181 research outputs found

    Agile load transportation systems using aerial robots

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    In this dissertation, we address problems that can occur during load transport using aerial robots, i.e., small scale quadrotors. First, detailed models of such transportation system are derived. These models include nonlinear models of a quadrotor, a model of a quadrotor carrying a fixed load and a model of a quadrotor carrying a suspended load. Second, the problem of quadrotor stabilization and trajectory tracking with changes of the center of gravity of the transportation system is addressed. This problem is solved using model reference adaptive control based on output feedback linearization that compensates for dynamical changes in the center of gravity of the quadrotor. The third problem we address is a problem of a swing-free transport of suspended load using quadrotors. Flying with a suspended load can be a very challenging and sometimes hazardous task as the suspended load significantly alters the flight characteristics of the quadrotor. In order to deal with suspended load flight, we present a method based on dynamic programming which is a model based offline method. The second investigated method we use is based on the Nelder-Mead algorithm which is an optimization technique used for nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. This method is model free and it can be used for offline or online generation of the swing-free trajectories for the suspended load. Besides the swing-free maneuvers with suspended load, load trajectory tracking is another problem we solve in this dissertation. In order to solve this problem we use a Nelder-Mead based algorithm. In addition, we use an online least square policy iteration algorithm. At the end, we propose a high level algorithm for navigation in cluttered environments considering a quadrotor with suspended load. Furthermore, distributed control of multiple quadrotors with suspended load is addressed too. The proposed hierarchical architecture presented in this doctoral dissertation is an important step towards developing the next generation of agile autonomous aerial vehicles. These control algorithms enable quadrotors to display agile maneuvers while reconfiguring in real time whenever a change in the center of gravity occurs. This enables a swing-free load transport or trajectory tracking of the load in urban environments in a decentralized fashion

    Modelling, Identification and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter

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    This thesis work focused on the study of a quadrotor helicopter. The dynamic system modelling and the control algorithm evaluation were carried out. To test the results, a simulator and a real platform were developed. The Newton-Euler formalism was used to model the dynamic system. Particular attention was given to the group composed of the DC-motor, the gear box and the propeller which needed also the estimation of aerodynamic lift and torque to reach better accuracy. PID control algorithms were compared. The first stage tests were performed on a simulated model where it was easy to evaluate the performance with a mathematical approach. The second stage tests were carried out on the quadrotor platform to evaluate the behavior of the real system. A simulator based on Matlab-Simulink was developed. With this program it was possible to test the accuracy of the model and the robustness of the control algorithms. Furthermore a 3D graphic output and a joystick interface made easier the testability and the observability of the system. A quadrotor platform was developed. The electronics was composed of a Micro Control Unit (MCU) interfaced with several devices: the power supply, the receiving unit, the DC-motor power boards, the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), the SONAR and the IR modules. Thanks to these devices and the MCU software, both guided and autonomous flights were possible

    Real-time control architecture for a multi UAV test bed

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    The purpose of this thesis is to develop a control architecture running at real-time for a multi unmanned aerial vehicle test bed formed by three AscTec Hummingbird mini quadrotors. The reliable and reconfigurable architecture presented here has a FPGA-based embedded system as main controller. Under the implemented control system, different practical applications have been performed in the MARHES Lab at the University of New Mexico as part of its research in cooperative control of mobile aerial agents. This thesis also covers the quadrotor modeling, the design of a position controller, the real-time architecture implementation and the experimental flight tests. A hybrid approach combining first-principles with system identification techniques is used for modeling the quadrotor due to the lack of information around the structure of the onboard controller designed by AscTec. The complete quadrotor model structure is formed by a black-box subsystem and a point-mass submodel. Experimental data have been gathered for system identification and black-box submodel validation purposes; while the point-mass submodel is found applying rigid-body dynamics. Using the dynamical model, a position control block based in lead-lag and PI compensators is developed and simulated. Improvements in trajectory tracking performance are achieved estimating the linear velocity of the aerial robot and incorporating velocity lead-lag compensators to the control approach. The velocity of the aerial robot is computed by numerical differentiation of position data. Simulation results to a variety of input signals of the control block in cascade with the complete dynamic model of the quadrotor are included. The control block together with the velocity estimation is fully programmed in the embedded controller. A graphical user interface, GUI, as part of the architecture is designed to display real-time data of position and orientation streamed from the motion tracking system as well as to contain useful user controllers. This GUI facilitates that a single operator conducts and oversees all aspects of the different applications where one or multiple quadrotors are used. Experimental tests have helped to tune the control parameters determined by simulation. The performance of the whole architecture has been validated through a variety of practical applications. Autonomous take off, hovering and landing, target surveillance, trajectory tracking and suspended payload transportation are just some of the applications carried out employing the real-time control architecture proposed in this thesis

