752 research outputs found

    Face Alignment Assisted by Head Pose Estimation

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    In this paper we propose a supervised initialization scheme for cascaded face alignment based on explicit head pose estimation. We first investigate the failure cases of most state of the art face alignment approaches and observe that these failures often share one common global property, i.e. the head pose variation is usually large. Inspired by this, we propose a deep convolutional network model for reliable and accurate head pose estimation. Instead of using a mean face shape, or randomly selected shapes for cascaded face alignment initialisation, we propose two schemes for generating initialisation: the first one relies on projecting a mean 3D face shape (represented by 3D facial landmarks) onto 2D image under the estimated head pose; the second one searches nearest neighbour shapes from the training set according to head pose distance. By doing so, the initialisation gets closer to the actual shape, which enhances the possibility of convergence and in turn improves the face alignment performance. We demonstrate the proposed method on the benchmark 300W dataset and show very competitive performance in both head pose estimation and face alignment.Comment: Accepted by BMVC201

    Synergistic Visualization And Quantitative Analysis Of Volumetric Medical Images

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    The medical diagnosis process starts with an interview with the patient, and continues with the physical exam. In practice, the medical professional may require additional screenings to precisely diagnose. Medical imaging is one of the most frequently used non-invasive screening methods to acquire insight of human body. Medical imaging is not only essential for accurate diagnosis, but also it can enable early prevention. Medical data visualization refers to projecting the medical data into a human understandable format at mediums such as 2D or head-mounted displays without causing any interpretation which may lead to clinical intervention. In contrast to the medical visualization, quantification refers to extracting the information in the medical scan to enable the clinicians to make fast and accurate decisions. Despite the extraordinary process both in medical visualization and quantitative radiology, efforts to improve these two complementary fields are often performed independently and synergistic combination is under-studied. Existing image-based software platforms mostly fail to be used in routine clinics due to lack of a unified strategy that guides clinicians both visually and quan- titatively. Hence, there is an urgent need for a bridge connecting the medical visualization and automatic quantification algorithms in the same software platform. In this thesis, we aim to fill this research gap by visualizing medical images interactively from anywhere, and performing a fast, accurate and fully-automatic quantification of the medical imaging data. To end this, we propose several innovative and novel methods. Specifically, we solve the following sub-problems of the ul- timate goal: (1) direct web-based out-of-core volume rendering, (2) robust, accurate, and efficient learning based algorithms to segment highly pathological medical data, (3) automatic landmark- ing for aiding diagnosis and surgical planning and (4) novel artificial intelligence algorithms to determine the sufficient and necessary data to derive large-scale problems

    A Taxonomy of Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for Computer Vision

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    Traditional architectures for solving computer vision problems and the degree of success they enjoyed have been heavily reliant on hand-crafted features. However, of late, deep learning techniques have offered a compelling alternative -- that of automatically learning problem-specific features. With this new paradigm, every problem in computer vision is now being re-examined from a deep learning perspective. Therefore, it has become important to understand what kind of deep networks are suitable for a given problem. Although general surveys of this fast-moving paradigm (i.e. deep-networks) exist, a survey specific to computer vision is missing. We specifically consider one form of deep networks widely used in computer vision - convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We start with "AlexNet" as our base CNN and then examine the broad variations proposed over time to suit different applications. We hope that our recipe-style survey will serve as a guide, particularly for novice practitioners intending to use deep-learning techniques for computer vision.Comment: Published in Frontiers in Robotics and AI (http://goo.gl/6691Bm

