47 research outputs found

    Arterial pulse wave modeling and analysis for vascular-age studies: a review from VascAgeNet

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    Aging; Arteriosclerosis; HemodynamicsEnvelliment; Arteriosclerosi; HemodinàmicaEnvejecimiento; Arteriosclerosis; HemodinámicaArterial pulse waves (PWs) such as blood pressure and photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals contain a wealth of information on the cardiovascular (CV) system that can be exploited to assess vascular age and identify individuals at elevated CV risk. We review the possibilities, limitations, complementarity, and differences of reduced-order, biophysical models of arterial PW propagation, as well as theoretical and empirical methods for analyzing PW signals and extracting clinically relevant information for vascular age assessment. We provide detailed mathematical derivations of these models and theoretical methods, showing how they are related to each other. Finally, we outline directions for future research to realize the potential of modeling and analysis of PW signals for accurate assessment of vascular age in both the clinic and in daily life.This article is based upon work from COST Action “Network for Research in Vascular Ageing” (VascAgeNet, CA18216), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, www.cost.eu). This work was supported by British Heart Foundation Grants PG/15/104/31913 (to J.A. and P.H.C.), FS/20/20/34626 (to P.H.C.), and AA/18/6/34223, PG/17/90/33415, SPG 2822621, and SP/F/21/150020 (to A.D.H.); Kaunas University of Technology Grant INP2022/16 (to B.P.); European Research Executive Agency, Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions Individual Fellowship Grant 101038096 (to S.P.); Istinye University, BAP Project Grant 2019B1 (to S.P.); “la Caixa” Foundation Grant LCF/BQ/PR22/11920008 (to A.G.); and National Institute for Health and Care Research Grant AI AWARD02499 and EU Horizon 2020 Grant H2020 848109 (to A.D.H.)

    Arterial pulse wave modelling and analysis for vascular age studies: a review from VascAgeNet

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    Arterial pulse waves (PWs) such as blood pressure and photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals contain a wealth of information on the cardiovascular (CV) system that can be exploited to assess vascular age and identify individuals at elevated CV risk. We review the possibilities, limitations, complementarity, and differences of reduced-order, biophysical models of arterial PW propagation, as well as theoretical and empirical methods for analyzing PW signals and extracting clinically relevant information for vascular age assessment. We provide detailed mathematical derivations of these models and theoretical methods, showing how they are related to each other. Finally, we outline directions for future research to realize the potential of modeling and analysis of PW signals for accurate assessment of vascular age in both the clinic and in daily life

    Conduit Artery Photoplethysmography and its Applications in the Assessment of Hemodynamic Condition

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbā ir izstrādāta maģistrālo artēriju fotopletizmogrāfijas (APPG) metode hemodinamisko parametru novērtējumam. Pretstatot referentām metodēm, demonstrēta iespēja iegūt arteriālo elasticitāti raksturojošus parametrus, izmantojot APPG signāla formas analīzi (atvasinājuma un signāla formas aproksimācijas parametri) un ar APPG iegūtu pulsa izplatīšanās ātrumu unilaterālā gultnē. Izstrādāta APPG reģistrācijas standartizācija, mērījuma laikā nodrošinot optimālo sensora piespiedienu. Šis paņēmiens validēts ārējās ietekmes (sensora piespiediens) un hemodinamisko stāvokļu (perifērā vaskulārā pretestība) izmaiņās femorālā APPG signālā, identificējot būtiskākos faktorus APPG pielietojumos. Veikta APPG validācija asinsrites fizioloģijas un preklīniskā pētījumā demonstrējot APPG potenciālu pētniecībā un diagnostikā. Izstrādāts pulsa formas parametrizācijas paņēmiens, saistot fizioloģiskās un aproksimācijas modeļa komponentes. Atslēgas vārdi: maģistrālā artērija, fotopletizmogrāfija, arteriālā elasticitāte, metodes standartizācija, pulsa formas kvantifikācija, vazomocija, sepseThe doctoral thesis features the development of a conduit artery photoplethysmography technique (APPG) for the evaluation of hemodynamic parameters. Contrasting referent methods, the work demonstrates the possibility to receive parameters characterizing the arterial stiffness by means of APPG waveform analysis (derivation and waveform approximation parameters) and APPG obtained pulse wave velocity in a unilateral vascular bed. In this work APPG standardization technique was developed providing optimal probe contact pressure conditions. It was validated by altering the external factors (probe contact pressure) and hemodynamic conditions (peripheral vascular resistance) on the femoral APPG waveform identifying the key factors in APPG applications. The APPG validation in blood circulation physiology and a pre-clinical trial was performed demonstrating APPG potential in the extension of applications. An arterial waveform parameterization was developed relating the physiological wave to approximation model components. Keywords: conduit artery, photoplethysmography, arterial stiffness, method standardization, waveform parametrization, vasomotion, sepsi

    Schr\"odinger Spectrum based Continuous Cuff-less Blood Pressure Estimation using Clinically Relevant Features from PPG Signal and its Second Derivative

