28 research outputs found

    Approximating tensor product Bézier surfaces with tangent plane continuity

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    AbstractWe present a simple method for degree reduction of tensor product Bézier surfaces with tangent plane continuity in L2-norm. Continuity constraints at the four corners of surfaces are considered, so that the boundary curves preserve endpoints continuity of any order α. We obtain matrix representations for the control points of the degree reduced surfaces by the least-squares method. A simple optimization scheme that minimizes the perturbations of some related control points is proposed, and the surface patches after adjustment are C∞ continuous in the interior and G1 continuous at the common boundaries. We show that this scheme is applicable to surface patches defined on chessboard-like domains

    Integrated structural analysis using isogeometric finite element methods

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    The gradual digitization in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry over the past fifty years led to an extremely heterogeneous software environment, which today is embodied by the multitude of different digital tools and proprietary data formats used by the many specialists contributing to the design process in a construction project. Though these projects become increasingly complex, the demands on financial efficiency and the completion within a tight schedule grow at the same time. The digital collaboration of project partners has been identified as one key issue in successfully dealing with these challenges. Yet currently, the numerous software applications and their respective individual views on the design process severely impede that collaboration. An approach to establish a unified basis for the digital collaboration, regardless of the existing software heterogeneity, is a comprehensive digital building model contributed to by all projects partners. This type of data management known as building information modeling (BIM) has many benefits, yet its adoption is associated with many difficulties and thus, proceeds only slowly. One aspect in the field of conflicting requirements on such a digital model is the cooperation of architects and structural engineers. Traditionally, these two disciplines use different abstractions of reality for their models that in consequence lead to incompatible digital representations thereof. The onset of isogeometric analysis (IGA) promised to ease the discrepancy in design and analysis model representations. Yet, that initial focus quickly shifted towards using these methods as a more powerful basis for numerical simulations. Furthermore, the isogeometric representation alone is not capable of solving the model abstraction problem. It is thus the intention of this work to contribute to an improved digital collaboration of architects and engineers by exploring an integrated analysis approach on the basis of an unified digital model and solid geometry expressed by splines. In the course of this work, an analysis framework is developed that utilizes such models to automatically conduct numerical simulations commonly required in construction projects. In essence, this allows to retrieve structural analysis results from BIM models in a fast and simple manner, thereby facilitating rapid design iterations and profound design feedback. The BIM implementation Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is reviewed with regard to its capabilities of representing the unified model. The current IFC schema strongly supports the use of redundant model data, a major pitfall in digital collaboration. Additionally, it does not allow to describe the geometry by volumetric splines. As the pursued approach builds upon a unique model for both, architectural and structural design, and furthermore requires solid geometry, necessary schema modifications are suggested. Structural entities are modeled by volumetric NURBS patches, each of which constitutes an individual subdomain that, with regard to the analysis, is incompatible with the remaining full model. The resulting consequences for numerical simulation are elaborated in this work. The individual subdomains have to be weakly coupled, for which the mortar method is used. Different approaches to discretize the interface traction fields are implemented and their respective impact on the analysis results is evaluated. All necessary coupling conditions are automatically derived from the related geometry model. The weak coupling procedure leads to a linear system of equations in saddle point form, which, owed to the volumetric modeling, is large in size and, the associated coefficient matrix has, due to the use of higher degree basis functions, a high bandwidth. The peculiarities of the system require adapted solution methods that generally cause higher numerical costs than the standard procedures for symmetric, positive-definite systems do. Different methods to solve the specific system are investigated and an efficient parallel algorithm is finally proposed. When the structural analysis model is derived from the unified model in the BIM data, it does in general initially not meet the requirements on the discretization that are necessary to obtain sufficiently accurate analysis results. The consequently necessary patch refinements must be controlled automatically to allowfor an entirely automatic analysis procedure. For that purpose, an empirical refinement scheme based on the geometrical and possibly mechanical properties of the specific entities is proposed. The level of refinement may be selectively manipulated by the structural engineer in charge. Furthermore, a Zienkiewicz-Zhu type error estimator is adapted for the use with isogeometric analysis results. It is shown that also this estimator can be used to steer an adaptive refinement procedure

