1,681 research outputs found

    SST: Real-time End-to-end Monocular 3D Reconstruction via Sparse Spatial-Temporal Guidance

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    Real-time monocular 3D reconstruction is a challenging problem that remains unsolved. Although recent end-to-end methods have demonstrated promising results, tiny structures and geometric boundaries are hardly captured due to their insufficient supervision neglecting spatial details and oversimplified feature fusion ignoring temporal cues. To address the problems, we propose an end-to-end 3D reconstruction network SST, which utilizes Sparse estimated points from visual SLAM system as additional Spatial guidance and fuses Temporal features via a novel cross-modal attention mechanism, achieving more detailed reconstruction results. We propose a Local Spatial-Temporal Fusion module to exploit more informative spatial-temporal cues from multi-view color information and sparse priors, as well a Global Spatial-Temporal Fusion module to refine the local TSDF volumes with the world-frame model from coarse to fine. Extensive experiments on ScanNet and 7-Scenes demonstrate that SST outperforms all state-of-the-art competitors, whilst keeping a high inference speed at 59 FPS, enabling real-world applications with real-time requirements

    CVRecon: Rethinking 3D Geometric Feature Learning For Neural Reconstruction

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    Recent advances in neural reconstruction using posed image sequences have made remarkable progress. However, due to the lack of depth information, existing volumetric-based techniques simply duplicate 2D image features of the object surface along the entire camera ray. We contend this duplication introduces noise in empty and occluded spaces, posing challenges for producing high-quality 3D geometry. Drawing inspiration from traditional multi-view stereo methods, we propose an end-to-end 3D neural reconstruction framework CVRecon, designed to exploit the rich geometric embedding in the cost volumes to facilitate 3D geometric feature learning. Furthermore, we present Ray-contextual Compensated Cost Volume (RCCV), a novel 3D geometric feature representation that encodes view-dependent information with improved integrity and robustness. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the reconstruction quality in various metrics and recovers clear fine details of the 3D geometries. Our extensive ablation studies provide insights into the development of effective 3D geometric feature learning schemes. Project page: https://cvrecon.ziyue.cool
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