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    The presented study aims to estimate blood pressure (BP) using photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals while employing multiple machine learning models. The study proposes a novel algorithm for signal reconstruction, which utilizes the semi-classical signal analysis (SCSA) technique. The proposed algorithm optimises the semi-classical constant and eliminates the trade-off between complexity and accuracy in reconstruction. The reconstructed signals' spectral features are extracted and incorporated with clinically relevant PPG and its second derivative's (SDPPG) morphological features. The developed method was assessed using a publicly available virtual in-silico dataset with more than 4000 subjects, and the Multi-Parameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care Units dataset. Results showed that the method attained a mean absolute error of 5.37 and 2.96 mmHg for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively, using the CatBoost supervisory algorithm. This approach met the standards set by the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, and achieved Grade A for all BP categories in the British Hypertension Society protocol. The proposed framework performs well even when applied to a combined database of the MIMIC-III and the Queensland dataset. This study also evaluates the proposed method's performance in a non-clinical setting with noisy and deformed PPG signals, to validate the efficacy of the SCSA method. The noise stress tests showed that the algorithm maintained its key feature detection, signal reconstruction capability, and estimation accuracy up to a 10 dB SNR ratio. It is believed that the proposed cuff-less BP estimation technique has the potential to perform well on resource-constrained settings due to its straightforward implementation approach.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 8 tables, submitted to Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevie

    Deep Learning in Cardiology

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    The medical field is creating large amount of data that physicians are unable to decipher and use efficiently. Moreover, rule-based expert systems are inefficient in solving complicated medical tasks or for creating insights using big data. Deep learning has emerged as a more accurate and effective technology in a wide range of medical problems such as diagnosis, prediction and intervention. Deep learning is a representation learning method that consists of layers that transform the data non-linearly, thus, revealing hierarchical relationships and structures. In this review we survey deep learning application papers that use structured data, signal and imaging modalities from cardiology. We discuss the advantages and limitations of applying deep learning in cardiology that also apply in medicine in general, while proposing certain directions as the most viable for clinical use.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, 10 table

    An open access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithms

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Physiological Measurement. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/37/12/2181In the past few decades, analysis of heart sound signals (i.e. the phonocardiogram or PCG), especially for automated heart sound segmentation and classification, has been widely studied and has been reported to have the potential value to detect pathology accurately in clinical applications. However, comparative analyses of algorithms in the literature have been hindered by the lack of high-quality, rigorously validated, and standardized open databases of heart sound recordings. This paper describes a public heart sound database, assembled for an international competition, the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Challenge 2016. The archive comprises nine different heart sound databases sourced from multiple research groups around the world. It includes 2435 heart sound recordings in total collected from 1297 healthy subjects and patients with a variety of conditions, including heart valve disease and coronary artery disease. The recordings were collected from a variety of clinical or nonclinical (such as in-home visits) environments and equipment. The length of recording varied from several seconds to several minutes. This article reports detailed information about the subjects/patients including demographics (number, age, gender), recordings (number, location, state and time length), associated synchronously recorded signals, sampling frequency and sensor type used. We also provide a brief summary of the commonly used heart sound segmentation and classification methods, including open source code provided concurrently for the Challenge. A description of the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2016, including the main aims, the training and test sets, the hand corrected annotations for different heart sound states, the scoring mechanism, and associated open source code are provided. In addition, several potential benefits from the public heart sound database are discussed.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01-EB001659 from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and R01GM104987 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.Liu, C.; Springer, DC.; Li, Q.; Moody, B.; Abad Juan, RC.; Li, Q.; Moody, B.... (2016). An open access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithms. Physiological Measurement. 37(12):2181-2213. doi:10.1088/0967-3334/37/12/2181S21812213371

    Blind Source Separation for the Processing of Contact-Less Biosignals

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    (Spatio-temporale) Blind Source Separation (BSS) eignet sich für die Verarbeitung von Multikanal-Messungen im Bereich der kontaktlosen Biosignalerfassung. Ziel der BSS ist dabei die Trennung von (z.B. kardialen) Nutzsignalen und Störsignalen typisch für die kontaktlosen Messtechniken. Das Potential der BSS kann praktisch nur ausgeschöpft werden, wenn (1) ein geeignetes BSS-Modell verwendet wird, welches der Komplexität der Multikanal-Messung gerecht wird und (2) die unbestimmte Permutation unter den BSS-Ausgangssignalen gelöst wird, d.h. das Nutzsignal praktisch automatisiert identifiziert werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwirft ein Framework, mit dessen Hilfe die Effizienz von BSS-Algorithmen im Kontext des kamera-basierten Photoplethysmogramms bewertet werden kann. Empfehlungen zur Auswahl bestimmter Algorithmen im Zusammenhang mit spezifischen Signal-Charakteristiken werden abgeleitet. Außerdem werden im Rahmen der Arbeit Konzepte für die automatisierte Kanalauswahl nach BSS im Bereich der kontaktlosen Messung des Elektrokardiogramms entwickelt und bewertet. Neuartige Algorithmen basierend auf Sparse Coding erwiesen sich dabei als besonders effizient im Vergleich zu Standard-Methoden.(Spatio-temporal) Blind Source Separation (BSS) provides a large potential to process distorted multichannel biosignal measurements in the context of novel contact-less recording techniques for separating distortions from the cardiac signal of interest. This potential can only be practically utilized (1) if a BSS model is applied that matches the complexity of the measurement, i.e. the signal mixture and (2) if permutation indeterminacy is solved among the BSS output components, i.e the component of interest can be practically selected. The present work, first, designs a framework to assess the efficacy of BSS algorithms in the context of the camera-based photoplethysmogram (cbPPG) and characterizes multiple BSS algorithms, accordingly. Algorithm selection recommendations for certain mixture characteristics are derived. Second, the present work develops and evaluates concepts to solve permutation indeterminacy for BSS outputs of contact-less electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. The novel approach based on sparse coding is shown to outperform the existing concepts of higher order moments and frequency-domain features