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Fabrication of curved shells plays an important role in modern design, industry, and science. Among their remarkable properties are, for example, aesthetics of organic shapes, ability to evenly distribute loads, or efficient flow separation. They find applications across vast length scales ranging from sky-scraper architecture to microscopic devices. But, at the same time, the design of curved shells and their manufacturing process pose a variety of challenges. In this thesis, they are addressed from several perspectives. In particular, this thesis presents approaches based on the transformation of initially flat sheets into the target curved surfaces. This involves problems of interactive design of shells with nontrivial mechanical constraints, inverse design of complex structural materials, and data-driven modeling of delicate and time-dependent physical properties. At the same time, two newly-developed self-morphing mechanisms targeting flat-to-curved transformation are presented. In architecture, doubly curved surfaces can be realized as cold bent glass panelizations. Originally flat glass panels are bent into frames and remain stressed. This is a cost-efficient fabrication approach compared to hot bending, when glass panels are shaped plastically. However such constructions are prone to breaking during bending, and it is highly nontrivial to navigate the design space, keeping the panels fabricable and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. We introduce an interactive design system for cold bent glass façades, while previously even offline optimization for such scenarios has not been sufficiently developed. Our method is based on a deep learning approach providing quick and high precision estimation of glass panel shape and stress while handling the shape multimodality. Fabrication of smaller objects of scales below 1 m, can also greatly benefit from shaping originally flat sheets. In this respect, we designed new self-morphing shell mechanisms transforming from an initial flat state to a doubly curved state with high precision and detail. Our so-called CurveUps demonstrate the encodement of the geometric information into the shell. Furthermore, we explored the frontiers of programmable materials and showed how temporal information can additionally be encoded into a flat shell. This allows prescribing deformation sequences for doubly curved surfaces and, thus, facilitates self-collision avoidance enabling complex shapes and functionalities otherwise impossible. Both of these methods include inverse design tools keeping the user in the design loop

    2D and 3D surface image processing algorithms and their applications

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    This doctoral dissertation work aims to develop algorithms for 2D image segmentation application of solar filament disappearance detection, 3D mesh simplification, and 3D image warping in pre-surgery simulation. Filament area detection in solar images is an image segmentation problem. A thresholding and region growing combined method is proposed and applied in this application. Based on the filament area detection results, filament disappearances are reported in real time. The solar images in 1999 are processed with this proposed system and three statistical results of filaments are presented. 3D images can be obtained by passive and active range sensing. An image registration process finds the transformation between each pair of range views. To model an object, a common reference frame in which all views can be transformed must be defined. After the registration, the range views should be integrated into a non-redundant model. Optimization is necessary to obtain a complete 3D model. One single surface representation can better fit to the data. It may be further simplified for rendering, storing and transmitting efficiently, or the representation can be converted to some other formats. This work proposes an efficient algorithm for solving the mesh simplification problem, approximating an arbitrary mesh by a simplified mesh. The algorithm uses Root Mean Square distance error metric to decide the facet curvature. Two vertices of one edge and the surrounding vertices decide the average plane. The simplification results are excellent and the computation speed is fast. The algorithm is compared with six other major simplification algorithms. Image morphing is used for all methods that gradually and continuously deform a source image into a target image, while producing the in-between models. Image warping is a continuous deformation of a: graphical object. A morphing process is usually composed of warping and interpolation. This work develops a direct-manipulation-of-free-form-deformation-based method and application for pre-surgical planning. The developed user interface provides a friendly interactive tool in the plastic surgery. Nose augmentation surgery is presented as an example. Displacement vector and lattices resulting in different resolution are used to obtain various deformation results. During the deformation, the volume change of the model is also considered based on a simplified skin-muscle model

