3,311 research outputs found

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Arrays of Ag split-ring resonators coupled to InGaAs single-quantum-well gain

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    We study arrays of silver split-ring resonators operating at around 1.5-{\mu}m wavelength coupled to an MBE-grown single 12.7-nm thin InGaAs quantum well separated only 4.8 nm from the wafer surface. The samples are held at liquid-helium temperature and are pumped by intense femtosecond optical pulses at 0.81-{\mu}m center wavelength in a pump-probe geometry. We observe much larger relative transmittance changes (up to about 8%) on the split-ring-resonator arrays as compared to the bare quantum well (not more than 1-2%). We also observe a much more rapid temporal decay component of the differential transmittance signal of 15 ps for the case of split-ring resonators coupled to the quantum well compared to the case of the bare quantum well, where we find about 0.7 ns. The latter observation is ascribed to the Purcell effect that arises from the evanescent coupling of the split-ring resonators to the quantum-well gain. All experimental results are compared with a recently introduced analytical toy model that accounts for this evanescent coupling, leading to excellent overall qualitative agreement

    Speculations About Early Syntax : the Production of Wh-questions by Normally Developing French Children and French Children with SLI

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    This paper examines the spontaneous (and elicited) production of questions in 3 typically developing French children (1;8-2;10) and 11 French children with SLI (3;10-9;1). French has three types of constituent questions (Wh-in-situ, fronted Wh without inversion, fronted Wh with inversion) graded in syntactic complexity, allowing detailed investigation of syntactic competence. The results show that both groups of children greatly prefer Wh-in-situ over fronted Wh and avoid inversion. Infinitives are extremely rare in all questions, whereas null subjects are rare in fronted Wh-questions but occur in in-situ questions in typically developing children. SLI children do not produce infinitives in Wh-questions, but allow null subjects in all question types. The elicitation experiment confirmed these trends, though the SLI children had significantly more difficulties with movement than the normal children. A tentative account uses the truncation approach and the assumption that young children avoid movement by deriving in-situ questions with a Q-element in the head position of an Interrogative Phrase entering into an Agree relation with the element left in-situ. SLI children might extend this economic analysis to all Wh-questions

    The structural, functional and evolutionary impact of transposable elements in Eukaryotes

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are nearly ubiquitous in eukaryotes. The increase in genomic data, as well as progress in genome annotation and molecular biology techniques, have revealed the vast number of ways mobile elements have impacted the evolution of eukaryotes. In addition to being the main cause of difference in haploid genome size, TEs have affected the overall organization of genomes by accumulating preferentially in some genomic regions, by causing structural rearrangements or by modifying the recombination rate. Although the vast majority of insertions is neutral or deleterious, TEs have been an important source of evolutionary novelties and have played a determinant role in the evolution of fundamental biological processes. TEs have been recruited in the regulation of host genes and are implicated in the evolution of regulatory networks. They have also served as a source of protein-coding sequences or even entire genes. The impact of TEs on eukaryotic evolution is only now being fully appreciated and the role they may play in a number of biological processes, such as speciation and adaptation, remains to be deciphered

    Cortical beta oscillations reflect the contextual gating of visual action feedback

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    In sensorimotor integration, the brain needs to decide how its predictions should accommodate novel evidence by 'gating' sensory data depending on the current context. Here, we examined the oscillatory correlates of this process by recording magnetoencephalography (MEG) data during a new task requiring action under intersensory conflict. We used virtual reality to decouple visual (virtual) and proprioceptive (real) hand postures during a task in which the phase of grasping movements tracked a target (in either modality). Thus, we rendered visual information either task-relevant or a (to-be-ignored) distractor. Under visuo-proprioceptive incongruence, occipital beta power decreased (relative to congruence) when vision was task-relevant but increased when it had to be ignored. Dynamic causal modelling (DCM) revealed that this interaction was best explained by diametrical, task-dependent changes in visual gain. These novel results suggest a crucial role for beta oscillations in the contextual gating (i.e., gain or precision control) of visual vs proprioceptive action feedback, depending on concurrent behavioral demands

