19 research outputs found

    A survey on acoustic positioning systems for location-based services

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    Positioning systems have become increasingly popular in the last decade for location-based services, such as navigation, and asset tracking and management. As opposed to outdoor positioning, where the global navigation satellite system became the standard technology, there is no consensus yet for indoor environments despite the availability of different technologies, such as radio frequency, magnetic field, visual light communications, or acoustics. Within these options, acoustics emerged as a promising alternative to obtain high-accuracy low-cost systems. Nevertheless, acoustic signals have to face very demanding propagation conditions, particularly in terms of multipath and Doppler effect. Therefore, even if many acoustic positioning systems have been proposed in the last decades, it remains an active and challenging topic. This article surveys the developed prototypes and commercial systems that have been presented since they first appeared around the 1980s to 2022. We classify these systems into different groups depending on the observable that they use to calculate the user position, such as the time-of-flight, the received signal strength, or the acoustic spectrum. Furthermore, we summarize the main properties of these systems in terms of accuracy, coverage area, and update rate, among others. Finally, we evaluate the limitations of these groups based on the link budget approach, which gives an overview of the system's coverage from parameters such as source and noise level, detection threshold, attenuation, and processing gain.Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸nResearch Council of Norwa

    Infrared ranging in multipath environments for indoor localization of mobile targets

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    Esta tesis aborda el problema de la medida de diferencias de distancia mediante se帽ales 贸pticas afectadas por multicamino, aplicada a la localizaci贸n de agentes m贸viles en espacios interiores. Los avances en rob贸tica, entornos inteligentes y veh铆culos aut贸nomos han creado un campo de aplicaci贸n espec铆fico para la localizaci贸n en interiores, cuyos requerimientos de precisi贸n (en el rango de los cm) son muy superiores a los demandados por las aplicaciones de localizaci贸n orientadas a personas, en cuyo contexto se han desarrollado la mayor parte de las alternativas tecnol贸gicas. La investigaci贸n con m茅todos de geometr铆a proyectiva basados en c谩maras y de multilateraci贸n basados en medida de distancia con se帽ales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, de ultrasonido y 贸pticas han demostrado un rendimiento potencial adecuado para cubrir estos requerimientos. Sin embargo, todas estas alternativas, a煤n en fase de investigaci贸n, presentan dificultades que limitan su aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica. En el caso de los sistemas 贸pticos, escasamente estudiados en este contexto, los trabajos previos se han basado en medidas de diferencia de fase de llegada de se帽ales infrarrojas moduladas sinusoidalmente en intensidad. Una infraestructura centralizada computa medidas diferenciales, entre receptores fijos, de la se帽al emitida desde el m贸vil a posicionar, y calcula la posici贸n del m贸vil mediante trilateraci贸n hiperb贸lica a partir de 茅stas. Estas investigaciones demostraron que se pueden alcanzar precisiones de pocos cent铆metros; sin embargo, las interferencias por multicamino debidas a la reflexi贸n de la se帽al 贸ptica en superficies del entorno pueden degradar esta precisi贸n hasta las decenas de cent铆metros dependiendo de las caracter铆sticas del espacio. As铆 pues, el efecto del multicamino es actualmente la principal fuente de error en esta tecnolog铆a, y por tanto, la principal barrera a superar para su implementaci贸n en situaciones reales. En esta tesis se propone y analiza un sistema de medida con se帽ales 贸pticas que permite obtener estimaciones de diferencias de distancia precisas reduciendo el efecto cr铆tico del multicamino. El sistema propuesto introduce una modulaci贸n con secuencias de ruido pseudoaleatorio sobre la modulaci贸n sinusoidal t铆picamente usada para medida de fase por onda continua, y aprovecha las propiedades de ensanchamiento en frecuencia de estas secuencias para reducir el efecto del multicamino. El sistema, que realiza una doble estimaci贸n de tiempo y fase de llegada, est谩 compuesto por una etapa de sincronizaci贸n que posibilita la demodulaci贸n parcialmente coherente de la se帽al recibida, seguida de un medidor diferencial de fase sobre las componentes desensanchadas tras la demodulaci贸n. Las condiciones de multicamino 贸ptico t铆picas en espacios interiores, con una componente de camino directo claramente dominante, permiten que el proceso de demodulaci贸n recupere m谩s potencia del camino directo que del resto de contribuciones, reduciendo el efecto del multicamino en la estimaci贸n final. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la aplicaci贸n del m茅todo propuesto permitir铆a realizar posicionamiento a partir de se帽ales 贸pticas con el rendimiento adecuando para aplicaciones de rob贸tica y guiado de veh铆culos en espacios interiores; adem谩s, el progresivo aumento de la potencia y el ancho de banda de los dispositivos optoelectr贸nicos disponibles permite esperar un incremento considerable de las prestaciones de la propuesta en los pr贸ximos a帽os

