17,514 research outputs found

    Moving from the central city: features, destinations, causes and consequences of city dwellers' flight

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    Cities have recently been affected by important changes both as regards their role in general economic growth and their spatial structure. As for the first issue, market globalisation has heightened territorial competition and cities, as places with a concentration of economic activities and workers and potential cradles of innovation, have found a new leading role in determining the future development of the regions and nations they belong to; as for the second issue, improvements in transportation and communication systems have reduced the necessity for proximity, thus leading to a new urban form which has been given many labels (low-density city, scattered city, dispersed city, exploded city, urban sprawl, etc.), but has clearly lost two traditional urban aspects: the territorial concentration of the population and economic activities and the certainty of city boundaries, intended both in physical and administrative terms. The last item is particularly important in territorial contexts, like in Italy, characterised by a large number of small local governments: in fact the spillover of cities from their traditional boundaries has provoked a twofold negative effect, that is, growing difficulties in understanding and in managing urban problems and opportunities. Keeping the described context as a framework, this paper aims to analyse the population movements that affected the chief regional city of Tuscany over a ten-year period (more precisely 1998-2008), in order to deduce their related causes and effects. The model developed was based on microeconomic data and connected the individual characteristics of the people leaving Florence (i.e. age, level of education, family size and composition) to the economic and territorial features of the places of destination (i.e. distance from Florence, real estate prices, social composition and functional mix). This application, based on an ordinarily little used data set, gave statistical evidence to residential choices and some measures of rental effects and search of amenities on urban sprawl. This insight could be reach of political implications. Given the subject-matter, the paper refers both to the literature on causes and patterns of residential mobility and to the one on causes and consequences of urban sprawl.

    Cellular automata : a bridge between building variability and urban form control

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    In Porto Alegre, a Brazilian town with 1,5 million inhabitants, zoning guidelines assign similar density parameters but fail to be context-specific. As these regulations are linked to individual plot dimensions, physical growth resulted in heterogeneous and unpredictable urban space. The Floor Space Index (FSI) has been used as physical currency which influences the plot value there hence creating a straightjacket to architects wanting to explore new shapes. This research describes a simultaneous top-down and bottom-up strategy to allow urban rules to emulate architectural flexibility and, at the same time, to empower the city with morphological controls over the urban space. A proposed integrated model was set to generate a wide variety of geometries through the association of morpho-types urban blocks (topdown) to bottom-up strategies using cellular automata integrated to Rhinoceros’ Grasshopper as a generative tool. The model includes context sensibility and daylight evaluation but runs with a similar FSI to the existing urban regulations. The proposed model was applied to an existing block in Porto Alegre demonstrating to be an effective tool to support the design of urban rules. It also indicated possible paths for built environment model integration and the creation of innovative perfomative urban indexes as building’s porosity.O Plano Diretor da cidade de Porto Alegre paradoxalmente atribui índices de densidade por região geográfica ao passo que falha ao desconsiderar o contexto imediato. Uma vez que os índices aplicados estão associados às dimensões de cada lote, o crescimento do ambiente construído é restringido pela unidade de divisão territorial (lote) e resulta em um espaço urbano imprevisível e heterogêneo. Nesse contexto, o indicador de intensidade ‘Índice de Aproveitamento’ (IA) é usado como ‘moeda física’ pelos incorporadores, influenciando o valor do lote e limitando a exploração formal dos arquitetos, via de regra, a prismas regulares. Esta pesquisa propõe um modelo alternativo que une estratégias centralizadoras (top-down) e emergentes (bottom-up) a fim de possibilitar a flexibilidade arquitetônica e o controle da forma do espaço urbano simultaneamente. O modelo generativo proposto objetiva gerar geometrias variadas por meio da associação de tipologias morfológicas de quadra (controle) e autômatos celulares (emergente). O modelo gera edificações de IA similar ao existente e aos especificados no plano diretor ao mesmo tempo que é sensível ao contexto e avalia o desempenho de iluminação natural no ambiente de modelagem Rhinoceros 3D e programação visual Grasshopper. O modelo foi aplicado a uma quadra existente em Porto Alegre e os resultados demonstraram a sua eficácia como ferramenta de projeto para a concepção de regras urbanas. Os resultados indicaram a possibilidade de integração com modelos de outras naturezas e da criação de novos índices urbanos performativos como ‘porosidade’

    Flora Robotica – Mixed Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids

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    Besides the life-as-it-could-be driver of artificial life research there is also the concept of extending natural life by creating hybrids or mixed societies that are built from both natural and artificial components. In this paper, we motivate and present the research program of the project flora robotica. We present our concepts of control, hardware de-sign, modeling, and human interaction along with preliminary experiments. Our objective is to develop and to investigate closely linked symbiotic relationships between robots and natural plants and to explore the potentials of a plant-robot society able to produce archi-tectural artifacts and living spaces. These robot-plant bio-hybrids create synergies that allow for new functions of plants and robots. They also create novel design opportunities for an architecture that fuses the design and construction phase. The bio-hybrid is an example of mixed societies between ‘hard artificial and ‘wet natural life, which enables an interaction between natural and artificial ecologies. They form an embodied, self-organizing, and distributed cognitive system which is supposed to grow and develop over long periods of time resulting in the creation of meaningful architectural structures. A key idea is to assign equal roles to robots and plants in order to create a highly integrated, symbiotic system. Besides the gain of knowledge, this project has the objective to cre-ate a bio-hybrid system with a defined function and application – growing architectural artifacts

    Designing the interface between research, learning and teaching.

