54 research outputs found

    Type-2 neutrosophic number based multi-attributive border approximation area comparison (MABAC) approach for offshore wind farm site selection in USA.

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    The technical, logistical, and ecological challenges associated with offshore wind development necessitate an extensive site selection analysis. Technical parameters such as wind resource, logistical concerns such as distance to shore, and ecological considerations such as fisheries all must be evaluated and weighted, in many cases with incomplete or uncertain data. Making such a critical decision with severe potential economic and ecologic consequences requires a strong decision-making approach to ultimately guide the site selection process. This paper proposes a type-2 neutrosophic number (T2NN) fuzzy based multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model for offshore wind farm (OWF) site selection. This approach combines the advantages of neutrosophic numbers sets, which can utilize uncertain and incomplete information, with a multi-attributive border approximation area comparison that provides formulation flexibility and easy calculation. Further, this study develops and integrates a techno-economic model for OWFs in the decision-making. A case study is performed to evaluate and rank five proposed OWF sites off the coast of New Jersey. To validate the proposed model, a comparison against three alternative T2NN fuzzy based models is performed. It is demonstrated that the implemented model yields the same ranking order as the alternative approaches. Sensitivity analysis reveals that changing criteria weightings does not affect the ranking order

    State of Art of Plithogeny Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods

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    Plithogenic sets coined by Smarandache in the year 2018 has unveiled new research opportunities in the field of Multi criteria decision making (MCDM). The contributions and developments of new decision making approaches based on plithogeny is gaining high momentum presently. The theoretical conceptualization of different phenomenon with plithogenic sets are also applied in designing optimal solutions to the decision making problems. This review paper presents the applications of plithogenic MCDM from the year 2018 to till date in almost all the spheres of decision making scenario. The literature works of the researchers presented in this paper will certainly portray the compatibility and flexibility of plithogenic sets, operators and other decision making tools. Though the time span considered for counting on the plithogeny based works is short, the applications of plithogenic sets are growing many in number and also plithogeny based theories are amplifying in a speedy manner. This has motivated the authors to investigate on the proliferation of plithogeny applications in decision making. This review paper has focused on the dimensions of different fields to which plithogeny is applied, new plithogeny based theories, extension of plithogeny, plithogenic based operators and measures. In addition to it the data on the publications of plithogeny based articles and interests of researchers are also presented as a part of this review work. The overall impact of plithogeny in the arena of decision making science and on the researchers of the same field is well sketched in this paper with the intention and hope of inspiring plithogenic researchers

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    Bibliometric analysis of scientific production on methods to aid decision making in the last 40 years

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    Purpose: Multicriteria methods have gained traction in both academia and industry practices for effective decision-making over the years. This bibliometric study aims to explore and provide an overview of research carried out on multicriteria methods, in its various aspects, over the past forty-four years. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were searched for publications from January 1945 to April 29, 2021, on multicriteria methods in titles, abstracts, and keywords. The bibliographic data were analyzed using the R bibliometrix package. Findings: This bibliometric study asserts that 29,050 authors have produced 20,861 documents on the theme of multicriteria methods in 131 countries in the last forty-four years. Scientific production in this area grows at a rate of 13.88 per year. China is the leading country in publications with 14.14%; India with 10.76%; and Iran with 8.09%. Islamic Azad University leads others with 504 publications, followed by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University with 456 and the National Institute of Technology with 336. As for journals, Expert Systems With Applications; Sustainability; and Journal of Cleaner Production are the leading journals, which account for more than 4.67% of all indexed literature. Furthermore, Zavadskas E. and Wang J have the highest publications in the multicriteria methods domain regarding the authors. Regarding the most commonly used multicriteria decision-making methods, AHP is the most favored approach among the ten countries with the most publications in this research area, followed by TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE, and ANP. Practical implications: The bibliometric literature review method allows the researchers to explore the multicriteria research area more extensively than the traditional literature review method. It enables a large dataset of bibliographic records to be systematically analyzed through statistical measures, yielding informative insights. Originality/value: The usefulness of this bibliometric study is summed in presenting an overview of the topic of the multicriteria methods during the previous forty-four years, allowing other academics to use this research as a starting point for their research