    Rationalization with ruled surfaces in architecture

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    Parallel H-Matrices accelerated isogeometric boundary element method implementation applied to acoustics internal and external problems

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2020.Uma implementação paralela da formulação do método dos elementos de contorno isogeométrico acelerada pelas matrizes hierárquicas é apresentada neste trabalho. A implementação está disponível online em github.com/alvarocafe/BEM\textunderscore base e contém testes baseados em problemas de acústica interna e externa para os quais soluções analíticas estão disponíveis. A formulação descrita nesse trabalho utiliza curvas de Bézier obtidas de NURBS através de um procedimento de extração de Bézier. Arquivos de CAD com especificações abertas como IGES em geral utilizam curvas NURBS que podem ser utilizadas para a extração, mas um editor de NURBS em Julia é apresentado para construir os modelos utilizados nesse trabalho. É possível também obter os pontos de controle, pesos e ordem de curvas específicas NURBS e obter a representação como curvas de Bézier sem prejuizo em precisão ou continuidade. Uma vez que o domínio é representado como um retalho de curvas ou superfícies de Bézier, esse retalho compõe o contorno da representação direta do método dos elementos de contorno. O domínio consiste no volume apontado pelo vetor oposto ao vetor unitário normal no contorno. Cada curva de Bézier pode ser considerada como um elemento de contorno, com o cuidado de não se utilizar os pontos de controle como os pontos de colocação, pois eles podem e muitas vezes não se encontram no contorno, e sim construir pontos posicionados de forma conveniente na curva. Sendo as condições de contorno aplicadas a elementos individuais, o resultado é um sistema linear N×NN\times N, sendo NN o número de curvas de Bézier que compõe o contorno. A montagem do sistema é realizada através de matrizes hierárquicas por interpolação utilizando polinômios de Lagrange. Isso significa que as as matrizes de influência serão representadas como matrizes de baixo rank, especificamente, como um produto matricial de outras pequenas matrizes, chamadas blocos. Essa representação é conveniente pois a memória necessária para armazenar uma matriz é reduzida, de acordo com o rank dessa matriz. Utilizando esse método, a matriz de influência completa nunca é armazenada, uma vez que o sistema linear é resolvido utilizando o método dos mínimos resíduos generalizados. Esse procedimento permite que problemas maiores sejam resolvidos para uma mesma configuração de hardware. A implementação é utilizada para resolver um problema inverso usando algoritmos genéticos para obter a configuração de um modelo axissimétrico tridimensional a partir da informação do fluxo acústico em pontos discretos. A otimização foi utilizada para inferir a configuração de um trato vocal utilizando apenas 20 pontos de informação do fluxo acústico em uma linha reta entre a glote e a boca. Um levitador acústico não resonante foi implementado experimentalmente e numericamente e a resposta acústica é comparada com imagens obtidas pelo método de Schlirien com boa concordância. O levitador utilizado é baseado no projeto TinyLev, que usa 72 transdutores ultrassônicos ao invés de falantes de Langevin para produzir a levitação. O levitador é modelado utilizando o BEM e uma bancada experimental é apresentada para providenciar imagens de Schlirien da onda acústica estacionária.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).A parallel implementation of the hierarchical matrices accelerated isogeometric boundary element method formulation is presented in this work. The implementation is available online in github.com/alvarocafe/BEM_base and contains tests based on internal and acoustic problems analytical solutions. The formulation described in this work utilises Bézier curves obtained from NURBS through a Bézier extraction procedure. CAD files with open specifications such as IGES uses NURBS curves from which Bézier patches may be extracted, but a NURBS editor in Julia is presented to build the models used in this work. It's possible to obtain control points, weights and curve degrees such that there is no loss in precision or continuity of the curve. Once the domain is represented as a Bézier patch, this patch is used as the boundary of the direct boundary element method. The volume in the direction the unit normal vector to the boundary is the domain of interest. Each Bézier curve may be considered a boundary element, with the care to no use control points as collocation points, as they may reside outside of the domain, but to position the points conveniently on the curve. As the boundary conditions are applied on individual elements results in a N×NN\times N linear system, for NN elements. The system is built using hierarchical matrices using interpolation by Lagrange polynomials. This means that the influence matrices are represented as low-rank, specifically as a matrix product of smaller matrices, called blocks. This representation is convenient as the memory necessary to store the matrix is reduced, accordingly to the its rank. Using this procedure, the full influence matrix is never stored, as the linear system is solved using the generalized minimal residual method. Such procedure allows larger problems to be solved for a given hardware configuration. The implementation was used to solve an inverse method optimization using genetic algorithms to obtain the geometric configuration of a three-dimensional axissymetrical model using only acoustic information. The optimization was used to infer the configuration of a vocal tract using only 20 points of acoustic flux information, displayed in a straight line from the glottis to the mouth. A non-resonant acoustic levitator model was also implemented and the resulting acoustic response is compared to Schlirien imaging showing good accordance. The levitator is based on the TinyLev project, which uses 72 ultrassonic transducers opposed to Langevin horns to produce acoustic levitation. The levitator is modeled using the BEM and an experimental bench is presented to provide Schlirien imaging of the standing acoustic wave