    Enabling technologies and cyber-physical systems for mission-critical scenarios

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnolox铆as da Informaci贸n e Comunicaci贸ns en Redes M贸biles . 5029P01[Abstract] Reliable transport systems, defense, public safety and quality assurance in the Industry 4.0 are essential in a modern society. In a mission-critical scenario, a mission failure would jeopardize human lives and put at risk some other assets whose impairment or loss would significantly harm society or business results. Even small degradations of the communications supporting the mission could have large and possibly dire consequences. On the one hand, mission-critical organizations wish to utilize the most modern, disruptive and innovative communication systems and technologies, and yet, on the other hand, need to comply with strict requirements, which are very different to those of non critical scenarios. The aim of this thesis is to assess the feasibility of applying emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and 4G broadband communications in mission-critical scenarios along three key critical infrastructure sectors: transportation, defense and public safety, and shipbuilding. Regarding the transport sector, this thesis provides an understanding of the progress of communications technologies used for railways since the implantation of Global System for Mobile communications-Railways (GSM-R). The aim of this work is to envision the potential contribution of Long Term Evolution (LTE) to provide additional features that GSM-R would never support. Furthermore, the ability of Industrial IoT for revolutionizing the railway industry and confront today's challenges is presented. Moreover, a detailed review of the most common flaws found in Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) based IoT systems is presented, including the latest attacks described in the literature. As a result, a novel methodology for auditing security and reverse engineering RFID communications in transport applications is introduced. The second sector selected is driven by new operational needs and the challenges that arise from modern military deployments. The strategic advantages of 4G broadband technologies massively deployed in civil scenarios are examined. Furthermore, this thesis analyzes the great potential for applying IoT technologies to revolutionize modern warfare and provide benefits similar to those in industry. It identifies scenarios where defense and public safety could leverage better commercial IoT capabilities to deliver greater survivability to the warfighter or first responders, while reducing costs and increasing operation efficiency and effectiveness. The last part is devoted to the shipbuilding industry. After defining the novel concept of Shipyard 4.0, how a shipyard pipe workshop works and what are the requirements for building a smart pipe system are described in detail. Furthermore, the foundations for enabling an affordable CPS for Shipyards 4.0 are presented. The CPS proposed consists of a network of beacons that continuously collect information about the location of the pipes. Its design allows shipyards to obtain more information on the pipes and to make better use of it. Moreover, it is indicated how to build a positioning system from scratch in an environment as harsh in terms of communications as a shipyard, showing an example of its architecture and implementation.[Resumen] En la sociedad moderna, los sistemas de transporte fiables, la defensa, la seguridad p煤blica y el control de la calidad en la Industria 4.0 son esenciales. En un escenario de misi贸n cr铆tica, el fracaso de una misi贸n pone en peligro vidas humanas y en riesgo otros activos cuyo deterioro o p茅rdida perjudicar铆a significativamente a la sociedad o a los resultados de una empresa. Incluso peque帽as degradaciones en las comunicaciones que apoyan la misi贸n podr铆an tener importantes y posiblemente terribles consecuencias. Por un lado, las organizaciones de misi贸n cr铆tica desean utilizar los sistemas y tecnolog铆as de comunicaci贸n m谩s modernos, disruptivos e innovadores y, sin embargo, deben cumplir requisitos estrictos que son muy diferentes a los relativos a escenarios no cr铆ticos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es evaluar la viabilidad de aplicar tecnolog铆as emergentes como Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) y comunicaciones de banda ancha 4G en escenarios de misi贸n cr铆tica en tres sectores clave de infraestructura cr铆tica: transporte, defensa y seguridad p煤blica, y construcci贸n naval. Respecto al sector del transporte, esta tesis permite comprender el progreso de las tecnolog铆as de comunicaci贸n en el 谩mbito ferroviario desde la implantaci贸n de Global System for Mobile communications-Railway (GSM-R). El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la contribuci贸n potencial de Long Term Evolution (LTE) para proporcionar caracter铆sticas adicionales que GSM-R nunca podr铆a soportar. Adem谩s, se presenta la capacidad de la IoT industrial para revolucionar la industria ferroviaria y afrontar los retos actuales. Asimismo, se estudian con detalle las vulnerabilidades m谩s comunes de los sistemas IoT basados en Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), incluyendo los 煤ltimos ataques descritos en la literatura. Como resultado, se presenta una metodolog铆a innovadora para realizar auditor铆as de seguridad e ingenier铆a inversa de las comunicaciones RFID en aplicaciones de transporte. El segundo sector elegido viene impulsado por las nuevas necesidades operacionales y los desaf铆os que surgen de los despliegues militares modernos. Para afrontarlos, se analizan las ventajas estrat茅gicas de las tecnolog铆as de banda ancha 4G masivamente desplegadas en escenarios civiles. Asimismo, esta tesis analiza el gran potencial de aplicaci贸n de las tecnolog铆as IoT para revolucionar la guerra moderna y proporcionar beneficios similares a los alcanzados por la industria. Se identifican escenarios en los que la defensa y la seguridad p煤blica podr铆an aprovechar mejor las capacidades comerciales de IoT para ofrecer una mayor capacidad de supervivencia al combatiente o a los servicios de emergencias, a la vez que reduce los costes y aumenta la eficiencia y efectividad de las operaciones. La 煤ltima parte se dedica a la industria de construcci贸n naval. Despu茅s de definir el novedoso concepto de Astillero 4.0, se describe en detalle c贸mo funciona el taller de tuber铆a de astillero y cu谩les son los requisitos para construir un sistema de tuber铆as inteligentes. Adem谩s, se presentan los fundamentos para posibilitar un CPS asequible para Astilleros 4.0. El CPS propuesto consiste en una red de balizas que continuamente recogen informaci贸n sobre la ubicaci贸n de las tuber铆as. Su dise帽o permite a los astilleros obtener m谩s informaci贸n sobre las tuber铆as y hacer un mejor uso de las mismas. Asimismo, se indica c贸mo construir un sistema de posicionamiento desde cero en un entorno tan hostil en t茅rminos de comunicaciones, mostrando un ejemplo de su arquitectura e implementaci贸n

