38 research outputs found

    Deep Learning in Cardiology

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    The medical field is creating large amount of data that physicians are unable to decipher and use efficiently. Moreover, rule-based expert systems are inefficient in solving complicated medical tasks or for creating insights using big data. Deep learning has emerged as a more accurate and effective technology in a wide range of medical problems such as diagnosis, prediction and intervention. Deep learning is a representation learning method that consists of layers that transform the data non-linearly, thus, revealing hierarchical relationships and structures. In this review we survey deep learning application papers that use structured data, signal and imaging modalities from cardiology. We discuss the advantages and limitations of applying deep learning in cardiology that also apply in medicine in general, while proposing certain directions as the most viable for clinical use.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, 10 table

    Precision Medicine in Glaucoma: Artificial Intelligence, Biomarkers, Genetics and Redox State

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    Glaucoma is a multifactorial neurodegenerative illness requiring early diagnosis and strict monitoring of the disease progression. Current exams for diagnosis and prognosis are based on clinical examination, intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements, visual field tests, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). In this scenario, there is a critical unmet demand for glaucoma-related biomarkers to enhance clinical testing for early diagnosis and tracking of the disease’s development. The introduction of validated biomarkers would allow for prompt intervention in the clinic to help with prognosis prediction and treatment response monitoring. This review aims to report the latest acquisitions on biomarkers in glaucoma, from imaging analysis to genetics and metabolic markers

    Towards PACE-CAD Systems

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    Despite phenomenal advancements in the availability of medical image datasets and the development of modern classification algorithms, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) has had limited practical exposure in the real-world clinical workflow. This is primarily because of the inherently demanding and sensitive nature of medical diagnosis that can have far-reaching and serious repercussions in case of misdiagnosis. In this work, a paradigm called PACE (Pragmatic, Accurate, Confident, & Explainable) is presented as a set of some of must-have features for any CAD. Diagnosis of glaucoma using Retinal Fundus Images (RFIs) is taken as the primary use case for development of various methods that may enrich an ordinary CAD system with PACE. However, depending on specific requirements for different methods, other application areas in ophthalmology and dermatology have also been explored. Pragmatic CAD systems refer to a solution that can perform reliably in day-to-day clinical setup. In this research two, of possibly many, aspects of a pragmatic CAD are addressed. Firstly, observing that the existing medical image datasets are small and not representative of images taken in the real-world, a large RFI dataset for glaucoma detection is curated and published. Secondly, realising that a salient attribute of a reliable and pragmatic CAD is its ability to perform in a range of clinically relevant scenarios, classification of 622 unique cutaneous diseases in one of the largest publicly available datasets of skin lesions is successfully performed. Accuracy is one of the most essential metrics of any CAD system's performance. Domain knowledge relevant to three types of diseases, namely glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), and skin lesions, is industriously utilised in an attempt to improve the accuracy. For glaucoma, a two-stage framework for automatic Optic Disc (OD) localisation and glaucoma detection is developed, which marked new state-of-the-art for glaucoma detection and OD localisation. To identify DR, a model is proposed that combines coarse-grained classifiers with fine-grained classifiers and grades the disease in four stages with respect to severity. Lastly, different methods of modelling and incorporating metadata are also examined and their effect on a model's classification performance is studied. Confidence in diagnosing a disease is equally important as the diagnosis itself. One of the biggest reasons hampering the successful deployment of CAD in the real-world is that medical diagnosis cannot be readily decided based on an algorithm's output. Therefore, a hybrid CNN architecture is proposed with the convolutional feature extractor trained using point estimates and a dense classifier trained using Bayesian estimates. Evaluation on 13 publicly available datasets shows the superiority of this method in terms of classification accuracy and also provides an estimate of uncertainty for every prediction. Explainability of AI-driven algorithms has become a legal requirement after Europe’s General Data Protection Regulations came into effect. This research presents a framework for easy-to-understand textual explanations of skin lesion diagnosis. The framework is called ExAID (Explainable AI for Dermatology) and relies upon two fundamental modules. The first module uses any deep skin lesion classifier and performs detailed analysis on its latent space to map human-understandable disease-related concepts to the latent representation learnt by the deep model. The second module proposes Concept Localisation Maps, which extend Concept Activation Vectors by locating significant regions corresponding to a learned concept in the latent space of a trained image classifier. This thesis probes many viable solutions to equip a CAD system with PACE. However, it is noted that some of these methods require specific attributes in datasets and, therefore, not all methods may be applied on a single dataset. Regardless, this work anticipates that consolidating PACE into a CAD system can not only increase the confidence of medical practitioners in such tools but also serve as a stepping stone for the further development of AI-driven technologies in healthcare

