15,390 research outputs found

    Classification of ordered texture images using regression modelling and granulometric features

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    Structural information available from the granulometry of an image has been used widely in image texture analysis and classification. In this paper we present a method for classifying texture images which follow an intrinsic ordering of textures, using polynomial regression to express granulometric moments as a function of class label. Separate models are built for each individual moment and combined for back-prediction of the class label of a new image. The methodology was developed on synthetic images of evolving textures and tested using real images of 8 different grades of cut-tear-curl black tea leaves. For comparison, grey level co-occurrence (GLCM) based features were also computed, and both feature types were used in a range of classifiers including the regression approach. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the granulometric moments over GLCM-based features for classifying these tea images

    Design of VR app applied to cognitive training

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és el disseny d’una aplicació de realitat virtual per millorar el tractament dels pacients amb deteriorament cognitiu lleu, així com estudiar els possibles avantatges que aquesta tecnologia pot proporcionar en aquest camp. Es va escollir la realitat virtual perquè permet augmentar la sensació d’immersió pel que fa a les tecnologies actuals. Actualment la realitat virtual s’està utilitzant amb aquest tipus de tractament i està aconseguint gran resultats amb els pacients. A més, mitjançant l’ús d’aquesta tècnica d’immersió visual, s’espera que ajudi a millorar la capacitat dels pacients davant nous problemes, com pot ser la iniciació a la realitat virtual, una qüestió fonamental que ajuda a la millora dels pacients que es troben en les primeres etapes de la malaltia. L’aplicació consisteix en un entorn de supermercat virtual on el pacient pot realitzar diverses proves. En aquesta hi haurà diferents nivells amb diverses complexitats, sempre després d’haver realitzat un tutorial previ. L’aplicació s’ha realitzat en dues fases diferents: primer es va crear el guió, amb col·laboració amb la unitat d’Alzheimer de l’Hospital Clínic. Els nivells de l’aplicació es van definir aquí. El següent va ser la realització de l’aplicació amb col·laboració amb la companyia Vysion 360. Per a la seva utilització per la unitat d’Alzheimer de l’Hospital Clínic, l’aplicació tenia que complir diferents criteris. En primer lloc, els nivells de dificultat tenen que ser suficients per realitzar un tractament a llarg termini. En segon lloc, per crear una bona experiència de immersió, l’entorn creat té que ser el més realista possible. Finalment, s’ha creat una base de dades local per guardar la informació de totes les sessions, utilitzat posteriorment en l’anàlisi de evolució dels pacients. Amb aquesta aplicació, s’espera que els resultats en els pacients amb deteriorament cognitiu lleu milloren respecte a les tècniques anteriors. Especialment gràcies a la gran experiència d’immersió aconseguida amb la realitat virtual, la qual ajuda a la concentració dels pacients durant el tractament

    Remote spectral imaging with simultaneous extraction of 3D topography for historical wall paintings

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    PRISMS (Portable Remote Imaging System for Multispectral Scanning) is designed for in situ, simultaneous high resolution spectral and 3D topographic imaging of wall paintings and other large surfaces. In particular, it can image at transverse resolutions of tens of microns remotely from distances of tens of metres, making high resolution imaging possible from a fixed position on the ground for areas at heights that is difficult to access. The spectral imaging system is fully automated giving 3D topographic mapping at millimetre accuracy as a by-product of the image focusing process. PRISMS is the first imaging device capable of both 3D mapping and spectral imaging simultaneously without additional distance measuring devices. Examples from applications of PRISMS to wall paintings at a UNESCO site in the Gobi desert are presented to demonstrate the potential of the instrument for large scale 3D spectral imaging, revealing faded writing and material identification

    A curriculum guide for art in the elementary grades

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Volumetric cloud generation using a Chinese brush calligraphy style

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    Includes bibliographical references.Clouds are an important feature of any real or simulated environment in which the sky is visible. Their amorphous, ever-changing and illuminated features make the sky vivid and beautiful. However, these features increase both the complexity of real time rendering and modelling. It is difficult to design and build volumetric clouds in an easy and intuitive way, particularly if the interface is intended for artists rather than programmers. We propose a novel modelling system motivated by an ancient painting style, Chinese Landscape Painting, to address this problem. With the use of only one brush and one colour, an artist can paint a vivid and detailed landscape efficiently. In this research, we develop three emulations of a Chinese brush: a skeleton-based brush, a 2D texture footprint and a dynamic 3D footprint, all driven by the motion and pressure of a stylus pen. We propose a hybrid mapping to generate both the body and surface of volumetric clouds from the brush footprints. Our interface integrates these components along with 3D canvas control and GPU-based volumetric rendering into an interactive cloud modelling system. Our cloud modelling system is able to create various types of clouds occurring in nature. User tests indicate that our brush calligraphy approach is preferred to conventional volumetric cloud modelling and that it produces convincing 3D cloud formations in an intuitive and interactive fashion. While traditional modelling systems focus on surface generation of 3D objects, our brush calligraphy technique constructs the interior structure. This forms the basis of a new modelling style for objects with amorphous shape

    Designing identity of a new material: a new product design approach

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    The present research is a design practice-based research based on the industrial development of a new concrete. The research focuses on the development of the specific identity of a new material. The research is aimed at demonstrating that product design can be used as a new strategy to create the material identity and thus to differentiate from existing materials. In order to design material specific identity in new products, we need to understand the perception process of shaped materials. Therefore we conducted exploratory study of materials recognition in products. We identified two types of products: the “messenger” products are specific shapes characteristic from the material; the “wrong messenger” products are imitations of other well known materials. The results of questionnaire about material recognition show that it’s more or less easy to identify material according to each product (whether it’s familiar or new shapes; whether it’s imitation or specific shapes and whether it’s well known or new material). We conclude on two types of shapes: on the one hand some familiar and typical shapes make easier and more certain the material recognition; on the other hand some new shapes make people more uncertain of what it is made of but more amazed. Designing amazing new shapes can be used as a new differentiation strategy to create the specific sensory identity of each new material. It means that the product can be a really useful support to fully communicate about a new material, beyond the traditional material samples. Keywords: New Material; Sensory Identity; Product Design</p

    Fast Simulation of Skin Sliding

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    Skin sliding is the phenomenon of the skin moving over underlying layers of fat, muscle and bone. Due to the complex interconnections between these separate layers and their differing elasticity properties, it is difficult to model and expensive to compute. We present a novel method to simulate this phenomenon at real--time by remeshing the surface based on a parameter space resampling. In order to evaluate the surface parametrization, we borrow a technique from structural engineering known as the force density method which solves for an energy minimizing form with a sparse linear system. Our method creates a realistic approximation of skin sliding in real--time, reducing texture distortions in the region of the deformation. In addition it is flexible, simple to use, and can be incorporated into any animation pipeline