119 research outputs found

    Evaluation of SMAP, SMOS-IC, FY3B, JAXA, and LPRM Soil Moisture Products over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Surrounding Areas

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    © 2019 by the authors. High-quality and long time-series soil moisture (SM) data are increasingly required for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) to more accurately and effectively assess climate change. In this study, to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of SM data, five passive microwave remotely sensed SM products are collected over the QTP, including those from the soil moisture active passive (SMAP), soil moisture and ocean salinity INRA-CESBIO (SMOS-IC), Fengyun-3B microwave radiation image (FY3B), and two SM products derived from the advanced microwave scanning radiometer 2 (AMSR2). The two AMSR2 products are generated by the land parameter retrieval model (LPRM) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) algorithm, respectively. The SM products are evaluated through a two-stage data comparison method. The first stage is direct validation at the grid scale. Five SM products are compared with corresponding in situ measurements at five in situ networks, including Heihe, Naqu, Pali, Maqu, and Ngari. Another stage is indirect validation at the regional scale, where the uncertainties of the data are quantified by using a three-cornered hat (TCH) method. The results at the regional scale indicate that soil moisture is underestimated by JAXA and overestimated by LPRM, some noise is contained in temporal variations in SMOS-IC, and FY3B has relatively low absolute accuracy. The uncertainty of SMAP is the lowest among the five products over the entire QTP. In the SM map composed by five SM products with the lowest pixel-level uncertainty, 66.64% of the area is covered by SMAP (JAXA: 19.39%, FY3B: 10.83%, LPRM: 2.11%, and SMOS-IC: 1.03%). This study reveals some of the reasons for the different performances of these five SM products, mainly from the perspective of the parameterization schemes of their corresponding retrieval algorithms. Specifically, the parameterization configurations and corresponding input datasets, including the land-surface temperature, the vegetation optical depth, and the soil dielectric mixing model are analyzed and discussed. This study provides quantitative evidence to better understand the uncertainties of SM products and explain errors that originate from the retrieval algorithms

    Assessment of Drought in Grasslands: Spatio – Temporal Analyses of Soil Moisture and Extreme Climate Effects in Southwestern Mongolia

