236 research outputs found

    Microservice Transition and its Granularity Problem: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Microservices have gained wide recognition and acceptance in software industries as an emerging architectural style for autonomic, scalable, and more reliable computing. The transition to microservices has been highly motivated by the need for better alignment of technical design decisions with improving value potentials of architectures. Despite microservices' popularity, research still lacks disciplined understanding of transition and consensus on the principles and activities underlying "micro-ing" architectures. In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping study that consolidates various views, approaches and activities that commonly assist in the transition to microservices. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the transition; it also contributes a working definition of the transition and technical activities underlying it. We term the transition and technical activities leading to microservice architectures as microservitization. We then shed light on a fundamental problem of microservitization: microservice granularity and reasoning about its adaptation as first-class entities. This study reviews state-of-the-art and -practice related to reasoning about microservice granularity; it reviews modelling approaches, aspects considered, guidelines and processes used to reason about microservice granularity. This study identifies opportunities for future research and development related to reasoning about microservice granularity.Comment: 36 pages including references, 6 figures, and 3 table

    Microservice Ambients: An Architectural Meta-modelling Approach for Microservice Granularity

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    Isolating fine-grained business functionalities byboundaries into entities called microservices is a core activityunderlying microservitization. We define microservitization asthe paradigm shift towards microservices. Determining theoptimal microservice boundaries (i.e. microservice granularity) is among the key microservitization design decisions thatinfluence the Quality of Service (QoS) of the microservice applicationat runtime. In this paper, we provide an architecturecentricapproach to model this decision problem. We build onambients - a modelling approach that can explicitly capturefunctional boundaries and their adaptation. We extend the aspect-oriented architectural meta-modelling approach of ambients-AMBIENT-PRISMA - with microservice ambients. A microservice ambient is a modelling concept that treatsmicroservice boundaries as an adaptable first-class entity. Weuse a hypothetical online movie subscription-based systemto capture a microservitization scenario using our aspectorientedmodelling approach. The results show the ability ofmicroservice ambients to express the functional boundary of amicroservice, the concerns of each boundary, the relationshipsacross boundaries and the adaptations of these boundaries. Additionally, we evaluate the expressiveness and effectivenessof microservice ambients using criteria from ArchitectureDescription Language (ADL) classification frameworkssince microservice ambients essentially support architecturedescription for microservices. The evaluation focuses on thefundamental modelling constructs of microservice ambientsand how they support microservitization properties such asutility-driven design, tool heterogeneity and decentralised governance. The evaluation highlights how microservice ambientssupport analysis, evolution and mobility/location awarenesswhich are significant to quality-driven microservice granularityadaptation. The evaluation is general and irrespective of theparticular application domain and the business competenciesin that domain

    Microservices-based IoT Applications Scheduling in Edge and Fog Computing: A Taxonomy and Future Directions

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    Edge and Fog computing paradigms utilise distributed, heterogeneous and resource-constrained devices at the edge of the network for efficient deployment of latency-critical and bandwidth-hungry IoT application services. Moreover, MicroService Architecture (MSA) is increasingly adopted to keep up with the rapid development and deployment needs of the fast-evolving IoT applications. Due to the fine-grained modularity of the microservices along with their independently deployable and scalable nature, MSA exhibits great potential in harnessing both Fog and Cloud resources to meet diverse QoS requirements of the IoT application services, thus giving rise to novel paradigms like Osmotic computing. However, efficient and scalable scheduling algorithms are required to utilise the said characteristics of the MSA while overcoming novel challenges introduced by the architecture. To this end, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of recent literature on microservices-based IoT applications scheduling in Edge and Fog computing environments. Furthermore, we organise multiple taxonomies to capture the main aspects of the scheduling problem, analyse and classify related works, identify research gaps within each category, and discuss future research directions.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Exploring Maintainability Assurance Research for Service- and Microservice-Based Systems: Directions and Differences

