17 research outputs found

    Semi De Morgan Logic Properly Displayed

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    In the present paper, we endow semi De Morgan logic and a family of its axiomatic extensions with proper multi-type display calculi which are sound, complete, conservative, and enjoy cut elimination and subformula property. Our proposal builds on an algebraic analysis of the variety of semi De Morgan algebras, and applies the guidelines of the multi-type methodology in the design of display calculi

    Bounded-analytic sequent calculi and embeddings for hypersequent logics

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    A sequent calculus with the subformula property has long been recognised as a highly favourable starting point for the proof theoretic investigation of a logic. However, most logics of interest cannot be presented using a sequent calculus with the subformula property. In response, many formalisms more intricate than the sequent calculus have been formulated. In this work we identify an alternative: retain the sequent calculus but generalise the subformula property to permit specific axiom substitutions and their subformulas. Our investigation leads to a classification of generalised subformula properties and is applied to infinitely many substructural, intermediate, and modal logics (specifically: those with a cut-free hypersequent calculus). We also develop a complementary perspective on the generalised subformula properties in terms of logical embeddings. This yields new complexity upper bounds for contractive-mingle substructural logics and situates isolated results on the so-called simple substitution property within a general theory

    Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium

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    First-order swap structures semantics for some Logics of Formal Inconsistency

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    The logics of formal inconsistency (LFIs, for short) are paraconsistent logics (that is, logics containing contradictory but non-trivial theories) having a consistency connective which allows to recover the ex falso quodlibet principle in a controlled way. The aim of this paper is considering a novel semantical approach to first-order LFIs based on Tarskian structures defined over swap structures, a special class of multialgebras. The proposed semantical framework generalizes previous aproaches to quantified LFIs presented in the literature. The case of QmbC, the simpler quantified LFI expanding classical logic, will be analyzed in detail. An axiomatic extension of QmbC called QLFI1o is also studied, which is equivalent to the quantified version of da Costa and D'Ottaviano 3-valued logic J3. The semantical structures for this logic turn out to be Tarkian structures based on twist structures. The expansion of QmbC and QLFI1o with a standard equality predicate is also considered

    From Quantum Metalanguage to the Logic of Qubits

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    The main aim of this thesis is to look for a logical deductive calculus (we will adopt sequent calculus, originally introduced in Gentzen, 1935), which could describe quantum information and its properties. More precisely, we intended to describe in logical terms the formation of the qubit (the unit of quantum information) which is a particular linear superposition of the two classical bits 0 and 1. To do so, we had to introduce the new connective "quantum superposition", in the logic of one qubit, Lq, as the classical conjunction cannot describe this quantum link.Comment: 138 pages, PhD thesis in Mathematic