193 research outputs found

    Presencia de Enterobacteriaceae productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) en tanques de leche de fincas lecheras de Antioquia, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: antibiotic resistance is spreading worldwide. It is important to evaluate whether foods of animal origin constitute a reservoir of resistance genes. Objective: to assess the occurrence and characterize extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae from bulk-tank milk samples of dairy farms located in Entrerríos, Antioquia (Colombia). Methods: a total of 120 randomly selected raw milk samples (one bulk-tank milk sample per dairy farm) were collected between September and October, 2013. A commercial chromogenic agar was used for screening presumptive ESBL-E. Identification of genus and species of isolates was performed with a commercial biochemical identification kit. The ESBL production was confirmed using the double disc synergy test. An antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed by the agar disc diffusion method and the automatized broth microdilution method. The ESBL-positive isolates were analyzed for the presence of bla genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. For the exploration of risk factors, information on dairy farm management practices wasrecorded using a questionnaire and the associations of predictors and results were tested with a logistic regression analysis. Results: the ESBL-E were isolated from 3.3% (4/120; CI 95%: 3-3.5%) of the samples. Farm size was the only factor associated with the presence of ESBL-E (OR = 11.5; CI 95%: 1.14-115.54; p = 0.038). All isolates were resistant to several antibiotics and harbored blaCTX-M-96 (alternate name CTX-M-12a) enzymes. Conclusion: although apparent frequency of ESBL-E waslow, the presence of these resistant bacteria in milk may constitute a public health risk and should be further investigated.RESUMEN: la resistencia a antibioticos se está diseminando en el mundo. Es importante evaluar si los alimentos de origen animal constituyen un reservorio de genes de resistencia. Objetivo: evaluar la presentación y caracterizar las Enterobacteriaceae productoras de betalactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE) a partir de muestras de leche de tanque de hatos lecheros localizados en Entrerríos, Antioquia (Colombia). Métodos: ciento veinte muestras de leche cruda (una muestra por tanque) de hatos seleccionados al azar fueron colectadas entre septiembre y octubre de 2013. Para el tamizaje de presuntiva BLEE se utilizó un agar cromogénico comercial. La identificación de los aislamientos se realizó utilizando un kit de identificación bioquímica comercial. La confirmación de la producción de BLEE fue confirmada con la prueba de sinergia de doble disco. La susceptibilidad antimicrobiana fue evaluada por el método de difusión de disco en agar y por el método de microdilución en caldo automatizado. Aislamientos positivos para BLEE fueron analizados para presencia de genes bla por PCR y secuenciación. Para la exploración de los factores de riesgo se registró la información sobre las prácticas de manejo del hato mediante cuestionario y se probó la asociación entre predictores y resultados mediante análisis de regresión logística. Resultados: las BLEE fueron aisladas de 3,3% (4/120; IC 95%: 3-3,5%) de las muestras de leche de tanque y el tamaño del hato fue el único factor que se encontró asociado con un incremento en su presencia (OR = 11,5; IC 95%: 1,14-115,54; p = 0.038). Todos los aislamientos fueron resistentes a varios antibióticos y albergaban enzimas blaCTX-M-96 (nombre alternativo CTX-M-12a). Conclusión: aunque se observó una baja frecuencia aparente de BLEE, la presencia de estas bacterias resistentes en los alimentos de origen animal puede constituir un riesgo para la salud publica y debe seguir siendo investigada

    Investigation of climate variability and climate change impacts on corn yield in the Eastern Corn Belt, USA

