3,184 research outputs found

    Myanmar named entity corpus and its use in syllable-based neural named entity recognition

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    Myanmar language is a low-resource language and this is one of the main reasons why Myanmar Natural Language Processing lagged behind compared to other languages. Currently, there is no publicly available named entity corpus for Myanmar language. As part of this work, a very first manually annotated Named Entity tagged corpus for Myanmar language was developed and proposed to support the evaluation of named entity extraction. At present, our named entity corpus contains approximately 170,000 name entities and 60,000 sentences. This work also contributes the first evaluation of various deep neural network architectures on Myanmar Named Entity Recognition. Experimental results of the 10-fold cross validation revealed that syllable-based neural sequence models without additional feature engineering can give better results compared to baseline CRF model. This work also aims to discover the effectiveness of neural network approaches to textual processing for Myanmar language as well as to promote future research works on this understudied language

    Representations of ethnic minorities in China's university media

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    This paper examines the representation of ethnic minorities in China through a review of campus newspapers, a major print medium in which universities exercise power over the discourse of cultural recognition. Three universities attended by minority students were selected. A two-dimensional mode (content and configuration) is established to analyze ethnic representations. A combination of content analysis and discourse analysis is used to categorize and analyze text and photographs relevant to ethnicity. The study concludes that (1) different discursive practices are employed to construct 'images' of ethnic groups as 'Others' or 'Us'; (2) representations of ethnic minorities and the Han generate three discursive dichotomies between minority and majority: minority groups are distinctive, potentially separatistic, and visible; and the Han people are normative, patriotic, and invisible, respectively; (3) the university media reflects an ideology of 'state multiculturalism' that constructs a reflexive representation of the relationship between majority and minority. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.postprin

    Postsotsialistliku Mongoolia taasÀrkavad vaimolendid: rahvapÀrased teooriad ja praktikad

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneMongoolia, „Igavese sinitaeva ja kuldse maa riik“, on Sise-Aasias eriline piirkond. Nii nimetatakse ka rahvusriiki, mis ametlikult esindab mongolitele iseloomulikku kultuuri – nende jĂ€reltulijaid, keda keskajal tunti vĂ”itmatute rĂ€ndvallutajatena ja TĆĄingis-khaani rajatud suure Mongoolia impeeriumi valdajatena. Mongoolia impeeriumi peetakse suurimaks ĂŒhtseks riigiks Aasia ja Euroopa aladel. Mongoolia kultuur on olnud seotud paljude teiste, nende hulgas iidsete iraani, uiguuri, turgi, tiibeti ja Kesk-Aasia kultuuridega. Mongoolia ei ole paaril viimasel sajandil olnud maailmas riigina eriti nĂ€htav ning enamik (vĂ€hemalt teadusekaugemaid lÀÀne) inimesi on hakanud seda alles hiljuti taasavastama ja nĂŒĂŒd huvitutakse hoopis muust: seekord kui maast, mida iseloomustavad varjatud vabadusepĂŒĂŒded, metsik loodus, elavad traditsioonid ja kirglik vaimsus. TĂ”epoolest, tĂ€napĂ€eval esindab Mongoolia omapĂ€rast kultuuri, mis ĂŒhendab endas vĂ€ga erinevaid vĂ€ljendusvahendeid ja seisab silmitsi tĂ€napĂ€evaste probleemidega. See on kultuur, mis on surutud Venemaa ja Hiina vahele ning sunnitud toime tulema keerulises geopoliitiliste huvide vĂ”rgustikus, sĂ€ilitades positsiooni ida- ja lÀÀnemaailma vahel, kohanedes ĂŒleilmastumise ja kiire linnastumisega, pĂŒĂŒdes seejuures siiski sĂ€ilitada oma traditsioonilisi vÀÀrtusi ja elustiili ning jÀÀdes truuks oma rĂ€ndkarjuste pĂ€randile. Mongoolia pikk ajalugu kĂ€tkeb paljusid suuri ja dramaatilisi sĂŒndmusi, mis on Mongoolia kultuuri mĂ”jutanud tasapisi, aga teinekord ka vĂ€ga jĂ”uliselt. Neist ajaloolistest protsessidest kĂ”ige mĂ€rgatavam ja julmem oli sotsialism, mis kestis ĂŒle seitsmekĂŒmne aasta (1924–1991). Nii on tĂ€napĂ€evane Mongoolia nĂ€ide sellest, kuidas selle keerulise ajaloolise katsumusega toime tulla, kuidas seda on kontseptualiseeritud ja ĂŒletatud, ja millel on nii ĂŒldisem tĂ€htsus „nĂ”ukogulike ĂŒhiskondade“ mĂ”istmiseks paljude sarnase minevikuga riikide seas. Rahvusluse esilekerkimises ja postsotsialistlikus Mongoolias on olnud suur roll ĂŒleloomulikul ja religioossusel – need olid ateistliku reĆŸiimi vaenlased ja ohvrid, mis olid olnud aastakĂŒmneid alla surutud ja mĂ”istetud elama varjatud, hillitsetud elu. 1990. aastate alguses naasis ĂŒleloomulik element uuesti Mongoolia kultuuri, nĂ€idates selgelt oma suurt elujĂ”udu ja makstes kĂ€tte hĂ€vinud ateistlikule ideoloogiale. Traditsioonilised ĂŒleloomulikud kujutluspildid ja motiivid hĂ”lmasid erinevaid valdkondi ja kontekste, muutudes nii oluliseks osaks ĂŒhiskonnast: need olid TĆĄingis-khaani vaim, „rahva kaitsja ja isa“, riiklikult pĂŒhaks kuulutatud mĂ€gede jumalused, kohalikud loodusvaimud, erinevad deemonid, vaimud ja rahutud hinged jne. Neist said rahvusliku Ă€rkamisaja ja uue riigi ideoloogilised sĂŒmbolid, milles vĂ€ljendusid nii kollektiivne mĂ€lu ja sotsiaalsed suhted kui ka argielu mured, postsotsialistliku riigi lootused ja tĂ€napĂ€evased hirmud, pĂ€lvides ĂŒha suurema hulga rituaaliekspertide tĂ€helepanu.Mongolia, the “Land of the Eternal Blue Sky and Golden Earth”, is a special area of Inner Asia. It is also the name of a nation-state officially representing the distinctive culture of Mongols, descendants of those who in medieval times were famous as invincible nomadic conquerors, holders of the great Mongolian Empire founded by Genghis Khan and regarded as the largest contiguous state formation between Asia and Europe. Mongolian culture has ties to multiple cultural traditions including the ancient Iranian, Uyghur, Turkic, Tibetan and Central Asian cultures. Mongolia has not been as visible on the world stage over the last few centuries, and most people (at least, most western non-scholars) only began to rediscover it recently and in a new perspective: this time as a hidden land of freedom, wild nature, living traditions and flourishing spirituality. Indeed, nowadays Mongolia represents a peculiar culture, combining very different features and facing contemporary challenges. It is a culture that is sandwiched between Russia and China and must move in a complex web of geopolitical interests, maintaining a position between the eastern and western worlds, undergoing the processes of globalization and a rapid urbanization, while still attempting to preserve traditional values and lifestyle and remaining close to its pastoralist heritage. Between now and then, there has been a long road of great and dramatic events influencing Mongolian culture both gradually and harshly. The most significant and cruel of the recent ones was the experience of socialism which lasted for more than seventy years (1924–1991). Hence, nowadays Mongolia presents an example of handling, conceptualizing and overcoming this arduous experience, which has more general importance for understanding ‘Soviet-type societies’ in a number of such countries with a similar past. Significant roles in the ‘national revival’ and post-socialist Mongolian society were played by various categories of the supernatural and religious – the atheistic regime’s enemies and victims, suppressed and condemned for dozens of years to a hidden, ‘whispering’ form of existence. In the early 1990’s, the supernatural burst back into Mongolian culture, clearly demonstrating its superior vitality and taking its revenge on the ruined atheistic ideology. Traditional images and motifs of the supernatural occupied various realms and contexts, revealing their important social character: the spirit of Genghis Khan, the main patron of the nation, supernatural lords of the state worshiped mountains, local nature spirits, the lord of the fire, hearth, various demons, ghosts and restless souls, etc. They became symbols of the national revival and the new state ideology, expressions of collective memories and social relations, as well as of the sorrows of private life, the hopes and fears of post-socialist reconstruction and the present time, demanding (and receiving) the attention of an increasing number of specialists in ritual concerns. The Mongolian example of national and religious revivals has a number of peculiar features. One of these is that while the supernatural figures are the most active mouthpieces of independence and nationalism, the creators of post-socialist spiritual and public environment, they are not from ‘high’ pantheons or epic traditions as often would be the case when constructing national identities. On the contrary, Mongolian representatives of the supernatural belong to realm of vernacular beliefs very close to everyday life. This work tries to follow the clues and to reveal the grounds for vitality of some supernatural and religious concepts in contemporary Mongolia.https://www.ester.ee/record=b542310