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    Soil moisture plays an essential key role in the assessment of hydrological and meteorological droughts that may affect a wide area of the natural grassland and the groundwater resource. The surface soil moisture distribution as a function of time and space is highly relevant for hydrological, ecological, and agricultural applications, especially in water-limited or drought-prone regions. However, gauging soil moisture is challenging because of its high variability. While point-scale in-situ measurements are scarce, the remote sensing tools remain the only practical means to obtain regional and global-scale soil moisture estimates. A Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is the first satellite mission ever designed to gauge the Earth’s surface soil moisture (SM) at the near-daily time scales. This work aims to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns of SMOS soil moisture, determine the effect of the climate extremes on the vegetation growth cycle, and demonstrate the feasibility of using our drought model (GDI) the Gobi Drought Index. The GDI is based on the combination of SMOS soil moisture and several products from the MODIS satellite. We used this index for hydro-meteorological drought monitoring in Southwestern Mongolia. Firstly, we validated bias-corrected SMOS soil moisture for Mongolia by the in-situ soil moisture observations 2000 to 2015. Validation shows satisfactory results for assessing drought and water-stress conditions in the grasslands of Mongolia. The correlation analysis between SMOS and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) index in the various ecosystems shows a high correlation between the bias-corrected, monthly-averaged SMOS and NDVI data (R2 > 0.81). Further analysis of the SMOS and in situ SM data revealed a good match between spatial SM distribution and the rainfall events over Southwestern Mongolia. For example, during dry 2015, SM was decreased by approximately 30% across the forest-steppe and steppe areas. We also notice that both NDVI and rainfall can be used as indicators for grassland monitoring in Mongolia. The second part of this research, analyzed several dzud (specific type of climate winter disaster) events (2000, 2001, 2002, and 2010) related to drought, to comprehend the spatial and temporal variability of vegetation conditions in the Gobi region of Mongolia. We determined how these extreme climatic events affect vegetation cover and local grazing conditions using the seasonal aridity index (aAIZ), NDVI, and livestock mortality data. The NDVI is used as an indicator of vegetation activity and growth. Its spatial and temporal pattern is expected to reflect the changes in surface vegetation density and status induced by water-deficit conditions. The Gobi steppe areas showed the highest degree of vulnerability to climate, with a drastic decline of grassland in arid areas. We found that under certain dzud conditions, rapid regeneration of vegetation can occur. A thick snow layer acting as a water reservoir combined with high livestock losses can lead to an increase of the maximum August NDVI. The snowy winters can cause a 10 to 20-day early peak in NDVI and the following increase in vegetation growth. However, during a year with dry winter conditions, the vegetation growth phase begins later due to water deficiency and the entire year has a weaker vegetation growth. Generally, livestock loss and the reduction of grazing pressure was played a crucial role in vegetation recovery after extreme climatic events in Mongolia. At the last stage of our study, we develop an integrated Gobi drought index (GDI), derived from SMOS and LST, PET, and NDVI MODIS products. GDI can incorporate both, the meteorological and soil moisture drought patterns and sufficiently well represent overall drought conditions in the arid lands. Specifically, the monthly GDI and 1-month standardized precipitation index SPI showed significant correlations. Both of them are useful for drought monitoring in semi-arid lands. But, the SPI requires in situ data that are sparse, while the GDI is free from the meteorological network restriction. Consequently, we compared the GDI with other drought indices (VSWI, NDDI, NDWI, and in-situ SM). Comparison of these drought indices with the GDI allowed assessing the droughts’ behavior from different angles and quantified better their intensity. The GDI maps at fine-scale (< 1km) permit extending the applicability of our drought model to regional and local studies. These maps were generated from 2000 to 2018 across Southwestern Mongolia. Fine-scale GDI drought maps are currently limited to the whole territory for Mongolia but the algorithm is dynamic and can be transported to any region. The GDI drought index can be served as a useful tool for prevention services to detect extremely dry soil and vegetation conditions posing a risk of drought and groundwater resource depletion. It was able to detect the drought events that were underestimated by the National Drought Watch System in Mongolia. In summary, with the help of satellite, climatological, and geophysical data, the integrated GDI can be beneficial for vegetation drought stress characterization and can be a useful tool to monitor the effectiveness of pasture land restoration management practices for Mongolian livelihoods. The future application of the GDI can be extended to monitor potential impacts on water resources and agriculture in Mongolia, which have been impacted by long periods of drought

    Estimation de l'humidité du sol à haute résolution spatio-temporelle : une nouvelle approche basée sur la synergie des observations micro-ondes actives/passives et optiques/thermiques

