289 research outputs found

    Fusion Based Safety Application for Pedestrian Detection with Danger Estimation

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    Proceedings of: 14th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2011). Chicago, Illinois, USA 5-8 July 2011.Road safety applications require the most reliable data. In recent years data fusion is becoming one of the main technologies for Advance Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS) to overcome the limitations of isolated use of the available sensors and to fulfil demanding safety requirements. In this paper a real application of data fusion for road safety for pedestrian detection is presented. Two sets of automobile-emplaced sensors are used to detect pedestrians in urban environments, a laser scanner and a stereovision system. Both systems are mounted in the automobile research platform IVVI 2.0 to test the algorithms in real situations. The different safety issues necessary to develop this fusion application are described. Context information such as velocity and GPS information is also used to provide danger estimation for the detected pedestrians.This work was supported by the Spanish Government through the Cicyt projects FEDORA (GRANT TRA2010- 20225-C03-01 ) , VIDAS-Driver (GRANT TRA2010-21371-C03-02 ).Publicad

    Safe Intelligent Driver Assistance System in V2X Communication Environments based on IoT

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    In the modern world, power and speed of cars have increased steadily, as traffic continued to increase. At the same time highway-related fatalities and injuries due to road incidents are constantly growing and safety problems come first. Therefore, the development of Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) has become a major issue. Numerous innovations, systems and technologies have been developed in order to improve road transportation and safety. Modern computer vision algorithms enable cars to understand the road environment with low miss rates. A number of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs), Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) have been applied in the different cities over the world. Recently, a new global paradigm, known as the Internet of Things (IoT) brings new idea to update the existing solutions. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication based on IoT technologies would be a next step in intelligent transportation for the future Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV). The overall purpose of this research was to come up with a scalable IoT solution for driver assistance, which allows to combine safety relevant information for a driver from different types of in-vehicle sensors, in-vehicle DAS, vehicle networks and driver`s gadgets. This study brushed up on the evolution and state-of-the-art of Vehicle Systems. Existing ITSs, VANETs and DASs were evaluated in the research. The study proposed a design approach for the future development of transport systems applying IoT paradigm to the transport safety applications in order to enable driver assistance become part of Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The research proposed the architecture of the Safe Intelligent DAS (SiDAS) based on IoT V2X communications in order to combine different types of data from different available devices and vehicle systems. The research proposed IoT ARM structure for SiDAS, data flow diagrams, protocols. The study proposes several IoT system structures for the vehicle-pedestrian and vehicle-vehicle collision prediction as case studies for the flexible SiDAS framework architecture. The research has demonstrated the significant increase in driver situation awareness by using IoT SiDAS, especially in NLOS conditions. Moreover, the time analysis, taking into account IoT, Cloud, LTE and DSRS latency, has been provided for different collision scenarios, in order to evaluate the overall system latency and ensure applicability for real-time driver emergency notification. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SiDAS improves traffic safety

    Development of rear-end collision avoidance in automobiles

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    The goal of this work is to develop a Rear-End Collision Avoidance System for automobiles. In order to develop the Rear-end Collision Avoidance System, it is stated that the most important difference from the old practice is the fact that new design approach attempts to completely avoid collision instead of minimizing the damage by over-designing cars. Rear-end collisions are the third highest cause of multiple vehicle fatalities in the U.S. Their cause seems to be a result of poor driver awareness and communication. For example, car brake lights illuminate exactly the same whether the car is slowing, stopping or the driver is simply resting his foot on the pedal. In the development of Rear-End Collision Avoidance System (RECAS), a thorough review of hardware, software, driver/human factors, and current rear-end collision avoidance systems are included. Key sensor technologies are identified and reviewed in an attempt to ease the design effort. The characteristics and capabilities of alternative and emerging sensor technologies are also described and their performance compared. In designing a RECAS the first component is to monitor the distance and speed of the car ahead. If an unsafe condition is detected a warning is issued and the vehicle is decelerated (if necessary). The second component in the design effort utilizes the illumination of independent segments of brake lights corresponding to the stopping condition of the car. This communicates the stopping intensity to the following driver. The RECAS is designed the using the LabVIEW software. The simulation is designed to meet several criteria: System warnings should result in a minimum load on driver attention, and the system should also perform well in a variety of driving conditions. In order to illustrate and test the proposed RECAS methods, a Java program has been developed. This simulation animates a multi-car, multi-lane highway environment where car speeds are assigned randomly, and the proposed RECAS approaches demonstrate rear-end collision avoidance successfully. The Java simulation is an applet, which is easily accessible through the World Wide Web and also can be tested for different angles of the sensor

    Real-Time Collision Imminent Steering Using One-Level Nonlinear Model Predictive Control

