22 research outputs found

    Sparse and Low-rank Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition

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    This thesis deals with exploiting the low-dimensional multi-subspace structure of speech towards the goal of improving acoustic modeling for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Leveraging the parsimonious hierarchical nature of speech, we hypothesize that whenever a speech signal is measured in a high-dimensional feature space, the true class information is embedded in low-dimensional subspaces whereas noise is scattered as random high-dimensional erroneous estimations in the features. In this context, the contribution of this thesis is twofold: (i) identify sparse and low-rank modeling approaches as excellent tools for extracting the class-specific low-dimensional subspaces in speech features, and (ii) employ these tools under novel ASR frameworks to enrich the acoustic information present in the speech features towards the goal of improving ASR. Techniques developed in this thesis focus on deep neural network (DNN) based posterior features which, under the sparse and low-rank modeling approaches, unveil the underlying class-specific low-dimensional subspaces very elegantly. In this thesis, we tackle ASR tasks of varying difficulty, ranging from isolated word recognition (IWR) and connected digit recognition (CDR) to large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR). For IWR and CDR, we propose a novel \textit{Compressive Sensing} (CS) perspective towards ASR. Here exemplar-based speech recognition is posed as a problem of recovering sparse high-dimensional word representations from compressed low-dimensional phonetic representations. In the context of LVCSR, this thesis argues that albeit their power in representation learning, DNN based acoustic models still have room for improvement in exploiting the \textit{union of low-dimensional subspaces} structure of speech data. Therefore, this thesis proposes to enhance DNN posteriors by projecting them onto the manifolds of the underlying classes using principal component analysis (PCA) or compressive sensing based dictionaries. Projected posteriors are shown to be more accurate training targets for learning better acoustic models, resulting in improved ASR performance. The proposed approach is evaluated on both close-talk and far-field conditions, confirming the importance of sparse and low-rank modeling of speech in building a robust ASR framework. Finally, the conclusions of this thesis are further consolidated by an information theoretic analysis approach which explicitly quantifies the contribution of proposed techniques in improving ASR

    Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Durante la última década, los medios de comunicación han experimentado una revolución, alejándose de la televisión convencional hacia las plataformas de contenido bajo demanda. Además, esta revolución no ha cambiado solamente la manera en la que nos entretenemos, si no también la manera en la que aprendemos. En este sentido, las plataformas de contenido educativo bajo demanda también han proliferado para proporcionar recursos educativos de diversos tipos. Estas nuevas vías de distribución de contenido han llegado con nuevos requisitos para mejorar la accesibilidad, en particular las relacionadas con las dificultades de audición y las barreras lingüísticas. Aquí radica la oportunidad para el reconocimiento automático del habla (RAH) para cumplir estos requisitos, proporcionando subtitulado automático de alta calidad. Este subtitulado proporciona una base sólida para reducir esta brecha de accesibilidad, especialmente para contenido en directo o streaming. Estos sistemas de streaming deben trabajar bajo estrictas condiciones de tiempo real, proporcionando la subtitulación tan rápido como sea posible, trabajando con un contexto limitado. Sin embargo, esta limitación puede conllevar una degradación de la calidad cuando se compara con los sistemas para contenido en diferido u offline. Esta tesis propone un sistema de RAH en streaming con baja latencia, con una calidad similar a un sistema offline. Concretamente, este trabajo describe el camino seguido desde el sistema offline híbrido inicial hasta el eficiente sistema final de reconocimiento en streaming. El primer paso es la adaptación del sistema para efectuar una sola iteración de reconocimiento haciendo uso de modelos de lenguaje estado del arte basados en redes neuronales. En los sistemas basados en múltiples iteraciones estos modelos son relegados a una segunda (o posterior) iteración por su gran coste computacional. Tras adaptar el modelo de lenguaje, el modelo acústico basado en redes neuronales también tiene que adaptarse para trabajar con un contexto limitado. La integración y la adaptación de estos modelos es ampliamente descrita en esta tesis, evaluando el sistema RAH resultante, completamente adaptado para streaming, en conjuntos de datos académicos extensamente utilizados y desafiantes tareas basadas en contenidos audiovisuales reales. Como resultado, el sistema proporciona bajas tasas de error con un reducido tiempo de respuesta, comparables al sistema offline.[CA] Durant l'última dècada, els mitjans de comunicació han experimentat una revolució, allunyant-se de la televisió convencional cap a les plataformes de contingut sota demanda. A més a més, aquesta revolució no ha canviat només la manera en la que ens entretenim, si no també la manera en la que aprenem. En aquest sentit, les plataformes de contingut educatiu sota demanda també han proliferat pera proporcionar recursos educatius de diversos tipus. Aquestes noves vies de distribució de contingut han arribat amb nous requisits per a millorar l'accessibilitat, en particular les relacionades amb les dificultats d'audició i les barreres lingüístiques. Aquí radica l'oportunitat per al reconeixement automàtic de la parla (RAH) per a complir aquests requisits, proporcionant subtitulat automàtic d'alta qualitat. Aquest subtitulat proporciona una base sòlida per a reduir aquesta bretxa d'accessibilitat, especialment per a contingut en directe o streaming. Aquests sistemes han de treballar sota estrictes condicions de temps real, proporcionant la subtitulació tan ràpid com sigui possible, treballant en un context limitat. Aquesta limitació, però, pot comportar una degradació de la qualitat quan es compara amb els sistemes per a contingut en diferit o offline. Aquesta tesi proposa un sistema de RAH en streaming amb baixa latència, amb una qualitat similar a un sistema offline. Concretament, aquest treball descriu el camí seguit des del sistema offline híbrid inicial fins l'eficient sistema final de reconeixement en streaming. El primer pas és l'adaptació del sistema per a efectuar una sola iteració de reconeixement fent servir els models de llenguatge de l'estat de l'art basat en xarxes neuronals. En els sistemes basats en múltiples iteracions aquests models son relegades a una segona (o posterior) iteració pel seu gran cost computacional. Un cop el model de llenguatge s'ha adaptat, el model acústic basat en xarxes neuronals també s'ha d'adaptar per a treballar amb un context limitat. La integració i l'adaptació d'aquests models és àmpliament descrita en aquesta tesi, avaluant el sistema RAH resultant, completament adaptat per streaming, en conjunts de dades acadèmiques àmpliament utilitzades i desafiants tasques basades en continguts audiovisuals reals. Com a resultat, el sistema proporciona baixes taxes d'error amb un reduït temps de resposta, comparables al sistema offline.[EN] Over the last decade, the media have experienced a revolution, turning away from the conventional TV in favor of on-demand platforms. In addition, this media revolution not only changed the way entertainment is conceived but also how learning is conducted. Indeed, on-demand educational platforms have also proliferated and are now providing educational resources on diverse topics. These new ways to distribute content have come along with requirements to improve accessibility, particularly related to hearing difficulties and language barriers. Here is the opportunity for automatic speech recognition (ASR) to comply with these requirements by providing high-quality automatic captioning. Automatic captioning provides a sound basis for diminishing the accessibility gap, especially for live or streaming content. To this end, streaming ASR must work under strict real-time conditions, providing captions as fast as possible, and working with limited context. However, this limited context usually leads to a quality degradation as compared to the pre-recorded or offline content. This thesis is aimed at developing low-latency streaming ASR with a quality similar to offline ASR. More precisely, it describes the path followed from an initial hybrid offline system to an efficient streaming-adapted system. The first step is to perform a single recognition pass using a state-of-the-art neural network-based language model. In conventional multi-pass systems, this model is often deferred to the second or later pass due to its computational complexity. As with the language model, the neural-based acoustic model is also properly adapted to work with limited context. The adaptation and integration of these models is thoroughly described and assessed using fully-fledged streaming systems on well-known academic and challenging real-world benchmarks. In brief, it is shown that the proposed adaptation of the language and acoustic models allows the streaming-adapted system to reach the accuracy of the initial offline system with low latency.Jorge Cano, J. (2022). Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191001Compendi

    Improving Dysarthric Speech Recognition by Enriching Training Datasets

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    Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that results from disruptions in the neuro-motor interface and is characterised by poor articulation of phonemes and hyper-nasality and is characteristically different from normal speech. Many modern automatic speech recognition systems focus on a narrow range of speech diversity therefore as a consequence of this they exclude a groups of speakers who deviate in aspects of gender, race, age and speech impairment when building training datasets. This study attempts to develop an automatic speech recognition system that deals with dysarthric speech with limited dysarthric speech data. Speech utterances collected from the TORGO database are used to conduct experiments on a wav2vec2.0 model only trained on the Librispeech 960h dataset to obtain a baseline performance of the word error rate (WER) when recognising dysarthric speech. A version of the Librispeech model fine-tuned on multi-language datasets was tested to see if it would improve accuracy and achieved a top reduction of 24.15% in the WER for one of the male dysarthric speakers in the dataset. Transfer learning with speech recognition models and preprocessing dysarthric speech to improve its intelligibility by using general adversarial networks were limited in their potential due to a lack of dysarthric speech dataset of adequate size to use these technologies. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that a large diverse dysarthric speech dataset comparable to the size of datasets used to train machine learning ASR systems like Librispeech,with different types of speech, scripted and unscripted, is required to improve performance.

