13 research outputs found

    Supplementary report to the final report of the coral reef expert group: S6. Novel technologies in coral reef monitoring

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    [Extract] This report summarises a review of current technological advances applicable to coral reef monitoring, with a focus on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (the Marine Park). The potential of novel technologies to support coral reef monitoring within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP) framework was evaluated based on their performance, operational maturity and compatibility with traditional methods. Given the complexity of this evaluation, this exercise was systematically structured to address the capabilities of technologies in terms of spatial scales and ecological indicators, using a ranking system to classify expert recommendations.An accessible copy of this report is not yet available from this repository, please contact [email protected] for more information

    Verbesserte Dokumentation des kulturellen Erbes mithilfe digitaler Photogrammetrie mit sichtbaren und thermischen Bildern von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen (UAV)

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    There is always need for reliable and accurate data for documentation of cultural heritage including archaeological areas. The development in 3D data acquisition has let some technologies use for getting a complete documentation. Close range photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning are among the most common used techniques which help to get 3D data acquisition, with high level of detail, accuracy and effective results. However, these techniques are not always the most suitable ones for large archaeological areas, yet aerial images may help to provide a general overview of the area which is fundamental for interpretation and documentation of archaeological sites. Because of the limitations in aerial photogrammetry, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) has become an optimal solution for archaeological areas documentation with its potentials in the context of costs and abilities. To cover large areas at different altitudes, to be able to fly at different altitudes, under different weather conditions, to acquire image with high resolution are among the main advantages of this technology which make it usable and preferable for archaeological documentation. Since UAVs have been rapidly improving in sophistication and reliability, its possibilities aid in archaeological research have recently generated much interest, particularly for documenting sites, monuments and excavations. In this case study several aerial surveys will be conducted with a UAV mounted thermal camera on an archaeological area. After acquiring aerial images, they will be processed for producing both color and thermal-imagery in related software. Next step will be the alignment of the images in order to build an accurate and georeferenced 3D and mesh model of surveyed area. Then colored and thermal orthophoto mosaics as well as digital surface model (DSM) will be obtained for the documentation. The datasets of thermal images and color images will be collected and compared in order to detect archaeological remains on and under the ground.Es besteht immer Bedarf an zuverlässigen und genauen Daten für die Dokumentation des kulturellen Erbes, einschließlich archäologischer Gebiete. Die technischen Entwicklungen in der 3D-Datenerfassung haben erst die vollständige Dokumentation ermöglicht. Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie und terrestrisches Laserscanning gehören zu den am häufigsten verwendeten Techniken, die 3D-Datenerfassung mit hohem Detaillierungsgrad, Genauigkeit und effektive Ergebnissen ermöglichen. Diese Techniken sind jedoch nicht immer die am besten geeigneten für große archäologische Gebiete, dennoch können Luftbilder helfen, einen allgemeinen Überblick über das Gebiet zu geben, was für die Interpretation und Dokumentation archäologischer Stätten von grundlegender Bedeutung ist. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen in der Luftbildvermessung sind UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) zu einer optimalen Lösung für die archäologische Geländedokumentation mit ihren Potenzialen im Kontext von Kosten und Fähigkeiten geworden. Hauptvorteile dieser Technologie sind u.a. große Gebiete in verschiedenen Höhen abzudecken und unter verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen fliegen zu können, Bilder mit hoher Auflösung aufzunehmen, die dann auch für die archäologische Dokumentation nutzbar und damit auch anderen Verfahren vorzuziehen sind. Da sich die UAVs in Bezug auf Entwicklungsgrad und Zuverlässigkeit rasant verbessert haben, haben ihre Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung der archäologischen Forschung in jüngster Zeit großes Interesse geweckt, insbesondere bei der Dokumentation von Stätten, Denkmälern und Ausgrabungen. In dieser Fallstudie werden mehrere Kampagnen von Luftaufnahmen mit einer UAV-Wärmebildkamera auf einem archäologischen Gebiet durchgeführt. Nach der Bildaufufnahme die Farb- und Wärmebilder in einer entsprechenden Software verarbeitet. Der nächste Schritt wird die Verknüpfung der Bilder sein, um ein genaues und georeferenziertes 3D- und Netzmodell des vermessenden Bereichs zu erstellen. Anschließend werden farbige und thermische Orthophoto-Mosaike sowie digitale Oberflächenmodelle (DSM) für die Dokumentation abgeleitet. Die Datensätze von Wärme- und Farbbildern werden gesammelt und verglichen, um archäologische Überreste auf und unter dem Boden zu erkennen