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    Les capteurs micro-ondes passifs SMOS et SMAP fournissent des donnĂ©es d'humiditĂ© du sol (SM) Ă  une rĂ©solution d'environ 40 km avec un intervalle de 2 Ă  3 jours Ă  l' Ă©chelle mondiale et une profondeur de dĂ©tection de 0 Ă  5 cm. Ces donnĂ©es sont trĂšs pertinentes pour les applications cli- matiques et mĂ©tĂ©orologiques. Cependant, pour les applications Ă  Ă©chelle rĂ©gionales (l'hydrologie) ou locales (l'agriculture), des donnĂ©es de SM Ă  une haute rĂ©solution spatiale (typiquement 100 m ou plus fine) seraient nĂ©cessaires. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par les capteurs optiques/thermiques et les radars peuvent fournir des indicateurs de SM Ă  haute rĂ©solution spatiale, mais ces deux approches alternatives ont des limites. En particulier, les donnĂ©es optiques/thermiques ne sont pas disponibles sous les nuages et sous les couverts vĂ©gĂ©taux. Quant aux donnĂ©es radar, elles sont sensibles Ă  la rugositĂ© du sol et Ă  la structure de la vĂ©gĂ©tation, qui sont tous deux difficiles Ă  caractĂ©riser depuis l'espace. De plus, la rĂ©solution temporelle de ces donnĂ©es est d'environ 6 jours. Dans ce contexte, la ligne directrice de la thĂšse est de proposer une nouvelle approche qui combine pour la premiĂšre fois des capteurs passifs micro-ondes, optiques/thermiques et actifs micro-ondes (radar) pour estimer SM sur de grandes Ă©tendues Ă  une rĂ©solution de 100 m chaque jour. Notre hypothĂšse est d'abord de nous appuyer sur une mĂ©thode de dĂ©sagrĂ©gation existante (DISPATCH) des donnĂ©es SMOS/SMAP pour atteindre la rĂ©solution cible obtenue par les radars. A l'origine, DISPATCH est basĂ© sur l'efficacitĂ© d' Ă©vaporation du sol (SEE) estimĂ©e sur des pixels partiellement vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©s Ă  partir de donnĂ©es optiques/thermiques (gĂ©nĂ©ralement MODIS) de tempĂ©rature de surface et de couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale Ă  rĂ©solution de 1 km. Les donnĂ©es dĂ©sagrĂ©gĂ©es de SM sont ensuite combinĂ©es avec une mĂ©thode d'inversion de SM basĂ©e sur les donnĂ©es radar afin d'exploiter les capacitĂ©s de dĂ©tection des radars Sentinel-1. Enfin, les capacitĂ©s de l'assimilation des donnĂ©s satellitaires de SM dans un modĂšle de bilan hydrique du sol sont Ă©valuĂ©es en termes de prĂ©diction de SM Ă  une rĂ©solution de 100 m et Ă  une Ă©chelle temporelle quotidienne.Dans une premiĂšre Ă©tape, l'algorithme DISPATCH est amĂ©liorĂ© par rapport Ă  sa version actuelle, principalement 1) en Ă©tendant son applicabilitĂ© aux pixels optiques entiĂšrement vĂ©gĂ©talisĂ©s en utilisant l'indice de sĂ©cheresse de la vĂ©gĂ©tation basĂ© sur la tempĂ©rature et un produit de couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale amĂ©liorĂ©, et 2) en augmentant la rĂ©solution de dĂ©sagrĂ©gation de 1 km Ă  100 m en utilisant les donnĂ©es optiques/thermiques de Landsat (en plus de MODIS). Le produit de SM dĂ©sagrĂ©gĂ© Ă  la rĂ©solution de 100 m est validĂ© avec des mesures in situ collectĂ©es sur des zones irriguĂ©es au Maroc, indiquant une corrĂ©lation spatiale quotidienne variant de 0,5 Ă  0,9. Dans un deuxiĂšme Ă©tape, un nouvel algorithme est construit en dĂ©veloppant une synergie entre les donnĂ©es DISPATCH et radar Ă  100 m de rĂ©solution. En pratique, le produit SM issu de DISPATCH les jours de ciel clair est d'abord utilisĂ© pour calibrer un modĂšle de transfert radiatif radar en mode direct. Ensuite, le modĂšle de transfert radiatif radar ainsi calibrĂ© est utilisĂ© en mode inverse pour estimer SM Ă  la rĂ©solution spatio-temporelle de Sentinel-1. Sur les sites de validation, les rĂ©sultats indiquent une corrĂ©lation entre les mesures satellitaires et in situ, de l'ordre de 0,66 Ă  0,81 pour un indice de vĂ©gĂ©tation infĂ©rieur Ă  0,6. Dans une troisiĂšme et derniĂšre Ă©tape, une