30 research outputs found


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    Previous research has identified certain overarching features of hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s Disease and found it manifests differently between individuals. Acoustic analysis has often been used to find correlates of perceptual features for differential diagnosis. However, acoustic parameters that are robust for differential diagnosis may not be sensitive to tracking speech changes. Previous longitudinal studies have had limited sample sizes or variable lengths between data collection. This study focused on using acoustic correlates of perceptual features to identify acoustic markers able to track speech changes in people with Parkinson’s Disease (PwPD) over six months. The thesis presents how this study has addressed limitations of previous studies to make a novel contribution to current knowledge. Speech data was collected from 63 PwPD and 47 control speakers using an online podcast software at two time points, six months apart (T1 and T2). Recordings of a standard reading passage, minimal pairs, sustained phonation, and spontaneous speech were collected. Perceptual severity ratings were given by two speech and language therapists for T1 and T2, and acoustic parameters of voice, articulation and prosody were investigated. Two analyses were conducted: a) to identify which acoustic parameters can track perceptual speech changes over time and b) to identify which acoustic parameters can track changes in speech intelligibility over time. An additional attempt was made to identify if these parameters showed group differences for differential diagnosis between PwPD and control speakers at T1 and T2. Results showed that specific acoustic parameters in voice quality, articulation and prosody could differentiate between PwPD and controls, or detect speech changes between T1 and T2, but not both factors. However, specific acoustic parameters within articulation could detect significant group and speech change differences across T1 and T2. The thesis discusses these results, their implications, and the potential for future studies

    A cross-lingual adaptation approach for rapid development of speech recognizers for learning disabled users

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    Building a voice-operated system for learning disabled users is a difficult task that requires a considerable amount of time and effort. Due to the wide spectrum of disabilities and their different related phonopathies, most approaches available are targeted to a specific pathology. This may improve their accuracy for some users, but makes them unsuitable for others. In this paper, we present a cross-lingual approach to adapt a general-purpose modular speech recognizer for learning disabled people. The main advantage of this approach is that it allows rapid and cost-effective development by taking the already built speech recognition engine and its modules, and utilizing existing resources for standard speech in different languages for the recognition of the users’ atypical voices. Although the recognizers built with the proposed technique obtain lower accuracy rates than those trained for specific pathologies, they can be used by a wide population and developed more rapidly, which makes it possible to design various types of speech-based applications accessible to learning disabled users.This research was supported by the project ‘Favoreciendo la vida autónoma de discapacitados intelectuales con problemas de comunicación oral mediante interfaces personalizados de reconocimiento automático del habla’, financed by the Centre of Initiatives for Development Cooperation (Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo, CICODE), University of Granada, Spain. This research was supported by the Student Grant Scheme 2014 (SGS) at the Technical University of Liberec

    Automatic analysis of pathological speech

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    De ernst van een spraakstoornis wordt vaak gemeten a.d.h.v. spraakverstaanbaarheid. Deze maat wordt in de klinische praktijk vaak bepaald met een perceptuele test. Zo’n test is van nature subjectief vermits de therapeut die de test afneemt de (stoornis van de) patiënt vaak kent en ook vertrouwd is met het gebruikte testmateriaal. Daarom is het interessant te onderzoeken of men met spraakherkenning een objectieve beoordelaar van verstaanbaarheid kan creëren. In deze thesis wordt een methodologie uitgewerkt om een gestandaardiseerde perceptuele test, het Nederlandstalig Spraakverstaanbaarheidsonderzoek (NSVO), te automatiseren. Hiervoor wordt gebruik gemaakt van spraakherkenning om de patiënt fonologisch en fonemisch te karakteriseren en uit deze karakterisering een spraakverstaanbaarheidsscore af te leiden. Experimenten hebben aangetoond dat de berekende scores zeer betrouwbaar zijn. Vermits het NSVO met nonsenswoorden werkt, kunnen vooral kinderen hierdoor leesfouten maken. Daarom werden nieuwe methodes ontwikkeld, gebaseerd op betekenisdragende lopende spraak, die hiertegen robuust zijn en tegelijk ook in verschillende talen gebruikt kunnen worden. Met deze nieuwe modellen bleek het mogelijk te zijn om betrouwbare verstaanbaarheidsscores te berekenen voor Vlaamse, Nederlandse en Duitse spraak. Tenslotte heeft het onderzoek ook belangrijke stappen gezet in de richting van een automatische karakterisering van andere aspecten van de spraakstoornis, zoals articulatie en stemgeving

    Personalised Dialogue Management for Users with Speech Disorders

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    Many electronic devices are beginning to include Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) as an alternative to conventional interfaces. VUIs are especially useful for users with restricted upper limb mobility, because they cannot use keyboards and mice. These users, however, often suffer from speech disorders (e.g. dysarthria), making Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) challenging, thus degrading the performance of the VUI. Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) based Dialogue Management (DM) has been shown to improve the interaction performance in challenging ASR environments, but most of the research in this area has focused on Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDSs) developed to provide information, where the users interact with the system only a few times. In contrast, most VUIs are likely to be used by a single speaker over a long period of time, but very little research has been carried out on adaptation of DM models to specific speakers. This thesis explores methods to adapt DM models (in particular dialogue state tracking models and policy models) to a specific user during a longitudinal interaction. The main differences between personalised VUIs and typical SDSs are identified and studied. Then, state-of-the-art DM models are modified to be used in scenarios which are unique to long-term personalised VUIs, such as personalised models initialised with data from different speakers or scenarios where the dialogue environment (e.g. the ASR) changes over time. In addition, several speaker and environment related features are shown to be useful to improve the interaction performance. This study is done in the context of homeService, a VUI developed to help users with dysarthria to control their home devices. The study shows that personalisation of the POMDP-DM framework can greatly improve the performance of these interfaces


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    Second language (L2) speech is typically less fluent than native speech, and differs from it phonetically. While the speech of some L2 English speakers seems to be easily understood by native listeners despite the presence of a foreign accent, other L2 speech seems to be more demanding, such that listeners must expend considerable effort in order to understand it. One reason for this increased difficulty may simply be the speaker’s pronunciation accuracy or phonetic intelligibility. If a L2 speaker’s pronunciations of English sounds differ sufficiently from the sounds that native listeners expect, these differences may force native listeners to work much harder to understand the divergent speech patterns. However, L2 speakers also tend to differ from native ones in terms of fluency – the degree to which a speaker is able to produce appropriately structured phrases without unnecessary pauses, self-corrections or restarts. Previous studies have shown that measures of fluency are strongly predictive of listeners’ subjective ratings of the acceptability of L2 speech: Less fluent speech is consistently considered less acceptable (Ginther, Dimova, & Yang, 2010). However, since less fluent speakers tend also to have less accurate pronunciations, it is unclear whether or how these factors might interact to influence the amount of effort listeners exert to understand L2 speech, nor is it clear how listening effort might relate to perceived quality or acceptability of speech. In this dissertation, two experiments were designed to investigate these questions