    A preliminary report on newly discovered fluvial vessels from Kostolac, Serbia

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    This paper will present the results of a preliminary study of a group of four fluvial vessels recently discovered in the vicinity of Roman Viminacium in modern-day Serbia, dated between the Late Iron Age and Late Medieval Period. The remains of four vessels were discovered in March 2020 during regular mining activity at the Drmno open-air coal mine near the town of Kostolac in Serbia, at four kilometers distance from the contemporary course of the Danube. Archaeologists from the Belgrade Institute of Archaeology working as resident researchers at the nearby Viminacium Archaeological Park were immediately alerted and surveyed the scene, subsequently joined by members of the Centre Camille Jullian research laboratory for further studies and analyses of the remains. Four different vessels were identified among the wooden remains well preserved under six meters of clay-like sediment: two dugouts, a single plank belonging to a flat-bottomed vessel, and a well preserved flat-bottomed planked barge. The discovery, taking place just two days before the introduction of the state of emergency in Serbia due to the 2020 sanitary crisis, was followed by hasty rescue excavation, documentation, and extraction of the shipwrecks and their transportation to the nearby Archaeological Park for further conservation. While focusing on the architectural characteristics and nautical capabilities of the discovered vessels, this paper will also present preliminary conclusions on the context of their discovery in relation to the archaeological topography of the region, as well as with the naval construction and navigation practices within the Middle Danube zone of transport geography

    Rivoluzione digitale e patrimonio culturale subacqueo: approcci, metodologie e riflessioni teoriche sul rilievo fotogrammetrico e la visualizzazione tridimensionale in archeologia subacquea

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    Contemporary archaeology confronts with many issues relating to broader societal challenges. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a relevant role within this confrontation. Understanding the role and effects of ICTs in society is still in the process and so is for archaeology. The relation between archaeological thought and computer technologies has witnessed a preliminary and strong commitment of archaeologist to computer’s potentials as part of the positivistic strand of the New Archaeology, going through to the acquisition of the GIS and virtual reality potentials since the 1980s. The data enriching environment of post-processual archaeology and the increasing development in computers power and means, have brought to the fore issues of data archiving, management, retrieval, sharing and access. The digital environment requires an ever increasing amount of space for the ever increasing amount of digitally-born data to be preserved and shared. The present dissertation aims to analyze the digital world of archaeology and, particularly, photogrammetry applied to the survey and recording of underwater cultural heritage, with an eye on theoretical and methodological aspects that affect the way photogrammetry and 3D models enter the process of archaeological interpretation. Photogrammetry and the resulting three-dimensional models are useful in the interpretation process as part of a larger digital framework for the analysis of spatial data in underwater archaeology

    IKUWA6. Shared Heritage

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    Celebrating the theme ‘Shared heritage’, IKUWA6 (the 6th International Congress for Underwater Archaeology), was the first such major conference to be held in the Asia-Pacific region, and the first IKUWA meeting hosted outside Europe since the organisation’s inception in Germany in the 1990s. A primary objective of holding IKUWA6 in Australia was to give greater voice to practitioners and emerging researchers across the Asia and Pacific regions who are often not well represented in northern hemisphere scientific gatherings of this scale; and, to focus on the areas of overlap in our mutual heritage, techniques and technology. Drawing together peer-reviewed presentations by delegates from across the world who converged in Fremantle in 2016 to participate, this volume covers a stimulating diversity of themes and niche topics of value to maritime archaeology practitioners, researchers, students, historians and museum professionals across the world