    An Integrated Decision-Making Method Based on Neutrosophic Numbers for Investigating Factors of Coastal Erosion

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    The recent boom of various integrated decision-making methods has attracted many researchers to the field. The recent integrated Analytic Network Process and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (ANP–DEMATEL) methods were developed based on crisp numbers and fuzzy numbers. However, these numbers are incapable of dealing with the indeterminant and inconsistent information that exists in real-life problems

    The application of z-numbers in fuzzy decision making: The state of the art

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    A Z-number is very powerful in describing imperfect information, in which fuzzy numbers are paired such that the partially reliable information is properly processed. During a decision-making process, human beings always use natural language to describe their preferences, and the decision information is usually imprecise and partially reliable. The nature of the Z-number, which is composed of the restriction and reliability components, has made it a powerful tool for depicting certain decision information. Its strengths and advantages have attracted many researchers worldwide to further study and extend its theory and applications. The current research trend on Z-numbers has shown an increasing interest among researchers in the fuzzy set theory, especially its application to decision making. This paper reviews the application of Z-numbers in decision making, in which previous decision-making models based on Z-numbers are analyzed to identify their strengths and contributions. The decision making based on Z-numbers improves the reliability of the decision information and makes it more meaningful. Another scope that is closely related to decision making, namely, the ranking of Z-numbers, is also reviewed. Then, the evaluative analysis of the Z-numbers is conducted to evaluate the performance of Z-numbers in decision making. Future directions and recommendations on the applications of Z-numbers in decision making are provided at the end of this review

    Green supplier selection based on CODAS method in probabilistic uncertain linguistic environment

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    Probabilistic uncertain linguistic sets (PULTSs) have widely been used in MADM or MAGDM. The CODAS method, which is a novel MADM or MAGDM tool, aims to acquire the optimal choice which have the largest Euclidean & Hamming distances from the NIS. This paper designs the probabilistic uncertain linguistic CODAS (PUL-CODAS) method with sine entropy weight. Finally, a numerical example for green supplier selection is given and the obtained results are compared with some existing models. First published online 05 February 202

    EDAS method for multiple attribute group decision making with probabilistic dual hesitant fuzzy information and its application to suppliers selection

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    Probabilistic dual hesitant fuzzy set (PDHFS) is a more powerful and important tool to describe uncertain information regarded as generalization of hesitant fuzzy set (HFS) and dual HFS (DHFS), not only reflects the hesitant attitude of decision-makers (DMs), but also reflects the probability information of DMs. Score function of fuzzy number and weighting method are very important in multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) issues. In many fuzzy environments, the score function and entropy measure have been proposed one after another. Firstly, based on the detailed analysis of the existed score function of PDHF element (PDHFE) and with the help of previous references, we build a novel score function for PDHFE. Secondly, a combined weighting method is built based on the minimum identification information principle by fusing PDHF entropy and Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) method. Thirdly, a novel PDHF MAGDM approach (PDHF-EDAS) is built by extending evaluation based on distance from average solution (EDAS) approach to the PDHF environment to solve the issue that the decision attribute information is PDHFE. Finally, the practicability and effectiveness of the PDHF MAGDM technique is verified by suppliers selection (SS) and comparing analysis with existing methods. First published online 23 January 202

    Current Application Fields of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE: A Literature Review

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    Multi-criteria decision making techniques are widely used today. In this study, it was examined the current usage areas of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, which are in the class of outranking-based multiple criteria decision techniques, in Turkey and the world. In this regard, the studies carried out in 2016 and the first four months of 2017 were scanned with the help of Google Scholar. Thus, it is aimed to put forward the latest state of development of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE, and to give an idea about their future application forms and fields. As a result, it was seen that application problems of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE in various fields was tried to remove, and designed appropriate methods for special cases in studies. Furthermore, evaluation according to scenario variations, solving complex decision problems with metaheuristics, common usage of hesitant fuzzy implementations, proliferation of group decision preference, increasing the number of applications of hybrid techniques, used softwares, sensitivity analyses, two linguistic approaches taking an important place in fuzzification have been identified as remarkable results

