2,996 research outputs found

    Scalable Statistical Modeling and Query Processing over Large Scale Uncertain Databases

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    The past decade has witnessed a large number of novel applications that generate imprecise, uncertain and incomplete data. Examples include monitoring infrastructures such as RFIDs, sensor networks and web-based applications such as information extraction, data integration, social networking and so on. In my dissertation, I addressed several challenges in managing such data and developed algorithms for efficiently executing queries over large volumes of such data. Specifically, I focused on the following challenges. First, for meaningful analysis of such data, we need the ability to remove noise and infer useful information from uncertain data. To address this challenge, I first developed a declarative system for applying dynamic probabilistic models to databases and data streams. The output of such probabilistic modeling is probabilistic data, i.e., data annotated with probabilities of correctness/existence. Often, the data also exhibits strong correlations. Although there is prior work in managing and querying such probabilistic data using probabilistic databases, those approaches largely assume independence and cannot handle probabilistic data with rich correlation structures. Hence, I built a probabilistic database system that can manage large-scale correlations and developed algorithms for efficient query evaluation. Our system allows users to provide uncertain data as input and to specify arbitrary correlations among the entries in the database. In the back end, we represent correlations as a forest of junction trees, an alternative representation for probabilistic graphical models (PGM). We execute queries over the probabilistic database by transforming them into message passing algorithms (inference) over the junction tree. However, traditional algorithms over junction trees typically require accessing the entire tree, even for small queries. Hence, I developed an index data structure over the junction tree called INDSEP that allows us to circumvent this process and thereby scalably evaluate inference queries, aggregation queries and SQL queries over the probabilistic database. Finally, query evaluation in probabilistic databases typically returns output tuples along with their probability values. However, the existing query evaluation model provides very little intuition to the users: for instance, a user might want to know Why is this tuple in my result? or Why does this output tuple have such high probability? or Which are the most influential input tuples for my query ?'' Hence, I designed a query evaluation model, and a suite of algorithms, that provide users with explanations for query results, and enable users to perform sensitivity analysis to better understand the query results

    Capturing Data Uncertainty in High-Volume Stream Processing

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    We present the design and development of a data stream system that captures data uncertainty from data collection to query processing to final result generation. Our system focuses on data that is naturally modeled as continuous random variables. For such data, our system employs an approach grounded in probability and statistical theory to capture data uncertainty and integrates this approach into high-volume stream processing. The first component of our system captures uncertainty of raw data streams from sensing devices. Since such raw streams can be highly noisy and may not carry sufficient information for query processing, our system employs probabilistic models of the data generation process and stream-speed inference to transform raw data into a desired format with an uncertainty metric. The second component captures uncertainty as data propagates through query operators. To efficiently quantify result uncertainty of a query operator, we explore a variety of techniques based on probability and statistical theory to compute the result distribution at stream speed. We are currently working with a group of scientists to evaluate our system using traces collected from the domains of (and eventually in the real systems for) hazardous weather monitoring and object tracking and monitoring.Comment: CIDR 200

    Distributed top-k aggregation queries at large

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    Top-k query processing is a fundamental building block for efficient ranking in a large number of applications. Efficiency is a central issue, especially for distributed settings, when the data is spread across different nodes in a network. This paper introduces novel optimization methods for top-k aggregation queries in such distributed environments. The optimizations can be applied to all algorithms that fall into the frameworks of the prior TPUT and KLEE methods. The optimizations address three degrees of freedom: 1) hierarchically grouping input lists into top-k operator trees and optimizing the tree structure, 2) computing data-adaptive scan depths for different input sources, and 3) data-adaptive sampling of a small subset of input sources in scenarios with hundreds or thousands of query-relevant network nodes. All optimizations are based on a statistical cost model that utilizes local synopses, e.g., in the form of histograms, efficiently computed convolutions, and estimators based on order statistics. The paper presents comprehensive experiments, with three different real-life datasets and using the ns-2 network simulator for a packet-level simulation of a large Internet-style network

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn the era of big data, many applications generate continuous online data from distributed locations, scattering devices, etc. Examples include data from social media, financial services, and sensor networks, etc. Meanwhile, large volumes of data can be archived or stored offline in distributed locations for further data analysis. Challenges from data uncertainty, large-scale data size, and distributed data sources motivate us to revisit several classic problems for both online and offline data explorations. The problem of continuous threshold monitoring for distributed data is commonly encountered in many real-world applications. We study this problem for distributed probabilistic data. We show how to prune expensive threshold queries using various tail bounds and combine tail-bound techniques with adaptive algorithms for monitoring distributed deterministic data. We also show how to approximate threshold queries based on sampling techniques. Threshold monitoring problems can only tell a monitoring function is above or below a threshold constraint but not how far away from it. This motivates us to study the problem of continuous tracking functions over distributed data. We first investigate the tracking problem on a chain topology. Then we show how to solve tracking problems on a distributed setting using solutions for the chain model. We studied online tracking of the max function on ""broom"" tree and general tree topologies in this work. Finally, we examine building scalable histograms for distributed probabilistic data. We show how to build approximate histograms based on a partition-and-merge principle on a centralized machine. Then, we show how to extend our solutions to distributed and parallel settings to further mitigate scalability bottlenecks and deal with distributed data

