3,985 research outputs found

    Statistical structures for internet-scale data management

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    Efficient query processing in traditional database management systems relies on statistics on base data. For centralized systems, there is a rich body of research results on such statistics, from simple aggregates to more elaborate synopses such as sketches and histograms. For Internet-scale distributed systems, on the other hand, statistics management still poses major challenges. With the work in this paper we aim to endow peer-to-peer data management over structured overlays with the power associated with such statistical information, with emphasis on meeting the scalability challenge. To this end, we first contribute efficient, accurate, and decentralized algorithms that can compute key aggregates such as Count, CountDistinct, Sum, and Average. We show how to construct several types of histograms, such as simple Equi-Width, Average-Shifted Equi-Width, and Equi-Depth histograms. We present a full-fledged open-source implementation of these tools for distributed statistical synopses, and report on a comprehensive experimental performance evaluation, evaluating our contributions in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and scalability

    Distributed top-k aggregation queries at large

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    Top-k query processing is a fundamental building block for efficient ranking in a large number of applications. Efficiency is a central issue, especially for distributed settings, when the data is spread across different nodes in a network. This paper introduces novel optimization methods for top-k aggregation queries in such distributed environments. The optimizations can be applied to all algorithms that fall into the frameworks of the prior TPUT and KLEE methods. The optimizations address three degrees of freedom: 1) hierarchically grouping input lists into top-k operator trees and optimizing the tree structure, 2) computing data-adaptive scan depths for different input sources, and 3) data-adaptive sampling of a small subset of input sources in scenarios with hundreds or thousands of query-relevant network nodes. All optimizations are based on a statistical cost model that utilizes local synopses, e.g., in the form of histograms, efficiently computed convolutions, and estimators based on order statistics. The paper presents comprehensive experiments, with three different real-life datasets and using the ns-2 network simulator for a packet-level simulation of a large Internet-style network

    Differentially Private Publication of Sparse Data

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    The problem of privately releasing data is to provide a version of a dataset without revealing sensitive information about the individuals who contribute to the data. The model of differential privacy allows such private release while providing strong guarantees on the output. A basic mechanism achieves differential privacy by adding noise to the frequency counts in the contingency tables (or, a subset of the count data cube) derived from the dataset. However, when the dataset is sparse in its underlying space, as is the case for most multi-attribute relations, then the effect of adding noise is to vastly increase the size of the published data: it implicitly creates a huge number of dummy data points to mask the true data, making it almost impossible to work with. We present techniques to overcome this roadblock and allow efficient private release of sparse data, while maintaining the guarantees of differential privacy. Our approach is to release a compact summary of the noisy data. Generating the noisy data and then summarizing it would still be very costly, so we show how to shortcut this step, and instead directly generate the summary from the input data, without materializing the vast intermediate noisy data. We instantiate this outline for a variety of sampling and filtering methods, and show how to use the resulting summary for approximate, private, query answering. Our experimental study shows that this is an effective, practical solution, with comparable and occasionally improved utility over the costly materialization approach