    Deep Learning Techniques for Automated Analysis and Processing of High Resolution Medical Imaging

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación . 5009V01[Abstract] Medical imaging plays a prominent role in modern clinical practice for numerous medical specialties. For instance, in ophthalmology, different imaging techniques are commonly used to visualize and study the eye fundus. In this context, automated image analysis methods are key towards facilitating the early diagnosis and adequate treatment of several diseases. Nowadays, deep learning algorithms have already demonstrated a remarkable performance for different image analysis tasks. However, these approaches typically require large amounts of annotated data for the training of deep neural networks. This complicates the adoption of deep learning approaches, especially in areas where large scale annotated datasets are harder to obtain, such as in medical imaging. This thesis aims to explore novel approaches for the automated analysis of medical images, particularly in ophthalmology. In this regard, the main focus is on the development of novel deep learning-based approaches that do not require large amounts of annotated training data and can be applied to high resolution images. For that purpose, we have presented a novel paradigm that allows to take advantage of unlabeled complementary image modalities for the training of deep neural networks. Additionally, we have also developed novel approaches for the detailed analysis of eye fundus images. In that regard, this thesis explores the analysis of relevant retinal structures as well as the diagnosis of different retinal diseases. In general, the developed algorithms provide satisfactory results for the analysis of the eye fundus, even when limited annotated training data is available.[Resumen] Las técnicas de imagen tienen un papel destacado en la práctica clínica moderna de numerosas especialidades médicas. Por ejemplo, en oftalmología es común el uso de diferentes técnicas de imagen para visualizar y estudiar el fondo de ojo. En este contexto, los métodos automáticos de análisis de imagen son clave para facilitar el diagnóstico precoz y el tratamiento adecuado de diversas enfermedades. En la actualidad, los algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo ya han demostrado un notable rendimiento en diferentes tareas de análisis de imagen. Sin embargo, estos métodos suelen necesitar grandes cantidades de datos etiquetados para el entrenamiento de las redes neuronales profundas. Esto complica la adopción de los métodos de aprendizaje profundo, especialmente en áreas donde los conjuntos masivos de datos etiquetados son más difíciles de obtener, como es el caso de la imagen médica. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo explorar nuevos métodos para el análisis automático de imagen médica, concretamente en oftalmología. En este sentido, el foco principal es el desarrollo de nuevos métodos basados en aprendizaje profundo que no requieran grandes cantidades de datos etiquetados para el entrenamiento y puedan aplicarse a imágenes de alta resolución. Para ello, hemos presentado un nuevo paradigma que permite aprovechar modalidades de imagen complementarias no etiquetadas para el entrenamiento de redes neuronales profundas. Además, también hemos desarrollado nuevos métodos para el análisis en detalle de las imágenes del fondo de ojo. En este sentido, esta tesis explora el análisis de estructuras retinianas relevantes, así como el diagnóstico de diferentes enfermedades de la retina. En general, los algoritmos desarrollados proporcionan resultados satisfactorios para el análisis de las imágenes de fondo de ojo, incluso cuando la disponibilidad de datos de entrenamiento etiquetados es limitada.[Resumo] As técnicas de imaxe teñen un papel destacado na práctica clínica moderna de numerosas especialidades médicas. Por exemplo, en oftalmoloxía é común o uso de diferentes técnicas de imaxe para visualizar e estudar o fondo de ollo. Neste contexto, os métodos automáticos de análises de imaxe son clave para facilitar o diagn ostico precoz e o tratamento adecuado de diversas enfermidades. Na actualidade, os algoritmos de aprendizaxe profunda xa demostraron un notable rendemento en diferentes tarefas de análises de imaxe. Con todo, estes métodos adoitan necesitar grandes cantidades de datos etiquetos para o adestramento das redes neuronais profundas. Isto complica a adopción dos métodos de aprendizaxe profunda, especialmente en áreas onde os conxuntos masivos de datos etiquetados son máis difíciles de obter, como é o caso da imaxe médica. Esta tese ten como obxectivo explorar novos métodos para a análise automática de imaxe médica, concretamente en oftalmoloxía. Neste sentido, o foco principal é o desenvolvemento de novos métodos baseados en aprendizaxe profunda que non requiran grandes cantidades de datos etiquetados para o adestramento e poidan aplicarse a imaxes de alta resolución. Para iso, presentamos un novo paradigma que permite aproveitar modalidades de imaxe complementarias non etiquetadas para o adestramento de redes neuronais profundas. Ademais, tamén desenvolvemos novos métodos para a análise en detalle das imaxes do fondo de ollo. Neste sentido, esta tese explora a análise de estruturas retinianas relevantes, así como o diagnóstico de diferentes enfermidades da retina. En xeral, os algoritmos desenvolvidos proporcionan resultados satisfactorios para a análise das imaxes de fondo de ollo, mesmo cando a dispoñibilidade de datos de adestramento etiquetados é limitada

