9 research outputs found

    Análisis histórico del retroceso glaciar en el nevado del Ruiz considerando el fenómeno de El Niño-Oscilación del Sur

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    This study analyzes the glacier retreat of Nevado del Ruíz with 27 images from the Landsat satellite with a monitoring period that begins in 1976 and goes until 2018. The images were processed to discriminate the glacier area using the spectral index NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index). The glacier area was extracted using the unsupervised classification by the K-Means classifier. The glacier area obtained from each image was associated with the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) value corresponding to the date of each image, analyzing the influence of the warm and cold cycles of the ENSO (El Niño - Southern Oscillation) in the glacier area variation. To validate this relationship, a function described by a Fourier series with an R2 of 0.76 was adjusted, the function allowed associating the glacial area variation with the ENSO oscillations. A summation function of Breasts relating the glacier area and time was also adjusted, however, this function was not sufficient to predict a date of thawing of the glacier. The analysis of the results obtained from the time series shows that the glacier is affected in ENSO periods of high temperatures (El Niño), losing a good part of its glacier area and recovering it in colder ENSO periods (La Niña), contradicting the studies define the loss of glacial area with a negative linear function.En este estudio se analiza el retroceso glaciar del nevado del Ruiz con 27 imágenes del satélite Landsat con un periodo de monitoreo que inicia en el año 1976 y va hasta 2018. Las imágenes fueron procesadas para lograr discriminar el área glaciar usando el índice espectral NDSI (normalized difference snow index). El área glaciar fue extraída mediante una clasificación no supervisada por el clasificador K-Means. Al área glaciar obtenida de cada imagen se le asoció el valor de oceanic Niño index (ONI) correspondiente a la fecha de cada imagen, analizando la influencia de los ciclos cálidos y fríos de El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENSO, por su sigla en inglés) en la variación de área glaciar. Para validar esta relación se ajustó una función descrita por una serie de Fourier con un  de 0,76, la función permitió asociar la variación de área glaciar con las oscilaciones ENSO. Una función de suma de senos relacionando el área glaciar y tiempo también fue ajustada, sin embargo, esta función no fue suficiente para predecir una fecha de descongelamiento del glaciar. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos de la serie de tiempo muestra que el glaciar es afectado en periodos ENSO de altas temperaturas (El Niño), perdiendo gran parte de su área glaciar y recuperándola en periodos ENSO más fríos (La Niña), contradiciendo los estudios que definen la pérdida de área glaciar con una función lineal negativa

    Monitoring of Historical Glacier Recession in Yulong Mountain by the Integration of Multisource Remote Sensing Data

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    Dipterocarps protected by Jering local wisdom in Jering Menduyung Nature Recreational Park, Bangka Island, Indonesia

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    Apart of the oil palm plantation expansion, the Jering Menduyung Nature Recreational Park has relatively diverse plants. The 3,538 ha park is located at the north west of Bangka Island, Indonesia. The minimum species-area curve was 0.82 ha which is just below Dalil conservation forest that is 1.2 ha, but it is much higher than measurements of several secondary forests in the Island that are 0.2 ha. The plot is inhabited by more than 50 plant species. Of 22 tree species, there are 40 individual poles with the average diameter of 15.3 cm, and 64 individual trees with the average diameter of 48.9 cm. The density of Dipterocarpus grandiflorus (Blanco) Blanco or kruing, is 20.7 individual/ha with the diameter ranges of 12.1 – 212.7 cm or with the average diameter of 69.0 cm. The relatively intact park is supported by the local wisdom of Jering tribe, one of indigenous tribes in the island. People has regulated in cutting trees especially in the cape. The conservation agency designates the park as one of the kruing propagules sources in the province. The growing oil palm plantation and the less adoption of local wisdom among the youth is a challenge to forest conservation in the province where tin mining activities have been the economic driver for decades. More socialization from the conservation agency and the involvement of university students in raising environmental awareness is important to be done

    A review of commercialisation mechanisms for carbon dioxide removal

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    The deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) needs to be scaled up to achieve net zero emission pledges. In this paper we survey the policy mechanisms currently in place globally to incentivise CDR, together with an estimate of what different mechanisms are paying per tonne of CDR, and how those costs are currently distributed. Incentive structures are grouped into three structures, market-based, public procurement, and fiscal mechanisms. We find the majority of mechanisms currently in operation are underresourced and pay too little to enable a portfolio of CDR that could support achievement of net zero. The majority of mechanisms are concentrated in market-based and fiscal structures, specifically carbon markets and subsidies. While not primarily motivated by CDR, mechanisms tend to support established afforestation and soil carbon sequestration methods. Mechanisms for geological CDR remain largely underdeveloped relative to the requirements of modelled net zero scenarios. Commercialisation pathways for CDR require suitable policies and markets throughout the projects development cycle. Discussion and investment in CDR has tended to focus on technology development. Our findings suggest that an equal or greater emphasis on policy innovation may be required if future requirements for CDR are to be met. This study can further support research and policy on the identification of incentive gaps and realistic potential for CDR globally