    Optimization and improvements in spatial sound reproduction systems through perceptual considerations

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    [ES] La reproducción de las propiedades espaciales del sonido es una cuestión cada vez más importante en muchas aplicaciones inmersivas emergentes. Ya sea en la reproducción de contenido audiovisual en entornos domésticos o en cines, en sistemas de videoconferencia inmersiva o en sistemas de realidad virtual o aumentada, el sonido espacial es crucial para una sensación de inmersión realista. La audición, más allá de la física del sonido, es un fenómeno perceptual influenciado por procesos cognitivos. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir con nuevos métodos y conocimiento a la optimización y simplificación de los sistemas de sonido espacial, desde un enfoque perceptual de la experiencia auditiva. Este trabajo trata en una primera parte algunos aspectos particulares relacionados con la reproducción espacial binaural del sonido, como son la escucha con auriculares y la personalización de la Función de Transferencia Relacionada con la Cabeza (Head Related Transfer Function - HRTF). Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la influencia de los auriculares en la percepción de la impresión espacial y la calidad, con especial atención a los efectos de la ecualización y la consiguiente distorsión no lineal. Con respecto a la individualización de la HRTF se presenta una implementación completa de un sistema de medida de HRTF y se introduce un nuevo método para la medida de HRTF en salas no anecoicas. Además, se han realizado dos experimentos diferentes y complementarios que han dado como resultado dos herramientas que pueden ser utilizadas en procesos de individualización de la HRTF, un modelo paramétrico del módulo de la HRTF y un ajuste por escalado de la Diferencia de Tiempo Interaural (Interaural Time Difference - ITD). En una segunda parte sobre reproducción con altavoces, se han evaluado distintas técnicas como la Síntesis de Campo de Ondas (Wave-Field Synthesis - WFS) o la panoramización por amplitud. Con experimentos perceptuales se han estudiado la capacidad de estos sistemas para producir sensación de distancia y la agudeza espacial con la que podemos percibir las fuentes sonoras si se dividen espectralmente y se reproducen en diferentes posiciones. Las aportaciones de esta investigación pretenden hacer más accesibles estas tecnologías al público en general, dada la demanda de experiencias y dispositivos audiovisuales que proporcionen mayor inmersión.[CA] La reproducció de les propietats espacials del so és una qüestió cada vegada més important en moltes aplicacions immersives emergents. Ja siga en la reproducció de contingut audiovisual en entorns domèstics o en cines, en sistemes de videoconferència immersius o en sistemes de realitat virtual o augmentada, el so espacial és crucial per a una sensació d'immersió realista. L'audició, més enllà de la física del so, és un fenomen perceptual influenciat per processos cognitius. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'optimització i simplificació dels sistemes de so espacial amb nous mètodes i coneixement, des d'un criteri perceptual de l'experiència auditiva. Aquest treball tracta, en una primera part, alguns aspectes particulars relacionats amb la reproducció espacial binaural del so, com són l'audició amb auriculars i la personalització de la Funció de Transferència Relacionada amb el Cap (Head Related Transfer Function - HRTF). S'ha realitzat un estudi relacionat amb la influència dels auriculars en la percepció de la impressió espacial i la qualitat, dedicant especial atenció als efectes de l'equalització i la consegüent distorsió no lineal. Respecte a la individualització de la HRTF, es presenta una implementació completa d'un sistema de mesura de HRTF i s'inclou un nou mètode per a la mesura de HRTF en sales no anecoiques. A mès, s'han realitzat dos experiments diferents i complementaris que han donat com a resultat dues eines que poden ser utilitzades en processos d'individualització de la HRTF, un model paramètric del mòdul de la HRTF i un ajustament per escala de la Diferencià del Temps Interaural (Interaural Time Difference - ITD). En una segona part relacionada amb la reproducció amb altaveus, s'han avaluat distintes tècniques com la Síntesi de Camp d'Ones (Wave-Field Synthesis - WFS) o la panoramització per amplitud. Amb experiments perceptuals, s'ha estudiat la capacitat d'aquests sistemes per a produir una sensació de distància i l'agudesa espacial amb que podem percebre les fonts sonores, si es divideixen espectralment i es reprodueixen en diferents posicions. Les aportacions d'aquesta investigació volen fer més accessibles aquestes tecnologies al públic en general, degut a la demanda d'experiències i dispositius audiovisuals que proporcionen major immersió.[EN] The reproduction of the spatial properties of sound is an increasingly important concern in many emerging immersive applications. Whether it is the reproduction of audiovisual content in home environments or in cinemas, immersive video conferencing systems or virtual or augmented reality systems, spatial sound is crucial for a realistic sense of immersion. Hearing, beyond the physics of sound, is a perceptual phenomenon influenced by cognitive processes. The objective of this thesis is to contribute with new methods and knowledge to the optimization and simplification of spatial sound systems, from a perceptual approach to the hearing experience. This dissertation deals in a first part with some particular aspects related to the binaural spatial reproduction of sound, such as listening with headphones and the customization of the Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF). A study has been carried out on the influence of headphones on the perception of spatial impression and quality, with particular attention to the effects of equalization and subsequent non-linear distortion. With regard to the individualization of the HRTF a complete implementation of a HRTF measurement system is presented, and a new method for the measurement of HRTF in non-anechoic conditions is introduced. In addition, two different and complementary experiments have been carried out resulting in two tools that can be used in HRTF individualization processes, a parametric model of the HRTF magnitude and an Interaural Time Difference (ITD) scaling adjustment. In a second part concerning loudspeaker reproduction, different techniques such as Wave-Field Synthesis (WFS) or amplitude panning have been evaluated. With perceptual experiments it has been studied the capacity of these systems to produce a sensation of distance, and the spatial acuity with which we can perceive the sound sources if they are spectrally split and reproduced in different positions. The contributions of this research are intended to make these technologies more accessible to the general public, given the demand for audiovisual experiences and devices with increasing immersion.Gutiérrez Parera, P. (2020). Optimization and improvements in spatial sound reproduction systems through perceptual considerations [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/142696TESI