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    The increasing demand for both food and biofuels requires more corn production at global scale. However, current corn yield is not able to meet bio-ethanol demand without jeopardizing food security or intensifying and expanding corn cultivation. An alternative solution is to utilize cellulose and hemi-cellulose from perennial grasses to fulfill the increasing demand for biofuel energy. A watershed level scenario analysis is often applied to figure out a sustainable way to strike the balance between food and fuel demands, and maintain environment integrity. However, a solid modeling application requires a clear understanding of crop responses under various climate stresses. This is especially important for evaluating future climate impacts. Therefore, correct representation of corn growth and yield projection under various climate conditions (limited or oversupplied water) is essential for quantifying the relative benefits of alternative biofuel crops. The main objective of this study is to improve the evaluation of climate variability and climate change effects on corn growth based on plant-water interaction in the Midwestern US via a modeling approach. Traditional crop modeling methods with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) are improved from many points, including introducing stress parameters under limited or oversupplied water conditions, improving seasonal crop growth simulation from imagery-based LAI information, and integrating CO2 effects on crop growth and crop-water relations. The SWAT model’s ability to represent crop responses under various climate conditions are evaluated at both plot scale, where observed soil moisture data is available and watershed scale, where direct soil moisture evaluation is not feasible. My results indicate that soil moisture evaluation is important in constraining crop water availability and thus better simulates crop responses to climate variability. Over a long term period, drought stress (limited moisture) explains the majority of yield reduction across all return periods at regional scale. Aeration stress (oversupplied water) results in higher yield decline over smaller spatial areas. Future climate change introduces more variability in drought and aeration stress, resulting in yield reduction, which cannot be compensated by positive effects brought by CO2 enhancement on crop growth. Information conveyed from this study can also provide valuable suggestions to local stakeholders for developing better watershed management plans. It helps to accurately identify climate sensitive cropland inside a watershed, which could be potential places for more climate resilient plants, like biofuel crops. This is a sustainable strategy to maintain both food/fuel provision, and mitigate the negative impact of future climate change on cash crops

    Kliimamuutuse mõju hindamine rannaniidu taimekooslusele mesokosmi katse ja mehitamata õhusõidukiga kogutud andmete põhjal

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal.Semi-natural grasslands are an essential part of the cultural landscape of Europe. Semi-natural grasslands are commonly characterised by a very high biodiversity, including rare species. Beyond the high biodiversity value, semi-natural grasslands worldwide provide many ecosystem services, including: carbon sequestration and storage, nutrient cycling, regulation of soil quality, habitats for migrating birds, erosion control, and flood regulation. Within the realm of semi-natural grasslands, coastal meadows are particularly important. However, coastal grasslands are threatened by a range of factors such as coastal squeeze, transformation into monoculture ponds, pollution, and climate change. Coastal areas are threatened at a range of spatial scales as a result of sea-level rise, and can include higher flooding frequency in coastal areas, salt water intrusion in aquifers, and potential declines in the extent of coastal wetlands. A warmer climate also implies a modification in precipitation patterns affecting runoff into the sea. In coastal areas, both water levels and salinity have a strong impact on species distribution and therefore on the structure and composition of aquatic and coastal floral and faunal communities. Consequently, plant communities in coastal meadows are expected to undergo changes in their composition and structure. The current thesis explores different methodologies to assess plant community distribution, above-ground biomass, and the effects of management type, duration, and intensity on sward structure using UAV-derived multispectral data and aerial photogrammetry. In addition, the keystone of this thesis is a mesocosm experiment that was used to assess shifts in species richness and abundance in plant community types in Estonian coastal meadows related to future change scenarios of water level and salinity for the Baltic Sea. a. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) The use of UAV demonstrated to be able to identify plant community extent and distribution in high biodiversity value coastal meadows in West Estonia. Species diversity and biomass significantly influence the quality of data and this should be accounted for when planning the sample collection to achieve better results. This study has shown that UAVs are useful tools of mapping grasslands at a plant community level. Also, UAV showed to be possible to reveal the structure of the grassland and how it is affected by the management history. For example, the grassland turns more homogeneous under long-term monospecific grazing, b. Mesoscosm Experiment The mesocosm experiment in the present study revealed different temporal changes of wetland communities to altered salinity and water conditions, highlighting the response of plant species to environmental variables. These changes were not significant according to alteration of water level and salinity in the Open Pioneer community, but they were over time. On the other hand, Lower Shore and Upper Shore had significant changes according to time and treatments. These could be explained by dynamic differences in the communities, since Open Pioneer was more variable. c. Conclusions Both methodologies, remote sensing and the mesocosm experiment, are evidently important to evaluate the structure and function of Estonian coastal meadows. The mapping of the extent and structure of coastal plant communities allows an evaluation of the current state of the ecosystem. The mesocosm experiment helps to understand changes in plant community composition under altered conditions of water level and salinity in Estonian coastal meadows and consequently, understand how species richness, abundance, and biomass will respond to those changes. This information is important when considering the protection and potential management of these areas taking into account the species diversity of fauna and flora as well as that of livestock.Uuring viidi läbi kahel tasandil: uuringukohtades Lääne-Eestis ja katsekeskkonnas. Esimesel juhul valiti Silma looduskaitsealal, Matsalu rahvuspargis ja Vormsi saarel ranniku taimekoosluste ja maapealse biomassi kaardistamiseks kokku üheksa rannaniiduala (I, II). Teine osa hõlmab mesokosmi katset (III), mille käigus kasutati katse seadmiseks ja eksperimenteerimiseks Silma looduskaitsealalt kogutud proove. Vaatamata oma suhteliselt väikesele pindalale (45 228 km2) iseloomustab Eestit mitmekesine geoloogia, pinnamood ja kliima. Läänemere rannaniidud on tekkinud ja need säilivad maa isostaatilise tõusu, setete kogunemise ja alade vähese intensiivsusega majandamise – karjatamise või niitmise – tõttu. Eesti rannikumärgaladel on ebatavaline hüdroloogiline režiim. Kuna loodete ulatus on väga väike (~0,02 m), põhjustab rannaniitude üleujutusi valdavalt tsüklonaalne aktiivsus Põhja-Atlandil ja Fennoskandias. Üleujutuste sagedus ja ulatus on ebaregulaarne ning varieerub kogu rannikumaastikul, sõltudes tuule kiirusest ja suunast. Hiljutised hinnangud suhtelise meretaseme tõusu kohta kolmelt mõõnamõõturilt piki Eesti rannikut on järgmised: Tallinnas 1,5–1,7 mm a-1, Narva-Jõesuus 1,7–2,1 mm a-1 ja Pärnus 2,3–2,7 mm a-1 (Ward et al., 2014). Taimekoosluse klassifitseerimiseks ja biomassi prognoosimiseks analüüsiti üheksat rannikumärgala kolmes kohas Silma looduskaitsealal, kahes kohas Matsalu rahvuspargis ja neljas kohas Vormsi saarel. Neis kohtades esinevad kõik väitekirjas käsitletud taimekooslused. Uurimiskohtade taimekooslused liigitati vastavalt Burnside´i jt fütosotsioloogilisele klassifikatsioonile (2007): pilliroostik, võsasoo, madal rannik, kõrgrannik, pioneerliikidega paljakud, kõrgrohustu, võsa ja metsamaa. Võsasoo ning võsa ja metsamaa jäeti nende marginaalse esinemise tõttu uurimusest välja. Uurimistöö käigus tehti kaks erinevat analüüsi, kasutades UAV-ga kogutud multispektraal- ja rgb-fotosid. UAV multispektraalseid pilte kasutati taimekoosluste kaardistamiseks Silma looduskaitsealal Põhja-Tahu, Lõuna-Tahu ja Kudani rannaniidul (I). Järgnevalt kasutati multispektraalseid ja rgb-pilte kõrge ruumilise eraldusvõimega kaartide koostamiseks maapealse biomassi tuvastamiseks kõigis üheksas uuringukohas (II). Taimekoosluste kaardistamiseks (I) ja maapealse biomassi prognoosimiseks (II) kasutati otsustusmetsa klassifikatsiooni. Seejärel analüüsiti maapealse biomassi kaartide