mĂ©thode d'assimilation optimale est utilisĂ©e pour interpoler dans le temps les donnĂ©es de SM Ă  la rĂ©solution de 100 m. La dynamique du produit SM dĂ©rivĂ© de l'assimilation de SM DISPATCH Ă  100 m de rĂ©solution est cohĂ©rente avec les Ă©vĂ©nements d'irrigation. Cette approche peut ĂȘtre facilement appliquĂ©e sur de grandes zones, en considĂ©rant que toutes les donnĂ©es (tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection et mĂ©tĂ©orologique) requises en entrĂ©e sont disponibles Ă  l' Ă©chelle globale.SMOS and SMAP passive microwave sensors provide soil moisture (SM) data at 40 km resolution every 2-3 days globally, with a 0-5 cm sensing depth relevant for climatic and meteorological applications. However, SM data would be required at a higher (typically 100 m or finer) spatial resolution for many other regional (hydrology) or local (agriculture) applications. Optical/thermal and radar sensors can be used for retrieving SM proxies at such high spatial resolution, but both techniques have limitations. In particular, optical/thermal data are not available under clouds and under plant canopies. Moreover, radar data are sensitive to soil roughness and vegetation structure, which are challenging to characterize from outer space, and have a repeat cycle of at least six days, limiting the observations' temporal frequency. In this context, the leading principle of the thesis is to propose a new approach that combines passive microwave, optical/thermal, and active microwave (radar) sensors for the first time to retrieve SM data at 100 m resolution on a daily temporal scale. Our assumption is first to rely on an existing disaggregation method (DISPATCH) of SMOS/SMAP SM data to meet the target resolution achieved by radars. DISPATCH is originally based on the soil evaporative efficiency (SEE) retrieved over partially vegetated pixels from 1 km resolution optical/thermal (typically MODIS) surface temperature and vegetation cover data. The disaggregated SM data is then combined with a radar-based SM retrieval method to exploit the sensing capabilities of the Sentinel-1 radars. Finally, the efficacy of the assimilation of satellite-based SM data in a soil water balance model is assessed in terms of SM predictions at the 100 m resolution and daily temporal scale. As a first step, the DISPATCH algorithm is improved from its current version by mainly 1) extending its applicability to fully vegetated optical pixels using the temperature vegetation dryness index and an enhanced vegetation cover product, and 2) increasing the targeted downscaling resolution from 1 km to 100 m using Landsat (in addition to MODIS) optical/thermal data. The 100 m resolution disaggregated SM product is validated with in situ measurements collected over irrigated areas in Morocco, showing a daily spatial correlation in the range of 0.5-0.9. As a second step, a new algorithm is built on a synergy between DISPATCH and radar 100 m resolution data. In practice, the DISPATCH SM product available on clear sky days is first used to calibrate a radar radiative transfer model in the direct mode. Then the calibrated radar radia- tive transfer model is used in the inverse mode to estimate SM at the spatio-temporal resolution of Sentinel-1. Results indicate a positive correlation between satellite and in situ measurements in the range of 0.66 to 0.81 for a vegetation index lower than 0.6. As a third and final step, an optimal assimilation method is used to interpolate 100 m resolution SM data in time. The assimilation exercise is undertaken over irrigated crop fields in Spain. The analyzed SM product derived from the assimilation of 100 m resolution DISPATCH SM is consistent with irrigation events. This approach can be readily applied over large areas, given that all the required input (remote sensing and meteorological) data are available globally