    Similarity processing in multi-observation data

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    Many real-world application domains such as sensor-monitoring systems for environmental research or medical diagnostic systems are dealing with data that is represented by multiple observations. In contrast to single-observation data, where each object is assigned to exactly one occurrence, multi-observation data is based on several occurrences that are subject to two key properties: temporal variability and uncertainty. When defining similarity between data objects, these properties play a significant role. In general, methods designed for single-observation data hardly apply for multi-observation data, as they are either not supported by the data models or do not provide sufficiently efficient or effective solutions. Prominent directions incorporating the key properties are the fields of time series, where data is created by temporally successive observations, and uncertain data, where observations are mutually exclusive. This thesis provides research contributions for similarity processing - similarity search and data mining - on time series and uncertain data. The first part of this thesis focuses on similarity processing in time series databases. A variety of similarity measures have recently been proposed that support similarity processing w.r.t. various aspects. In particular, this part deals with time series that consist of periodic occurrences of patterns. Examining an application scenario from the medical domain, a solution for activity recognition is presented. Finally, the extraction of feature vectors allows the application of spatial index structures, which support the acceleration of search and mining tasks resulting in a significant efficiency gain. As feature vectors are potentially of high dimensionality, this part introduces indexing approaches for the high-dimensional space for the full-dimensional case as well as for arbitrary subspaces. The second part of this thesis focuses on similarity processing in probabilistic databases. The presence of uncertainty is inherent in many applications dealing with data collected by sensing devices. Often, the collected information is noisy or incomplete due to measurement or transmission errors. Furthermore, data may be rendered uncertain due to privacy-preserving issues with the presence of confidential information. This creates a number of challenges in terms of effectively and efficiently querying and mining uncertain data. Existing work in this field either neglects the presence of dependencies or provides only approximate results while applying methods designed for certain data. Other approaches dealing with uncertain data are not able to provide efficient solutions. This part presents query processing approaches that outperform existing solutions of probabilistic similarity ranking. This part finally leads to the application of the introduced techniques to data mining tasks, such as the prominent problem of probabilistic frequent itemset mining.Viele Anwendungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise die Umweltforschung oder die medizinische Diagnostik, nutzen Systeme der Sensorüberwachung. Solche Systeme müssen oftmals in der Lage sein, mit Daten umzugehen, welche durch mehrere Beobachtungen repräsentiert werden. Im Gegensatz zu Daten mit nur einer Beobachtung (Single-Observation Data) basieren Daten aus mehreren Beobachtungen (Multi-Observation Data) auf einer Vielzahl von Beobachtungen, welche zwei Schlüsseleigenschaften unterliegen: Zeitliche Veränderlichkeit und Datenunsicherheit. Im Bereich der Ähnlichkeitssuche und im Data Mining spielen diese Eigenschaften eine wichtige Rolle. Gängige Lösungen in diesen Bereichen, die für Single-Observation Data entwickelt wurden, sind in der Regel für den Umgang mit mehreren Beobachtungen pro Objekt nicht anwendbar. Der Grund dafür liegt darin, dass diese Ansätze entweder nicht mit den Datenmodellen vereinbar sind oder keine Lösungen anbieten, die den aktuellen Ansprüchen an Lösungsqualität oder Effizienz genügen. Bekannte Forschungsrichtungen, die sich mit Multi-Observation Data und deren Schlüsseleigenschaften beschäftigen, sind die Analyse von Zeitreihen und die Ähnlichkeitssuche in probabilistischen Datenbanken. Während erstere Richtung eine zeitliche Ordnung der Beobachtungen eines Objekts voraussetzt, basieren unsichere Datenobjekte auf Beobachtungen, die sich gegenseitig bedingen oder ausschließen. Diese Dissertation umfasst aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge aus den beiden genannten Bereichen, wobei Methoden zur Ähnlichkeitssuche und zur Anwendung im Data Mining vorgestellt werden. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Ähnlichkeitssuche und Data Mining in Zeitreihendatenbanken. Insbesondere werden Zeitreihen betrachtet, welche aus periodisch auftretenden Mustern bestehen. Im Kontext eines medizinischen Anwendungsszenarios wird ein Ansatz zur Aktivitätserkennung vorgestellt. Dieser erlaubt mittels Merkmalsextraktion eine effiziente Speicherung und Analyse mit Hilfe von räumlichen Indexstrukturen. Für den Fall hochdimensionaler Merkmalsvektoren stellt dieser Teil zwei Indexierungsmethoden zur Beschleunigung von ähnlichkeitsanfragen vor. Die erste Methode berücksichtigt alle Attribute der Merkmalsvektoren, während die zweite Methode eine Projektion der Anfrage auf eine benutzerdefinierten Unterraum des Vektorraums erlaubt. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Ähnlichkeitssuche im Kontext probabilistischer Datenbanken behandelt. Daten aus Sensormessungen besitzen häufig Eigenschaften, die einer gewissen Unsicherheit unterliegen. Aufgrund von Mess- oder übertragungsfehlern sind gemessene Werte oftmals unvollständig oder mit Rauschen behaftet. In diversen Szenarien, wie beispielsweise mit persönlichen oder medizinisch vertraulichen Daten, können Daten auch nachträglich von Hand verrauscht werden, so dass eine genaue Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Informationen nicht möglich ist. Diese Gegebenheiten stellen Anfragetechniken und Methoden des Data Mining vor einige Herausforderungen. In bestehenden Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich der unsicheren Datenbanken werden diverse Probleme oftmals nicht beachtet. Entweder wird die Präsenz von Abhängigkeiten ignoriert, oder es werden lediglich approximative Lösungen angeboten, welche die Anwendung von Methoden für sichere Daten erlaubt. Andere Ansätze berechnen genaue Lösungen, liefern die Antworten aber nicht in annehmbarer Laufzeit zurück. Dieser Teil der Arbeit präsentiert effiziente Methoden zur Beantwortung von Ähnlichkeitsanfragen, welche die Ergebnisse absteigend nach ihrer Relevanz, also eine Rangliste der Ergebnisse, zurückliefern. Die angewandten Techniken werden schließlich auf Problemstellungen im probabilistischen Data Mining übertragen, um beispielsweise das Problem des Frequent Itemset Mining unter Berücksichtigung des vollen Gehalts an Unsicherheitsinformation zu lösen

