239 research outputs found

    Organization and connectivity of premotor interneurons in the mouse spinal cord

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    Movement is the final behavioral output of neuronal activity in the spinal cord. In all vertebrates, motor neurons are grouped into motor neuron pools, the functional units innervating individual muscles. Spinal interneurons receive a variety of inputs from the brain, cerebellum and sensory afferents, process this information and as the final outcome, the information reaches the motor neurons that control the activation of the innervated muscles. For generation of movement, precise activation of distinct motor neuron pools at the right moment in time is crucial and this precision is possible due to the cohorts of spinal interneurons, connected with specificity to distinct motor neuron pools that regulate motor neuronal activity. How premotor circuits connect to distinct motor neuron pools with specificity is poorly understood and represented a main question of my PhD thesis work. In my thesis, I present the results of my studies on connectivity of premotor interneuron populations to specific motor neuron pools in two layers - as general distribution patterns specific to control the regulation of particular muscles and by closer examination of the connection specificity of one class of the spinal pre-motor interneurons, the cholinergic partition cells. One significant part of this project was to develop a tool that allowed studying the pre-motor interneurons innervating defined motor neuron pools. For this purpose, I have adapted a novel rabies virus based tool (Wickersham et al. (2007b)) for mono- transsynaptic tracing of neuronal circuits in the spinal cord in vivo. I was successful in establishing an anatomical rabies-virus based connectivity assay in early postnatal mice in order to study the connectivity scheme of premotor neurons, the neuronal cohorts monosynaptically connected to motor neurons. The main parts of my thesis focus on: 1) motor neuron pools connectivity with premotor interneurons that appear to be widely-distributed when analysed at the segmental level, yet group into stereotypic populations, and differing for pools innervating functionally-distinct muscles; 2) local or segmental distribution of interneurons depending on their molecular identity; 3) specificity of the connectivity of cholinergic partition cells involved in the regulation of motor neuron excitability - this subpopulation of premotor interneurons segregate into ipsilaterally and bilaterally projecting populations, the latter exhibiting preferential connections to equivalent motor neuron pools bilaterally. A minor part of my thesis is devoted to the connectivity of the spinal pre-motor interneurons in α2-chimaerin mutant mice. Data presented in this part are preliminary and this project needs continuation, but the results begin to provide insight into the function of the α2-chimaerin molecule in the axon guidance and perhaps connectivity process of the bilaterally projecting subclass of partition cells and a dorsal subgroup of premotor interneurons. I demonstrate that the distribution of cholinergic partition cells connected to a particular motor neuron pool is different in α2-chimaerin mutant mice than in the wild-type mice. I also show that the distribution pattern of ectopic bilaterally projecting premotor interneurons in α2-chimaerin mutant mice what concerns the dorsal population of premotor interneurons. These studies of premotor interneurons visualize the widespread but precise nature of connectivity with motor neuron pools, reveal exquisite synaptic specificity for bilaterally projecting cholinergic partition cells and show the importance of the α2-chimaerin molecule in axon guidance and connectivity processes for the establishment of the appropriate premotor circuits in the spinal cord

    Identification of Multiple Subsets of Ventral Interneurons and Differential Distribution along the Rostrocaudal Axis of the Developing Spinal Cord

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    The spinal cord contains neuronal circuits termed Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) that coordinate rhythmic motor activities. CPG circuits consist of motor neurons and multiple interneuron cell types, many of which are derived from four distinct cardinal classes of ventral interneurons, called V0, V1, V2 and V3. While significant progress has been made on elucidating the molecular and genetic mechanisms that control ventral interneuron differentiation, little is known about their distribution along the antero-posterior axis of the spinal cord and their diversification. Here, we report that V0, V1 and V2 interneurons exhibit distinct organizational patterns at brachial, thoracic and lumbar levels of the developing spinal cord. In addition, we demonstrate that each cardinal class of ventral interneurons can be subdivided into several subsets according to the combinatorial expression of different sets of transcription factors, and that these subsets are differentially distributed along the rostrocaudal axis of the spinal cord. This comprehensive molecular profiling of ventral interneurons provides an important resource for investigating neuronal diversification in the developing spinal cord and for understanding the contribution of specific interneuron subsets on CPG circuits and motor control

    The What and Why of Binding: The Modeler's Perspective

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    In attempts to formulate a computational understanding of brain function, one of the fundamental concerns is the data structure by which the brain represents information. For many decades, a conceptual framework has dominated the thinking of both brain modelers and neurobiologists. That framework is referred to here as "classical neural networks." It is well supported by experimental data, although it may be incomplete. A characterization of this framework will be offered in the next section. Difficulties in modeling important functional aspects of the brain on the basis of classical neural networks alone have led to the recognition that another, general mechanism must be invoked to explain brain function. That mechanism I call "binding." Binding by neural signal synchrony had been mentioned several times in the liter ature (Lege´ndy, 1970; Milner, 1974) before it was fully formulated as a general phenomenon (von der Malsburg, 1981). Although experimental evidence for neural syn chrony was soon found, the idea was largely ignored for many years. Only recently has it become a topic of animated discussion. In what follows, I will summarize the nature and the roots of the idea of binding, especially of temporal binding, and will discuss some of the objec tions raised against it

    Unveiling the sensory and interneuronal pathways of the neuroendocrine connectome in Drosophila.