    The benefits of acoustic perceptual information for speech processing systems

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    The frame-synchronized framework has dominated many speech processing systems, such as ASR and AED targeting human speech activities. These systems have little consideration for the science behind speech and treat the task as a simple statistical classification. The framework also assumes each feature vector to be equally important to the task. However, through some preliminary experiments, this study has found evidence that some concepts defined in speech perception theories such as auditory roughness and acoustic landmarks can act as heuristics to these systems and benefit them in multiple ways. Findings of acoustic landmarks hint that the idea of treating each frame equally might not be optimal. In some cases, landmark information can improve system accuracy through highlighting the more significant frames, or improve the acoustic model accuracy by training through MTL. Further investigation into the topic found experimental evidence suggesting that acoustic landmark information can also benefit end-to-end acoustic models trained through CTC loss. With the help of acoustic landmarks, CTC models can converge with less training data and achieve lower error rate. For the first time, positive results were collected on a mid-size ASR corpus (WSJ) for acoustic landmarks. The results indicate that audio perception information can benefit a broad range of audio processing systems

    Speech-based automatic depression detection via biomarkers identification and artificial intelligence approaches

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    Depression has become one of the most prevalent mental health issues, affecting more than 300 million people all over the world. However, due to factors such as limited medical resources and accessibility to health care, there are still a large number of patients undiagnosed. In addition, the traditional approaches to depression diagnosis have limitations because they are usually time-consuming, and depend on clinical experience that varies across different clinicians. From this perspective, the use of automatic depression detection can make the diagnosis process much faster and more accessible. In this thesis, we present the possibility of using speech for automatic depression detection. This is based on the findings in neuroscience that depressed patients have abnormal cognition mechanisms thus leading to the speech differs from that of healthy people. Therefore, in this thesis, we show two ways of benefiting from automatic depression detection, i.e., identifying speech markers of depression and constructing novel deep learning models to improve detection accuracy. The identification of speech markers tries to capture measurable depression traces left in speech. From this perspective, speech markers such as speech duration, pauses and correlation matrices are proposed. Speech duration and pauses take speech fluency into account, while correlation matrices represent the relationship between acoustic features and aim at capturing psychomotor retardation in depressed patients. Experimental results demonstrate that these proposed markers are effective at improving the performance in recognizing depressed speakers. In addition, such markers show statistically significant differences between depressed patients and non-depressed individuals, which explains the possibility of using these markers for depression detection and further confirms that depression leaves detectable traces in speech. In addition to the above, we propose an attention mechanism, Multi-local Attention (MLA), to emphasize depression-relevant information locally. Then we analyse the effectiveness of MLA on performance and efficiency. According to the experimental results, such a model can significantly improve performance and confidence in the detection while reducing the time required for recognition. Furthermore, we propose Cross-Data Multilevel Attention (CDMA) to emphasize different types of depression-relevant information, i.e., specific to each type of speech and common to both, by using multiple attention mechanisms. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to integrate different types of depression-relevant information in speech, improving the performance significantly for depression detection

    Spoken command recognition for robotics

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    In this thesis, I investigate spoken command recognition technology for robotics. While high robustness is expected, the distant and noisy conditions in which the system has to operate make the task very challenging. Unlike commercial systems which all rely on a "wake-up" word to initiate the interaction, the pipeline proposed here directly detect and recognizes commands from the continuous audio stream. In order to keep the task manageable despite low-resource conditions, I propose to focus on a limited set of commands, thus trading off flexibility of the system against robustness. Domain and speaker adaptation strategies based on a multi-task regularization paradigm are first explored. More precisely, two different methods are proposed which rely on a tied loss function which penalizes the distance between the output of several networks. The first method considers each speaker or domain as a task. A canonical task-independent network is jointly trained with task-dependent models, allowing both types of networks to improve by learning from one another. While an improvement of 3.2% on the frame error rate (FER) of the task-independent network is obtained, this only partially carried over to the phone error rate (PER), with 1.5% of improvement. Similarly, a second method explored the parallel training of the canonical network with a privileged model having access to i-vectors. This method proved less effective with only 1.2% of improvement on the FER. In order to make the developed technology more accessible, I also investigated the use of a sequence-to-sequence (S2S) architecture for command classification. The use of an attention-based encoder-decoder model reduced the classification error by 40% relative to a strong convolutional neural network (CNN)-hidden Markov model (HMM) baseline, showing the relevance of S2S architectures in such context. In order to improve the flexibility of the trained system, I also explored strategies for few-shot learning, which allow to extend the set of commands with minimum requirements in terms of data. Retraining a model on the combination of original and new commands, I managed to achieve 40.5% of accuracy on the new commands with only 10 examples for each of them. This scores goes up to 81.5% of accuracy with a larger set of 100 examples per new command. An alternative strategy, based on model adaptation achieved even better scores, with 68.8% and 88.4% of accuracy with 10 and 100 examples respectively, while being faster to train. This high performance is obtained at the expense of the original categories though, on which the accuracy deteriorated. Those results are very promising as the methods allow to easily extend an existing S2S model with minimal resources. Finally, a full spoken command recognition system (named iCubrec) has been developed for the iCub platform. The pipeline relies on a voice activity detection (VAD) system to propose a fully hand-free experience. By segmenting only regions that are likely to contain commands, the VAD module also allows to reduce greatly the computational cost of the pipeline. Command candidates are then passed to the deep neural network (DNN)-HMM command recognition system for transcription. The VoCub dataset has been specifically gathered to train a DNN-based acoustic model for our task. Through multi-condition training with the CHiME4 dataset, an accuracy of 94.5% is reached on VoCub test set. A filler model, complemented by a rejection mechanism based on a confidence score, is finally added to the system to reject non-command speech in a live demonstration of the system