3 research outputs found

    Microbiological assessment of the clinically significant cultures of the opportunistic microorganisms isolated from the intestines of the patients with Alzheimer’s disease

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    In the microbiological stualy of the intestinal microflora of the patients with Alzheimer’s disease colonization resistance disorders of the mucous membrane af the intestines have been revealed: forming of the multicomponent associations, containing yeast fungi and opportunistie pathogenic bacteria (64.7% of all strains were characterised by the high level of their adhesive). Dysbiotic discorders of the intestinal microflora of the patients with Alzheimer’s disease were followed by authentically low (p <0.05) quamtitative indices of the indigenous microbiota content: Lactobacillus spp. 4.48 ±0.15 lg CFU/g against the background of the III desbiosizs degree; Bifidumbacteium spp. 3.7 ± O.21 CFU/g p — II dvsbiosis degree. In vitro test of Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidumbacteium spp. isolated from the patient with Alzheimer's disease, have not revealed anv strain with a high degree of adhesion and the high “++++ " level of antagonistic activity, concerning opportunistic clinical strains of E.coli, P.vulgaris, K.pneumonias., isolated in the clinically significant concentration


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