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2005

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology鈥檚 Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, and Engineering Physics

    Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering

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    The book consists of 24 chapters illustrating a wide range of areas where MATLAB tools are applied. These areas include mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, biological (molecular biology) and medical sciences, communication and control systems, digital signal, image and video processing, system modeling and simulation. Many interesting problems have been included throughout the book, and its contents will be beneficial for students and professionals in wide areas of interest

    Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995)

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    The files on this record represent the various databases that originally composed the CD-ROM issue of "Abstracts on Radio Direction Finding" database, which is now part of the Dudley Knox Library's Abstracts and Selected Full Text Documents on Radio Direction Finding (1899 - 1995) Collection. (See Calhoun record https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/57364 for further information on this collection and the bibliography). Due to issues of technological obsolescence preventing current and future audiences from accessing the bibliography, DKL exported and converted into the three files on this record the various databases contained in the CD-ROM. The contents of these files are: 1) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_xls.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.xls: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format; RDFA_Glossary.xls: Glossary of terms, in Excel 97-2003 Workbookformat; RDFA_Biographies.xls: Biographies of leading figures, in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format]; 2) RDFA_CompleteBibliography_csv.zip [RDFA_CompleteBibliography.TXT: Metadata for the complete bibliography, in CSV format; RDFA_Glossary.TXT: Glossary of terms, in CSV format; RDFA_Biographies.TXT: Biographies of leading figures, in CSV format]; 3) RDFA_CompleteBibliography.pdf: A human readable display of the bibliographic data, as a means of double-checking any possible deviations due to conversion

    Summary of Research 1994

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    The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.This report contains 359 summaries of research projects which were carried out under funding of the Naval Postgraduate School Research Program. A list of recent publications is also included which consists of conference presentations and publications, books, contributions to books, published journal papers, and technical reports. The research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology, National Security Affairs, Oceanography, Operations Research, Physics, and Systems Management. This also includes research by the Command, Control and Communications (C3) Academic Group, Electronic Warfare Academic Group, Space Systems Academic Group, and the Undersea Warfare Academic Group