2,955 research outputs found

    Dynamic deployment of context-aware access control policies for constrained security devices

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    Securing the access to a server, guaranteeing a certain level of protection over an encrypted communication channel, executing particular counter measures when attacks are detected are examples of security requirements. Such requirements are identi ed based on organizational purposes and expectations in terms of resource access and availability and also on system vulnerabilities and threats. All these requirements belong to the so-called security policy. Deploying the policy means enforcing, i.e., con guring, those security components and mechanisms so that the system behavior be nally the one speci ed by the policy. The deployment issue becomes more di cult as the growing organizational requirements and expectations generally leave behind the integration of new security functionalities in the information system: the information system will not always embed the necessary security functionalities for the proper deployment of contextual security requirements. To overcome this issue, our solution is based on a central entity approach which takes in charge unmanaged contextual requirements and dynamically redeploys the policy when context changes are detected by this central entity. We also present an improvement over the OrBAC (Organization-Based Access Control) model. Up to now, a controller based on a contextual OrBAC policy is passive, in the sense that it assumes policy evaluation triggered by access requests. Therefore, it does not allow reasoning about policy state evolution when actions occur. The modi cations introduced by our work overcome this limitation and provide a proactive version of the model by integrating concepts from action speci cation languages

    Application Agreement and Integration Services

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    Application agreement and integration services are required by distributed, fault-tolerant, safety critical systems to assure required performance. An analysis of distributed and hierarchical agreement strategies are developed against the backdrop of observed agreement failures in fielded systems. The documented work was performed under NASA Task Order NNL10AB32T, Validation And Verification of Safety-Critical Integrated Distributed Systems Area 2. This document is intended to satisfy the requirements for deliverable 5.2.11 under Task This report discusses the challenges of maintaining application agreement and integration services. A literature search is presented that documents previous work in the area of replica determinism. Sources of non-deterministic behavior are identified and examples are presented where system level agreement failed to be achieved. We then explore how TTEthernet services can be extended to supply some interesting application agreement frameworks. This document assumes that the reader is familiar with the TTEthernet protocol. The reader is advised to read the TTEthernet protocol standard [1] before reading this document. This document does not re-iterate the content of the standard

    Safety-Critical Communication in Avionics

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    The aircraft of today use electrical fly-by-wire systems for manoeuvring. These safety-critical distributed systems are called flight control systems and put high requirements on the communication networks that interconnect the parts of the systems. Reliability, predictability, flexibility, low weight and cost are important factors that all need to be taken in to consideration when designing a safety-critical communication system. In this thesis certification issues, requirements in avionics, fault management, protocols and topologies for safety-critical communication systems in avionics are discussed and investigated. The protocols that are investigated in this thesis are: TTP/C, FlexRay and AFDX, as a reference protocol MIL-STD-1553 is used. As reference architecture analogue point-to-point is used. The protocols are described and evaluated regarding features such as services, maturity, supported physical layers and topologies.Pros and cons with each protocol are then illustrated by a theoretical implementation of a flight control system that uses each protocol for the highly critical communication between sensors, actuators and flight computers.The results show that from a theoretical point of view TTP/C could be used as a replacement for a point-to-point flight control system. However, there are a number of issues regarding the physical layer that needs to be examined. Finally a TTP/C cluster has been implemented and basic functionality tests have been conducted. The plan was to perform tests on delays, start-up time and reintegration time but the time to acquire the proper hardware for these tests exceeded the time for the thesis work. More advanced testing will be continued here at Saab beyond the time frame of this thesis

    The effect of technology and regulation on the co-evolution of product and industry architecture

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    This paper explores the co-evolution of product and industry architecture by drawing on a longitudinal study of the UK personal pensions industry between 2005 and 2020. It provides qualitative evidence for the way in which institutional structures, particularly regulation, entwine with firm strategic choices to shape the contours of an industry value chain (IVC). We draw upon modularity theory and the literature on industry architecture to consider how strategic bottlenecks emerged and how value shifted between layers of the IVC. Furthermore, we examine the interplay between the agendas of the regulator and firm strategic responses to unpack how firms (product providers) responded by pursuing integrative innovation and less specialization to mitigate the effects of value migration to strategic bottlenecks. Our findings extend recent work on product and industry architecture, highlighting how markets evolve toward less modular product configurations and less industry specialization in response to these dynamics