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    Automotive active safety features are designed to complement or intervene a human driver's actions in safety critical situations. Existing active safety features, such as adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist, are able to exploit the ever growing sensor and computing capabilities of modern automobiles. An emerging feature, collision imminent steering, is designed to perform an evasive lane change to avoid collision if the vehicle believes collision cannot be avoided by braking alone. This is a challenging maneuver, as the expected highway setting is characterized by high speeds, narrow lane restrictions, and hard safety constraints. To perform such a maneuver, the vehicle may be required to operate at the nonlinear dynamics limits, necessitating advanced control strategies to enforce safety and drivability constraints. This dissertation presents a one-level nonlinear model predictive controller formulation to perform a collision imminent steering maneuver in a highway setting at high speeds, with direct consideration of safety criteria in the highway environment and the nonlinearities characteristic of such a potentially aggressive maneuver. The controller is cognizant of highway sizing constraints, vehicle handling capability and stability limits, and time latency when calculating the control action. In simulated testing, it is shown the controller can avoid collision by conducting a lane change in roughly half the distance required to avoid collision by braking alone. In preliminary vehicle testing, it is shown the control formulation is compatible with the existing perception pipeline, and prescribed control action can safely perform a lane change at low speed. Further, the controller must be suitable for real-time implementation and compatible with expected automotive control architecture. Collision imminent steering, and more broadly collision avoidance, control is a computationally challenging problem. At highway speeds, the required time for action is on the order of hundreds of milliseconds, requiring a control formulation capable of operating at tens of Hertz. To this extent, this dissertation investigates the computational expense of such a controller, and presents a framework for designing real-time compatible nonlinear model predictive controllers. Specifically, methods for numerically simulating the predicted vehicle response and response sensitivities are compared, their cross interaction with trajectory optimization strategy are considered, and the resulting mapping to a parallel computing hardware architecture is investigated. The framework systematically evaluates the underlying numerical optimization problem for bottlenecks, from which it provides alternative solutions strategies to achieve real-time performance. As applied to the baseline collision imminent steering controller, the procedure results in an approximate three order of magnitude reduction in compute wall time, supporting real-time performance and enabling preliminary testing on automotive grade hardware.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163063/1/jbwurts_1.pd

    Quantitative Performance Assessment of LiDAR-based Vehicle Contour Estimation Algorithms for Integrated Vehicle Safety Applications

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    Many nations and organizations are committing to achieving the goal of `Vision Zero\u27 and eliminate road traffic related deaths around the world. Industry continues to develop integrated safety systems to make vehicles safer, smarter and more capable in safety critical scenarios. Passive safety systems are now focusing on pre-crash deployment of restraint systems to better protect vehicle passengers. Current commonly used bounding box methods for shape estimation of crash partners lack the fidelity required for edge case collision detection and advanced crash modeling. This research presents a novel algorithm for robust and accurate contour estimation of opposing vehicles. The presented method is evaluated via a developed framework for key performance metrics and compared to alternative algorithms found in literature

    Automated driving and autonomous functions on road vehicles

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    In recent years, road vehicle automation has become an important and popular topic for research and development in both academic and industrial spheres. New developments received extensive coverage in the popular press, and it may be said that the topic has captured the public imagination. Indeed, the topic has generated interest across a wide range of academic, industry and governmental communities, well beyond vehicle engineering; these include computer science, transportation, urban planning, legal, social science and psychology. While this follows a similar surge of interest – and subsequent hiatus – of Automated Highway Systems in the 1990’s, the current level of interest is substantially greater, and current expectations are high. It is common to frame the new technologies under the banner of “self-driving cars” – robotic systems potentially taking over the entire role of the human driver, a capability that does not fully exist at present. However, this single vision leads one to ignore the existing range of automated systems that are both feasible and useful. Recent developments are underpinned by substantial and long-term trends in “computerisation” of the automobile, with developments in sensors, actuators and control technologies to spur the new developments in both industry and academia. In this paper we review the evolution of the intelligent vehicle and the supporting technologies with a focus on the progress and key challenges for vehicle system dynamics. A number of relevant themes around driving automation are explored in this article, with special focus on those most relevant to the underlying vehicle system dynamics. One conclusion is that increased precision is needed in sensing and controlling vehicle motions, a trend that can mimic that of the aerospace industry, and similarly benefit from increased use of redundant by-wire actuators

    Measurable Safety of Automated Driving Functions in Commercial Motor Vehicles

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    With the further development of automated driving, the functional performance increases resulting in the need for new and comprehensive testing concepts. This doctoral work aims to enable the transition from quantitative mileage to qualitative test coverage by aggregating the results of both knowledge-based and data-driven test platforms. The validity of the test domain can be extended cost-effectively throughout the software development process to achieve meaningful test termination criteria

