24,731 research outputs found

    Simulation of Centralized Algorithms for Multi-Agent Path Finding on Real Robots

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    Simulace řešení multi-agentího hledání cest je nezbytná pro výzkum, ale také pro demonstrace v akademickém prostředí. Většinou se simulace pouze zobrazuje na obrazovce bez použití robotických agentů. Používají-li se roboty, obdrží posloupnost příkazů, které potřebují provést, nebo příkazy obdrží postupně, aby správně sledovaly své naplánované cesty. Tato práce navrhuje nový přístup k simulaci centralizovaných multi-agentných algoritmů pro hledání cest na fyzických agentech s názvem ESO-Nav. V tomhle přístupu agenti nejsou součástí plánovacího procesu, ani nemají o svých cestách žádné informace. Agenti mají jednoduché předdefinované chování v prostředí, v kterém navigují na základě jeho podnetů. Pro skupinu robotů Ozobot Evo byl implementován funkční prototyp simulátoru, který využívá tento nový přístup.The simulation of multi-agent pathfinding solutions is essential for research but also in educational demonstrations. Most of the time, the simulation is only displayed on a screen without the use of robotic agents. If robots are used, they get a sequence of commands they need to execute, or they receive the commands gradually, to follow their planned paths correctly. This work proposes a novel approach to simulation of centralized multi-agent pathfinding algorithms on physical agents called ESO-Nav. In this approach, the agents are not part of the planning process, nor do they have any information about their paths. The agents have a simple predetermined behavior in an environment and navigate in it based on the environment outputs. A working prototype of a simulator that utilizes this novel approach was implemented for a group of Ozobot Evo robots

    Multi-Robot Path Planning Combining Heuristics and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Multi-robot path finding in dynamic environments is a highly challenging classic problem. In the movement process, robots need to avoid collisions with other moving robots while minimizing their travel distance. Previous methods for this problem either continuously replan paths using heuristic search methods to avoid conflicts or choose appropriate collision avoidance strategies based on learning approaches. The former may result in long travel distances due to frequent replanning, while the latter may have low learning efficiency due to low sample exploration and utilization, and causing high training costs for the model. To address these issues, we propose a path planning method, MAPPOHR, which combines heuristic search, empirical rules, and multi-agent reinforcement learning. The method consists of two layers: a real-time planner based on the multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm, MAPPO, which embeds empirical rules in the action output layer and reward functions, and a heuristic search planner used to create a global guiding path. During movement, the heuristic search planner replans new paths based on the instructions of the real-time planner. We tested our method in 10 different conflict scenarios. The experiments show that the planning performance of MAPPOHR is better than that of existing learning and heuristic methods. Due to the utilization of empirical knowledge and heuristic search, the learning efficiency of MAPPOHR is higher than that of existing learning methods

    Multi-agent Collective Construction using 3D Decomposition

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    This paper addresses a Multi-Agent Collective Construction (MACC) problem that aims to build a three-dimensional structure comprised of cubic blocks. We use cube-shaped robots that can carry one cubic block at a time, and move forward, reverse, left, and right to an adjacent cell of the same height or climb up and down one cube height. To construct structures taller than one cube, the robots must build supporting stairs made of blocks and remove the stairs once the structure is built. Conventional techniques solve for the entire structure at once and quickly become intractable for larger workspaces and complex structures, especially in a multi-agent setting. To this end, we present a decomposition algorithm that computes valid substructures based on intrinsic structural dependencies. We use Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) to solve for each of these substructures and then aggregate the solutions to construct the entire structure. Extensive testing on 200 randomly generated structures shows an order of magnitude improvement in the solution computation time compared to an MILP approach without decomposition. Additionally, compared to Reinforcement Learning (RL) based and heuristics-based approaches drawn from the literature, our solution indicates orders of magnitude improvement in the number of pick-up and drop-off actions required to construct a structure. Furthermore, we leverage the independence between substructures to detect which sub-structures can be built in parallel. With this parallelization technique, we illustrate a further improvement in the number of time steps required to complete building the structure. This work is a step towards applying multi-agent collective construction for real-world structures by significantly reducing solution computation time with a bounded increase in the number of time steps required to build the structure.Comment: Presented at the Multi-agent Path Finding Workshop at AAAI 202

    Explanation Generation for Multi-Modal Multi-Agent Path Finding with Optimal Resource Utilization using Answer Set Programming

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    The multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problem is a combinatorial search problem that aims at finding paths for multiple agents (e.g., robots) in an environment (e.g., an autonomous warehouse) such that no two agents collide with each other, and subject to some constraints on the lengths of paths. We consider a general version of MAPF, called mMAPF, that involves multi-modal transportation modes (e.g., due to velocity constraints) and consumption of different types of resources (e.g., batteries). The real-world applications of mMAPF require flexibility (e.g., solving variations of mMAPF) as well as explainability. Our earlier studies on mMAPF have focused on the former challenge of flexibility. In this study, we focus on the latter challenge of explainability, and introduce a method for generating explanations for queries regarding the feasibility and optimality of solutions, the nonexistence of solutions, and the observations about solutions. Our method is based on answer set programming. This paper is under consideration for acceptance in TPLP.Comment: Paper presented at the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020), University Of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy, September 2020, 16 pages, 6 figure