    Désagrégation de l'humidité du sol issue des produits satellitaires micro-ondes passives et exploration de son utilisation pour l'amélioration de la modélisation et la prévision hydrologique

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    De plus en plus de produits satellitaires en micro-ondes passives sont disponibles. Cependant, leur large rĂ©solution spatiale (25-50 km) n’en font pas un outil adĂ©quat pour des applications hydrologiques Ă  une Ă©chelle locale telles que la modĂ©lisation et la prĂ©vision hydrologiques. Dans de nombreuses Ă©tudes, une dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle de l’humiditĂ© du sol des produits satellites micro-ondes est faite puis validĂ©e avec des mesures in-situ. Toutefois, l’utilisation de ces donnĂ©es issues d’une dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© pleinement Ă©tudiĂ©e pour des applications en hydrologie. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette thĂšse est de proposer une mĂ©thode de dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle de l’humiditĂ© du sol issue de donnĂ©es satellitaires en micro-ondes passives (Satellite Passive Microwave Active and Passive - SMAP) Ă  diffĂ©rentes rĂ©solutions spatiales afin d’évaluer leur apport sur l’amĂ©lioration potentielle des modĂ©lisations et prĂ©visions hydrologiques. À partir d’un modĂšle de forĂȘt alĂ©atoire, une dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle de l’humiditĂ© du sol de SMAP l’amĂšne de 36-km de rĂ©solution initialement Ă  des produits finaux Ă  9-, 3- et 1-km de rĂ©solution. Les prĂ©dicteurs utilisĂ©s sont Ă  haute rĂ©solution spatiale et de sources diffĂ©rentes telles que Sentinel-1A, MODIS et SRTM. L'humiditĂ© du sol issue de cette dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle est ensuite assimilĂ©e dans un modĂšle hydrologique distribuĂ© Ă  base physique pour tenter d’amĂ©liorer les sorties de dĂ©bit. Ces expĂ©riences sont menĂ©es sur les bassins versants des riviĂšres Susquehanna (de grande taille) et Upper-Susquehanna (en comparaison de petite taille), tous deux situĂ©s aux États-Unis. De plus, le modĂšle assimile aussi des donnĂ©es d’humiditĂ© du sol en profondeur issue d’une extrapolation verticale des donnĂ©es SMAP. Par ailleurs, les donnĂ©es d’humiditĂ© du sol SMAP et les mesures in-situ sont combinĂ©es par la technique de fusion conditionnelle. Ce produit de fusion SMAP/in-situ est assimilĂ© dans le modĂšle hydrologique pour tenter d’amĂ©liorer la prĂ©vision hydrologique sur le bassin versant Au Saumon situĂ© au QuĂ©bec. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l'utilisation de l’humiditĂ© du sol Ă  fine rĂ©solution spatiale issue de la dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle amĂ©liore la reprĂ©sentation de la variabilitĂ© spatiale de l’humiditĂ© du sol. En effet, le produit Ă  1- km de rĂ©solution fournit plus de dĂ©tails que les produits Ă  3- et 9-km ou que le produit SMAP de base Ă  36-km de rĂ©solution. De mĂȘme, l’utilisation du produit de fusion SMAP/ in-situ amĂ©liore la qualitĂ© et la reprĂ©sentation spatiale de l’humiditĂ© du sol. Sur le bassin versant Susquehanna, la modĂ©lisation hydrologique s’amĂ©liore avec l’assimilation du produit de dĂ©sagrĂ©gation d’échelle Ă  9-km, sans avoir recours Ă  des rĂ©solutions plus fines. En revanche, sur le bassin versant Upper-Susquehanna, c’est le produit avec la rĂ©solution spatiale la plus fine Ă  1- km qui offre les meilleurs rĂ©sultats de modĂ©lisation hydrologique. L’assimilation de l’humiditĂ© du sol en profondeur issue de l’extrapolation verticale des donnĂ©es SMAP n’amĂ©liore que peu la qualitĂ© du modĂšle hydrologique. Par contre, l’assimilation du produit de fusion SMAP/in-situ sur le bassin versant Au Saumon amĂ©liore la qualitĂ© de la prĂ©vision du dĂ©bit, mĂȘme si celle-ci n’est pas trĂšs significative.Abstract: The availability of satellite passive microwave soil moisture is increasing, yet its spatial resolution (i.e., 25-50 km) is too coarse to use for local scale hydrological applications such as streamflow simulation and forecasting. Many studies have attempted to downscale satellite passive microwave soil moisture products for their validation with in-situ soil moisture measurements. However, their use for hydrological applications has not yet been fully explored. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to downscale the satellite passive microwave soil moisture (i.e., Satellite Microwave Active and Passive - SMAP) to a range of spatial resolutions and explore its value in improving streamflow simulation and forecasting. The random forest machine learning technique was used to downscale the SMAP soil moisture from 36-km to 9-, 3- and 1-km spatial resolutions. A combination of host of high-resolution predictors derived from different sources including Sentinel-1A, MODIS and SRTM were used for downscaling. The downscaled SMAP soil moisture was then assimilated into a physically-based distributed hydrological model for improving streamflow simulation for Susquehanna (larger in size) and Upper Susquehanna (relatively smaller in size) watersheds, located in the United States. In addition, the vertically extrapolated SMAP soil moisture was assimilated into the model. On the other hand, the SMAP and in-situ soil moisture were merged using the conditional merging technique and the merged SMAP/in-situ soil moisture was then assimilated into the model to improve streamflow forecast over the au Saumon watershed. The results show that the downscaling improved the spatial variability of soil moisture. Indeed, the 1-km downscaled SMAP soil moisture presented a higher spatial detail of soil moisture than the 3-, 9- or original resolution (36-km) SMAP product. Similarly, the merging of SMAP and in-situ soil moisture improved the accuracy as well as spatial representation soil moisture. Interestingly, the assimilation of the 9-km downscaled SMAP soil moisture significantly improved the accuracy of streamflow simulation for the Susquehanna watershed without the need of going to higher spatial resolution, whereas for the Upper Susquehanna watershed the 1-km downscaled SMAP showed better results than the coarser resolutions. The assimilation of vertically extrapolated SMAP soil moisture only slightly further improved the accuracy of the streamflow simulation. On the other hand, the assimilation of merged SMAP/in-situ soil moisture for the au Saumon watershed improved the accuracy of streamflow forecast, yet the improvement was not that significant. Overall, this study demonstrated the potential of satellite passive microwave soil moisture for streamflow simulation and forecasting

