68 research outputs found

    Quality-of-Service-Adequate Wireless Receiver Design

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    Space-based Aperture Array For Ultra-Long Wavelength Radio Astronomy

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    The past decade has seen the rise of various radio astronomy arrays, particularly for low-frequency observations below 100MHz. These developments have been primarily driven by interesting and fundamental scientific questions, such as studying the dark ages and epoch of re-ionization, by detecting the highly red-shifted 21cm line emission. However, Earth-based radio astronomy below frequencies of 30MHz is severely restricted due to man-made interference, ionospheric distortion and almost complete non-transparency of the ionosphere below 10MHz. Therefore, this narrow spectral band remains possibly the last unexplored frequency range in radio astronomy. A straightforward solution to study the universe at these frequencies is to deploy a space-based antenna array far away from Earths' ionosphere. Various studies in the past were principally limited by technology and computing resources, however current processing and communication trends indicate otherwise. We briefly present the achievable science cases, and discuss the system design for selected scenarios, such as extra-galactic surveys. An extensive discussion is presented on various sub-systems of the potential satellite array, such as radio astronomical antenna design, the on-board signal processing, communication architectures and joint space-time estimation of the satellite network. In light of a scalable array and to avert single point of failure, we propose both centralized and distributed solutions for the ULW space-based array. We highlight the benefits of various deployment locations and summarize the technological challenges for future space-based radio arrays.Comment: Submitte

    RF Integrated Circuits for Energy Autonomous Sensor Nodes.

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    The exponential growth in the semiconductor industry has enabled computers to pervade our everyday lives, and as we move forward many of these computers will have form factors much smaller than a typical laptop or smartphone. Sensor nodes will soon be deployed ubiquitously, capable of capturing information of their surrounding environment. The next step is to connect all these different nodes together into an entire interconnected system. This “Internet of Things” (IoT) vision has incredible potential to change our lives commercially, societally, and personally. The backbone of IoT is the wireless sensor node, many of which will operate under very rigorous energy constraints with small batteries or no batteries at all. It has been shown that in sensor nodes, radio communication is one of the biggest bottlenecks to ultra-low power design. This research explores ways to reduce energy consumption in radios for wireless sensor networks, allowing them to run off harvested energy, while maintaining qualities that will allow them to function in a real world, multi-user environment. Three different prototypes have been designed demonstrating these techniques. The first is a sensitivity-reduced nanowatt wake-up radio which allows a sensor node to actively listen for packets even when the rest of the node is asleep. CDMA codes and interference rejection reduce the potential for energy-costly false wake-ups. The second prototype is a full transceiver for a body-worn EKG sensor node. This transceiver is designed to have low instantaneous power and is able to receive 802.15.6 Wireless Body Area Network compliant packets. It uses asymmetric communication including a wake-up receiver based on the previous design, UWB transmitter and a communication receiver. The communication receiver has 10 physical channels to avoid interference and demodulates coherent packets which is uncommon for low power radios, but dictated by the 802.15.6 standard. The third prototype is a long range transceiver capable of >1km communication range in the 433MHz band and able to interface with an existing commercial radio. A digitally assisted baseband demodulator was designed which enables the ability to perform bit-level as well as packet-level duty cycling which increases the radio's energy efficiency.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110432/1/nerobert_1.pd

    Wake-up radio systems : design, development, performance evaluation and comparison to conventional medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks

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    During the recent years, the research related to Wake-up Radio (WuR) systems has gained noticeable interest. In WuR systems, a node initiating a communication first sends a Wake-up Call (WuC) by means of its Wake-up Transmitter (WuTx), to the Wake-up Receiver (WuRx) of a remote node to activate it in an on-demand manner. Until the reception of the WuC, the node's MCU and main data transceiver are in sleep mode. Hence, WuR drastically reduce the power required by wireless nodes. This thesis provides a complete analysis of several WuR designs vs. conventional MAC protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The research is performed in an incremental fashion and includes hardware, softwar and simulation topics. WuR systems enable energy savings in plenty of different applications, e.g., retrieving information from environmental pollution sensors placed in a city by a mobile collector node, or activating a sleeping wireless AP. They are easy to program in and provide implicit synchronization. However, achieving a good WuRx design may become a challenge because power amplifiers cannot be used for the sake of energy. The system proposed in chapter 2 is a successful WuR system prototype. The so-called SµA-WuRx is less complex than commercial WuR systems, it is cheaper from the monetary point of view, requires several times less energy and allows for up to 15 meters of communication, an adequate value for WuR systems. However, the system can be improved by including several desirable features, such as longer operational ranges and/or addressing mechanisms. The so-called Time-Knocking (TicK) addressing strategy, analyzed in chapter 3, enables energy efficient node addressing by varying the time between WuCs received by a MCU. TicK allows for variable length addresses and multicast. A WuR system may not fit any possible application. Thus, while the SµA-WuRx and TicK efficiently solved many of the requirements of single-hop and data-collector applications, they lack of flexibility. Instead, SCM-WuR systems in chapter 4 feature an outstanding trade-off between hardware complexity, current consumption and operational range, and even enable multi-hop wake-up for long remote sensor measure collection. To contextualize the WuR systems developed, chapter 5 provides an overview of the most important WuR systems as of 2014. Developing a MAC protocol which performs acceptably in a wide range of diverse applications is a very difficult task. Comparatively, SCM-WuR systems perform properly in all the use cases (single and multi-hop) presented in chapter 6. Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE, appears as a duty-cycled MAC protocol mainly targeting single-hop applications. Because of its clearly defined use cases and its integration with its upper application layers, BLE appears as an extremely energy-efficient protocol that cannot be easily replaced by WuR. Because of all these aspects, the performance of BLE is analyzed in chapter 7. Finally, chapter 8 tries to solve one of the issues affecting WuR systems, that is, the need for extra hardware. While this issue seems difficult to solve for WuRx, the chapter provides ideas to use IEEE 802.11-enabled devices as WuTx.Durant els últims anys, la investigació relativa als sistemes de Ràdios de Wake-up (de l'anglès Wake-up Radio, WuR) ha experimentat un interès notable. En aquests sistemes, un node inicia la comunicació inal.làmbrica transmetent una Wake-up Call (WuC), per mitjà del seu transmissor de Wake-up (WuTx), dirigida al receptor de Wake-up (WuRx) del node remot. Aquesta WuC activa el node remot, el microcontrolador (MCU) i la ràdio principals del qual han pogut romandre en mode "sleep" fins el moment. Així doncs, els sistemes WuR permeten un estalvi dràstic de l'energia requerida pels nodes sense fils. Aquesta tesi proposa diferents sistemes WuR i els compara amb protocols MAC existents per a xarxes de sensors sense fils (Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN). La investigació es realitza de forma progressiva i inclou hardware, software i simulació. Els sistemes WuR permeten un estalvi energètic notable en moltes aplicacions: recol¿lecció d'informació ambiental, activació remota de punts d'accés wi-fi, etc. Són fàcils de programar en software i comporten una sincronització implícita entre nodes. Malauradament, un consum energètic mínim impossibilita l'ús d'amplificadors de potència, i dissenyar-los esdevé un repte. El sistema presentat en el capítol 2 és un prototip exitós de sistema WuR. De nom SµA-WuR, és més senzill que alternatives comercials, és més econòmic, requereix menys energia i permet distàncies de comunicació WuR majors, de fins a 15 metres. L'estratègia d'adreçament Time-KnocKing, presentada en el capítol 3, permet dotar l'anterior SµA-WuR d'una forma d'especificar el node adreçat, permetent estalvi energètic a nivell de xarxa. TicK opera codificant el temps entre diferents WuC. Depenent del temps entre intervals, es desperten el/s node/s desitjats d'una forma extremadament eficient. Tot i els seus beneficis, hi ha aplicacions no implementables amb el sistema SµA-WuR. Per a aquest motiu, en el capítol 4 es presenta el sistema SCM-WuR, que ofereix un rang d'operació de 40 a 100 metres a canvi d'una mínima complexitat hardware afegida. SCM-WuR cobreix el ventall d'aplicacions del sistema SµA-WuRx, i també les que requereixen multi-hop a nivell WuR. El capítol 5 de la tesi compara els dos sistemes WuR anteriors vers les propostes més importants fins el 2014. El capítol 6 inclou un framework de simulació complet amb les bases per a substituir els sistemes basats en duty-cycling a WuR. Degut a que desenvolupar un protocol MAC que operi acceptablement bé en multitud d'aplicacions esdevé una tasca pràcticament impossible, els sistemes WuR presentats amb anterioritat i modelats en aquest capítol representen una solució versàtil, interessant i molt més eficient des del punt de vista energètic. Bluetooth Low Energy, o Smart, o BLE, representa un cas d'aplicació específica on, degut a la gran integració a nivell d'aplicació, la substitució per sistemes de WuR esdevé difícil Per a aquesta raó, i degut a que es tracta d'un protocol MAC extremadament eficient energèticament, aquesta tesi conté una caracterització completa de BLE en el capítol 7. Finalment, el capítol 8 soluciona un dels inconvenients del sistemes WuR, el disseny de WuTx específics, presentant una estratègia per a transformar qualsevol dispositiu IEEE 802.11 en WuTx