    A Parametrization-Based Surface Reconstruction System for Triangular Mesh Simplification with Application to Large Scale Scenes

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    The laser scanner is nowadays widely used to capture the geometry of art, animation maquettes, or large architectural, industrial, and land form models. It thus poses specific problems depending on the model scale. This thesis provides a solution for simplification of triangulated data and for surface reconstruction of large data sets, where feature edges provide an obvious segmentation structure. It also explores a new method for model segmentation, with the goal of applying multiresolution techniques to data sets characterized by curvy areas and the lack of clear demarcation features. The preliminary stage of surface segmentation, which takes as input single or multiple scan data files, generates surface patches which are processed independently. The surface components are mapped onto a two-dimensional domain with boundary constraints, using a novel parametrization weight coefficient. This stage generates valid parameter domain points, which can be fed as arguments to parametric modeling functions or surface approximation schemes. On this domain, our approach explores two types of remeshing. First, we generate points in a regular grid pattern, achieving multiresolution through a flexible grid step, which nevertheless is designed to produce a globally uniform resampling aspect. In this case, for reconstruction, we attempt to solve the open problem of border reconciliation across adjacent domains by retriangulating the border gap between the grid and the fixed irregular border. Alternatively, we straighten the domain borders in the parameter domain and coarsely triangulate the resulting simplified polygons, resampling the base domain triangles in a 1-4 subdivision pattern, achieving multiresolution from the number of subdivision steps. For mesh reconstruction, we use a linear interpolation method based on the original mesh triangles as control points on local planes, using a saved triangle correspondence between the original mesh and the parametric domain. We also use a region-wide approximation method, applied to the parameter grid points, which first generates data-trained control points, and then uses them to obtain the reconstruction values at the resamples. In the grid resampling scheme, due to the border constraints, the reassembly of the segmented, sequentially processed data sets is seamless. In the subdivision scheme, we align adjacent border fragments in the parameter space, and use a region-to-fragment map to achieve the same border reconstruction across two neighboring components. We successfully process data sets up to 1,000,000 points in one pass of our program, and are capable of assembling larger scenes from sequential runs. Our program consists of a single run, without intermediate storage. Where we process large input data files, we fragment the input using a nested application of our segmentation algorithm to reduce the size of the input scenes, and our pipeline reassembles the reconstruction output from multiple data files into a unique view

