20 research outputs found

    RNA-seq analysis of the gonadal transcriptome during Alligator mississippiensis temperature-dependent sex determination and differentiation

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    Annotation of development-dependent dimorphic genes in gonad during Day 0–12. Annotation of development-dependent significantly up- and down- regulated DEGs at FDR < 0.01 in gonadal regions incubated under MPT and FPT conditions during Day 0 to Day 12. Ordered by decreasing fold change. (XLSX 196 kb

    Aspectos moleculares da diferenciação sexual em tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum): identificação de vias não convencionais em uma espécie neotropical.

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    Os peixes exibem uma grande variedade de mecanismos de determinação sexual e diferenciação sexual, que são tópicos de grande interesse científico e também relevância para o setor produtivo, quando a exploração de um sexo é mais vantajosa em espécies de importância econômica. O tambaqui Colossoma macropomum é uma espécie neotropical de destaque na aquicultura nativa brasileira, e seu mecanismo genético de determinação sexual ainda não foi propriamente identificado e caracterizado, apesar dos esforços utilizando-se de tecnologias ômicas como sequenciamento do genoma de machos e fêmeas, e também transcriptomas de juvenis durante a fase sexualmente indiferenciada. Buscando ampliar os conhecimentos científicos sobre os mecanismos envolvidos no processo de diferenciação sexual do tambaqui, esta tese teve como principal objetivo identificar e avaliar, por análises in silico e in vivo, os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos neste processo, principalmente os relacionados a hormônios esteróides e seus precursores, bem como os ácidos graxos.Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Animal e Recursos Pesqueiros) - Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus


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    Transcriptome analysis of flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) ovarian development induced by recombinant gonadotropin hormones

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    Background: Treatment with recombinant gonadotropin hormones (rGths), follicle-stimulating hormone (rFsh) and luteinizing hormone (rLh), was shown to induce and complete vitellogenesis to finally obtain viable eggs and larvae in the flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), a teleost arrested at early stages of gametogenesis in intensive captivity conditions. This study aimed to investigate the transcriptomic changes that occur in the ovary of females during the rGths-induced vitellogenesis. Methods: Ovarian samples were collected through biopsies from the same five females at four stages of ovarian development. RNASeq libraries were constructed for all stages studied, sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq4000, and a de novo transcriptome was constructed. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified between stages and the functional properties of DEGs were characterized by comparison with the gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia. An enrichment analysis of molecular pathways was performed. Results: The de novo transcriptome comprised 287,089 transcripts after filtering. As vitellogenesis progressed, more genes were significantly upregulated than downregulated. The rFsh application induced ovarian development from previtellogenesis to early-to-mid-vitellogenesis with associated pathways enriched from upregulated DEGs related to ovarian steroidogenesis and reproductive development, cholesterol metabolism, ovarian growth and differentiation, lipid accumulation, and cell-to-cell adhesion pathways. The application of rFsh and rLh at early-to-mid-vitellogenesis induced the growth of oocytes to late-vitellogenesis and, with it, the enrichment of pathways from upregulated DEGs related to the production of energy, such as the lysosomes activity. The application of rLh at late-vitellogenesis induced the completion of vitellogenesis with the enrichment of pathways linked with the switch from vitellogenesis to oocyte maturation. Conclusion: The DEGs and enriched molecular pathways described during the induced vitellogenesis of flathead grey mullet with rGths were typical of natural oogenesis reported for other fish species. Present results add new knowledge to the rGths action to further raise the possibility of using rGths in species that present similar reproductive disorders in aquaculture, the aquarium industry as well as the conservation of endangered species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DNA methylation memory: Understanding epigenetic reprogramming in vertebrates