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    To ensure sustainable software maintenance and evolution, a diverse set of activities and concepts like metrics, change impact analysis, or antipattern detection can be used. Special maintainability assurance techniques have been proposed for service- and microservice-based systems, but it is difficult to get a comprehensive overview of this publication landscape. We therefore conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to collect and categorize maintainability assurance approaches for service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices. Our search strategy led to the selection of 223 primary studies from 2007 to 2018 which we categorized with a threefold taxonomy: a) architectural (SOA, microservices, both), b) methodical (method or contribution of the study), and c) thematic (maintainability assurance subfield). We discuss the distribution among these categories and present different research directions as well as exemplary studies per thematic category. The primary finding of our SLR is that, while very few approaches have been suggested for microservices so far (24 of 223, ?11%), we identified several thematic categories where existing SOA techniques could be adapted for the maintainability assurance of microservices

    Report from GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 16394: Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 16394 "Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World". The seminar addressed the problem of performance-aware DevOps. Both, DevOps and performance engineering have been growing trends over the past one to two years, in no small part due to the rise in importance of identifying performance anomalies in the operations (Ops) of cloud and big data systems and feeding these back to the development (Dev). However, so far, the research community has treated software engineering, performance engineering, and cloud computing mostly as individual research areas. We aimed to identify cross-community collaboration, and to set the path for long-lasting collaborations towards performance-aware DevOps. The main goal of the seminar was to bring together young researchers (PhD students in a later stage of their PhD, as well as PostDocs or Junior Professors) in the areas of (i) software engineering, (ii) performance engineering, and (iii) cloud computing and big data to present their current research projects, to exchange experience and expertise, to discuss research challenges, and to develop ideas for future collaborations

    Dynamic Evaluation of Microservice Granularity Adaptation

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    Microservices have gained acceptance in software industries as an emerging architectural style for autonomic, scalable, and more reliable computing. Among the critical microservice architecture design decisions is when to adapt the granularity of a microservice architecture by merging/decomposing microservices. No existing work investigates the following question: how can we reason about the trade-off between predicted benefits and cost of pursuing microservice granularity adaptation under uncertainty? To address this question, we provide a novel formulation of the decision problem to pursue granularity adaptation as a real options problem. We propose a novel evaluation process for dynamically evaluating granularity adaptation design decisions under uncertainty. Our process is based on a novel combination of real options and the concept of Bayesian surprises. We show the benefits of our evaluation process by comparing it to four representative industrial microservice runtime monitoring tools which can be used for retrospective evaluation for granularity adaptation decisions. Our comparison shows that our process can supersede and/or complement these tools. We implement a microservice application — Filmflix — using Amazon Web Service (AWS) Lambda and use this implementation as a case study to show the unique benefit of our process compared to traditional application of real options analysis

    Identification of microservices from monolithic applications through topic modelling

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Informatics EngineeringMicroservices emerged as one of the most popular architectural patterns in the recent years given the increased need to scale, grow and flexibilize software projects accompanied by the growth in cloud computing and DevOps. Many software applications are being submitted to a process of migration from its monolithic architecture to a more modular, scalable and flexible architecture of microservices. This process is slow and, depending on the project’s complexity, it may take months or even years to complete. This dissertation proposes a new approach on microservices identification by resorting to topic modelling in order to identify services according to domain terms. This approach in combination with clustering techniques produces a set of services based on the original software. The proposed methodology is implemented as an open-source tool for exploration of monolithic architectures and identification of microservices. An extensive quantitative analysis using the state of the art metrics on independence of functionality and modularity of services was conducted on 200 open-source projects collected from GitHub. Cohesion at message and domain level metrics showed medians of roughly 0.6. Interfaces per service exhibited a median of 1.5 with a compact interquartile range. Structural and conceptual modularity revealed medians of 0.2 and 0.4 respectively. Further analysis to understand if the methodology works better for smaller/larger projects revealed an overall stability and similar performance across metrics. Our first results are positive demonstrating beneficial identification of services due to overall metrics’ results.Os microserviços emergiram como um dos padrões arquiteturais mais populares na atualidade dado o aumento da necessidade em escalar, crescer e flexibilizar projetos de software, acompanhados da crescente da computação na cloud e DevOps. Muitas aplicações estão a ser submetidas a processos de migração de uma arquitetura monolítica para uma arquitetura mais modular, escalável e flexivel de microserviços. Este processo de migração é lento, e dependendo da complexidade do projeto, poderá levar vários meses ou mesmo anos a completar. Esta dissertação propõe uma nova abordagem na identificação de microserviços recorrendo a modelação de tópicos de forma a identificar serviços de acordo com termos de domínio de um projeto de software. Esta abordagem em combinação com técnicas de clustering produz um conjunto de serviços baseado no projeto de software original. A metodologia proposta é implementada como uma ferramenta open-source para exploração de arquiteturas monolíticas e identificação de microserviços. Uma análise quantitativa extensa recorrendo a métricas de independência de funcionalidade e modularidade de serviços foi conduzida em 200 aplicações open-source recolhidas do GitHub. Métricas de coesão ao nível da mensagem e domínio revelaram medianas em torno de 0.6. Interfaces por serviço demonstraram uma mediana de 1.5 com um intervalo interquartil compacto. Métricas de modularidade estrutural e conceptual revelaram medianas de 0.2 e 0.4 respetivamente. Uma análise mais aprofundada para tentar perceber se a metodologia funciona melhor para projetos de diferentes dimensões/características revelaram uma estabilidade geral do funcionamento do método. Os primeiros resultados são positivos demonstrando identificações de serviços benéficos tendo em conta que os valores das métricas são de uma forma global positivos e promissores