    A survey on artificial intelligence in histopathology image analysis

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    The increasing adoption of the whole slide image (WSI) technology in histopathology has dramatically transformed pathologists' workflow and allowed the use of computer systems in histopathology analysis. Extensive research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a huge progress has been conducted resulting in efficient, effective, and robust algorithms for several applications including cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. These algorithms offer highly accurate predictions but lack transparency, understandability, and actionability. Thus, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques are needed not only to understand the mechanism behind the decisions made by AI methods and increase user trust but also to broaden the use of AI algorithms in the clinical setting. From the survey of over 150 papers, we explore different AI algorithms that have been applied and contributed to the histopathology image analysis workflow. We first address the workflow of the histopathological process. We present an overview of various learning-based, XAI, and actionable techniques relevant to deep learning methods in histopathological imaging. We also address the evaluation of XAI methods and the need to ensure their reliability on the field

    Automating the eye examination using optical coherence tomography

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices are becoming ubiquitous in eye clinics worldwide to aid the diagnosis and monitoring of eye disease. Much of this uptake relates to the ability to non-invasively capture micron-resolution images, enabling objective and quantitative data to be obtained from ocular structures. Although safe and reasonably quick to perform, the costs involved with operating OCT devices are not trivial, and the requirement for OCT and other imaging in addition to other clinical measures is placing increasing demand on ophthalmology clinics, contributing to fragmented patient pathways and often extended waiting times. In this thesis, a novel “binocular optical coherence tomography” system that seeks to overcome some of the limitations of current commercial OCT systems, is clinically evaluated. This device incorporates many aspects of the eye examination into a single patient-operated instrument, and aims to improve the efficiency and quality of eye care while reducing the overall labour and equipment costs. A progressive framework of testing is followed that includes human factors and usability testing, followed by early stage diagnostic studies to assess the agreement, repeatability, and reproducibility of individual diagnostic features. Health economics analysis of the retinal therapy clinic is used to model cost effectiveness of current practice and with binocular OCT implementation. The binocular OCT and development of other low-cost OCT systems may improve accessibility, however there remains a relative shortage of experts to interpret the images. Artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to play a role in rapid and automated image classification. This thesis explores the application of AI within retinal therapy clinics to predict the onset of exudative age-related macular degeneration in fellow eyes of patients undergoing treatment in their first eye. Together with automated and simultaneous imaging of both eyes with binocular OCT and the potential for low-cost patient-facing systems, AI is likely to have a role in personalising management plans, especially in a future where preventive treatments are available

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis