19 research outputs found

    Polarization Optimization for the Detection of Multiple Persistent Scatterers Using SAR Tomography

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    The detection of multiple interfering persistent scatterers (PSs) using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) tomography is an efficient tool for generating point clouds of urban areas. In this context, detection methods based upon the polarization information of SAR data are effective at increasing the number of PSs and producing high-density point clouds. This paper presents a comparative study on the effects of the polarization design of a radar antenna on further improving the probability of detecting persistent scatterers. For this purpose, we introduce an extension of the existing scattering property-based generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) with realistic dependence on the transmitted/received polarizations. The test is based upon polarization basis optimization by synthesizing all possible polarimetric responses of a given scatterer from its measurements on a linear orthonormal basis. Experiments on both simulated and real data show, by means of objective metrics (probability of detection, false alarm rate, and signal-to-noise ratio), that polarization waveform optimization can provide a significant performance gain in the detection of multiple scatterers compared to the existing full-polarization-based detection method. In particular, the increased density of detected PSs at the studied test sites demonstrates the main contribution of the proposed method

    Remote Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure Based on TomoSAR

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    Structural health monitoring and damage detection tools are extremely important topics nowadays with the civil infrastructure aging and deteriorating problems observed in urban areas. These tasks can be done by visual inspection and by using traditional in situ methods, such as leveling or using traditional mechanical and electrical sensors, but these approaches are costly, labor-intensive and cannot be performed with a high temporal frequency. In recent years, remote sensing has proved to be a very promising methodology in evaluating the health of a structure by assessing its deformation and thermal dilation. The satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography (TomoSAR) technique, based on the exploitation of a stack of multi-temporal SAR images, allows to remotely sense the movement and the thermal dilation of individual structures with a centimeter-to millimeter-level accuracy, thanks to new generation high-resolution satellite-borne sensors. In this paper, the effectiveness of a recently developed TomoSAR technique in assessing both possible deformations and the thermal dilation evolution of man-made structures is shown. The results obtained using X-band SAR data in two case studies, concerning two urban structures in the city of Naples (Italy), are presented

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    Performance Improvement for SAR Tomography Based on Local Plane Model

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    Multilook approaches have been applied in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) tomography (TomoSAR), for improving the density and regularity of persistent scatterers reconstructed from multipass SAR images in both rural and urban regions. Multilook operations assume that all scatterers in a given neighborhood are similar in height, thereby providing additional data for recovering the position and reflectivity of a single scatterer, so that a higher signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved. This is equivalent to assuming that scatterers belonging to a local neighborhood of range-azimuth cells are located on horizontal planes. The present article generalizes this approach by adopting the so-called local plane (LP) model for TomoSAR imaging in urban areas, accounting for local variations in the height of scatterers that are not negligible. Furthermore, an LP-generalized likelihood ratio test (LP-GLRT) algorithm is developed to implement the previous idea. Compared with the multilook generalized likelihood ratio test algorithm, LP-GLRT shows better performance in the case of urban structures and terrains in experiments based on both simulated data and TerraSAR-X images

    A Sequential MUSIC algorithm for Scatterers Detection 2 in SAR Tomography Enhanced by a Robust Covariance 3 Estimator

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) tomography (TomoSAR) is an appealing tool for the extraction of height information of urban infrastructures. Due to the widespread applications of the MUSIC algorithm in source localization, it is a suitable solution in TomoSAR when multiple snapshots (looks) are available. While the classical MUSIC algorithm aims to estimate the whole reflectivity profile of scatterers, sequential MUSIC algorithms are suited for the detection of sparse point-like scatterers. In this class of methods, successive cancellation is performed through orthogonal complement projections on the MUSIC power spectrum. In this work, a new sequential MUSIC algorithm named recursive covariance canceled MUSIC (RCC-MUSIC), is proposed. This method brings higher accuracy in comparison with the previous sequential methods at the cost of a negligible increase in computational cost. Furthermore, to improve the performance of RCC-MUSIC, it is combined with the recent method of covariance matrix estimation called correlation subspace. Utilizing the correlation subspace method results in a denoised covariance matrix which in turn, increases the accuracy of subspace-based methods. Several numerical examples are presented to compare the performance of the proposed method with the relevant state-of-the-art methods. As a subspace method, simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method in terms of estimation accuracy and computational load

    Multiresolution Detection of Persistent Scatterers: A Performance Comparison Between Multilook GLRT and CAESAR

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    Persistent scatterers (PS) interferometry tools are extensively used for the monitoring of slow, long-term ground deformation. High spatial resolution is typically required in urban areas to cope with the variability of the signal, whereas in rural regions, multilook shall be implemented to improve the coverage of monitored areas. Along this line, SqueeSAR and later Component extrAction and sElection SAR (CAESAR) were introduced for the monitoring of both persistent and (decorrelating) distributed scatterers (DS). Multilook generalized likelihood ratio test (MGLRT) is a detector derived in the context of tomographic SAR processing that has been investigated for a fixed multilook degree. In this work, we address MGLRT and CAESAR in the multiresolution context characterized by a spatially variable multilook degree. We compare the two schemes for the multiresolution selection of PS and DS, highlighting the pros and cons of each scheme, particularly the peculiarities of CAESAR that have important implications at the implementation stage. A performance analysis of both detectors in case of model mismatch is also addressed. Experiments carried out with data acquired by the COSMO-SkyMed constellation support both the theoretical argumentation and the results achieved by resorting to Monte Carlo simulations

    InSAR Deformation Analysis with Distributed Scatterers: A Review Complemented by New Advances

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    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a powerful remote sensing technique able to measure deformation of the earth’s surface over large areas. InSAR deformation analysis uses two main categories of backscatter: Persistent Scatterers (PS) and Distributed Scatterers (DS). While PS are characterized by a high signal-to-noise ratio and predominantly occur as single pixels, DS possess a medium or low signal-to-noise ratio and can only be exploited if they form homogeneous groups of pixels that are large enough to allow for statistical analysis. Although DS have been used by InSAR since its beginnings for different purposes, new methods developed during the last decade have advanced the field significantly. Preprocessing of DS with spatio-temporal filtering allows today the use of DS in PS algorithms as if they were PS, thereby enlarging spatial coverage and stabilizing algorithms. This review explores the relations between different lines of research and discusses open questions regarding DS preprocessing for deformation analysis. The review is complemented with an experiment that demonstrates that significantly improved results can be achieved for preprocessed DS during parameter estimation if their statistical properties are used

    Analyse temps-frequence et traitement des signaux RSO à haute résolution spatiale pour la surveillance des grands ouvrages d'art

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    The thesis is composed of two research axis. The first one consists in proposing time-frequency signal processing tools for frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars used for displacements measurements, while the second one consists in designing a spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signal processing methodology for infrastructure monitoring when an external point cloud of the envisaged structure is available. In the first part of the thesis, we propose our solutions to the nonlinearity problem of an X-band FMCW radar designed for millimetric displacement measurements of short-range targets. The nonlinear tuning curve of the voltage controlled oscillator from the transceiver can cause a dramatic resolution degradation for wideband sweeps. To mitigate this shortcoming, we have developed two time warping-based methods adapted to wideband nonlinearities: one estimates the nonlinear terms using the high order ambiguity function, while the other is an autofocus approach which exploits the spectral concentration of the beat signal. Onwards, as the core of the thesis, we propose a novel method for scattering centers detection and tracking in spaceborne SAR images adapted to infrastructure monitoring applications. The method is based on refocusing each SAR image on a provided 3D point cloud of the envisaged infrastructure and identifying the reliable scatterers to be monitored by means of four dimensional (4D) tomography. The refocusing algorithm is compatible with stripmap, spotlight and sliding spotlight SAR images and consists of an azimuth defocusing followed by a modified back-projection algorithm on the given set of points which exploits the time-frequency structure of the defocused azimuth signal. The scattering centers of the refocused image are detected in the 4D tomography framework by testing if the main response is at zero elevation in the local elevation-velocity spectral distribution. The mean displacement velocity is estimated from the peak response on the zero elevation axis, while the displacements time series for detected single scatterers is computed as double phase difference of complex amplitudes.Finally, we present the measurement campaigns carried out on the Puylaurent water-dam and the Chastel landslide using GPS measurements, topographic surveys and laser scans to generate the point clouds of the two structures. The comparison between in-situ data and the results obtained by combining TerraSAR-X data with the generated point clouds validate the developed SAR signal processing chain.Cette thèse s'articule autour de deux axes de recherche. Le premier axe aborde les aspects méthodologiques liés au traitement temps-fréquence des signaux issus d'un radar FMCW (à onde continue modulée en fréquence) dans le contexte de la mesure des déplacements fins. Le second axe est dédié à la conception et à la validation d'une chaîne de traitement des images RSO (radar à synthèse d'ouverture) satellitaire. Lorsqu'un maillage 3D de la structure envisagée est disponible, les traitements proposés sont validés par l'intercomparaison avec les techniques conventionnelles d'auscultation des grands ouvrages d'art.D'une part, nous étudions la correction de la non-linéarité d'un radar FMCW en bande X, à courte portée, conçu pour la mesure des déplacements millimétriques. La caractéristique de commande non linéaire de l'oscillateur à large bande, entraine une perte de résolution à la réception. Afin de pallier cet inconvénient, nous avons développé deux méthodes basées sur le ré-échantillonnage temporel (time warping) dans le cas des signaux à large bande non-stationnaires. La première approche estime la loi de fréquence instantanée non linéaire à l'aide de la fonction d'ambiguïté d'ordre supérieur, tandis que la deuxième approche exploite la mesure de concentration spectrale du signal de battement dans un algorithme d'autofocus radial.D'autre part, nous proposons un cadre méthodologique général pour la détection et le pistage des centres de diffusion dans les images RSO pour la surveillance des grands ouvrages d'art. La méthode est basée sur la ré-focalisation de chaque image radar sur le maillage 3D de l'infrastructure étudiée afin d'identifier les diffuseurs pertinents par tomographie 4D (distance – azimut – élévation – vitesse de déformation). L'algorithme de ré-focalisation est parfaitement compatible avec les images RSO acquises dans les différents modes (« stripmap », « spotlight » et « sliding spotlight ») : dé-focalisation en azimut suivie par rétroprojection modifiée (conditionnée par la structure temps-fréquence du signal) sur l'ensemble donné des points. Dans la pile d'images ré-focalisées, les centres de diffusion sont détectés par tomographie 4D : test de conformité à l'hypothèse d'élévation zéro dans le plan élévation – vitesse de déformation. La vitesse moyenne correspond au maximum à l'élévation zéro, tandis que la série temporelle des déplacements est obtenue par double différence de phase des amplitudes complexes pour chaque diffuseur pertinent.Nous présentons également les campagnes in situ effectuées au barrage de Puylaurent (et glissement de Chastel) : les relevés GPS, topographiques et LIDAR sol employées au calcul des maillages 3D. La comparaison entre les déplacements mesurés in situ et les résultats obtenus par l'exploitation conjointe de la télédétection RSO satellitaires et les maillages 3D valident la chaîne de traitement proposée.Teza cuprinde două axe principale de cercetare. Prima axă abordează aspecte metodologice de prelucraretimp-frecvenţă a semnalelor furnizate de radare cu emisie continuă şi modulaţie de frecvenţă (FMCW)în contextul măsurării deplasărilor milimetrice. În cadrul celei de-a doua axe, este proiectată şi validatăo metodă de prelucrare a imaginilor satelitare SAR (radar cu apertură sintetică) ce este destinatămonitorizării infrastructurii critice şi care se bazează pe existenţa unui model 3D al structurii respective.În prima parte a tezei, sunt investigate soluţii de corecţie a neliniarităţii unui radar FMCW în bandaX destinat măsurării deplasărilor milimetrice. Caracteristica de comandă neliniară a oscilatorului debandă largă determină o degradare a rezoluţiei în distanţă. Pentru a rezolva acest inconvenient, au fostelaborate două metode de corecţie a neliniarităţii, adaptate pentru semnale de bandă largă, ce se bazeazăpe conceptul de reeşantionare neuniformă sau deformare a axei temporare. Prima abordare estimeazăparametrii neliniarităţii utilizând funcţii de ambiguitate de ordin superior, iar cea de-a doua exploateazăo măsură de concentraţie spectrală a semnalului de bătăi într-un algoritm de autofocalizare în distanţă.În a doua parte a lucrării, este propusă o metodologie generală de detecţie şi monitorizare a centrilorde împrăştiere în imagini SAR în scopul monitorizării elementelor de infrastructură critică. Metoda sebazează pe refocalizarea fiecărei imagini radar pe un model 3D al structurii investigate în scopul identificăriicentrilor de împrăştiere pertinenţi (ţinte fiabile ce pot fi monitorizate în timp) cu ajutorul tomografiei SAR4D (distanţă-azimut-elevaţie-viteză de deplasare). Algoritmul de refocalizare este compatibil cu imaginiSAR achiziţionate în moduri diferite (« stripmap », « spotlight » şi « sliding spotlight ») şi constă într-odefocalizare în azimut urmată de o retroproiecţie modificată (condiţionată de structura timp-frecvenţă asemnalului) pe modelul 3D al structurii. Ţintele sunt identificate în stiva de imagini refocalizate cu ajutorultomografiei 4D prin efectuarea unui test de conformitate cu ipoteza că centrii de împrăştiere pertinenţivor avea elevaţie zero în planul local elevaţie-viteză. Viteza medie de deformare corespunde maximuluide pe axa de elevaţie nulă, iar seria temporară a deplasărilor se obţine printr-o dublă diferenţă de fază aamplitudinilor complexe corespunzătoare ţintelor identificate.În final sunt prezentate campaniile de măsurători pe teren efectuate la un baraj şi o alunecare de terendin regiunea Puylaurent (Franţa) destinate obţinerii modelului 3D al celor două elemente de infrastructurăprin măsurători GPS, topografice şi LIDAR. Comparaţia între deformările măsurate pe teren şi rezultateleobţinute prin combinarea imaginilor SAR cu modelele 3D au permis validarea metodologiei propuse