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    Neuroendocrine systems in animals maintain organismal homeostasis and regulate stress response. Although a great deal of work has been done on the neuropeptides and hormones that are released and act on target organs in the periphery, the synaptic inputs onto these neuroendocrine outputs in the brain are less well understood. Here, we use the transmission electron microscopy reconstruction of a whole central nervous system in the Drosophila larva to elucidate the sensory pathways and the interneurons that provide synaptic input to the neurosecretory cells projecting to the endocrine organs. Predicted by network modeling, we also identify a new carbon dioxide-responsive network that acts on a specific set of neurosecretory cells and that includes those expressing corazonin (Crz) and diuretic hormone 44 (Dh44) neuropeptides. Our analysis reveals a neuronal network architecture for combinatorial action based on sensory and interneuronal pathways that converge onto distinct combinations of neuroendocrine outputs

    Multimodal Proprioceptive Integration in Sensorimotor Networks of an Insect Leg

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    An animal’s nervous system monitors the actions of the body using its sense of proprioception. This information is used for precise motor control and to enable coordinated interaction with the animal’s surroundings. Proprioception is a multimodal sense that includes feedback about limb movement and loading from various peripheral sense organs. The sensory information from distinct sense organs must be integrated by the network to form a coherent representation of the current proprioceptive state and to elicit appropriate motor behavior. By combining intra- and extracellular electrophysiological recording techniques with precise mechanical sensory stimulation paradigms, I studied multimodal proprioceptive integration in the sensorimotor network of the stick insect leg. The findings demonstrate where, when, and how sensory feedback from load-sensing campaniform sensilla (CS) is integrated with movement information from the femoral chordotonal organ (fCO) in the sensorimotor network controlling movement of the femur-tibia (FTi) joint. Proprioceptive information about distinct sensory modalities (load / movement) and from distinct sense organs of the same sensory modality (trochanterofemoral CS (tr/fCS) / tibial CS (tiCS)) was distributed into one network of local premotor nonspiking interneurons (NSIs). The NSIs’ processing of fCO, tr/fCS, and tiCS was antagonistic with respect to a given NSI’s effect on the motor output of extensor tibiae motor neurons (ExtTi MNs). Spatial summation of load and movement feedback occurred in the network of premotor NSIs, whereas temporal summation was shifted between sensory modalities. Load feedback (tr/fCS / tiCS) was consistently delayed relative to movement signals (fCO) throughout the sensorimotor pathways of sensory afferents, premotor NSIs, and ExtTi MNs. The connectivity between these neuron types was inferred using transmission times and followed distinct patterns for individual sense organs. At the motor output level of the system, the temporal shift of simultaneously elicited load and movement feedback caused load responses to be superimposed onto ongoing movement responses. These results raised the hypothesis that load could alter movement signal processing. Load (tiCS) affected movement (fCO) signal gain by presynaptic afferent inhibition. In postsynaptic premotor NSIs, this led to altered movement parameter dependence and nonlinear summation of load and movement signals. Specifically, the amplitude dependence of NSIs opposing ExtTi MN output was increased, and, consistently, the movement response gain of the slow ExtTi MN was decreased. Movement signal processing in the premotor network was altered depending on the proprioceptive context, i.e. the presence or absence of load feedback. Lateral presynaptic interactions between load (tiCS) and movement (fCO) afferents were reciprocal, i.e. existed from fCO to tiCS afferents and vice versa, and also occurred between sensory afferents of the same sense organ. Additionally, a new type of presynaptic interaction was identified. Load signals increased the gain of directional movement information by releasing unidirectionally velocity- or acceleration-sensitive fCO afferents from tonic presynaptic inhibition. Paired double recordings showed lateral connectivity also at the level of the premotor NSI network. NSIs interacted via reciprocal excitatory connections. Additionally, the activity of individual NSIs was correlated in the absence of external stimuli, and specific types of NSIs showed rhythmic 30 Hz oscillations of the resting membrane potential, indicating an underlying mechanism of network synchronization. Taken together, the results of this dissertation provide an understanding of the integration of multimodal proprioceptive feedback in the sensorimotor network by identifying neuronal pathways and mechanism underlying spatial and temporal signal summation. The local network uses multimodal signal integration for context-dependent sensory processing, thereby providing insights into the mechanism by which a local network can adapt sensory processing to the behavioral context. Initial results clearly highlight the necessity to consider lateral connections along sensorimotor pathways to unravel the complex computations underlying proprioceptive processing and motor control. The findings on the integration of proprioceptive signals, obtained in the resting animal, broaden our understanding of sensorimotor processing and motor control not only in the stationary, but also in the walking animal
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