11 research outputs found

    Angelic Processes

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    In the formal modelling of systems, demonic and angelic nondeterminism play fundamental roles as abstraction mechanisms. The angelic nature of a choice pertains to the property of avoiding failure whenever possible. As a concept, angelic choice first appeared in automata theory and Turing machines, where it can be implemented via backtracking. It has traditionally been studied in the refinement calculus, and has proved to be useful in a variety of applications and refinement techniques. Recently it has been studied within relational, multirelational and higher-order models. It has been employed for modelling user interactions, game-like scenarios, theorem proving tactics, constraint satisfaction problems and control systems. When the formal modelling of state-rich reactive systems is considered, it only seems natural that both types of nondeterministic choice should be considered. However, despite several treatments of angelic nondeterminism in the context of process algebras, namely Communicating Sequential Processes, the counterpart to the angelic choice of the refinement calculus has been elusive. In this thesis, we develop a semantics in the relational setting of Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming that enables the characterisation of angelic nondeterminism in CSP. Since CSP processes are given semantics in the UTP via designs, that is, pre and postcondition pairs, we first introduce a theory of angelic designs, and an isomorphic multirelational model, that is suitable for characterising processes. We then develop a theory of reactive angelic designs by enforcing the healthiness conditions of CSP. Finally, by introducing a notion of divergence that can undo the history of events, we obtain a model where angelic choice avoids divergence. This lays the foundation for a process algebra with both nondeterministic constructs, where existing and novel abstract modelling approaches can be considered. The UTP basis of our work makes it applicable in the wider context of reactive systems

    Angelic Processes for CSP via the UTP

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    Demonic and angelic nondeterminism play fundamental roles as abstraction mechanisms for formal modelling. In contrast with its demonic counterpart, in an angelic choice failure is avoided whenever possible. Although it has been extensively studied in refinement calculi, in the context of process algebras, and of the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) algebra for refinement, in particular, it has been elusive. We show here that a semantics for an extended version of CSP that includes both demonic and angelic choice can be provided using Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). Since CSP is given semantics in the UTP via reactive designs (pre and postcondition pairs) we have developed a theory of angelic designs and a conservative extension of the CSP theory using reactive angelic designs. To characterise angelic nondeterminism appropriately in an algebra of processes, however, a notion of divergence that can undo the history of events needs to be considered. Taking this view, we present a model for CSP where angelic choice completely avoids divergence just like in the refinement calculi for sequential programs

    Synthesis of Strategies and the Hoare Logic of Angelic Nondeterminism

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    Abstract. We study a propositional variant of Hoare logic that can be used for reasoning about programs that exhibit both angelic and demonic nondeterminism. We work in an uninterpreted setting, where the mean-ing of the atomic actions is specified axiomatically using hypotheses of a certain form. Our logical formalism is entirely compositional and it sub-sumes the non-compositional formalism of safety games on finite graphs. We present sound and complete Hoare-style (partial-correctness) calculi that are useful for establishing Hoare assertions, as well as for synthesiz-ing implementations. The computational complexity of the Hoare theory of dual nondeterminism is investigated using operational models, and it is shown that the theory is complete for exponential time.

    Demonic Kleene Algebra

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    Nous rappelons d’abord le concept d’algèbre de Kleene avec domaine (AKD). Puis, nous expliquons comment utiliser les opérateurs des AKD pour définir un ordre partiel appelé raffinement démoniaque ainsi que d’autres opérateurs démoniaques (plusieurs de ces définitions proviennent de la littérature). Nous cherchons à comprendre comment se comportent les AKD munies des opérateurs démoniaques quand on exclut les opérateurs angéliques usuels. C’est ainsi que les propriétés de ces opérateurs démoniaques nous servent de base pour axiomatiser une algèbre que nous appelons Algèbre démoniaque avec domaine et opérateur t-conditionnel (ADD-[opérateur t-conditionnel]). Les lois des ADD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] qui ne concernent pas l’opérateur de domaine correspondent à celles présentées dans l’article Laws of programming par Hoare et al. publié dans la revue Communications of the ACM en 1987. Ensuite, nous étudions les liens entre les ADD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] et les AKD munies des opérateurs démoniaques. La question est de savoir si ces structures sont isomorphes. Nous démontrons que ce n’est pas le cas en général et nous caractérisons celles qui le sont. En effet, nous montrons qu’une AKD peut être transformée en une ADD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] qui peut être transformée à son tour en l’AKD de départ. Puis, nous présentons les conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour qu’une ADD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] puisse être transformée en une AKD qui peut être transformée à nouveau en l’ADD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] de départ. Les conditions nécessaires et suffisantes mentionnées précédemment font intervenir un nouveau concept, celui de décomposition. Dans un contexte démoniaque, il est difficile de distinguer des transitions qui, à partir d’un même état, mènent à des états différents. Le concept de décomposition permet d’y arriver simplement. Nous présentons sa définition ainsi que plusieurs de ses propriétés.We first recall the concept of Kleene algebra with domain (KAD). Then we explain how to use the operators of KAD to define a demonic refinement ordering and demonic operators (many of these definitions come from the literature). We want to know how do KADs with the demonic operators but without the usual angelic ones behave. Then, taking the properties of the KAD-based demonic operators as a guideline, we axiomatise an algebra that we call Demonic algebra with domain and t-conditional (DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel]). The laws of DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] not concerning the domain operator agree with those given in the 1987 Communications of the ACM paper Laws of programming by Hoare et al. Then, we investigate the relationship between DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] and KAD-based demonic algebras. The question is whether every DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] is isomorphic to a KAD-based demonic algebra. We show that it is not the case in general. However, we characterise those that are. Indeed, we demonstrate that a KAD can be transformed into a DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] which can be transformed back into the initial KAD. We also establish necessary and sufficient conditions for which a DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel] can be transformed into a KAD which can be transformed back into the initial DAD-[opérateur t-conditionnel]. Finally, we define the concept of decomposition. This notion is involved in the necessary and sufficient conditions previously mentioned. In a demonic context, it is difficult to distinguish between transitions that, from a given state, go to different states. The concept of decomposition enables to do it easily. We present its definition together with some of its properties