    Extending Complex Event Processing for Advanced Applications

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    Recently numerous emerging applications, ranging from on-line financial transactions, RFID based supply chain management, traffic monitoring to real-time object monitoring, generate high-volume event streams. To meet the needs of processing event data streams in real-time, Complex Event Processing technology (CEP) has been developed with the focus on detecting occurrences of particular composite patterns of events. By analyzing and constructing several real-world CEP applications, we found that CEP needs to be extended with advanced services beyond detecting pattern queries. We summarize these emerging needs in three orthogonal directions. First, for applications which require access to both streaming and stored data, we need to provide a clear semantics and efficient schedulers in the face of concurrent access and failures. Second, when a CEP system is deployed in a sensitive environment such as health care, we wish to mitigate possible privacy leaks. Third, when input events do not carry the identification of the object being monitored, we need to infer the probabilistic identification of events before feed them to a CEP engine. Therefore this dissertation discusses the construction of a framework for extending CEP to support these critical services. First, existing CEP technology is limited in its capability of reacting to opportunities and risks detected by pattern queries. We propose to tackle this unsolved problem by embedding active rule support within the CEP engine. The main challenge is to handle interactions between queries and reactions to queries in the high-volume stream execution. We hence introduce a novel stream-oriented transactional model along with a family of stream transaction scheduling algorithms that ensure the correctness of concurrent stream execution. And then we demonstrate the proposed technology by applying it to a real-world healthcare system and evaluate the stream transaction scheduling algorithms extensively using real-world workload. Second, we are the first to study the privacy implications of CEP systems. Specifically we consider how to suppress events on a stream to reduce the disclosure of sensitive patterns, while ensuring that nonsensitive patterns continue to be reported by the CEP engine. We formally define the problem of utility-maximizing event suppression for privacy preservation. We then design a suite of real-time solutions that eliminate private pattern matches while maximizing the overall utility. Our first solution optimally solves the problem at the event-type level. The second solution, at event-instance level, further optimizes the event-type level solution by exploiting runtime event distributions using advanced pattern match cardinality estimation techniques. Our experimental evaluation over both real-world and synthetic event streams shows that our algorithms are effective in maximizing utility yet still efficient enough to offer near real time system responsiveness. Third, we observe that in many real-world object monitoring applications where the CEP technology is adopted, not all sensed events carry the identification of the object whose action they report on, so called €œnon-ID-ed€� events. Such non-ID-ed events prevent us from performing object-based analytics, such as tracking, alerting and pattern matching. We propose a probabilistic inference framework to tackle this problem by inferring the missing object identification associated with an event. Specifically, as a foundation we design a time-varying graphic model to capture correspondences between sensed events and objects. Upon this model, we elaborate how to adapt the state-of-the-art Forward-backward inference algorithm to continuously infer probabilistic identifications for non-ID-ed events. More important, we propose a suite of strategies for optimizing the performance of inference. Our experimental results, using large-volume streams of a real-world health care application, demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency, and scalability of the proposed technology