    New strategies for curve and arbitrary-topology surface constructions for design

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    This dissertation presents some novel constructions for curves and surfaces with arbitrary topology in the context of geometric modeling. In particular, it deals mainly with three intimately connected topics that are of interest in both theoretical and applied research: subdivision surfaces, non-uniform local interpolation (in both univariate and bivariate cases), and spaces of generalized splines. Specifically, we describe a strategy for the integration of subdivision surfaces in computer-aided design systems and provide examples to show the effectiveness of its implementation. Moreover, we present a construction of locally supported, non-uniform, piecewise polynomial univariate interpolants of minimum degree with respect to other prescribed design parameters (such as support width, order of continuity and order of approximation). Still in the setting of non-uniform local interpolation, but in the case of surfaces, we devise a novel parameterization strategy that, together with a suitable patching technique, allows us to define composite surfaces that interpolate given arbitrary-topology meshes or curve networks and satisfy both requirements of regularity and aesthetic shape quality usually needed in the CAD modeling framework. Finally, in the context of generalized splines, we propose an approach for the construction of the optimal normalized totally positive (B-spline) basis, acknowledged as the best basis of representation for design purposes, as well as a numerical procedure for checking the existence of such a basis in a given generalized spline space. All the constructions presented here have been devised keeping in mind also the importance of application and implementation, and of the related requirements that numerical procedures must satisfy, in particular in the CAD context

    BEST : Bézier-Enhanced Shell Triangle : a new rotation-free thin shell finite element