    The International Soil Moisture Network:Serving Earth system science for over a decade

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    In 2009, the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) was initiated as a community effort, funded by the European Space Agency, to serve as a centralised data hosting facility for globally available in situ soil moisture measurements (Dorigo et al., 2011b, a). The ISMN brings together in situ soil moisture measurements collected and freely shared by a multitude of organisations, harmonises them in terms of units and sampling rates, applies advanced quality control, and stores them in a database. Users can freely retrieve the data from this database through an online web portal (https://ismn.earth/en/, last access: 28 October 2021). Meanwhile, the ISMN has evolved into the primary in situ soil moisture reference database worldwide, as evidenced by more than 3000 active users and over 1000 scientific publications referencing the data sets provided by the network. As of July 2021, the ISMN now contains the data of 71 networks and 2842 stations located all over the globe, with a time period spanning from 1952 to the present. The number of networks and stations covered by the ISMN is still growing, and approximately 70 % of the data sets contained in the database continue to be updated on a regular or irregular basis. The main scope of this paper is to inform readers about the evolution of the ISMN over the past decade, including a description of network and data set updates and quality control procedures. A comprehensive review of the existing literature making use of ISMN data is also provided in order to identify current limitations in functionality and data usage and to shape priorities for the next decade of operations of this unique community-based data repository

    Synthesis of Satellite Microwave Observations for Monitoring Global Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange

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    This dissertation describes the estimation, error quantification, and incorporation of land surface information from microwave satellite remote sensing for modeling global ecosystem land-atmosphere net CO2 exchange. Retrieval algorithms were developed for estimating soil moisture, surface water, surface temperature, and vegetation phenology from microwave imagery timeseries. Soil moisture retrievals were merged with model-based soil moisture estimates and incorporated into a light-use efficiency model for vegetation productivity coupled to a soil decomposition model. Results, including state and uncertainty estimates, were evaluated with a global eddy covariance flux tower network and other independent global model- and remote-sensing based products

    Statistical analysis and combination of active and passive microwave remote sensing methods for soil moisture retrieval

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    Knowledge about soil moisture and its spatio-temporal dynamics is essential for the improvement of climate and hydrological modeling, including drought and flood monitoring and forecasting, as well as weather forecasting models. In recent years, several soil moisture products from active and passive microwave remote sensing have become available with high temporal resolution and global coverage. Thus, the validation and evaluation of spatial and temporal soil moisture patterns are of great interest, for improving soil moisture products as well as for their proper use in models or other applications. This thesis analyzes the different accuracy levels of global soil moisture products and identifies the major influencing factors on this accuracy based on a small catchment example. Furthermore, on global scale, structural differences betweenthe soil moisture products were investigated. This includes in particular the representation of spatial and temporal patterns, as well as a general scaling law of soil moisture variability with extent scale. The results of the catchment scale as well as the global scale analyses identified vegetation to have a high impact on the accuracy of remotely sensed soil moisture products. Therefore, an improved method to consider vegetation characteristics in pasive soil moisture retrieval from active radar satellite data was developed and tested. The knowledge gained by this thesis will contribute to improve soil moisture retrieval of current and future microwave remote sensors (e.g. SMOS or SMAP)