    Seventh International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques"

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    The Seventh International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques (Livorno, Italy June 19-20-21, 2018) was organized by the CNR-IBIMET in collaboration with the City of Livorno, the LEM Foundation, the FCS Foundation and the Compagnia dei Portuali di Livorno, with the patronage by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Accademia dei Georgofili, The University of Florence, the Tuscany Region and the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority. The Symposium, in which scholars from all over the Mediterranean basin participated, was an opportunity to illustrate new proposals and to promote actions to protect the Mediterranean coastal marine environment. In particular, the event was characterized by the search for technical and instrumental solutions to problems related to: energy production in the coastal area, morphology and evolution of coastlines, flora and fauna of the littoral system, management and integrated coastal protection, coastline geography, human influence on coastal landscape

    Lost Worlds: Locating submerged archaeological sites in southeast Alaska

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    Synthesis and interpretation of archaeologically documented land-use patterns and ethnographic data are used to identify and model where people chose to live, hunt, and gather prehistorically. This project tests the hypothesis that the archaeological record of SE Alaska extends to areas of the continental shelf that were submerged by post-Pleistocene sea level rise beginning around 10,600 cal years BP (9,400 14C years). Digital elevation models (DEM) and sea-level curve for southeastern Alaska are used to create time slices between 16,000 to 10,500 cal BP. The variables (slope, aspect, distance from paleo-stream, paleo-lakes, paleo-coastlines, and known archaeological sites, and coastal sinuosity) included in the predictive model are incorporated in model identifying high potential areas for archeological sites. This model has been used to delineate survey areas for underwater archaeological surveys during two fields and will be used for two more field season

    Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques"

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    The Seventh International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques (Livorno, Italy June 19-20-21, 2018) was organized by the CNR-IBIMET in collaboration with the City of Livorno, the LEM Foundation, the FCS Foundation and the Compagnia dei Portuali di Livorno, with the patronage by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Accademia dei Georgofili, The University of Florence, the Tuscany Region and the North Tyrrhenian Sea Port System Authority. The Symposium, in which scholars from all over the Mediterranean basin participated, was an opportunity to illustrate new proposals and to promote actions to protect the Mediterranean coastal marine environment. In particular, the event was characterized by the search for technical and instrumental solutions to problems related to: energy production in the coastal area, morphology and evolution of coastlines, flora and fauna of the littoral system, management and integrated coastal protection, coastline geography, human influence on coastal landscape

    Interaction en réalité mixte appliquée à l'archéologie sous-marine

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    L intérêt porté par l archéologie à la réalité virtuelle est croissant. La réalité virtuelle est devenue un outil nécessaire pour l exploration et l étude des sites archéologiques, et plus particulièrement, les sites archéologiques sous-marins qui se révèlent parfois difficile d accès. Les études actuelles proposent des solutions en réalité virtuelle ou en réalité augmentée sous forme d environnements virtuels avec une interaction virtuelle et/ou augmentée mais aucune étude n a vraiment essayé de comparer ces deux aspects de l interaction. Nous présentons dans ce mémoire trois environnements en réalité virtuelle et un environnement en réalité augmentée où nous proposons des nouvelles méthodes d interaction. Ainsi, nous évaluons leurs fonctionnalités d un point de vue archéologique, nous étudions l influence du niveau d immersion sur les performances de l interaction et nous réalisons une comparaison entre l interaction en réalité virtuelle et en réalité augmentée.The interest in archeology virtual reality is growing. Virtual reality has become a necessary tool for exploration and study of archaeological sites, and more specifically, the underwater archaeological sites that sometimes prove difficult to access. Current studies suggest solutions in virtual reality or augmented reality in the form of virtual environments with virtual interaction and/or augmented interaction but no studies have really tried to compare these two aspects of interaction. We present in this thesis three environments in virtual reality and an environment in augmented reality when we propose new methods of interaction. Thus, we evaluate their archaeological functionality, we study the influence of level of immersion on performance of the interaction and we make a comparison between interaction in virtual reality and interaction in augmented reality.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF