10,811 research outputs found

    Computational LEED: computational thinking strategies and Visual Programming Languages to support environmental design and LEED credits achievement

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    Since environmental and energy issues and challenges continues to emerge as key global concerns, Green Building Certification Systems are becoming increasingly relevant in the construction industry. In this regard, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is considered one of the most widely recognized environmental assessment methods used globally in the construction industry today. However, due to the high level of complexity of the LEED system, the tools usually used to verify the achievement of the credits lack of “design friendliness” and hardly communicate effectively with the conventional tools used by architects and engineers (e.g. CAD, BIM). This makes difficult to fully take into account, especially at the early design stage, the many interconnected aspects that contribute to the green certification, with consequent issues often arising in the design validation and/or construction phases, resulting in time delays and cost increments. The application of innovative problem-solving methods, such as computational thinking, together with coding techniques, represents an effective way to deal with this issue. This kind of methodology, in fact, allows the requirements of a specific LEED credit to be digitally parametrised and flexibly incorporated into a “designer friendly” working environment. In particular, Visual Programming Languages (VPLs), due to their high simplicity of usage, allow architects and engineers to develop algorithms and thus implement their technical knowledge in the field of environmental design with computer programming skills, useful to improve their tools and keep them constantly updated. The aim of this paper is to illustrate a methodology through which, by merging computational thinking strategies with VPL tools, is possible to keep under control, in the same working environment, all the parameters required to verify in real time the achievement of LEED credits. To demonstrate the flexibility of the approach, dedicated tools developed for the verification of some specific credits at different scales – neighbourhood and building – are illustrated as operational examples of the proposed methodology

    International Cooperation to Resolve International Pollution Problems

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    This article provides a non-technical overview of important results of the game theoretical literature on the formation and stability of international environmental agreements (IEAs) on transboundary pollution control. It starts out by sketching features of first and second best solutions to the problem of transboundary pollution. It then argues that most actual IEAs can be considered at best as third best solutions. Therefore, three questions are raised: 1) Why is there a difference between actual IEAs and first and second best solutions? 2) Which factors determine this difference? 3) Which measures can help to narrow this difference? This article attempts to answer these questions after giving an informal introduction to coalition models.International pollution, International environmental agreements, Treaty design, Coalition theory

    Proposal for a LCA improvement roadmap in the Agri-food sector based on information exchange requirements and the enclosed data in recent LCAs works

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    Innovation is essential to promote human progress and to improve the humans' quality of life, but it should be done in a social and environmental context and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. To achieve this challenge the environmental innovation guidelines should be taken into account. In this line, it is necessary to analyze the life cycle assessment (LCA) of any product, process or service and compute its environmental impacts. Despite the rapid evolution of environmental methods and tools and the increase of sustainability studies in recent years, LCA remains an area that still has to face major development challenges. This thesis provides an analysis from a new perspective with the intention to serve as a support in the conceptual and empirical application of the LCA in the Agri-food sector. It consists of a qualitative analysis designed to know the type of relationship between the different actors involved and their information exchange needs. The case study made it possible to compare the differences between the academic and the industrial fields, as well as the differences between Spanish and Brazilian LCA experts. Through expert panels, 40 specialists were interviewed and were asked to made a survey to evaluate experts' relationships using the Social Network Analysis method (SNA). Moreover, the network flow of environmental information in Brazil and Spain was mapped. A second quantitative study was carried out reviewing 70 scientific publications of LCA in the Agri-food sector according to a checklist based on the definition of 20 control variables. The objective was to evaluate the quantity and quality of the information enclosed in the different works. To do this, the entropy and diversity of information were calculated using the Shannon and the equitability indexes, using the number of inputs considered in each impact category. A threshold of minimum information is proposed, using percentiles 25 and 75 (Tukey values) of the calculated Shannon indexes from the papers sample. Moreover, a cluster analysis was done using 10 out the 20 control variable to classify LCAs into clusters with similar levels of performance for the LCAs of the same group and different from the LCA belonging to the other groups. Based on the analysis of the centers of resulting group, the strengths and weaknesses of each group were identified. Then, a roadmap or improvement plan was succinctly defined, pointing out the actions to be taken to improve the performance levels in each group in the short, medium and long term. Finally, a set of actions to improve and facilitate the implementation of LCA in the Agri-food sector was defined as a kind of good practice manual. In sum, it could be concluded that this present thesis could serve to improve the LCA studies performance levels for industry, and, at the same time, it could serve as a baseline with which to compare academic standards of a more academic works.La innovación es esencial para promover el progreso de la humanidad y la mejora de la calidad de vida, pero debe realizarse respetando un suelo social y un techo ambiental de acuerdo con los principios del desarrollo sostenible. Para intentar conseguirlo surge la innovación ambiental. En esa línea, resulta necesario analizar el ciclo de vida (ACV) de cualquier producto, proceso o servicio y computar sus impactos ambientales. A pesar de la rápida evolución de los métodos y herramientas y del incremento de estudios en los últimos años, el ACV sigue siendo un área que se enfrenta a retos de desarrollo importantes. Esta tesis proporciona un análisis desde una perspectiva nueva con la intención de servir de apoyo en la aplicación conceptual y empírica del ACV en el sector agroalimentario. Consta de un análisis cualitativo destinado a conocer el tipo de relación entre los distintos actores involucrados y sus necesidades de intercambio de información. El caso de aplicación permite comparar las diferencias entre el mundo académico y el industrial, así como las diferencias entre expertos en ACV de España y Brasil. A través de paneles de expertos se entrevistó a 40 especialistas y con un cuestionario se evaluó la red de contactos usando el método de Análisis de Redes Sociales (SNA). Con todo se mapeó el flujo de información ambiental en Brasil y España. En un segundo estudio cuantitativo se realizó una revisión crítica de 70 publicaciones científicas de ACV pertenecientes al sector agroalimentario, evaluando las mejores revistas y congresos de todo el mundo entre 2010 y 2016 a partir de la definición de 20 variables de control. El objetivo era evaluar la cantidad y calidad de la información contenida en los distintos trabajos. Para ello se calculó la entropía y diversidad