    Online Black-Markets: An Investigation of a Digital Infrastructure in the Dark

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    CDS Zombies

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    This paper examines the contract interpretation strategies adopted by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) for its credit derivatives contracts in the Greek sovereign debt crisis. The authors argue that the economic function of sovereign credit default swaps (CDS) after Greece is limited and uncertain, partly thanks to ISDA’s insistence on textualist interpretation. Contract theory explanations for textualist preferences emphasise either transactional efficiency or relational factors, which do not fit ISDA or the derivatives market. The authors pose an alternative explanation: the embrace of textualism in this case may be a means for ISDA to reconcile the competing political demands from state regulators and its market constituents. They describe categories of contracts susceptible to such political demands, and consider when and why textualism might be the preferred response

    Online Black-Markets: An Investigation of a Digital Infrastructure in the Dark

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    This paper investigates the functioning of Online Black-Markets (OBMs), i.e. a digital infrastructure operating in the Dark Net that enables the exchange of illegal goods such as drugs, weapons and fake digital identities. OBMs exist notwithstanding adverse conditions such as police interventions, scams and market breakdowns. Relying on a longitudinal case study, we focus on the dynamics of interactions among actors and marketplace technologies and we identify three mechanisms explaining OBMs operations. In particular, we show that OBMs infrastructure is the result of commoditization, platformization and resilience processes. Our contribution relies on the identification of community-based mechanisms that generate the OBMs infrastructure, extending the current understanding of e-commerce and social commerce

