24,261 research outputs found

    Modelling dynamics of social support networks for mutual support in coping with stress

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    This paper presents a computational multi-agent model of support receipt and provision to cope during stressful event within social support networks.The underlying agent model covers support seeking behavior and support provision behaviour. The multi-agent model can be used to understand human interaction and social support within networks, when facing stress.Simulation experiments under different negative events and personality attributes for both support receipt and provision pointed out that the model is able to produce realistic behavior to explain conditions for coping with long term stress by provided mutual support.In addition, by a mathematical analysis, the possible equilibria of the model have been determined

    The Impact of HIV/AIDS in the Context of Socioeconomic Stressors: an Evidence-Driven Approach

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    In this paper, we present an agent-based simulation model of the social impacts of HIV/AIDS in villages in the Sekhukhune district of the Limpopo province in South Africa. AIDS is a major concern in South Africa, not just in terms of disease spread but also in term of its impact on society and economic development. The impact of the disease cannot however be considered in isolation from other stresses, such as food insecurity, high climate variability, market fluctuations and variations in support from government and non-government sources. The model described in this paper focuses on decisions made at the individual and household level, based upon evidence from detailed case studies, and the different types of networks between these players that influence their decision making. Key to the model is that these networks are dynamic and co-evolving, something that has rarely been considered in social network analysis. The results presented here demonstrate how this type of simulation can aid better understanding of this complex interplay of issues. In turn, we hope that this will prove to be a powerful tool for policy development.Agent-Based Social Simulation, Evidence-Driven Modeling, Socioeconomic Stressors, HIV/AIDS Impact

    Entrepreneurs as parents : the antecedents and consequence of parenting stress

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand parenting stress of entrepreneurs and to attempt to extend the empirical evidence on the predictors and consequences of parenting stress for entrepreneurs. Design/methodology/approach This study draws on data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey. The quantitative research method was used. Drawing on the data of 2,051 entrepreneurs, a model was tested using structural equation modeling. Findings The results reveal that social support is a strong predictor of parenting stress and that there is a direct effect between parenting stress and family to work interference (FWI). In addition, parenting stress partially mediates the relationship between social support and FWI. Adding a direct path from social support to FWI substantially improves the validity in a revised model. No effects of gender stereotypes are found. Originality/value This study attempts to extend previous work on parenting and vocational behavior by investigating the perceptional and stereotypical antecedents of parenting stress and examining the impact of parenting stress on FWI. To the challenges of parenting, many entrepreneurs face constant pressure to achieve a positive return in their business venture and work hard, for long hours. Therefore, a better understanding of entrepreneurs’ parenting roles and stress can shed some light on the challenges faced by self-employed individuals and contributes to the vocational behavior and career development literature and practical experiences

    Social epidemiology

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    Social epidemiology is the branch of epidemiology concerned with understanding how social and economic characteristics influence states of health in populations. There has been a resurgence recently in interest among epidemiologists about the roles that social and economic factors play in determining health, leading to valuable synergies with the social sciences. The determinants of health commonly studied in social epidemiology include absolute poverty, income inequality, as well as race and discrimination. Recently, social epidemiologists have been at the forefront of conceptual developments within the discipline that view the determinants of health at different levels of social organization. © 2008 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A State of the Art of Governance Literature on adaptation to climate change. Towards a research agenda

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    This report provides a state-of-the-art overview of governance literature on adaptation strategies. What has recent research taught us on adaptation from the perspective of governance and to what research agenda does this lead? This report is structured as followed. Firstly, it will be argued why adaptation is a matter of governance. Secondly, the research methods for the literature study will be outlined. Thirdly, the results of the literature study will portray the findings in terms of the themes and foci with, respectively, environmental studies, spatial planning and development studies, and public administration studies. Finally, a comparative analysis of these findings will lead to a research agenda for future research on governance of adaptatio

    Reviewing global career dimensions: towards a future research model.

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    Considering the changing nature of the career concept, we conduct a review of both recent career theory and research findings on global managers' careers. Relying on recent career theory, we first identify different individual and organizational dimensions that are characteristic for contemporary careers. Guided by these career dimensions, we examine the research findings of expatriate studies to assess their meaningfulness for global careers. While this review confirms the dimensions as identified from career theory, it also suggests the relevance of an additional organizational career dimension and a new domain of cultural career dimensions. The result of both reviews is a research model that approaches global careers at the intersection of individual, organizational and cultural domains.Theory; Managers; Studies; Model;

    Seed-div: an abstract role-playing game for discussing collective management of agrobiodiversity

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    L'objectif principal de cette recherche est d'accompagner les paysans dans l'élaboration d'un cadre de gestion collective de la diversité de leurs variétés de céréales vivrières. La gestion semencière et son impact sur la dynamique de la biodiversité sont soumis aux choix individuels des paysans, leurs stratégies d'une part, et au fonctionnement général du système semencier d'autre part. Nous postulons que la compréhension partagée des interactions au sein de ce système complexe est un prérequis pour travailler ensemble à la construction de règles de gestion collective qui participent à la durabilité de l'agriculture via un accès à un large choix de semences. La modélisation participative conceptuelle et les jeux de rôle ont été utilisés durant différents ateliers réunissant chercheurs, ONG, organisations paysannes et agriculteurs. Le résultat de cette série d'ateliers correspond à un modèle, un système multi-agents, représentant un archétype de village malien permettant de simuler la diversité de stratégies individuelles de gestion de semences qui sont ensuite disponibles gratuitement pour la communauté villageoise. Les agents du modèle sont des agriculteurs qui choisissent les variétés à semer ce qui provoque des échanges dans la communauté en fonction de leurs stratégies individuelles ou de facteurs externes. Les paramètres utilisés ont une valeur qualitative c'est pourquoi le modèle sert de support de discussion entre paysans de différentes régions. Le modèle a été construit et validé au travers de ces ateliers avec un impact évident sur les acteurs locaux pour la construction de nouveaux scénarios de gestion de la diversité variétale. Ainsi, le modèle a pu être utilisé en termes de prospective pour simuler des scénarios à partir de nouvelles formes d'action collective. (Résumé d'auteur

    Entrepreneurial Collaboration: Terms of Endearment or Rules of Engagement?

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    Many potential entrepreneurs face the choice as to whether they should collaborate when setting up in business. Small business research has generated little in the way of information or advice on collaborative entrepreneurship. This paper goes some way towards addressing that lack. The paper reports the findings of a survey of 106 collaborative entrepreneurs and describes their assessments of the benefits and disadvantages of co-ownership and their evaluation of the factors making for its success. Experiences of unsuccessful collaboration are also recounted. The findings illustrate how those involved saw collaborative entrepreneurship in terms of economic, organisational and interpersonal relationships. Whilst the benefits of collaboration were primarily economic, the affective aspects of the close inter-personal relationship provided the 'glue'. The paper makes a contribution to the arguments for a more holistic approach in small business research in general, and the need to take account of the impact of the feelings and beliefs of owner-managers on the 'economic' choices they make.entrepreneurship, collaboration, small businesses, venture teams
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