    Advances and Trends in Mathematical Modelling, Control and Identification of Vibrating Systems

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    This book introduces novel results on mathematical modelling, parameter identification, and automatic control for a wide range of applications of mechanical, electric, and mechatronic systems, where undesirable oscillations or vibrations are manifested. The six chapters of the book written by experts from international scientific community cover a wide range of interesting research topics related to: algebraic identification of rotordynamic parameters in rotor-bearing system using finite element models; model predictive control for active automotive suspension systems by means of hydraulic actuators; model-free data-driven-based control for a Voltage Source Converter-based Static Synchronous Compensator to improve the dynamic power grid performance under transient scenarios; an exact elasto-dynamics theory for bending vibrations for a class of flexible structures; motion profile tracking control and vibrating disturbance suppression for quadrotor aerial vehicles using artificial neural networks and particle swarm optimization; and multiple adaptive controllers based on B-Spline artificial neural networks for regulation and attenuation of low frequency oscillations for large-scale power systems. The book is addressed for both academic and industrial researchers and practitioners, as well as for postgraduate and undergraduate engineering students and other experts in a wide variety of disciplines seeking to know more about the advances and trends in mathematical modelling, control and identification of engineering systems in which undesirable oscillations or vibrations could be presented during their operation


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    A stable Vertical Take-off and Landing Operation (VTOL) capability is very important for Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MUAV). It will enable the aircraft to conduct operation in such difficult situations. To achieve that, it becomes a main priority to have a suitable and good control system to control the stability of the MUAV's body during take-off and landing operations. The objectives of this project are to study possible methods of controlling the MUAV's VTOL operations, the quad rotor dynamic modeling concept of the MUAV as well as the control allocation for the MUAV's VTOL system. After that, the modeling and simulation processes will be conducted to the selected control allocation. As a first step, the literature review stage which covers the studies from various sources is done to get a proper idea regarding the MUA V and VTOL operation. The modeling and control allocation study is conducted to study the method in conducting modeling processes and control allocation involved for the control system. Along the process, the design methodology has been discussed along with an iterative algorithm derived. All the data, parameters and formulas have been validated during the data analysis and validation stage. After all of information have been gathered and validated, the control system has been modeled and simulated during the final stage of the project. In this stage also, all the characteristics and parameters have been adjusted and perfected to get the desired results. As for the results, the final control system is consist of a set of sensors that will give reading in x, y and z-coordinates. Besides, the self-programmable Microchip picl8f4431 processor also has been selected which the control system coding can be embedded. The selected microchip has the onboard highspeed analog digital (A/D) converter and the power pulse width modulation (PWM) module. The module on the microchip will convert the analog signal from the sensors to the digital signal so that it can be read by the motor driver. The motor driver will equally distribute and balance the power to all four of the MUAV's motors so that it can ensure the MUAV's body remains stable during take-off and landing operations