    Power Politics in the Xiongnu Empire

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    This thesis employs an integrated approach of the historical and archaeological evidence relevant to the study of the Xiongnu empire (3rd century BC – 1st century AD) in an attempt to construct new contexts of understanding the political strategies for securing and ensuring power, legitimacy, and authority in the steppes. I have relied upon the full corpus of Chinese records which address the Xiongnu entity, synthesized the entirety of excavated materials in China, South Siberia, and Mongolia which relate to the Xiongnu phenomenon, and incorporated new survey and excavation data from two regions of the Xiongnu empire. Through the course of the dissertation, I utilize a paradigm of imperial strategies, rather than typologies of imperial polities, in order to provide a less restrictive manner of reconstructing the power politics of the steppe empire. A diachronic consideration of the combined textual narratives and archaeological materials exhibits two distinct periods of the Xiongnu polity. This dissertation focuses on the shifts between these two periods and the resulting new traditions that sought to distinguish and elevate restricted ranks of the imperial Ă©lite and assert a cosmopolitan culture of steppe empire that together would ensure authority and control both within the empire and toward its neighbors

    Vacaspati: A Diverse Corpus of Bangla Literature

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    Bangla (or Bengali) is the fifth most spoken language globally; yet, the state-of-the-art NLP in Bangla is lagging for even simple tasks such as lemmatization, POS tagging, etc. This is partly due to lack of a varied quality corpus. To alleviate this need, we build Vacaspati, a diverse corpus of Bangla literature. The literary works are collected from various websites; only those works that are publicly available without copyright violations or restrictions are collected. We believe that published literature captures the features of a language much better than newspapers, blogs or social media posts which tend to follow only a certain literary pattern and, therefore, miss out on language variety. Our corpus Vacaspati is varied from multiple aspects, including type of composition, topic, author, time, space, etc. It contains more than 11 million sentences and 115 million words. We also built a word embedding model, Vac-FT, using FastText from Vacaspati as well as trained an Electra model, Vac-BERT, using the corpus. Vac-BERT has far fewer parameters and requires only a fraction of resources compared to other state-of-the-art transformer models and yet performs either better or similar on various downstream tasks. On multiple downstream tasks, Vac-FT outperforms other FastText-based models. We also demonstrate the efficacy of Vacaspati as a corpus by showing that similar models built from other corpora are not as effective. The models are available at https://bangla.iitk.ac.in/