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    DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark critical for vertebrate development and is associated with numerous cellular and organismal processes including X-chromosome inactivation, genomic imprinting, and regulation of gene expression. Importantly, DNA methylation patterns are faithfully inherited during cell division, providing an information memory module additional to the DNA code. This mark, along with other epigenetic modifications, plays an essential role in establishing and maintaining cell identity. DNA methylation dynamics has been studied in detail in eutherian mammals, where two major waves of demethylation, the first in the early embryo and the second during germline development, remove most marks. Erasure of epigenetic memory is associated with cell reprogramming, and in mammals, is inextricably linked to increased developmental potency. For divergent vertebrate models, this dynamic is largely untested and indirect evidence suggests epigenetic memory may be retained in the germline. Furthermore, the role of epigenetic memory and reprogramming in major cell fate transitions, such as sex determination and sex change, is underexplored despite being apparently driven by epigenetic mechanisms in at least some species. In order to understand how epigenetic memory is maintained, erased, and reprogrammed in divergent vertebrates, I have focused on two fish species. I have analysed the epigenome of the germline during gonad development in zebrafish (Danio rerio), and the transcriptome and methylome of bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) during female-to-male sex change. Using a combination of techniques, including isolation of germline cells, whole genome bisulfite sequencing, and comparative epigenomics and transcriptomics, I explored epigenetic memory and reprogramming in these species. This thesis is presented as a collection of research and review papers, as well as a discussion synthesising my results

    Sex determination and genetic management in Nile tilapia using genomic techniques

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    The PhD research studied two aspects in tilapia, firstly the analysis of sex determination in Nile tilapia (evidence of complex sex-determining systems) and secondly the genetic management of the tilapia species, using different genomic analysis approaches. This research started with the development of two techniques: minimally invasive DNA sampling from fish mucus, which was found to be suitable for standard genotyping and double-digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing – ddRADseq; and pre-extraction pooling of tissue samples for ddRADseq (BSA-ddRADseq), which was found to be suitable for identifying a locus linked to a trait of interest (sex in this case). The first molecular evidence concerning the sex determination in genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) was described using BSA-ddRADseq. Given the multiple stock origin of GIFT, surprisingly only a single locus (in linkage group 23) was found to be associated with the phenotypic sex across the population. The first evidence of LG23 influence on phenotypic sex in the Stirling population of Nile tilapia was also found. Different combinations of estrogen hormones and high temperature were tested for feminising Nile tilapia: a combined treatment of estrogen hormone and high temperature was found to be more efficient in feminising Nile tilapia than the estrogen alone. A set of species-diagnostic SNP markers were tested which were found to be suitable to distinguish pure species (O. niloticus, O. mossambicus and O. aureus), and these were used to analyse species contribution to GIFT and a selected tilapia hybrid strain. The results of the current research added novel information to our understanding of sex determination in Nile tilapia, which will be helpful in the development of marker-assisted selection in GIFT and other Nile tilapia strains towards the production of all male offspring. The methods developed also have broader applicability in genetic and genomics research

    Research towards the effective disruption of reproductive competence in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus

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    Reproductive containment in farmed fish is highly desired for sustainable aquaculture to prevent genetic introgression with wild conspecifics and enhance productivity by suppressing sexual maturation. A number of strategies have already been implemented or have been tested in commercially important fish (e.g. triploidy, monosexing, hormonal therapies); however, they either do not result in 100% containment, or they cannot be applied to all species. One promising new approach consists in disrupting primordial germ cells (PGCs), at the origin of germline cells, to induce sterility. The work carried out in this doctoral thesis aimed to investigate the genes involved in the survival of germ cells and subsequently conduct a functional analysis of candidate genes using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system to ultimately provide the basis for the development of a novel sterilisation technique. Nile tilapia was chosen as the experimental animal as it is a major aquaculture species worldwide and the control of reproduction plays a critical role in the farming productivity in this species. In addition, the species has clear advantages as its whole genome sequence is accessible, the generation time is relatively short and zygotes can be available all year round. Initially, a panel of 11 candidate genes with reported roles in survival of PGCs was investigated during the ontogenic development which led to the selection of piwi-like (piwil) gene as a target for genome editing. Then, high temperature was tested as a means to induce germ cell loss to better understand the mechanism underlying germ cell survival and apoptosis, and this study confirmed the functional importance of piwil genes in relation to germ cell loss and proliferation. In addition, the study suggested potential subfunctionalisation within the Bcl-2 gene family which requires further investigation. The next step aimed to optimise the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing method by improving the microinjection system and testing different concentrations of sgRNAs. Over 95% of injected embryos showed on-target mutation in piwil2 via zygote injection of CRISPR/Cas9 reagents and complete KO larvae were shown in half of the mutants, producing putative sterile fish. However, there was no clear association between the phenotypes in PGCs and the mutation rate. Further comparative studies of mutant screening methods including T7E1, RGEN, HRMA, fragment analysis and NGS revealed that the genotypes of F0 are highly mosaic, suggesting that deep sequencing is recommended for accurate and high throughput F0 screening and further improvement for predictable genome editing is required for a reliable gene functional analysis in F0. In summary, the current thesis provided new scientific knowledge and supporting evidence for the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing platform to study gene function associated with sterility, with the ultimate goal to develop an alternative sterilisation method in fish