abil majandamisviisi ja intensiivsuse mõju rannaniitude heinamaade struktuurile (II). Teavet rannaniitude kasutusviisi kohta saadi maaomanikega isiklikult suheldes. Uurimistöö teises osas valiti mesokosmi katse jaoks kolm taimekooslust: pioneerliikidega paljakud, madal rannik ja kõrgrannik. Need kooslused valiti sealsete võtmeliikide spetsiifilise autökoloogilise kasvukohaeelistuse tõttu (nt soolsus ja mulla veesisaldus). Katsest välja jäetud pilliroostikus ja võsasoos domineerivad üleujutust taluvad liigid; kõrgrohustu kujutab endast maismaa ja märgalade ökosüsteemi vahelist kooslust, ning võsa on täielikult maismaa. Silma looduskaitsealal varuti Põhja-Tahu alalt 2018. aasta juunis kolmest valitud taimekooslusest 15 mätast (suurus 50 x 70 cm, paksus 30 cm). Mesokosmi katse varustus koosnes mahutitest (90L, mõõtmed 56 x 79 x 32 cm), mis olid täidetud 2:1:1 mullaseguga, mis koosneb pestud sõmera struktuuriga liivast, savist ja kompostist, mis on väga sarnane märgala põhjasubstraadiga. Mahutid numereeriti ja varustati vastava tähisega. Mahutid asusid kogu katse jooksul samal kohal. Katse käiku hinnati alalise gradueeritud 50 cm2 kvadraadi abil, mis jaotati 25 kvadraadiks (10 x 10 cm), ja määrati kindlaks muutused esinevate taimeliikide arvukuses pinnakatte pindala järgi (katteprotsent). Katse kestis kolme aastat veetaseme ja soolsuse tingimustes, mis tuletati kliimamuutuste prognoosidest 2100. aastaks. Liikide arvukus ja liigirikkus arvutati 2018., 2019. ja 2020. aastaks iga taimekoosluse kohta eraldi. Liigirikkuse erinevusi aastati ja kasvutingimuste suhtes hinnati Kruskal Wallise testiga, mis põhineb Bonferroni kohandustega Dunni testil, et tuvastada liigirikkuse erinevusi igal aastal. Liigilise arvukuse esitamiseks kasutati arvukuse kõveraid. Taimekoosluse koostise erinevuste uurimiseks kasutati permutatsioonilist mitmemõõtmelist analüüsi Bray-Curtise erinevusega. Aasta ristmõju analüüsis käsitleti töötlemisviisi fikseeritud mõju ja valimeid juhusliku mõjuna. Tulemused ja järeldused Rannaniitudel hinnati taimekoosluste levikut, maismaa biomassi ja taimestiku vertikaalset struktuuri. Fleissi kapa kordaja 0,89 põhjal kaardistati põhjalikult taimekooslused (I). Otsustusmetsa klassijärgsed vead näitavad, et homogeensema struktuuriga piirkondi on kergem klassifitseerida kui keerulise struktuuriga koosluseid. Otsustusmetsa algoritmi jõudlusanalüüs näitas, et biomassi hindamisel saadi parim tulemus, kui multispektraalne info kombineeriti fotogramm-meetriliselt loodud digitaalse maastikumudeliga (DTM, ingl digital terrain model) (II). Tulemused viitavad sellele, et mitme anduri kombinatsiooni saab kasutada ökosüsteemi omaduste mõõtmiseks, mida ainult spektraalinformatsiooni analüüsides ei pruugi tuvastada. Siinse uuringu maapealse biomassi prognooside suur täpsus näitab, et rannaniitude jälgimisel on kaugseire UAV-ga sobiv meetod. Struktuurianalüüsi tulemused näitasid, mil määral mõjutab biomassi jaotust karjatamise kestus ja heterogeensus. Pidevalt majandatavatele rohumaadele on iseloomulikud suuremad ja homogeensemad alad (II). Üldine lineaarne mudelianalüüs ja Mann-Whitney u-testid näitasid, kuidas taimtoidulised liigid mõjutavad rohumaa struktuuri. Rohumaad, millel karjatatakse erinevaid taimtoidulisi, on mitmekesisema struktuuriga kui veiste karjamaa (II). Mesokosmi katse tulemused näitasid, et kõigis kolmes Läänemere ranniku märgalade koosluses ilmnesid aja jooksul vee- ja soolsusrežiimis märkimisväärsed muutused, mis tõi esile taimeliikide reaktsiooni keskkonnamuutuste suhtes (III). Pioneerliikidega paljakutel suurenes liigirikkus ja taimkate kõigi keskkonnamuutuste korral, sellega võrreldes esines madalal rannikul ja kõrgrannikul nii veetaseme kui ka soolsusega seotud muutusi vähemal määral. Pioneerliikidega paljakuid mõjutab enamasti soolsus, seda isegi peamiselt sõmerast, keskmise fraktsiooniga ja peenest liivast koosnevas pinnases, mis säilitab vähem toitaineid kui peenema fraktsiooniga muld. Spergularia marina ja Glaux maritima aitasid kaasa liigirikkuse suurenemisele mulla suurenenud ja vähenenud soolsuse tingimustes. Üldiselt ei ilmnenud madala ranniku ja kõrgranniku taimekooslustes soolsuse muutumise korral olulisi muutusi võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Nendes kooslustes on liike, mis kasvavad nii soolases kui ka mittesoolases keskkonnas. Veetaseme muutus mõjutas pioneerliikidega paljakute taimekooslust sarnaselt soolsuse muutmisega. Selle koosluse liigirikkus suurenes kõrgema veetaseme korral, võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Kõrgema veetasemega kohanenud liike nagu Eleocharis palustris esines kõrgenenud veetaseme korral kolmandal aastal rohkem; alanenud vees leidus katse lõpus rohkem väiksema veevajadusega liike, nagu Glaux maritima ja Centaurium littorale. Madalal rannikul registreeriti madalama veetaseme korral liigirikkuse muutus, võrreldes kontrollkatsega. Aja jooksul toimuv liikide varieeruvus ilmnes vähese pinnakatvusega liikide puhul, nt ahenesid Carex flacca ja Triglochin palustris´e kasvukohad. Madal rannik asub veetasemelt pioneerliikidega paljaku ja kõrgranniku vahel ning see võib seletada, miks sealsed liigid taluvad mulla mitmesuguseid niiskustingimusi. Kõrgranniku koosluses vähenes kõrgenenud veetaseme korral liikide arv ja sellest tulenevalt ka liigirikkus; sealjuures laienesid vähese pinnakatvuse ja madala veetasemega kohastunud liikide Stellaria graminea ja Viola canina kasvukohad. See uurimus näitas, et ökoloogilistes uuringutes võib erinevate metoodikate kombinatsioon osutuda tõhusaks. Vaid vähestes uuringutes kombineeritakse ökosüsteemiprotsesside mõistmiseks erinevaid lähenemisviise, nt kaugseiret ja katseplatvorme, antud töös mesokosmi katset. Uued tehnoloogilised edusammud kaugseire vallas võivad lahendada küsimusi, millele vastuse leidmine traditsiooniliste ökoloogiliste meetodite abil oleks keeruline või ebapraktiline. Samas on traditsioonilise lähenemisviisiga, nt mesokosmi katsega saadud teadmised uue tehnoloogilise potentsiaali rakendamiseks väga vajalikud. Uurimus näitas, et UAV on sobiv vahend rannikurohumaade struktuuri ja taimekoosluste leviku täpse eraldusvõimega kaartide koostamiseks. Teisest küljest aitab mesokosmi katse mõista taimekoosluse koostise muutusi eri veetaseme ja soolsuse tingimustes.Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of the European Social Fund

    Theorizing an Online Politics: How the Internet is Reconfiguring Political Space, Subjectivity, Participation, and Conflict

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    This work considers how politics can be reinvigorated through the use of the internet. The argument consists of two parts, the first of which develops a theoretical understanding of politics, meant to differentiate it from the anti-political status quo, which draws on the theories of participatory and agonistic democracy. It then precedes to develop and adapt this understanding of politics to the context of the internet. This is done by breaking politics up into four terrains of contestation which can be configured to be more or less political. Politics requires, first of all, a common place to gather. Drawing on Hannah Arendt’s theory of the political realm, I argue that such a political realm could flourish online, as the internet can be used to create a common space that is accessible to all. What is means to be political in this political realm, is approached by drawing on the theories of political subjectivity advanced by Slavoj Žižek and Jacques Rancière. Subjectivity is posited as an empty universal against the identifying impulse of anti-politics. I argue that the internet enhances our ability to become political subjects, as it can enable us to hide our private identities which so often are used by the state to classify us as objects incapable of taking part in politics. What the political subjects do in the political realm consists of participation in speech and action and engaging in conflict. Taking Arendt’s participatory politics as a starting point, I argue that the ability to participate in political debate and decision making is essential for political freedom. This form of freedom can flourish online where the problems of scale and size, which have traditionally been used to argue that representative government is the only viable form of democracy, are less of an issue. Drawing on Chantal Mouffe’s theory of agonistic pluralism, I posit the embrace of conflict and disagreement as what calls politics into existence. Ultimately I argue that the internet enhances plurality, which allows us to come into contact with a wider range of views, which enables more civil disagreements to play out

    N morphology and its interpretation : the neuter in Central Italian varieties and its implications

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    We characterize Romance inflectional class morphology in Nouns as endowed with a semantic content, providing evidence about its active involvement at the syntaxsemantic interface. We argue that the so-called neuter of Central Italian dialects involves coding of the mass/count distinction, which can in turn be interpreted as the reflex of a more primitive property, opposes non-individual content to instances of individual denotation. Indeed the -o 'neuter' inflection of Central Italian varieties is compatible not only with mass nouns but also with eventive contents and with the invariable inflections found with perfect participles of unergative/transitive verbs. We show that mass vs. count semantic content is available in other Indo-European languages and in genetically unrelated languages through nominal class morphology supporting the idea that nominal class is a classifier