    Tolerância a falhas em sistemas de comunicação de tempo-real flexíveis

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    Nas últimas décadas, os sistemas embutidos distribuídos, têm sido usados em variados domínios de aplicação, desde o controlo de processos industriais até ao controlo de aviões e automóveis, sendo expectável que esta tendência se mantenha e até se intensifique durante os próximos anos. Os requisitos de confiabilidade de algumas destas aplicações são extremamente importantes, visto que o não cumprimento de serviços de uma forma previsível e pontual pode causar graves danos económicos ou até pôr em risco vidas humanas. A adopção das melhores práticas de projecto no desenvolvimento destes sistemas não elimina, por si só, a ocorrência de falhas causadas pelo comportamento não determinístico do ambiente onde o sistema embutido distribuído operará. Desta forma, é necessário incluir mecanismos de tolerância a falhas que impeçam que eventuais falhas possam comprometer todo o sistema. Contudo, para serem eficazes, os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas necessitam ter conhecimento a priori do comportamento correcto do sistema de modo a poderem ser capazes de distinguir os modos correctos de funcionamento dos incorrectos. Tradicionalmente, quando se projectam mecanismos de tolerância a falhas, o conhecimento a priori significa que todos os possíveis modos de funcionamento são conhecidos na fase de projecto, não os podendo adaptar nem fazer evoluir durante a operação do sistema. Como consequência, os sistemas projectados de acordo com este princípio ou são completamente estáticos ou permitem apenas um pequeno número de modos de operação. Contudo, é desejável que os sistemas disponham de alguma flexibilidade de modo a suportarem a evolução dos requisitos durante a fase de operação, simplificar a manutenção e reparação, bem como melhorar a eficiência usando apenas os recursos do sistema que são efectivamente necessários em cada instante. Além disto, esta eficiência pode ter um impacto positivo no custo do sistema, em virtude deste poder disponibilizar mais funcionalidades com o mesmo custo ou a mesma funcionalidade a um menor custo. Porém, flexibilidade e confiabilidade têm sido encarados como conceitos conflituais. Isto deve-se ao facto de flexibilidade implicar a capacidade de permitir a evolução dos requisitos que, por sua vez, podem levar a cenários de operação imprevisíveis e possivelmente inseguros. Desta fora, é comummente aceite que apenas um sistema completamente estático pode ser tornado confiável, o que significa que todos os aspectos operacionais têm de ser completamente definidos durante a fase de projecto. Num sentido lato, esta constatação é verdadeira. Contudo, se os modos como o sistema se adapta a requisitos evolutivos puderem ser restringidos e controlados, então talvez seja possível garantir a confiabilidade permanente apesar das alterações aos requisitos durante a fase de operação. A tese suportada por esta dissertação defende que é possível flexibilizar um sistema, dentro de limites bem definidos, sem comprometer a sua confiabilidade e propõe alguns mecanismos que permitem a construção de sistemas de segurança crítica baseados no protocolo Controller Area Network (CAN). Mais concretamente, o foco principal deste trabalho incide sobre o protocolo Flexible Time-Triggered CAN (FTT-CAN), que foi especialmente desenvolvido para disponibilizar um grande nível de flexibilidade operacional combinando, não só as vantagens dos paradigmas de transmissão de mensagens baseados em eventos e em tempo, mas também a flexibilidade associada ao escalonamento dinâmico do tráfego cuja transmissão é despoletada apenas pela evolução do tempo. Este facto condiciona e torna mais complexo o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de tolerância a falhas para FTT-CAN do que para outros protocolos como por exemplo, TTCAN ou FlexRay, nos quais existe um conhecimento estático, antecipado e comum a todos os nodos, do escalonamento de mensagens cuja transmissão é despoletada pela evolução do tempo. Contudo, e apesar desta complexidade adicional, este trabalho demonstra que é possível construir mecanismos de tolerância a falhas para FTT-CAN preservando a sua flexibilidade operacional. É também defendido nesta dissertação que um sistema baseado no protocolo FTT-CAN e equipado com os mecanismos de tolerância a falhas propostos é passível de ser usado em aplicações de segurança crítica. Esta afirmação é suportada, no âmbito do protocolo FTT-CAN, através da definição de uma arquitectura tolerante a falhas integrando nodos com modos de falha tipo falha-silêncio e nodos mestre replicados. Os vários problemas resultantes da replicação dos nodos mestre são, também eles, analisados e várias soluções são propostas para os obviar. Concretamente, é proposto um protocolo que garante a consistência das estruturas de dados replicadas a quando da sua actualização e um outro protocolo que permite a transferência dessas estruturas de dados para um nodo mestre que se encontre não sincronizado com os restantes depois de inicializado ou reinicializado de modo assíncrono. Além disto, esta dissertação também discute o projecto de nodos FTT-CAN que exibam um modo de falha do tipo falha-silêncio e propõe duas soluções baseadas em componentes de hardware localizados no interface de rede de cada nodo, para resolver este problema. Uma das soluções propostas baseiase em bus guardians que permitem a imposição de comportamento falhasilêncio nos nodos escravos e suportam o escalonamento dinâmico de tráfego na rede. A outra solução baseia-se num interface de rede que arbitra o acesso de dois microprocessadores ao barramento. Este interface permite que a replicação interna de um nodo seja efectuada de forma transparente e assegura um comportamento falha-silêncio quer no domínio temporal quer no domínio do valor ao permitir transmissões do nodo apenas quando ambas as réplicas coincidam no conteúdo das mensagens e nos instantes de