    Modes de perturbation de la stéroïdogenèse testiculaire et de la spermatogenèse chez le poisson zèbre (Danio rerio) par des fongicides azolés

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    Azole fungicides are detected in the aquatic environment and can inhibit enzymatic activities of cytochrome P450 (CYP). This thesis aims to characterize the mechanism of action of the pharmaceutical clotrimazole on testicular steroidogenesis in zebrafish using a network of functional genes along the brain-pituitary-gonad axis and to evaluate the effect of clotrimazole on spermatogenesis. We show that clotrimazole is able to affect steroidogenesis differently in vitro and in vivo (i) the exposure of testicular explants in vitro leads to inhibition of the synthesis of 11-ketotestosterone, showing a direct action on the testis, and (ii) in vivo exposure increases the transcript levels of genes involved in steroidogenesis. An integrative approach of gene expression measurements along the pituitary-gonad axis highlights a mechanism of biological compensation, with a critical role of the Fsh/FshR pathway in mediating the effects of clotrimazole on testicular steroidogenesis. Finally, effects on spermatogenesis were observed in vivo following chronic exposure to clotrimazole, with an increase in gonado-somatic index as well as in number of Leydig cells. These observations are consistent with measurements at molecular level. Taken together, these data show the interest of an integrative approach. This work raises further concerns, primarily on the study of the functional impact of clotrimazole on reproduction, including male and female studies.Les azoles sont des fongicides présents dans les milieux aquatiques et connus pour inhiber des activités enzymatiques de cytochromes P450 (CYP). L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de caractériser le mécanisme d'action d'un fongicide pharmaceutique, le clotrimazole sur la stéroïdogenèse testiculaire chez le poisson zèbre au travers l'étude d'un réseau de gènes fonctionnels le long de l'axe cerveau-hypophyse-gonade, et d'évaluer la capacité du clotrimazole à perturber la spermatogenèse. Nous montrons que le clotrimazole est capable d'affecter la stéroïdogenèse de manière différente in vitro et in vivo (i) des expositions d'explants testiculaires in vitro conduisent à l'inhibition de la synthèse de 11-kétotestostérone (11-KT), montrant une action directe de la molécule sur le testicule et (ii) l'exposition in vivo provoque une augmentation de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans le processus de la stéroïdogenèse. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence un système de compensation biologique au niveau de l'organisme, avec un rôle prépondérant de la voie Fsh/FshR dans la médiation des effets du clotrimazole. Enfin, des effets sur la spermatogenèse ont été observés in vivo suite à une exposition chronique au clotrimazole, avec notamment une augmentation de la masse gonadique et du nombre de cellules de Leydig. Les effets tissulaires observés sont cohérents avec des effets mesurés au niveau moléculaire. L'ensemble de ces données montre l'intérêt de la démarche expérimentale utilisée pour caractériser le mécanisme d'action du clotrimazole. Ce travail ouvre de nombreuses perspectives, en premier lieu sur l'étude de l'impact fonctionnel du clotrimazole sur la reproduction