    Fatty Acid Metabolites Combine with Reduced β Oxidation to Activate Th17 Inflammation in Human Type 2 Diabetes

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    Mechanisms that regulate metabolites and downstream energy generation are key determinants of T cell cytokine production, but the processes underlying the Th17 profile that predicts the metabolic status of people with obesity are untested. Th17 function requires fatty acid uptake, and our new data show that blockade of CPT1A inhibits Th17-associated cytokine production by cells from people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). A low CACT:CPT1A ratio in immune cells from T2D subjects indicates altered mitochondrial function and coincides with the preference of these cells to generate ATP through glycolysis rather than fatty acid oxidation. However, glycolysis was not critical for Th17 cytokines. Instead, β oxidation blockade or CACT knockdown in T cells from lean subjects to mimic characteristics of T2D causes cells to utilize 16C-fatty acylcarnitine to support Th17 cytokines. These data show long-chain acylcarnitine combines with compromised β oxidation to promote disease-predictive inflammation in human T2D. Although glycolysis generally fuels inflammation, Nicholas, Proctor, and Agrawal et al. report that PBMCs from subjects with type 2 diabetes use a different mechanism to support chronic inflammation largely independent of fuel utilization. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments in cells from healthy subjects show mitochondrial alterations combine with increases in fatty acid metabolites to drive chronic T2D-like inflammation

    Oil Spills- Where We Were, Where We Are, And Where We Will Be? A Bibliometric and Content Analysis Discourse

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    More frequently and in more ways than one might think, oil spills are a very common phenomenon. There were three major (>700 tonnes; Asia and Africa) and four minor oil spills only in 2022 (between 7 and 700 tonnes; North America, Asia, and Africa). Oil spills have been known to cause numerous negative ecological, societal, economic, and public health impacts. Not only this but oil spills require rapid response to contain and mitigate multidimensional damages caused. A SCOPUS search of the keyword ‘Oil Spills’ in ‘’Article title, Abstracts, and Keywords’ and ‘Article title’ results in 30529 and 9851 (as of March 4th, 2023) documents (Journal articles, Conference proceedings, Books, Book series, Trade journals, and Reports). In the year 2023 alone, the SCOPUS database had 297 documents at the time of writing. Such a massive database requires a retrospection of underlying and emerging themes for readers to understand the extant literature and to uncover future research agendas. This study is an attempt to conduct a bibliometric analysis of select ‘Oil spill’ publications. This investigation will involve performance analysis (performance of research constituents such as publication and citation evolution, leading authors, publications, affiliations, sources, and countries) and science mapping (relationship between research constituents by analyzing conceptual, intellectual, and social structures). VOSviewer and Biblioshiny The study will conclude future research trends by the content analysis of the fifteen most recent and cited documents

    Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology 2020 Report to Cooperators

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    The Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the University of Maine Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology are pleased to summarize the past year’s research accomplishments and activities in this annual report. Together, we have collaborated with scientists from State and Federal agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations on 37 research projects presented in the pages that follow. These collaborative relationships enable us to pose a variety of research questions in interdisciplinary studies to address the resource management information needs of our research sponsors and to advance science in wildlife and fisheries ecology, management, and conservation. We value these opportunities to work together and look forward to continuing these relationships as well as developing new collaborations in the year ahead

    Análise de redes da paisagem submarina de canhão : implicações para o planeamento e gestão da biodiversidade

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    Submarine canyons are complex and heterogeneous geomorphologic structures highly relevant for the biodiversity and productivity of continental margins. These marine ecosystems play a key role providing invaluable goods and services for human well-being but are also increasingly subjected to the effects of anthropogenic pressure and climate change. The natural isolation of canyons may act synergistically with these changes with implications for population connectivity and the maintenance of biodiversity. The understanding of the causes and ecological consequences of such changes requires holistic and interdisciplinary approaches. I mapped the landscape of submarine canyon research based on a comprehensive bibliographic data set and using data mining techniques and network analysis. The existing knowledge clusters, historical trends, emergent topics and knowledge gaps in canyon research were identified and characterized. Topics such as “Geology & Geophysics”, “Oceanographic Processes” and “Biology & Ecology” were among the most studied while, for instance, “Biogeochemistry” and ecological modelling were among the less explored. Topics regarding anthropogenic impacts and climate-driven processes were only detected on publication of the last decade. The knowledge network reflects a latent interdisciplinarity in canyon research that developed mostly in the new millennium, supported by a well implemented and international collaboration network. The research efforts have been mainly directed towards only a few canyon systems and a thematic bias was identified, with specific topics addressed preferentially in particular canyons. This spatial and thematic bias, together with the paucity of truly inter-disciplinary studies, may be the most important limitation to the integrated knowledge and development of canyon research and hinders a global, more comprehensive understanding of canyon patterns and processes. The scientific landscape mapping and the complementary results are made available online as an open and interactive platform. In order to assess the importance of submarine canyons for the conservation and management on the deep sea, a study area and a modelling species were selected: the Mediterranean Sea and Lophelia pertusa, a cold-water coral species. The Mediterranean Sea encompasses several submarine canyon systems and L. pertusa is an ecosystem engineering species that occurs frequently in these geomorphological features and provides refuge, nursery grounds and physical support for a remarkable diversity of other life forms. Considering that the distribution of L. pertusa in the Mediterranean Sea is probably underestimated and that this information is crucial to assess the relevance of canyons in the Mediterranean seascape, I estimated the habitat suitability and draw uncertainty maps for this region based on environmental predictors and an ensemble approach of three machine-learning algorithms. The results suggest that in the Mediterranean Sea, L. pertusa encounters environmental settings close to its physiological limits but, despite the highly variable quality of the seascape, submarine canyons were identified as high suitability areas, especially across the Western and Central Mediterranean margins. In addition to the environmental suitability, the ecosystem connectivity determines the species distribution, the metapopulation dynamics and population resilience. I simulated the transport of L. pertusa larvae in the Mediterranean Sea using a biophysical model to estimate their potential dispersal as well as a network analysis to evaluate the habitat availability based on parameters such as suitability, spatial configuration of the seascape and the oceanographic conditions variability. The results suggest that connectivity among Mediterranean ecoregions is weak and that the intensification of climate-driven events (e.g., dense shelf water cascading) may worsen this scenario. However, the potential exchange of larvae between colonies within the same ecoregion was significant, favoring population resilience to local disturbances. Habitat areas with high quality and larval flux were identified as a priority for the conservation of L. pertusa, and subsequently also for their associated fauna. Once again, I showed that habitat areas on submarine canyons may play an important role in the connectivity of L. pertusa Mediterranean populations. However, these habitat areas are subjected to intense anthropogenic pressures, which allied to the effects of climate change, may impose greater challenges to their conservation. Apart from three French marine protected areas in the Gulf of Lion, the development of conservation efforts considering submarine canyon in the Mediterranean Sea is negligible. The knowledge produced in this thesis provides scientific evidence to support decision-making in conservation and planning of marine protected areas networks in the Mediterranean Sea and illustrates the relevance of submarine canyon for the management and conservation of deep-sea biodiversity.Os canhões submarinos são estruturas geomorfológicas complexas localizadas nas margens continentais. São reconhecidos como zonas importantes de biodiversidade no mar profundo onde os níveis de produtividade biológica são de modo geral superiores às áreas adjacentes. Estes ecossistemas marinhos desempenham um papel fundamental na prestação de bens e serviços essenciais ao bem-estar humano. Não obstante, estes ecossistemas estão cada vez mais sujeitos a efeitos nefastos que advêm de ações diretas das atividades humanas, mas também, resultantes de alterações climáticas. O isolamento natural dos canhões submarinos em conjunto com estas mudanças, pode ter implicações para a conectividade das populações biológicas que os habitam, bem como para a manutenção da biodiversidade associada. Avaliar as causas e efeitos ecológicos de tais mudanças só será possível através de uma abordagem holística e interdisciplinar. Partindo de uma base de dados bibliográfica abrangente de publicações dedicadas ao estudo de canhões submarinos, usei técnicas de data mining e de análise de redes para mapear o conhecimento reunido até agora. Foram identificados clusters de conhecimento, a evolução histórica da investigação em canhões submarinos, bem como, os tópicos emergentes e lacunas no conhecimento sobre estas estruturas. Os tópicos mais desenvolvidos dizem respeito a áreas associadas à “Geologia e Geofísica”, “Processos Oceanográficos” e “Biologia e Ecologia”. Por outro lado, temas como “Biogeoquímica” e modelação ecológica estão entre os menos explorados. Estudos referentes a impactos antropogénicos nestes ecossistemas e alterações induzidas por processos climáticos foram detetados apenas em publicação datadas da última década. A rede de tópicos gerada reflete uma interdisciplinaridade latente na investigação associada a canhões que se desenvolveu principalmente durante o século XXI, apoiada por colaborações internacionais da comunidade científica. No entanto, a investigação científica em canhões submarinos apresenta uma tendência clara direccionada para determinados temas e áreas geográficas. Tópicos específicos são abordados preferencialmente em determinados canhões, enquanto que um número muito pequeno destas estruturas concentra a maior parte dos trabalhos desenvolvidos. Este resultado juntamente com o número reduzido de estudos interdisciplinares, foi a mais importante limitação detetada que poderá dificultar a integração do conhecimento já reunido sobre estas estruturas, impedido uma compreensão mais abrangente dos padrões e processos associados aos canhões submarinos. Os resultados alcançados foram disponibilizados numa plataforma online aberta para exploração interativa e direcionada dos conteúdos. No sentido de avaliar a importância dos canhões para a conservação e gestão da biodiversidade no mar profundo, foi definida como área de estudo o Mar Mediterrâneo e selecionada como espécie modelo, um coral de água fria: Lophelia pertusa. O Mar Mediterrâneo engloba vários sistemas de canhões submarinos enquanto que L. pertusa é uma espécie engenheira de ecossistemas que cria refúgio, áreas de berçário e habitat para uma panóplia de outras espécies, ocorrendo frequentemente em canhões. Uma vez que a distribuição de L. pertusa no Mar Mediterrâneo está provavelmente subestimada e que esta informação é fundamental para avaliar a relevância dos canhões na área de estudo, desenvolvi um modelo de nicho ecológico baseado em variáveis ambientais e uma abordagem conjunta de três algoritmos. Os resultados obtidos foram mapas de adequação ambiental, bem como, de avaliação da capacidade de previsão do modelo. Os resultados sugerem que no mar Mediterrâneo, esta espécie de coral encontra condições ambientais próximas dos seus limites fisiológicos. Apesar disso, áreas com condições favoráveis à ocorrência de L. pertusa foram detetadas em canhões submarinos, principalmente no Mediterrâneo Ocidental e Central. A par da qualidade dos habitats, a distribuição dos organismos, a dinâmica metapopulacional e a resiliência das populações a perturbações estão fortemente relacionadas com a conectividade dos ecossistemas. Neste contexto, simulei o transporte de larvas de L. pertusa no Mar Mediterrâneo usando um modelo biofísico para estimar o seu potencial de dispersão. Com os resultados do modelo e usando análises de rede, avaliei a disponibilidade de habitat com base em parâmetros como a qualidade, configuração espacial da paisagem marinha e variabilidade oceanográfica. Os resultados sugerem que a conectividade entre as eco-regiões do Mar Mediterrâneo é baixa e que a intensificação de eventos impulsionados por condições climáticas (por exemplo, dense shelf water cascading) pode agravar este cenário. No entanto, a potencial troca de larvas entre colónias dentro da mesma eco-região foi significativa, podendo favorecer a resiliência das populações a perturbações locais. Áreas de habitat com boa qualidade e com fluxo de larvas foram identificadas como prioritárias para a conservação de L. pertusa, com benefícios eventuais também para a fauna associada a este coral. Mais uma vez, áreas de habitat incluídas em canhões submarinos foram identificadas como as mais relevantes no Mar Mediterrâneo, devendo desempenhar um papel importante na conectividade de populações desta espécie. Contudo, estas áreas estão igualmente sujeitas de forma intensa a atividades humanas com efeitos prejudiciais nos ecossistemas, e que, aliadas aos efeitos das alterações climáticas, podem dificultar a implementação de medidas de conservação eficazes. Com a exceção de três áreas marinhas protegidas francesas no Golfo do Leão, o desenvolvimento de esforços de conservação no Mar Mediterrâneo que incluam áreas com canhões submarinos é ainda negligenciável. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese fornecem evidências científicas que poderão apoiar medidas de conservação e gestão com vista à criação de redes de áreas marinhas protegidas no Mar Mediterrâneo. Neste sentido, proponho os canhões submarinos como áreas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade de mar profundo na área de estudo.PEst-C/MAR/LA0017/2013 e UID/AMB/50017/2013Programa Doutoral em Biologia e Ecologia das Alterações Globai