transmissão. Esta última solução está mais adaptada para ser usada nos nodos mestre, contudo também poderá ser usada nos nodos escravo, sempre que tal se revele fundamental.Distributed embedded systems (DES) have been widely used in the last few decades in several application fields, ranging from industrial process control to avionics and automotive systems. In fact, it is expectable that this trend will continue over the years to come. In some of these application domains the dependability requirements are of utmost importance since failing to provide services in a timely and predictable manner may cause important economic losses or even put human life in risk. The adoption of the best practices in the design of distributed embedded systems does not fully avoid the occurrence of faults, arising from the nondeterministic behavior of the environment where each particular DES operates. Thus, fault-tolerance mechanisms need to be included in the DES to prevent possible faults leading to system failure. To be effective, fault-tolerance mechanisms require an a priori knowledge of the correct system behavior to be capable of distinguishing them from the erroneous ones. Traditionally, when designing fault-tolerance mechanisms, the a priori knowledge means that all possible operational modes are known at system design time and cannot adapt nor evolve during runtime. As a consequence, systems designed according to this principle are either fully static or allow a small number of operational modes only. Flexibility, however, is a desired property in a system in order to support evolving requirements, simplify maintenance and repair, and improve the efficiency in using system resources by using only the resources that are effectively required at each instant. This efficiency might impact positively on the system cost because with the same resources one can add more functionality or one can offer the same functionality with fewer resources. However, flexibility and dependability are often regarded as conflicting concepts. This is so because flexibility implies the ability to deal with evolving requirements that, in turn, can lead to unpredictable and possibly unsafe operating scenarios. Therefore, it is commonly accepted that only a fully static system can be made dependable, meaning that all operating conditions are completely defined at pre-runtime. In the broad sense and assuming unbounded flexibility this assessment is true, but if one restricts and controls the ways the system could adapt to evolving requirements, then it might be possible to enforce continuous dependability. This thesis claims that it is possible to provide a bounded degree of flexibility without compromising dependability and proposes some mechanisms to build safety-critical systems based on the Controller Area Network (CAN). In particular, the main focus of this work is the Flexible Time-Triggered CAN protocol (FTT-CAN), which was specifically developed to provide such high level of operational flexibility, not only combining the advantages of time- and event-triggered paradigms but also providing flexibility to the time-triggered traffic. This fact makes the development of fault-tolerant mechanisms more complex in FTT-CAN than in other protocols, such as TTCAN or FlexRay, in which there is a priori static common knowledge of the time-triggered message schedule shared by all nodes. Nevertheless, as it is demonstrated in this work, it is possible to build fault-tolerant mechanisms for FTT-CAN that preserve its high level of operational flexibility, particularly concerning the time-triggered traffic. With such mechanisms it is argued that FTT-CAN is suitable for safetycritical applications, too. This claim was validated in the scope of the FTT-CAN protocol by presenting a fault-tolerant system architecture with replicated masters and fail-silent nodes. The specific problems and mechanisms related with master replication, particularly a protocol to enforce consistency during updates of replicated data structures and another protocol to transfer these data structures to an unsynchronized node upon asynchronous startup or restart, are also addressed. Moreover, this thesis also discusses the implementations of fail-silence in FTTCAN nodes and proposes two solutions, both based on hardware components that are attached to the node network interface. One solution relies on bus guardians that allow enforcing fail-silence in the time domain. These bus guardians are adapted to support dynamic traffic scheduling and are fit for use in FTT-CAN slave nodes, only. The other solution relies on a special network interface, with duplicated microprocessor interface, that supports internal replication of the node, transparently. In this case, fail-silence can be assured both in the time and value domain since transmissions are carried out only if both internal nodes agree on the transmission instant and message contents. This solution is well adapted for use in the masters but it can also be used, if desired, in slave nodes

    Trends in Automotive Communication Systems

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    http://www.ieee.org/International audienceThe use of networks for communications between the Electronic Control Units (ECU) of a vehicle in production cars dates from the beginning of the 90s. The specific requirements of the different car domains have led to the development of a large number of automotive networks such as LIN, J1850, CAN, TTP/C, FlexRay, MOST, IDB1394, etc.. This paper first introduces the context of in-vehicle embedded systems and, in particular, the requirements imposed on the communication systems. Then, a comprehensive review of the most widely used, as well as the emerging automotive networks is given. Next, the current efforts of the automotive industry on middleware technologies, which may be of great help in mastering the heterogeneity, are reviewed. Finally, we highlight future trends in the development of automotive communication systems