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    A new thin shell finite element is presented. This new element doesn’ t have rotational degrees of freedom. Instead, in order to overcome the C1 continuity requirement across elements, the author resorts to enhance the geometric description of the flat triangles of a mesh made out of linear triangles, by means of Bernstein polynomials and triangular Bernstein-Bézier patches. The author estimates the surface normals at the nodes of a mesh of triangles, in order to use them to define the Bernstein-Bézier patches. Ubach, Estruch and García-Espinosa performed a comprehensive statistical comparison of different weighting factors. The conclusion of that work is that the inverse of the area of the circumscribed circle to the triangle and the internal angle of the triangle at the node considered, should be used as weighting factor. Using this new weighting factor, we reduce by about 10% the root mean square error in the estimation of normals of randomly generated surfaces with respect to the previous best weighting factor found in the literature. The author uses the information of the normal vectors at the nodes and the triangular Bernstein-Bézier patches to build cubic Bézier triangles. These cubic Bézier triangles are surface interpolants; C1 continuous at the nodes and C0 continuous across the edges. Owing to this approach, the new element is called Bézier-enhanced shell triangle (BEST). The BEST element takes advantage of all the nodes’ connectivities in each triangle of the mesh. The computation of the normal vectors at the nodes doesn’ t depend on the number of triangles surrounding each node of the mesh. The BEST element is independent from the mesh topology. A new paradigm is presented consisting on the reconstruction of the geometry of a cubic triangular element. This geometric reconstruction exploits the properties of cubic B-spline functions (cubic Bézier triangle). This way, the author builds a conforming continuum-based shell finite element. A cubic Bézier triangle has 30 parameters (3 coordinates for each of the 10 control points). Therefore it needs to apply 30 independent conditions. 15 of these conditions are given directly by the positions of the 3 vertices of the triangle and the orientations of the normal vectors at the 3 vertices. 8 of the remaining conditions are imposed introducing energy minimization considerations. These energy minimization considerations serve also to define a well-posed element. The author defines 3 different reduced problems for the 3 different shell deformation modes: bending deformation, membrane (in-plane extension) deformation and in-plane shear (drilling rotation) deformation. The only degrees of freedom of the BEST element are the vertices’ coordinates (9 variables). The remaining 21 parameters are solved internally. In order to fix the values of these 21 internal parameters, each BEST element solves 9 systems of linear equations of rank 3. The BEST element is successfully applied to the analysis of thin shells in linear and geometrically non-linear regimes using an implicit method. The non-linearity is solved using a Total Lagrangian formulation. The author succeeds at pre-integrating through-the-thickness efficiently and accurately. The through-the-thickness integrals are evaluated just once: at the reference configuration. There are just 14 through-the-thickness scalar integrals to perform for each Gauss point. The numerical examples results show that the BEST element has the potential to achieve cubic convergence. Although they also cast doubts on the possibility of reproducing this result for a wide range of problems. For in-plane shear dominated problems, the formulation used in this thesis only achieves linear convergence. For membrane oriented tests with curvature, the convergence is quadratic. The BEST element exhibits membrane locking behavior. The author suggests exploiting further the drilling rotations kinematics in order to solve membrane locking.Se presenta un nuevo elemento finito de lámina delgada. Este nuevo elemento no usa rotaciones como grados de libertad. En su lugar, para sortear el requisito de mantener continuidad C1 entre elementos, el autor mejora la descripción geométrica de los triángulos planos de una malla de triángulos lineales, por medio de polinomios de Bernstein y particiones triangulares de Bernstein-Bézier. Para definir las particiones de Bernstein-Bézier, el autor estima las normales a la superficie en los nodos de una malla de triángulos. Ubach, Estruch y García-Espinosa hicieron una comparación estadística exhaustiva entre distintos factores de ponderación. La conclusión de dicho trabajo conduce a usar como factor de ponderación: el inverso del área de la circunferencia circunscrita al triángulo y el ángulo interno del triángulo en el nodo considerado. Con este nuevo factor de ponderación, se reduce en aproximadamente un 10% el error medio cuadrático cometido en la estimación de las normales de superficies generadas aleatoriamente, respecto del mejor factor usado previamente en la literatura. Con la información de los vectores normales en los nodos, el autor construye triángulos cúbicos de Bézier. Estos triángulos cúbicos de Bézier interpolan la superficie; con continuidad C1 en los nodos y C0 en las aristas. En virtud a este planteamiento, el nuevo elemento recibe el nombre de BEST. El elemento BEST aprovecha todas las conectividades nodales de cada triángulo de la malla. El número de triángulos que rodean cada nodo de la malla no afecta al cálculo de los vectores normales. El elemento BEST es independiente de la topología de la malla. Se propone un nuevo paradigma que consiste en reconstruir la geometría de un elemento triangular cúbico. Esta reconstrucción geométrica aprovecha las propiedades de las funciones cúbicas B-spline (triángulo cúbico de Bézier). Así, el autor crea un elemento de lámina conforme basado en el continuo. Un triángulo cúbico de Bézier tiene 30 parámetros (3 coordenadas para cada uno de los 10 puntos de control). Es necesario aplicar 30 condiciones independientes. 