    Measurable Safety of Automated Driving Functions in Commercial Motor Vehicles - Technological and Methodical Approaches

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    Fahrerassistenzsysteme sowie automatisiertes Fahren leisten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit von Kraftfahrzeugen, insbesondere von Nutzfahrzeugen. Mit der Weiterentwicklung des automatisierten Fahrens steigt hierbei die funktionale Leistungsfähigkeit, woraus Anforderungen an neue, gesamtheitliche Erprobungskonzepte entstehen. Um die Absicherung höherer Stufen von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen zu garantieren, sind neuartige Verifikations- und Validierungsmethoden erforderlich. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, durch die Aggregation von Testergebnissen aus wissensbasierten und datengetriebenen Testplattformen den Übergang von einer quantitativen Kilometerzahl zu einer qualitativen Testabdeckung zu ermöglichen. Die adaptive Testabdeckung zielt somit auf einen Kompromiss zwischen Effizienz- und Effektivitätskriterien für die Absicherung von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen in der Produktentstehung von Nutzfahrzeugen ab. Diese Arbeit umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines modularen Frameworks zur kundenorientierten Absicherung automatisierter Fahrfunktionen mit vertretbarem Aufwand. Ausgehend vom Konfliktmanagement für die Anforderungen der Teststrategie werden hochautomatisierte Testansätze entwickelt. Dementsprechend wird jeder Testansatz mit seinen jeweiligen Testzielen integriert, um die Basis eines kontextgesteuerten Testkonzepts zu realisieren. Die wesentlichen Beiträge dieser Arbeit befassen sich mit vier Schwerpunkten: * Zunächst wird ein Co-Simulationsansatz präsentiert, mit dem sich die Sensoreingänge in einem Hardware-in-the-Loop-Prüfstand mithilfe synthetischer Fahrszenarien simulieren und/ oder stimulieren lassen. Der vorgestellte Aufbau bietet einen phänomenologischen Modellierungsansatz, um einen Kompromiss zwischen der Modellgranularität und dem Rechenaufwand der Echtzeitsimulation zu erreichen. Diese Methode wird für eine modulare Integration von Simulationskomponenten, wie Verkehrssimulation und Fahrdynamik, verwendet, um relevante Phänomene in kritischen Fahrszenarien zu modellieren. * Danach wird ein Messtechnik- und Datenanalysekonzept für die weltweite Absicherung von automatisierten Fahrfunktionen vorgestellt, welches eine Skalierbarkeit zur Aufzeichnung von Fahrzeugsensor- und/ oder Umfeldsensordaten von spezifischen Fahrereignissen einerseits und permanenten Daten zur statistischen Absicherung und Softwareentwicklung andererseits erlaubt. Messdaten aus länderspezifischen Feldversuchen werden aufgezeichnet und zentral in einer Cloud-Datenbank gespeichert. * Anschließend wird ein ontologiebasierter Ansatz zur Integration einer komplementären Wissensquelle aus Feldbeobachtungen in ein Wissensmanagementsystem beschrieben. Die Gruppierung von Aufzeichnungen wird mittels einer ereignisbasierten Zeitreihenanalyse mit hierarchischer Clusterbildung und normalisierter Kreuzkorrelation realisiert. Aus dem extrahierten Cluster und seinem Parameterraum lassen sich die Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit jedes logischen Szenarios und die Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen der zugehörigen Parameter ableiten. Durch die Korrelationsanalyse von synthetischen und naturalistischen Fahrszenarien wird die anforderungsbasierte Testabdeckung adaptiv und systematisch durch ausführbare Szenario-Spezifikationen erweitert. * Schließlich wird eine prospektive Risikobewertung als invertiertes Konfidenzniveau der messbaren Sicherheit mithilfe von Sensitivitäts- und Zuverlässigkeitsanalysen durchgeführt. Der Versagensbereich kann im Parameterraum identifiziert werden, um die Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit für jedes extrahierte logische Szenario durch verschiedene Stichprobenverfahren, wie beispielsweise die Monte-Carlo-Simulation und Adaptive-Importance-Sampling, vorherzusagen. Dabei führt die geschätzte Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Sicherheitsverletzung für jedes gruppierte logische Szenario zu einer messbaren Sicherheitsvorhersage. Das vorgestellte Framework erlaubt es, die Lücke zwischen wissensbasierten und datengetriebenen Testplattformen zu schließen, um die Wissensbasis für die Abdeckung der Operational Design Domains konsequent zu erweitern. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse den Nutzen und die Herausforderungen des entwickelten Frameworks für messbare Sicherheit durch ein Vertrauensmaß der Risikobewertung. Dies ermöglicht eine kosteneffiziente Erweiterung der Validität der Testdomäne im gesamten Softwareentwicklungsprozess, um die erforderlichen Testabbruchkriterien zu erreichen
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