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    Abstract: This paper’s central argument is that teaching and research need to be reshaped so that they connect in a productive way. This will require actions at a whole range of levels, from the individual teacher to the national system and include the international communities of design scholars. To do this, we need to start at the level of the individual teacher and course team. This paper cites some examples of strategies that focus on what students do as learners and how teachers teach and design courses to enhance research-led teaching. The paper commences with an examination of the departmental context of (art and) design education. This is followed by an exploration of what is understood by research-led teaching and a further discussion of the dimensions of research-led teaching. It questions whether these dimensions are evident, and if so to what degree in design departments, programmes and courses. The discussion examines the features of research-led departments and asks if a department is not research-led in its approach to teaching, why it should consider changing strategies

    An Exploration into Technological Capabilities among early stage Indian product based Telecom start-ups

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    New technology based start-ups play a very important role in developing the economy of a country. In India, telecom sector has seen unprecedented growth over the last decade and this has led to emergence of several telecom related start-ups. However, product based B2B start-ups are rare and existing ones have to undergo several challenges in commercializing. Surprisingly not much research work has been undertaken in identifying capabilities among early stage start-ups although the early phase represents a very crucial phase for product based firms and has been known to determine the success or failure for start-ups. Present study explores the technological capabilities that enable commercialization among such early stage start-ups by adopting a multiple case (four independent cases) based inductive methodology with Indian telecom start-ups as the context. We have identified architectural design, algorithmic implementation and product adaptation as components of technological capability of such start-ups. We further drill in to each of the sub-components of the technological capabilities to unearth their antecedents and peculiarities in telecom product company context. As a result we also present a classification scheme for studying the product architecture in the telecom context. We analyze and point out differences in technological capability among telecom start-ups vis-�-vis established firms in the sector .

    Behavior-Based Early Language Development on a Humanoid Robot

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    We are exploring the idea that early language acquisition could be better modelled on an artifcial creature by considering the pragmatic aspect of natural language and of its development in human infants. We have implemented a system of vocal behaviors on Kismet in which "words" or concepts are behaviors in a competitive hierarchy. This paper reports on the framework, the vocal system's architecture and algorithms, and some preliminary results from vocal label learning and concept formation

    Proof-of-Concept Application - Annual Report Year 1

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    In this document the Cat-COVITE Application for use in the CATNETS Project is introduced and motivated. Furthermore an introduction to the catallactic middleware and Web Services Agreement (WS-Agreement) concepts is given as a basis for the future work. Requirements for the application of Cat-COVITE with in catallactic systems are analysed. Finally the integration of the Cat-COVITE application and the catallactic middleware is described. --Grid Computing

    Performance Assessment Strategies

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    Using engineering performance evaluations to explore design alternatives during the conceptual phase of architectural design helps to understand the relationships between form and performance; and is crucial for developing well-performing final designs. Computer aided conceptual design has the potential to aid the design team in discovering and highlighting these relationships; especially by means of procedural and parametric geometry to support the generation of geometric design, and building performance simulation tools to support performance assessments. However, current tools and methods for computer aided conceptual design in architecture do not explicitly reveal nor allow for backtracking the relationships between performance and geometry of the design. They currently support post-engineering, rather than the early design decisions and the design exploration process. Focusing on large roofs, this research aims at developing a computational design approach to support designers in performance driven explorations. The approach is meant to facilitate the multidisciplinary integration and the learning process of the designer; and not to constrain the process in precompiled procedures or in hard engineering formulations, nor to automatize it by delegating the design creativity to computational procedures. PAS (Performance Assessment Strategies) as a method is the main output of the research. It consists of a framework including guidelines and an extensible library of procedures for parametric modelling. It is structured on three parts. Pre-PAS provides guidelines for a design strategy-definition, toward the parameterization process. Model-PAS provides guidelines, procedures and scripts for building the parametric models. Explore-PAS supports the solutions-assessment based on numeric evaluations and performance simulations, until the identification of a suitable design solution. PAS has been developed based on action research. Several case studies have focused on each step of PAS and on their interrelationships. The relations between the knowledge available in pre-PAS and the challenges of the solution space exploration in explore-PAS have been highlighted. In order to facilitate the explore-PAS phase in case of large solution spaces, the support of genetic algorithms has been investigated and the exiting method ParaGen has been further implemented. Final case studies have focused on the potentials of ParaGen to identify well performing solutions; to extract knowledge during explore-PAS; and to allow interventions of the designer as an alternative to generations driven solely by coded criteria. Both the use of PAS and its recommended future developments are addressed in the thesis