    Multifrequency Aperture-Synthesizing Microwave Radiometer System (MFASMR). Volume 1

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    Background material and a systems analysis of a multifrequency aperture - synthesizing microwave radiometer system is presented. It was found that the system does not exhibit high performance because much of the available thermal power is not used in the construction of the image and because the image that can be formed has a resolution of only ten lines. An analysis of image reconstruction is given. The system is compared with conventional aperture synthesis systems

    Parcels and particles: Markov blankets in the brain

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    At the inception of human brain mapping, two principles of functional anatomy underwrote most conceptions—and analyses—of distributed brain responses: namely, functional segregation and integration. There are currently two main approaches to characterizing functional integration. The first is a mechanistic modeling of connectomics in terms of directed effective connectivity that mediates neuronal message passing and dynamics on neuronal circuits. The second phenomenological approach usually characterizes undirected functional connectivity (i.e., measurable correlations), in terms of intrinsic brain networks, self-organized criticality, dynamical instability, and so on. This paper describes a treatment of effective connectivity that speaks to the emergence of intrinsic brain networks and critical dynamics. It is predicated on the notion of Markov blankets that play a fundamental role in the self-organization of far from equilibrium systems. Using the apparatus of the renormalization group, we show that much of the phenomenology found in network neuroscience is an emergent property of a particular partition of neuronal states, over progressively coarser scales. As such, it offers a way of linking dynamics on directed graphs to the phenomenology of intrinsic brain networks