    Modelling and control of aerial manipulators

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    Hace unos años, dentro de la robótica aérea, surgió la manipulación aérea como campo de investigación. Desde su nacimiento, su impacto ha ido incrementándose poco a poco debido, sobretodo, al gran número de aplicaciones que podrían llevarse a cabo con este tipo de sistemas. Un manipulador aéreo puede definirse como una plataforma aérea la cual ha sido equipada con uno o varios brazos robóticos. Este nuevo concepto ha abierto un mundo de posibilidades para este tipo de robots aéreos. Además, gracias a la posibilidad de este tipo de robots aéreos de interactuar con su entorno, podrían llevar a cabo inspecciones de estructuras civiles o incluso, tareas de ensamblaje de estructuras y todo ello, por supuesto, de forma autónoma. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio e implementación de sistemas de manipulación aérea y, en particular, en el diseño de estrategias de control para la plataforma aérea. Este estudio comienza con el cáculo de las ecuaciones que representan la dinámica del sistema, y que nos permite analizar su comportamiento y la influencia del movimiento de los brazos robóticos en la estabilidad de la plataforma.El análisis de estas ecuaciones nos permite diseñar de esquemas de control tales como los basados en Backstepping. Pero el objetivo de esta tesis no es solo el diseño sino también la implementación de estas técnicas de control en sistemas de manipulación aérea reales y con capacidad de llevar a cabo tareas de manipulación en escenarios al aire libre. La principales contribuciones de esta tesis son el cálculo de los modelos dinámicos para cada uno de los tipos de manipuladores aéreos estudiados he implementados durante el desarrollo de la tesis. Además del uso de estas modelos para la diseño de una estrategia de control adaptable a cada una de las plataformas. También se ha diseñado un mecanismo “compliant” que ha sido integrado en un manipulador parallevar a cabo tareas de inspección estructuras por contacto, además de un control de fuerza-posición. Cada manipulador aéreo implementado durante esta tesis, excepto el en caso del helicóptero, va unido a un estudio de las especificaciones hardware necesarias para la realización de una validación del sistema mediante experimentos de vuelo en escenarios al aire libre, y en el caso de los manipuladores aéreos para inspección de estructuras, en un puente real. Cada experimento realizado ha sido analizado en detalle para corregir errores, además de para adaptar o agregar cualquier modificación estructural o de hardware necesaria

    Design Optimization of a Quad-Rotor Capable of Autonomous Flight

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    An autonomous quad-rotor is an aerial helicopter with four horizontal rotors designed in a square configuration capable of locating lost or jeopardized victims, gathering military intelligence, or surveillance. The project team designed a miniaturized quad-rotor able to determine its own attitude through an onboard sensor system. A computer program using formulated control equations and an onboard processing system enables the quad-rotor to fly to a pre-determined position while correcting its attitude, which results in steady level autonomous flight