    Life cycle assessment applied to the sustainable design of prestressed bridges in coastal environment

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La sostenibilidad ha ido adquiriendo una presencia relevante en nuestra sociedad desde su primera definición en 1987 por parte de la Comisión Brundtland. Desde entonces, la comunidad científica ha llevado a cabo importantes esfuerzos en el desarrollo de normativas, herramientas y criterios para lograr diseños en esa línea. A pesar de ello, estos esfuerzos no han sido suficientes para lograr trazar un futuro realmente sostenible a corto plazo. Como respuesta al estado actual e insuficiente de desarrollo, las Naciones Unidas han establecido recientemente los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, los cuales deben alcanzarse en 2030. En dichos Objetivos se atiende explícitamente al papel de las infraestructuras, que se revelan como elementos clave para asegurar la consecución de los mencionados Objetivos. Sin embargo, a pesar de las relevantes implicaciones del diseño de infraestructuras, y a pesar de que la mayoría de las infraestructuras están diseñadas para servir a un grupo significativo de personas durante un periodo intergeneracional de tiempo, el diseño sostenible y resiliente de infraestructuras todavía carece de una metodología estandarizada que considere sus ciclos de vida desde una perspectiva holística. En la actualidad, tanto las metodologías de evaluación del ciclo de vida ambiental como las económicas muestran un estado de desarrollo relativamente maduro. Sin embargo, la dimensión social todavía se considera en estado embrionario, comprometiendo por tanto el empleo de métodos de evaluación multidimensionales de la sostenibilidad. La presente tesis propone una metodología extendida basada en la norma ISO 14040 de enfoque puramente medioambiental para evaluar la sostenibilidad del ciclo de vida de las infraestructuras mediante la consideración simultánea y coherente de las tres dimensiones de la misma, a saber, el medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Se propone aquí una nueva metodología para evaluar las infraestructuras desde la dimensión social, integrando al mismo tiempo dichas evaluaciones en un marco basado en la norma ISO 14040. A continuación, se aplica una técnica de toma de decisión multicriterio para integrar las tres perspectivas. Con el fin de tener en cuenta las incertidumbres no probabilísticas implicadas en la asignación de pesos al emplear dichas técnicas, se propone aquí un nuevo enfoque neutrosófico para la determinación de los pesos resultantes de la aplicación de la técnica AHP con grupos de decisores. Se ha considerado como caso de estudio el diseño sostenible de un puente de hormigón pretensado en un entorno costero para construir la metodología propuesta. El enfoque holístico en la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de las infraestructuras se revela esencial frente a las habituales evaluaciones basadas únicamente en la consideración de la dimensión medioambiental. Se ha observado que el mantenimiento preventivo resulta más sostenible a lo largo del ciclo de vida en comparación con las estrategias de mantenimiento reactivo. Esta tesis proporciona una guía para el diseño sostenible de estructuras de hormigón, aunque la metodología sugerida puede aplicarse a cualquier tipo de infraestructura.[CA] La sostenibilitat ha anat adquirint una presència rellevant en la nostra societat des de la seva primera definició el 1987 per part de la Comissió Brundtland. Des de llavors, la comunitat científica ha dut a terme importants esforços en el desenvolupament de normatives, eines i criteris per aconseguir dissenys sostenibles. Tot i això, aquests esforços no han estat suficients per aconseguir traçar un futur realment sostenible a curt termini. Com a resposta a l'estat actual i insuficient de desenvolupament, les Nacions Unides han establert recentment els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible, els quals s'han d'assolir en 2030. En aquests Objectius s'atén explícitament al paper de les infraestructures, que es revelen com a elements clau per assegurar la consecució dels esmentats Objectius. No obstant això, tot i les rellevants implicacions del disseny d'infraestructures, i tot i que la majoria de les infraestructures estan dissenyades per servir a un grup significatiu de persones durant un període intergeneracional de temps, el disseny sostenible i resilient d'infraestructures encara no té una metodologia estandarditzada per determinar la seva sostenibilitat al llarg dels seus cicles de vida des d'una perspectiva holística. En l'actualitat, tant les metodologies d'avaluació del cicle de vida ambiental com les econòmiques mostren un estat de desenvolupament relativament madur. No obstant això, la dimensió social encara es considera en estat embrionari, comprometent