de la información a través del Índice de Shannon y del cálculo de la heterogeneidad en lo refiere al número de inputs considerados en cada categoría de impacto. Tras los valores obtenidos se proponen unos umbrales de información mínima aconsejable usando como límites el valor de las bisagras de Tukey de la distribución de los 70 índices de Shannon calculados. Por otra parte, a partir de 10 de las 20 variables de control se agruparon los distintos ACV analizados con objeto de clasificarlos en grupos con parecido nivel de desempeño para los ACV de un mismo grupo y distinto al de los ACV pertenecientes al resto de grupos. A partir del análisis del análisis de los centros de cada grupo, se identificó las fortalezas y debilidades de cada grupo, para más tarde definir de forma sucinta un mapa de ruta o plan de mejora apuntando las acciones a realizar para mejorar los niveles de desempeño en el corto, medio y largo plazo de cada grupo. Finalmente, se definió a modo de un manual de buenas prácticas un conjunto de acciones a realizar para mejorar y facilitar la realización de ACV en el sector agroalimentario. Con todo. Se podría concluir que la tesis puede servir para mejorar los niveles de desempeño de la realización futura de estudios de ACV en el sector industrial, al tiempo que podría servir como línea de base con la que comparar los estándares de estudios de carácter más académico.La innovació és essencial per a promoure el progrés de la humanitat i la millora de la qualitat de vida, però ha de realitzar-se respectant un sòl social i un sostre ambiental d'acord amb els principis del desenrotllament sostenible. Per a intentar aconseguir-ho sorgix la innovació ambiental. En eixa línia, resulta necessari analitzar el cicle de vida (ACV) de qualsevol producte, procés o servici i computar els seus impactes ambientals. A pesar de la ràpida evolució dels mètodes i ferramentes i de l'increment d'estudis en els últims anys, l'ACV continua sent una àrea que s'enfronta a reptes de desenrotllament importants. Esta tesi proporciona una anàlisi des d'una perspectiva nova amb la intenció de servir de suport en l'aplicació conceptual i empírica de l'ACV en el sector agroalimentari. Consta d'una anàlisi qualitativa destinada a conèixer el tipus de relació entre els distints actors involucrats i les seues necessitats d'intercanvi d'informació. El cas d'aplicació permet comparar les diferències entre el món acadèmic i l'industrial, així com les diferències entre experts en ACV d'Espanya i Brasil. A través de panells d'experts es va entrevistar a 40 especialistes i amb un qüestionari es va avaluar la xarxa de contactes usant el mètode d'Anàlisi de Xarxes Socials (SNA). Amb tot es dissenyà el flux d'informació ambiental a Brasil i Espanya. En un segon estudi quantitatiu es va realitzar una revisió crítica de 70 publicacions científiques d'ACV pertanyents al sector agroalimentari, avaluant les millors revistes i congressos de tot el món entre 2010 i 2016 a partir de la definició de 20 variables de control. L'objectiu era avaluar la quantitat i qualitat de la informació continguda en els distints treballs. Per a això es va calcular l'entropia i diversitat de la informació a través de l'Índex de Shannon i del càlcul de l'heterogeneïtat en el que es refereix al nombre d'inputs considerats en cada categoria d'impacte. Després dels valors obtinguts es proposen uns llindars d'informació mínima aconsellable usant com a límits el valor de les frontisses de Tukey de la distribució dels 70 índexs de Shannon calculats. D'altra banda, a partir de 10 de les 20 variables de control es van agrupar els distints ACV analitzats a fi de classificar-los en grups amb paregut nivell d'excel·lència per als ACV d'un mateix grup i diferent del dels ACV pertanyents a la resta de grups. A partir de l'anàlisi de l'anàlisi dels centres de cada grup, es va identificar les fortaleses i debilitats de cada grup, per a més tard definir de forma succinta un mapa de ruta o pla de millora apuntant les accions a realitzar per a millorar els nivells d'exercici en el curt, mitjà i llarg termini de cada grup. Finalment, es va definir a manera d'un manual de bones pràctiques un conjunt d'accions a realitzar per a millorar i facilitar la realització d'ACV en el sector agroalimentari. Amb tot, es podria concloure que la tesi pot servir per a millorar els nivells d'exercici de la realització futura d'estudis d'ACV en el sector industrial, alhora que podria servir com a línia de base amb què comparar els estàndards d'estudis de caràcter més acadèmic.Oliveira Barros, FM. (2017). Proposal for a LCA improvement roadmap in the Agri-food sector based on information exchange requirements and the enclosed data in recent LCAs works [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/89082TESI