    Reactive Microservices - An Experiment

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    Os microserviços são geralmente adotados quando a escalabilidade e flexibilidade de uma aplicação são essenciais para o seu sucesso. Apesar disto, as dependências entre serviços transmitidos através de protocolos síncronos, resultam numa única falha que pode afetar múltiplos microserviços. A adoção da capacidade de resposta numa arquitetura baseada em microserviços, através da reatividade, pode facilitar e minimizar a proliferação de erros entre serviços e na comunicação entre eles, ao dar prioridade à capacidade de resposta e à resiliência de um serviço. Esta dissertação fornece uma visão geral do estado da arte dos microserviços reativos, estruturada através de um processo de mapeamento sistemático, onde são analisados os seus atributos de qualidade mais importantes, os seus erros mais comuns, as métricas mais adequadas para a sua avaliação, e as frameworks mais relevantes. Com a informação recolhida, é apresentado o valor deste trabalho, onde a decisão do projeto e a framework a utilizar são tomadas, através da técnica de preferência de ordem por semelhança com a solução ideal e o processo de hierarquia analítica, respetivamente. Em seguida, é realizada a análise e o desenho da solução, para o respetivo projeto, onde se destacam as alterações arquiteturais necessárias para o converter num projeto de microserviços reativo. Em seguida, descreve-se a implementação da solução, começando pela configuração do projeto necessária para agilizar o processo de desenvolvimento, seguida dos principais detalhes de implementação utilizados para assegurar a reatividade e como a framework apoia e simplifica a sua implementação, finalizada pela configuração das ferramentas de métricas no projeto para apoiar os testes e a avaliação da solução. Em seguida, a validação da solução é investigada e executada com base na abordagem Goals, Questions, Metrics (GQM), para estruturar a sua análise relativamente à manutenção, escalabilidade, desempenho, testabilidade, disponibilidade, monitorabilidade e segurança, finalizada pela conclusão do trabalho global realizado, onde são listadas as contribuições, ameaças à validade e possíveis trabalhos futuros.Microservices are generally adopted when the scalability and flexibility of an application are essential to its success. Despite this, dependencies between services transmitted through synchronous protocols result in one failure, potentially affecting multiple microservices. The adoption of responsiveness in a microservices-based architecture, through reactivity, can facilitate and minimize the proliferation of errors between services and in the communication between them by prioritizing the responsiveness and resilience of a service. This dissertation provides an overview of the reactive microservices state of the art, structured through a systematic mapping process, where its most important quality attributes, pitfalls, metrics, and most relevant frameworks are analysed. With the gathered information, the value of this work is presented, where the project and framework decision are made through the technique of order preference by similarity to the ideal solution and the analytic hierarchy process, respectively. Then, the analysis and design of the solution are idealized for the respective project, where the necessary architectural changes are highlighted to convert it to a reactive microservices project. Next, the solution implementation is described, starting with the necessary project setup to speed up the development process, followed by the key implementation details employed to ensure reactivity and how the framework streamlines its implementation, finalized by the metrics tools setup in the project to support the testing and evaluation of the solution. Then, the solution validation is traced and executed based on the Goals, Questions, Metrics (GQM) approach to structure its analysis regarding maintainability, scalability, performance, testability, availability, monitorability, and security, finalized by the conclusion of the overall work done, where the contributions, threats to validity and possible future work are listed