per tant el desenvolupament de mètodes d'avaluació multidimensionals de la sostenibilitat. La present tesi proposa una metodologia basada en la norma ISO 14040 d'orientació mediambiental per avaluar la sostenibilitat del cicle de vida de les infraestructures mitjançant la consideració simultània i coherent de les tres dimensions de la sostenibilitat, és a dir, el medi ambient, l'economia i la societat. Es proposa aquí una nova metodologia per avaluar les infraestructures des de la dimensió social, integrant al mateix temps aquestes avaluacions en un marc basat en la norma ISO 14040. A continuació, s'aplica una tècnica de presa de decisió multicriteri per integrar les tres dimensions de la sostenibilitat. Per tal de tenir en compte les incerteses no probabilístiques implicades en l'assignació de pesos a l'emprar aquestes tècniques, es proposa aquí un nou enfocament neutrosófic per a la determinació dels pesos resultants de l'aplicació de la tècnica AHP amb grups de decisors. S'ha considerat com a cas d'estudi el disseny sostenible d'un pont de formigó pretesat en un entorn costaner per construir la metodologia proposada. L'enfocament holístic en l'avaluació de la sostenibilitat de les infraestructures es revela essencial en contrast a les habituals avaluacions de la sostenibilitat basades únicament en la consideració de la dimensió mediambiental. S'ha observat que el manteniment preventiu resulta en millors valors de rendiment de sostenibilitat del cicle de vida en comparació amb les estratègies de manteniment reactiu. Aquesta tesi proporciona una guia per al disseny sostenible d'estructures de formigó, encara que la metodologia sugerida pot aplicar-se a qualsevol tipus d'infraestructura.[EN] Sustainability has gained relevant presence in our society since its first definition in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission. Ever since, the scientific community has put significant efforts in the development of standards, tools and criteria to reach sustainable designs. Notwithstanding the above, such efforts have not been enough to outline a truly sustainable future in the short term. As a response to the actual, insufficient state of development, the United Nations have recently established the Sustainable Development Goals to be reached by 2030. In such Goals, explicit attention is paid to the role of infrastructures, which are revealed as key elements to ensure the achievement of the mentioned Goals. However, despite the relevant implications of infrastructure design, and despite the fact that most infrastructures are designed to serve a significant group of people over an intergenerational period of time, the design of sustainable and resilient infrastructures is still lacking of a standarised methodology to determine their sustainability along their life cycles from a holistic perspective. Currently, both the environmental and the economic life cycle assessment methodologies show a relatively mature state of development. However, the social dimension is still considered to be in an embryonic state, thus compromising the use of multidimensional sustainability assessment methods. The present thesis proposes an extended methodology based on the environmentally oriented ISO 14040 standard to evaluate the life cycle sustainability of infrastructures through the simultaneous and consistent consideration of the three dimensions of sustainability, namely environment, economy and society. A new methodology is suggested here so as to assess infrastructures from a social dimension, while integrating such assessments into an ISO 14040 based framework. A multi criteria decision making technique is then applied to integrate the three sustainability dimensions into one single assessment. So as to take into consideration the non-probabilistic uncertainties involved in subjective weighting techniques, a novel neutrosophic approach for group AHP weights determination is proposed here. The sustainable design of a prestressed concrete bridge in a coastal environment is assumed as a conducting case study on which to construct the proposed methodology. The holistic approach in the sustainability assessment of infrastructures reveals itself to be essential rather than the usually conducted sustainability assessments based on the sole consideration of the environmental dimension. It has been observed that preventive maintenance results in better life cycle sustainability performance values when compared with reactive maintenance strategies. This thesis provides a guide for the sustainable design of concrete structures, although the suggested methodology can be applied to any type of infrastructure.Navarro Martínez, IJ. (2019). Life cycle assessment applied to the sustainable design of prestressed bridges in coastal environment [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/134054TESISCompendi