    Autonomous Navigation of Quadrotor Swarms

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    RÉSUMÉ La mise sur le marché de composants toujours plus performants et compétitifs en termes de coût, ainsi que le développement rapide des technologies de commande et de navigation en robotique, nous ont amenés à envisager le contrôle d’un large essaim de quadrirotors. Di-verses solutions impliquant des drones existent déjà pour différentes applications: inventaire forestier, gestion du littoral, suivi du trafic, etc. Parmi celles-ci, la recherche et le sauvetage en situation d’urgence représentent à nos yeux la possibilité la plus intéressante et constitue, de fait, la première motivation de notre travail. Par conséquent, une large revue de littérature sur la question est fournie. Ce travail se concentre sur le contrôle de l’essaim lui-même, et non sur l’application finale. Tout d’abord, un modèle mathématique de la dynamique du quadrirotor est présenté et plusieurs lois de commande numérique sont synthétisées. Ces dernières implémentent les modes de fonctionnement nécessaires aux algorithmes de navigation, à savoir : commande en vitesse, commande en position et commande en suivi. Ensuite, deux solutions originales et complémentaires de contrôle d’essaim sont proposées. D’une part, un algorithme d’essaimage pour la navigation extérieure est développé. Contrairement à la plupart des travaux trouvés dans la littérature, la solution proposée ici gère non seulement le maintien, mais aussi l’initialisation de la formation. Plus spécifiquement, un modèle de formation hexagonale est introduit. Ensuite, les places en formation sont attribuées de façon optimale à l’aide de l’algorithme hongrois. Enfin, les agents se déplacent jusqu’à la place qui leur est assignée tout en évitant les autres agents avec un algorithme de navigation inspiré du Artificial Potential Field. De plus, cette solution tient compte de contraintes de conception réalistes et a été intégrée avec succès dans un logiciel embarqué de quadrotor déjà existant et opérationnel. Les résultats de simulations Software-In-The-Loop sont fournis. D’autre part, une solution d’essaimage pour la navigation intérieure est étudiée. L’algorithme proposé implémente un certain nombre de comportements individuels simples, de sorte qu’un grand essaim peut suivre un meneur dans des environnements encombrés en se fiant uniquement aux informations locales. Des simulations préliminaires sont effectuées et les résultats montrent qu’il serait possible de faire fonctionner, conformément au besoin étudié, un essaim de cent quadrirotors avec l’algorithme proposé. En particulier, l’essaim est capable de suivre le meneur, de maintenir la connectivité, d’éviter les collisions entre agents, d’éviter les obstacles et même de se faufiler dans des espaces étroits.----------ABSTRACT The ever-growing hardware capabilities and the rapid development of robotic control and navigation technologies have led us to consider the control of an entire swarm of quadrotors. Drone-based solutions have been developed for different applications: forest inventory, coastal management, traÿc monitoring, etc... Among these, the Search And Rescue application represents for us a very promising field of application and constitutes the first motivation of our work. As a result, a wide literature review on the matter is provided. Nevertheless, this work focuses on the swarm control itself, and not on the end user application. First, a mathematical model of the quadrotor dynamics is presented and several digital control laws are designed. The latter provide operating modes useful for the navigation algorithms, namely: velocity control, position control and tracking control. Then, two original and complimentary swarming solutions are proposed. On the one hand, a swarming algorithm for outdoor navigation is developed. Unlike most of the works reviewed in the literature, our solution handles not only the maintenance but also the initialization of the formation. More specifically, an hexagonal formation pattern is intro-duced. Then, positions are optimally assigned using the Hungarian algorithm. Finally, the agents move to their assigned position while avoiding collisions with the other fleet members thanks to a navigation algorithm inspired from Artificial Potential Field. In addition, this solution accounts for realistic design constraints and was successfully integrated into already existing quadrotor onboard software. Software-In-The-Loop simulation results are provided. On the other hand, a swarming solution for indoor navigation is investigated. The proposed algorithm enforces a certain set of expected individual simple behaviors such that a large swarm can follow a leader through cluttered environments relying only on local information. Preliminary simulations are run and the results show that it is possible to operate a swarm of a hundred quadrotors with the proposed algorithm. In particular, the swarm is able to follow the leader, maintain connectivity, avoid collisions with the other agents, avoid obstacles, and even squeeze to pass through narrow spaces

    Quadrotor UAV

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    The goal of this project was to analyze, design and implement an autonomous quadrotor aerial vehicle for collaborative operations with autonomous ground vehicles. The main design constraints were to maximize payload and flight time. The quadrotor consists of a delrin hub with four aluminum arms, and is infused with an IMU and multiple range finder sensors. The quadrotor is capable of formation control, docking with the ground robot for power conservation during transit and rapid deploy

    Survey on Aerial Multirotor Design: a Taxonomy Based on Input Allocation

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    This paper reviews the impact of multirotor aerial vehicles designs on their abilities in terms of tasks and system properties. We propose a general taxonomy to characterize and describe multirotor aerial vehicles and their design, which we apply exhaustively on the vast literature available. Thanks to the systematic characterization of the designs we exhibit groups of designs having the same abilities in terms of achievable tasks and system properties. In particular, we organize the literature review based on the number of atomic actuation units and we discuss global properties arising from their choice and spatial distribution in the designs. Finally, we provide a discussion on the common traits of the designs found in the literature and the main future open problems
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