    Study of the speckle noise effects over the eigen decomposition of polarimetric SAR data: a review

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    This paper is focused on considering the effects of speckle noise on the eigen decomposition of the co- herency matrix. Based on a perturbation analysis of the matrix, it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the mean value of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, as well as for the Entropy, the Anisotroopy and the dif- ferent a angles. The analytical expressions are compared against simulated polarimetric SAR data, demonstrating the correctness of the different expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Very High Resolution Tomographic SAR Inversion for Urban Infrastructure Monitoring — A Sparse and Nonlinear Tour

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    The topic of this thesis is very high resolution (VHR) tomographic SAR inversion for urban infrastructure monitoring. To this end, SAR tomography and differential SAR tomography are demonstrated using TerraSAR-X spotlight data for providing 3-D and 4-D (spatial-temporal) maps of an entire high rise city area including layover separation and estimation of deformation of the buildings. A compressive sensing based estimator (SL1MMER) tailored to VHR SAR data is developed for tomographic SAR inversion by exploiting the sparsity of the signal. A systematic performance assessment of the algorithm is performed regarding elevation estimation accuracy, super-resolution and robustness. A generalized time warp method is proposed which enables differential SAR tomography to estimate multi-component nonlinear motion. All developed methods are validated with both simulated and extensive processing of large volumes of real data from TerraSAR-X