    Environmental impact assessment of the pangasius sector in the Mekong Delta

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    In the past seven years the export of white pangasius fillets grew fast. The culture method shifted to intensive production of striped catfish (Ca Tra) in deep ponds because this is more efficient than the pen and cage culture of Ca Basa. Today, striped catfish comprises more than 90 % of the culture. The increased production was achieved by producers investing in large ponds. The market chain is gearing towards vertical integration. Most farms keep fish at relatively high densities of 15 to 25 fish/m3 in ponds having a depth of up to 4m, and are advised to exchange daily 20 to 40% of the water. The sustainability of the sector is threatened due to the increased environmental pressure, and hampered by the growing cost of inputs and reduced farm-gate prices of the fish. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) intends to identify measures for preventing or mitigating the environmental impacts of catfish culture in the Mekong Delta. The EIA was a seven-step process during which we interacted twice with part of the main stakeholders. To build trust among the stakeholders from the sector, we conducted the scoping and goal setting with them

    Rakenteisiin sitoutuneen hiilijalanjäljen laskenta rakennustietomallin avulla

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    The goal of this study was to find out, how the building information model (BIM) data is utilized in embodied carbon footprint calculation. Information about calculation softwares and the current situation of the calculations were gathered through literature review and semistructured interviews. Framing of this study presumed compatibility with industry foundation classes (IFC). The embodied carbon footprint calculation softwares are usually specialist level lifecycle assessment calculation tools for heavy calculation in the end of building project. The result of the study was that no functional information workflow from design software to carbon footprint calculations could be found. The building design softwares could export information in table format for the calculation, but which information is selected for the tables depends on the person doing the calculations. Connecting databases into building design software would make calculations faster and reduce the variation. Direct information exchange would also make them less prone to errors and slow manual intervention. The biggest advantage of the carbon footprint calculation could be received in the early phase of the project when it could guide the design. Therefore it would be important to develop calculation tools that could be directly or via IFC integrated with the design softwares. The standards to define the carbon footprint of buildings are clear, but they allow some deviation for used methods and the results are usually not directly comparable. The databases of building materials should include both more area specific and design phase sensitive information in order to receive accurate calculation results in various occasions. Official rules could speed up the change of the conventions in the building sector.Tutkimuksen päämäärä oli selvittää materiaalien hiilijalanjäljen laskentaa rakennuksen tietomallin pohjalta. Tietoja laskentaohjelmista ja laskennan tämänhetkisestä tilanteesta selvitettiin kirjallisu- uskatsauksella sekä puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla. Tutkimus rajattiin koske- maan vain IFC-standardin (industry foundation classes) mukaista tiedonsiirtoa tukevia laskentaohjelmia. Rakenteisiin sitoutuneen hiilijalanjäljen laskentaohjelmat ovat raskaita asiantunti- jatyökaluja, joita käytetään yleensä vasta rakennussuunnitelman valmistuttua. Yhtään toimivaa standardin mukaista tiedonsiirtolinkkiä suunnittelu- ja laskentao- hjelmien välillä ei löytynyt. Rakennussuunnitteluohjelmista pystyy siirtämään tietoa taulukkomuodossa laskentaohjelmiin. Taulukon tietojen valikointiin liittyy kuitenkin laskijakohtaisia eroja. Materiaalitietokantojen yhdistäminen suunnitteluohjelmiin nopeuttaisi laskelmia ja vähentäisi hajontaa. Suora tiedonsiirto myös vähentäisi käsin tehtävää työtä, joka on hidasta ja virhealtista. Hiilijalanjälkilaskennasta olisi eniten hyötyä projektin alkuvaiheessa, jolloin se voisi oh-jata suunnittelua. Siksi olisi tärkeää kehittää laskentaohjelmia, jotka voisi integroida suoraan rakennussuunnitteluohjelmiin. Hiilijalanjälkilaskentaa määrittelevät standardit ovat selkeitä, mutta ne jättävät lasken- tamenetelmille liikkumatilaa. Tämän takia laskelmien tulokset eivät ole läheskään aina suoraan verrattavissa toisiinsa. Rakennusmateriaalien tietokantojen pitäisi sisältää entistä enemmän aluekohtaisia ja eri suunnitteluvaiheisiin optimoituja arvoja, jotta laskentatulokset olisivat käyttökelpoisia eri tilanteissa. Viralliset vaatimukset voisivat nopeuttaa toimintatapojen muutosta rakennusalalla

    Economic valuation of life cycle environmental impacts of construction products - A critical analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to identify existing methods for economic valuation or monetisation of life cycle environmental impacts and to assess its applicability in the broad European context. Although environmental awareness is more and more important in several industrial sectors, including the construction sector, easy to understand data are still missing for professionals to assess and manage impacts related to the whole life cycle of a building. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the most commonly accepted methodologies to calculate potential life cycle environmental impacts of a product or service. However, the results of such method, even when published in an Environmental Product Declaration, meant for business to business communication, are not always comparable or easily understandable by non-practitioners. Economic valuation or monetisation of LCA results is a weighting step that can make it easier for non-practitioners to use LCA results to support decision-making. From the several monetisation methods analysed, it is discussed the one that is most suitable for use when LCA results already exist. It is concluded that further work is needed to improve such weighting methods or develop a common one that can be representative at a broader geographical level (for instance, Europe-wide).This work was supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia [grant number PD/BD/127850/2016] under the Doctoral Program EcoCoRe - Eco-Construction and Rehabilitation. Support from CERIS and Instituto Superior Técnico is also acknowledged

    Sustainable Development Policies in Europe

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate the actual situation in the shift towards the implementation of Sustainable Development Policies in Europe. The aim is to highlight the key role of the European Union in bringing about sustainable development within Europe and also on the wider global stage. It will show how the European Commission performs its commitment in reaching a sustainable regulation by issuing some documents and declarations. The paper frames the EU action into an international framework of strategies, agreements and policies on SD and, at the same time, provides an overview on experiences of SD strategy implementations at the national level, according to the commission pressing on MS to produce their own SD strategy and implement it. Indicators systems, issues of interest and fields of actions are compared: the analysis of these elements aims to highlight common scenarios of SD strategies that reveal the trends towards a more sustainable growth in the European Union.Sustainable Development, Globalization, Environment Policy, Strategy for Sustainable Development, Good Governance, Participation