15 de estas condiciones se deducen de la posición de los 3 vértices del triángulo y de los vectores normales en los 3 vértices. De las otras 15 condiciones, 8 se obtienen a partir de criterios de minimización de la energía. Estos criterios de minimización de la energía sirven para definir un elemento bien planteado. El autor desarrolla 3 problemas reducidos para los 3 modos de deformación de la lámina: deformación de flexión, de membrana (extensión en el plano) y de cortante en el plano (rotación de taladro). Los únicos grados de libertad del elemento BEST son las posiciones de los vértices (9 variables). Los otros 21 parámetros se resuelven internamente. Para obtener estos 21 parámetros internos, hay que resolver 9 sistemas de ecuaciones lineales de rango 3 para cada elemento BEST. Se ha aplicado el elemento BEST con éxito al cálculo de láminas delgadas en régimen lineal y geométricamente no-lineal con un método implícito. La no-linealidad se plantea con una formulación Lagrangiana total. Se demuestra cómo pre-integrar en el espesor de manera eficiente y precisa. Solo es preciso evaluar las integrales en el espesor una vez: en la configuración de referencia. Solo hay 14 integrales escalares en el espesor para cada punto de Gauss. Los ejemplos numéricos muestran que el elemento BEST tiene potencial para converger cúbicamente. Pero también existen dudas sobre la capacidad de reproducir de manera consistente este resultado en un amplio rango de problemas. En problemas dominados por la deformación de cortante en el plano, la formulación utilizada en esta tesis solo alcanza convergencia lineal. En ejemplos orientados a la deformación de membrana que incluyen curvatura, la convergencia es cuadrática. El elemento BEST sufre de bloqueo por membrana. El autor sugiere desarrollar más profundamente la cinemática de las rotaciones de taladro para resolver el bloqueo por membrana.Es presenta un nou element finit de làmina prima. Aquest nou element no fa servir rotacions com a graus de llibertat. Enlloc d'això, per esquivar el requisit de mantenir continuïtat C1 entre els elements, l'autor millora la descripció geomètrica dels triangles plans d'una malla de triangles lineals, mitjançant polinomis de Bernstein i particions triangulars de Bernstein-Bézier.Per definir les particions de Bernstein-Bézier, l'autor estima les normals a la superfície en els nodes d'una malla de triangles. Ubach, Estruch i García-Espinosa varen fer una comparació estadística exhaustiva entre diferents factors de ponderació. La conclusió d'aquest treball condueix a fer servir com a factor de ponderació: l'invers de l'àrea de la circumferència circumscrita al triangle i l'angle intern del triangle en el node considerat. Amb aquest nou factor de ponderació, es redueix aproximadament en un 10% l'error quadràtic mig comès en l'estimació de les normals de superfícies generades aleatòriament, respecte del millor factor usat prèviament a la literatura.Amb la informació dels vectors normals en els nodes, l'autor construeix triangles cúbics de Bézier. Aquests triangles cúbics de Bézier interpolen la superfície; amb continuïtat C1 als nodes i C0 a les arestes. En virtut d'aquest plantejament, el nou element rep el nom de BEST (Bézier-enhanced shell triangle).L'element BEST aprofita totes les connectivitats nodals de cada triangle de la malla. El nombre de triangles que envolten cada node de la malla no afecta al càlcul dels vectors normals. L'element BEST és independent de la topologia de la malla.Es proposa un nou paradigma que consisteix en reconstruir la geometria d'un element triangular cúbic. Aquesta reconstrucció geomètrica aprofita les propietats de les funcions cúbiques B-spline (triangle cúbic de Bézier). D'aquesta manera l'autor crea un element de làmina que és conforme i basat en el continu.Un triangle cúbic de Bézier té 30 paràmetres (3 coordenades per cadascun dels 10 punts de control). Cal aplicar 30 condicions independents. 15 d'aquestes condicions es dedueixen de la posició dels 3 vèrtexs del triangle i dels vectors normals en els 3 vèrtexs.De les 15 condicions restants, 8 s'obtenen a partir de criteris de minimització de l'energia. Aquests criteris de minimització de l'energia serveixen per definir un element ben plantejat. L'autor desenvolupa 3 problemes reduïts per als 3 modes de deformació de la làmina: deformació de flexió, de membrana (extensió en el pla) i de tallant en el pla (rotació de barrina).Els únics graus de llibertat de l'element BEST són les posicions dels vèrtexs (9 variables). Els altres 21 paràmetres es resolen internament. Per obtenir aquests 21 paràmetres interns, cal resoldre 9 sistemes d'equacions lineals de rang 3 per cada element BEST.S'ha aplicat l'element BEST amb èxit al càlcul de làmines primes en règim lineal i geomètricament no-lineal fent servir un mètode implícit. La no-linealitat es planteja amb una formulació Lagrangiana total. Es demostra com es pot pre-integrar a través del gruix de manera eficient i precisa. Només cal avaluar les integrals a través del gruix un cop: a la configuració de referència. Només hi ha 14 integrals escalars a través del gruix per a cada punt de Gauss. Els exemples numèrics mostren que l'element BEST té potencial per convergir cúbicament. Però també hi ha dubtes de que aquest resultat es pugui reproduir de manera consistent per un ventall ampli de problemes. En problemes dominats per la deformació de tallant en el pla, la formulació emprada en aquesta tesi només assoleix convergència lineal. En exemples orientats a la deformació de membrana que incloguin curvatura, la convergència és quadràtica. L'element BEST pateix de bloqueig per membrana. L'autor suggereix desenvolupar en més profunditat la cinemàtica de les rotacions de barrina per resoldre el bloqueig per membrana