferentes alturas sobre la sección, lo que permite al observador percibirlas correctamente


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    Ambient occlusion and shadows for molecular graphics

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    Computer based visualisations of molecules have been produced as early as the 1950s to aid researchers in their understanding of biomolecular structures. An important consideration for Molecular Graphics software is the ability to visualise the 3D structure of the molecule in a clear manner. Recent advancements in computer graphics have led to improved rendering capabilities of the visualisation tools. The capabilities of current shading languages allow the inclusion of advanced graphic effects such as ambient occlusion and shadows that greatly improve the comprehension of the 3D shapes of the molecules. This thesis focuses on finding improved solutions to the real time rendering of Molecular Graphics on modern day computers. The methods of calculating ambient occlusion and both hard and soft shadows are examined and implemented to give the user a more complete experience when navigating large molecular structures

    Aetherius: Real-Time Volumetric Cloud Generation Tool for Unity

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    This thesis describes the development of Aetherius, a Unity tool which can generate and visualize virtually endless and unique cloudscapes in real-time dynamically; The resulting tool can be used in videogames to easily and quickly create immersive and dynamic skies without wasting resources in the development of a dedicated system. Developing a volumetric cloud system is complicated and especially small studios do not have the resources to create such systems for their skies. The objective of this project is to provide an accessible and easy to use alternative for small studios and indie developers to turn static, boring and featureless skies into high quality ones. In this document the problems encountered during the development of the tool and the techniques used to generate, render and optimize cloudscapes are described; to test the tool’s usefulness this project includes the creation of a small demo application

    Evaluation of Physical Finger Input Properties for Precise Target Selection

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    The multitouch tabletop display provides a collaborative workspace for multiple users around a table. Users can perform direct and natural multitouch interaction to select target elements using their bare fingers. However, physical size of fingertip varies from one person to another which generally introduces a fat finger problem. Consequently, it creates the imprecise selection of small size target elements during direct multitouch input. In this respect, an attempt is made to evaluate the physical finger input properties i.e. contact area and shape in the context of imprecise selection
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