    Feature extraction on faces : from landmark localization to depth estimation

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    Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur les algorithmes d'apprentissage qui extraient les caractéristiques importantes des visages. Les caractéristiques d’intérêt principal sont des points clés; La localisation en deux dimensions (2D) ou en trois dimensions (3D) de traits importants du visage telles que le centre des yeux, le bout du nez et les coins de la bouche. Les points clés sont utilisés pour résoudre des tâches complexes qui ne peuvent pas être résolues directement ou qui requièrent du guidage pour l’obtention de performances améliorées, telles que la reconnaissance de poses ou de gestes, le suivi ou la vérification du visage. L'application des modèles présentés dans cette thèse concerne les images du visage; cependant, les algorithmes proposés sont plus généraux et peuvent être appliqués aux points clés de d'autres objets, tels que les mains, le corps ou des objets fabriqués par l'homme. Cette thèse est écrite par article et explore différentes techniques pour résoudre plusieurs aspects de la localisation de points clés. Dans le premier article, nous démêlons l'identité et l'expression d'un visage donné pour apprendre une distribution à priori sur l'ensemble des points clés. Cette distribution à priori est ensuite combinée avec un classifieur discriminant qui apprend une distribution de probabilité indépendante par point clé. Le modèle combiné est capable d'expliquer les différences dans les expressions pour une même représentation d'identité. Dans le deuxième article, nous proposons une architecture qui vise à conserver les caractéristiques d’images pour effectuer des tâches qui nécessitent une haute précision au niveau des pixels, telles que la localisation de points clés ou la segmentation d’images. L’architecture proposée extrait progressivement les caractéristiques les plus grossières dans les étapes d'encodage pour obtenir des informations plus globales sur l’image. Ensuite, il étend les caractéristiques grossières pour revenir à la résolution de l'image originale en recombinant les caractéristiques du chemin d'encodage. Le modèle, appelé Réseaux de Recombinaison, a obtenu l’état de l’art sur plusieurs jeux de données, tout en accélérant le temps d’apprentissage. Dans le troisième article, nous visons à améliorer la localisation des points clés lorsque peu d'images comportent des étiquettes sur des points clés. En particulier, nous exploitons une forme plus faible d’étiquettes qui sont plus faciles à acquérir ou plus abondantes tel que l'émotion ou la pose de la tête. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une architecture permettant la rétropropagation du gradient des étiquettes les plus faibles à travers des points clés, ainsi entraînant le réseau de localisation des points clés. Nous proposons également une composante de coût non supervisée qui permet des prédictions de points clés équivariantes en fonction des transformations appliquées à l'image, sans avoir les vraies étiquettes des points clés. Ces techniques ont considérablement amélioré les performances tout en réduisant le pourcentage d'images étiquetées par points clés. Finalement, dans le dernier article, nous proposons un algorithme d'apprentissage permettant d'estimer la profondeur des points clés sans aucune supervision de la profondeur. Nous y parvenons en faisant correspondre les points clés de deux visages en les transformant l'un vers l'autre. Cette transformation nécessite une estimation de la profondeur sur un visage, ainsi que une transformation affine qui transforme le premier visage au deuxième. Nous démontrons que notre formulation ne nécessite que la profondeur et que les paramètres affines peuvent être estimés avec un solution analytique impliquant les points clés augmentés par profondeur. Même en l'absence de supervision directe de la profondeur, la technique proposée extrait des valeurs de profondeur raisonnables qui diffèrent des vraies valeurs de profondeur par un facteur d'échelle et de décalage. Nous démontrons des applications d'estimation de profondeur pour la tâche de rotation de visage, ainsi que celle d'échange de visage.This thesis focuses on learning algorithms that extract important features from faces. The features of main interest are landmarks; the two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D) locations of important facial features such as eye centers, nose tip, and mouth corners. Landmarks are used to solve complex tasks that cannot be solved directly or require guidance for enhanced performance, such as pose or gesture recognition, tracking, or face verification. The application of the models presented in this thesis is on facial images; however, the algorithms proposed are more general and can be applied to the landmarks of other forms of objects, such as hands, full body or man-made objects. This thesis is written by article and explores different techniques to solve various aspects of landmark localization. In the first article, we disentangle identity and expression of a given face to learn a prior distribution over the joint set of landmarks. This prior is then merged with a discriminative classifier that learns an independent probability distribution per landmark. The merged model is capable of explaining differences in expressions for the same identity representation. In the second article, we propose an architecture that aims at uncovering image features to do tasks that require high pixel-level accuracy, such as landmark localization or image segmentation. The proposed architecture gradually extracts coarser features in its encoding steps to get more global information over the image and then it expands the coarse features back to the image resolution by recombining the features of the encoding path. The model, termed Recombinator Networks, obtained state-of-the-art on several datasets, while also speeding up training. In the third article, we aim at improving landmark localization when only a few images with labelled landmarks are available. In particular, we leverage a weaker form of data labels that are easier to acquire or more abundantly available such as emotion or head pose. To do so, we propose an architecture to backpropagate gradients of the weaker labels through landmarks, effectively training the landmark localization network. We also propose an unsupervised loss component which makes equivariant landmark predictions with respect to transformations applied to the image without having ground truth landmark labels. These techniques improved performance considerably when we have a low percentage of labelled images with landmarks. Finally, in the last article, we propose a learning algorithm to estimate the depth of the landmarks without any depth supervision. We do so by matching landmarks of two faces through transforming one to another. This transformation requires estimation of depth on one face and an affine transformation that maps the first face to the second one. Our formulation, which only requires depth estimation and affine parameters, can be estimated as a closed form solution of the 2D landmarks and the estimated depth. Even without direct depth supervision, the proposed technique extracts reasonable depth values that differ from the ground truth depth values by a scale and a shift. We demonstrate applications of the estimated depth in face rotation and face replacement tasks
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