    Energy and Water Cycles in the Third Pole

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    As the most prominent and complicated terrain on the globe, the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is often called the “Roof of the World”, “Third Pole” or “Asian Water Tower”. The energy and water cycles in the Third Pole have great impacts on the atmospheric circulation, Asian monsoon system and global climate change. On the other hand, the TP and the surrounding higher elevation area are also experiencing evident and rapid environmental changes under the background of global warming. As the headwater area of major rivers in Asia, the TP’s environmental changes—such as glacial retreat, snow melting, lake expanding and permafrost degradation—pose potential long-term threats to water resources of the local and surrounding regions. To promote quantitative understanding of energy and water cycles of the TP, several field campaigns, including GAME/Tibet, CAMP/Tibet and TORP, have been carried out. A large amount of data have been collected to gain a better understanding of the atmospheric boundary layer structure, turbulent heat fluxes and their coupling with atmospheric circulation and hydrological processes. The focus of this reprint is to present recent advances in quantifying land–atmosphere interactions, the water cycle and its components, energy balance components, climate change and hydrological feedbacks by in situ measurements, remote sensing or numerical modelling approaches in the “Third Pole” region

    Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges

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    "Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges" presents the results of cutting-edge research related to innovative techniques and approaches based on satellite remote sensing data, the acquisition of earth observations, and their applications in the contemporary practice of sustainable development. Addressing the urgent tasks of adaptation to climate change is one of the biggest global challenges for humanity. As His Excellency António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said, "Climate change is the defining issue of our time—and we are at a defining moment. We face a direct existential threat." For many years, scientists from around the world have been conducting research on earth observations collecting vital data about the state of the earth environment. Evidence of the rapidly changing climate is alarming: according to the World Meteorological Organization, the past two decades included 18 of the warmest years since 1850, when records began. Thus, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) has launched initiatives across multiple societal benefit areas (agriculture, biodiversity, climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy, health, water, and weather), such as the Global Forest Observations Initiative, the GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative, the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network, and the GEO Blue Planet, among others. The results of research that addressed strategic priorities of these important initiatives are presented in the monograph

    Satellite‐Based Monitoring of Irrigation Water Use: Assessing Measurement Errors and Their Implications for Agricultural Water Management Policy

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    Reliable accounting of agricultural water use is critical for sustainable water management. However, the majority of agricultural water use is not monitored, with limited metering of irrigation despite increasing pressure on both groundwater and surface water resources in many agricultural regions worldwide. Satellite remote sensing has been proposed as a low-cost and scalable solution to fill widespread gaps in monitoring of irrigation water use in both developed and developing countries, bypassing the technical, socioeconomic, and political challenges that to date have constrained in situ metering. In this paper, we show through a systematic meta-analysis that the relative accuracy of different satellite-based irrigation water use monitoring approaches remains poorly understood, with evidence of large uncertainties when water use estimates are validated against in situ irrigation data at both field and regional scales. Subsequently, we demonstrate that water use measurement errors result in large economic welfare losses for farmers and may negatively impact ability of policies to limit acute and nonlinear externalities of irrigation abstraction on both the environment and other water users. Our findings highlight that water resource planners must consider the trade-offs between accuracy and costs associated with different water use accounting approaches. Remote sensing has an important role to play in supporting improved agricultural water accounting—both independently and in combination with in situ monitoring. However, greater transparency and evidence is needed about underlying uncertainties in satellite-based models, along with how these measurement errors affect the performance of associated policies to manage different short- and long-term externalities of irrigation water use