    Technology Implications of UWB on Wireless Sensor Network-A detailed Survey

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    In today’s high tech “SMART” world sensor based networks are widely used. The main challenge with wireless-based sensor networks is the underneath physical layer. In this survey, we have identified core obstacles of wireless sensor network when UWB is used at PHY layer. This research was done using a systematic approach to assess UWB’s effectiveness (for WSN) based on information taken from various research papers, books, technical surveys and articles. Our aim is to measure the UWB’s effectiveness for WSN and analyze the different obstacles allied with its implementation. Starting from existing solutions to proposed theories. Here we have focused only on the core concerns, e.g. spectrum, interference, synchronization etc.Our research concludes that despite all the bottlenecks and challenges, UWB’s efficient capabilities makes it an attractive PHY layer scheme for the WSN, provided we can control interference and energy problems. This survey gives a fresh start to the researchers and prototype designers to understand the technological concerns associated with UWB’s implementatio

    Fair and optimal resource allocation in wireless sensor networks

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    There is a large amount of research in wireless networks focuses on optimization of either network routing and power control alone. In contrast, this work aims at jointly optimizing the transmission power and routing path selection in order to optimize allocation of resources in interference constrained wireless environment. Moreover, we consider a multipath routing where multiple alternative paths are employed to transmit data between the end nodes. One of modern communication techniques that it applies to a network coding, though not explicitly implemented in this work. The proposed approach is first analyzed theoretically using Lagrangian optimization for a three-node scenario. We analyze this basic scenario, as it is essential for development of the overall multi-path routing schemes for multi-hop networks. The optimal solution for the three-node topology is replicated throughout the network to converge to a network-level solution. In contrast to existing studies, we explicitly consider interference from adjacent links, which varies with traffic flow thus optimizing the routing, and flow control decisions. The results and conclusions provide guidance as to the optimum routing decisions and a corresponding theoretical performance limits. The optimization of the throughput of the wireless network scenario is considered as a multi-variable optimization problem subject to flow and power constraints. Numerical analysis performed in Matlab-Simulink indicates that, given loose outage constraints, an optimal trade-off between the channel parameters renders optimum results even when the gain of the channel varies with time. The theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate and validate that the channel capacity and efficiency are maximized when the routing decisions consider the network performance trade-offs. Next, the proposed routing and power control scheme is experimentally evaluated in hardware using universal software radio peripheral (USRP2). The USRP testbed utilizes the proposed multi-variable optimization algorithm. The communication system is implemented using GNU Radio software where the physical layer employs two direct-spread spectrum variants: (a) binary phase shift keying (DS-BPSK) and (b) orthogonal frequency division modulation (DS-OFDM) schemes. The experimental results are compared with the simulation results --Abstract, page iii

    Leveraging Software-Defined Radio for a Scalable Wide-band Wireless Channel Measurement System

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    Wireless channel characterization is important for determining both the requirements for a wireless system and its resulting reliability. Wireless systems are becoming ever more pervasive and thus are expected to operate in increasingly more cluttered environments. While these devices may be fixed in location, the channel is still far from ideal due to multipath. Under such conditions, it is desirable to have a means of taking wireless channel measurements in a low-cost and distributed manner, which is not always possible using typical channel measurement equipment. This thesis leverages a software-defined radio (SDR) platform to perform wideband wireless channel measurements. Specifically, the system can measure the scalar frequency response of a wireless channel in a distributed manner and provides measurements with an average mean-squared error of 0.018 % σ and a median error not exceeding 0.631 dB when compared to measurements taken with a vector network analyzer. This accuracy holds true in a highly multipath environment, with a measurement range of ~40 dB. The system is also capable of scaling to multiple wireless links which will be measured simultaneously (up to three links are demonstrated). After validating the measurement system, a measurement campaign is undertook using the system in a highly multipath environment to demonstrate a possible application of the system

    Protocol Design and Performance Evaluation of Wake-up Radio enabled IoT Networks

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    Position estimation via ultra-wide-band signals

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    The high time resolution of ultra-wide-band (UWB) signals facilitates very precise position estimation in many scenarios, which makes a variety applications possible. This paper reviews the problem of position estimation in UWB systems, beginning with an overview of the basic structure of UWB signals and their positioning applications. This overview is followed by a discussion of various position estimation techniques, with an emphasis on time-based approaches, which are particularly suitable for UWB positioning systems. Practical issues arising in UWB signal design and hardware implementation are also discussed. © 2009 IEEE

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations